- Rice and beans
- Mac and cheese and tuna
- Alfredo and salmon pasta
- Thanksgiving leftovers
- Thai red curry chicken
- Peanut butter noodles
- Cottage pie
- Spaghetti and meat sauce
- Red lentil marinara
- Red lentil and preserved lemon soup
- Indian
- Collards and red beans
Main bag:
- 1 can beans, dehyrated = ~3/4 cup dehydrated
- 1 cup minute rice
- cumin/coriander/cayanne/salt/pepper mix (1 tbsp or a little more)
- bouillon cube, unwrapped (if you'll cook it before it gets manky)
Veg bag:
- 2T dried onion
- 2T dried pepper
- 1T dried green chile (4g ish?)
- 1/2 dried diced tomato (equiv. of 14oz can) (~8g) OR
- dried can of tomatoes w/ chiles
From lunch bag:
- cheese
New tech: Put veggies in secondary bowl. Boil 8oz water, then pour over veggies and let sit. Make your hot chocolate while it rehydrates. Then, put another 8oz water into the pot and pour in the water and veggies. Bring to a boil, then add the rice+beans bag. Stir, cover. Cut cheese; stir and put cheese on top, cover, and wait again.
Old tech: Pre-soak veggies in somewhere between 1 3/4 and 2 1/4 cups water, for 30m maybe. Boil the water w/ the veggies in it. Once boiling, add main bag and stop heat. Mash the bouillon cube and mix. Put cheese on top. Cover. Wait.
- Water amount depends on veggies! If we want to get scientific, could go w/ 1 3/4 cups for the non-veggie stuff (which was what worked before we got fancy), then test how much water each type of veg uses per weight and calculate how much to add... or just go w/ what sorta worked last time (2 1/4) bc it’s the woods and who’s gonna notice.
- Don't pre-soak the whole shebang and then bring to boil. Too much stuff in there, it'll end up not heating all the way through and burning to the bottom. Pre-soak should only be for the veg.
- Annie's, 1 box
- pasta
- cheese powder
- packet of tuna
- dried peas (1/2 cup frozen, 3T dried)
- (used to be 1/3 cup)
- nido milk (optional)
- dried parsley
- black pepper
Per NF:
- Soak the pasta and peas together in plenty of cold water for at least 30m.
- Bring pasta and peas to a boil once; wait and check for doneness.
- Drain most of the way.
- Mix in cheese powder and nido, then tuna and spices.
- Ruth packs an arbitrary amount of spices, not a "just right" amount, so add what seems right instead of dumping it all in. <3
- alfredo pasta mix thing ^H^H^H^H^H
- Replace this w/ something like Annie’s Alfredo, that keeps the pasta and sauce powder separated!
- Heaping spoon of Nido milk powder
- packet of salmon
- dried peas (1/2 cup frozen, dried)
- (used to be 1/3 cup)
- dried parsley, dill
- paprika (1 tsp?)
- black pepper
Per NF: (Assuming we use a two-part Alfredo like Annie's, not the Knorr stuff)
- Soak the pasta and peas together in plenty of cold water for at least 30m.
- Bring pasta and peas to a boil once; wait and check for doneness.
- Drain most of the way.
- Mix in cheese powder and nido, then salmon and spices.
- Ruth packs an arbitrary amount of spices, not a "just right" amount, so add what seems right instead of dumping it all in. <3
(If using Knorr combined mix:)
- Cold soak peas alone for AT LEAST an hour.
- Boil peas with only the amount of water the mix requires.
- Add mix, etc.
- instant stuffing
- instant gravy
- bring 1/4 - 1/3 of a normal packet.
- instant taters (butter flavor)
- packet of chicken
- Plan ahead to find some kind of unflavored chicken, because that lemon pepper stuff was w a c k. Freddie’s won’t have what we need.
- dried peas
- dried cranberries
Soak peas in cold water as soon as you hit camp (or set reminder).
Cook gravy first (insert packet instructions here) and pour into thermos. Strain pea water into pot, top up to the combined water of the taters and stuffing (see boxes), and add peas back in. Boil, then add taters, stuffing, cranberries, and chicken, and cover. Stir.
Notes: This version of the recipe is untested. First time we tried this, it was in three or four parts (stuffing, taters, gravy,) and it was incredibly fussy to work w/. Used mixed veggies, which were underwhelming, and decided we’d rather just have peas. Also we made 4x the gravy we could eat and had to bury it in a cat hole, which was humiliating and gross (but also totally hilarious).
(for 2 people)
Prep: Two bags. First bag is almost everything, second is just the coconut cream powder. Also: Check total volume of the main contents, and write it down on the bag for use in the field.
Main bag:
- 140g rice
- 25g TVP
- (recipe as written used 20g dehydrated chicken per person, but that tastes like nothing, so now we TVP.)
- 2T freeze dried bell peppers
- 2T freeze dried onion
- 1 tsp dehydrated green onion
- (reduced from 1/2 T)
- 8 pieces dried Thai Basil
- 8g (4 tsp) dehydrated curry paste
- (ground to powder after drying, no huge chunks)
- (increased from 5g)
- 1/4 tsp lime powder
- 1 T mushroom powder/pieces
Little bag:
- 100g coconut cream powder
Per NF (revised):
- Guess dry volume of chx + rice bag, and use slightly less water.
- Boil water.
- Add main bag to boiling water and stop heat. Stir, cover, and wait.
- Mix in coconut powder.
Per original recipe:
- Empty contents of Bag 1 into a pot and fill with enough water to cover all ingredients by an inch. 2 Place on stove and bring to a simmer. Add more water as needed.
- Remove from heat, cover and let sit for 5-10 minutes.
- If all ingredients are rehydrated to desired texture, proceed to step 5. Otherwise, repeat step 2 and 3.
- Add Bag 2 (all the powdered ingredients) and stir to combine.
- If necessary, add more water and place back on heat.
From Backcountry Foodie: Ultralight Recipes for Outdoor Explorers
- 1 package ramen
- Just under 1T dried carrots
- Just under 1T red pepper
- 8g/small 1/3 cup dehydrated broccoli
- 3T TVP
Sauce packet:
- 3T coconut milk powder
- 3T peanut butter powder
- 3/8 tsp lime powder
- 3/4 tsp ginger
- 1/4 tsp chili flakes
- 1.5 T peanuts
Also: PB packet (just in case) Coconut oil packet
Boil 8 oz water (maybe a bit more... like 10 oz?). Add noodles and veg. Soak til cooked.
Drain, reserving 4oz. Add sauce packet and coconut oil.
Bag 1:
- 1/3lb dried ground beef
- 20g dried peas (probably too much) - 1 handful
- 5g dried carrots (probably should have a bit more) OR mixed peas/carrots/corn (1/2 cup frozen, dried, maybe like 2T)
- 2T dried mushrooms chopped smaller
- 3g/.5T/2 sticks dehydrated celery
- 1.5T dried onions
- 1/4 tsp dried garlic
Bag 2:
- 5g dried tomato paste (abt 1 tsp dried, maybe a few tsp wet?)
- 1/2 tsp thyme
- dash of pepper
- 3/4T gravy (or au jus mix)(did like 1/2 bouillon cube + 1.5 tsp gravy)
- 1/2 tsp garlic powder
- 4oz packet of (garlic or 4-cheese) instant mashed potatoes
- Cheese stick if you have one
Per NF:
- Cold soak beef & veg bag, ~ 1 cup water, 30m.
- Boil beef/veg (w/ more water? if needed), wait, check for doneness.
- Put gravy powders in bowl. Strain some beef/veg water directly into it and mix to thin consistency.
- Transfer finished gravy to Talenti jar.
- Strain remaining beef/veg water into bowl and set aside.
- Add strained beef/veg to gravy in Talenti jar, shake to mix, set aside. Don't worry about cooling.
- Re-use beef/veg water (plus more) to cook mashed potatoes (per packaging).
- Or, if you're cold you can straight drink it.
- Divide both parts, use heat from taters to re-heat the beef/veg.
Bag 1:
- 1/3lb ground beef, dried
- 1.5T dried onions
- 1.5T dried mushroom pieces
Bag 2:
- 150g spaghetti
- "thick spaghetti" works best! It still tastes like a pasta shape when smashed into 2" lengths.
- Do not attempt angel hair. The worst.
Bag 3:
dried pasta sauce... something that looks like the right amount, ground to powder. maybe like 40g (is what we are trying for olympics - half a jar dried)
2 packets parmesan
1-2 packets olive oil
Per NF:
- Cold soak separately, for 30m:
- Noodles in bowl
- Beef and veg in talenti jar
- Transfer beef and veg into pot, add more water if needed (but leave room for noodles!), and bring to a boil. Stir, let rest.
- Put dried sauce in talenti jar, and strain hot water over it. Mash to mix/rehydrate until it's a THIN sauce consistency. This may take almost all the beef water.
- Wait 3-5 minutes for ground beef to start floating. (It may or may not do this. Test for doneness if you get impatient.)
- Once beef is done, add noodles. Bring heat back up, let rest, etc.
- Check sauce texture one last time, and strain more water into it if needed.
- Check noodles for doneness.
- Drain water from the pot.
- Add sauce and stir.
- Add olive oil and top with parmesan cheese.
Recipe: https://www.freshoffthegrid.com/dehydrated-red-lentil-marinara/
added in some cayenne
next time try cooking some onion first too
blended it a bit to be less chunky
2T dehydrated red pepper
2T onion
olive oil packet
parmesan (2 packets or 1T in dime bag)
150g pasta (cooked and dehydrated)
Bag 1:
- Dried basmati rice: 1/2 cup uncooked amount, cooked and then dehydrated.
Bag 2:
- Two-person portion of dehydrated soup.
Bag 3:
- 1 packet coconut oil
Per NF:
- Boil 3/4 cup water, and add rice to it. Rehydrate fully in the pot, so you can raise the heat again if it's taking too long. (Basmati takes a while!)
- Set rice aside in bowl.
- Boil 2.25 cups water, and rehydrate soup with it.
- Add coconut oil to soup.
- Portion out with rice.
🔝 Back to contents (Various curries with lentils or chickpeas or other legumes. Basically anything not vegetarian that's not too fatty and doesn't have dairy works well.)
- dehydrate two servings (according to recipe) of whatever leftovers
- about 1 cup cooked (pre-dehydrated) per person
- 1/2 cup pre-cooked basmati rice, (1/4 per person), then cooked and then dehydrated
- about 1 cup cooked (pre-dehydrated) per person
- about 50g dehydrated per person
- 1 packet coconut oil or ghee
In camp:
- Boil 3/4 cup water and rice together. Rehydrate fully in the pot, so you can raise the heat again if it's taking too long. (Basmati takes a while at altitude!)
- Set rice aside in talenti jar.
- Boil lentil water, and rehydrate lentils. Amounts for different Indian dishes:
- Tart red lentils: Between 1 3/4 and 2 cups (2 1/4 is too soupy)
- Add coconut oil or ghee, then split and serve.
Instant pot recipe is in the green folder... should probably write it down here later.
Dehydrate, bag separately:
- 1 cup brown rice per person
- A bit more than 1 cup cooked collards dish per person
- 1 packet olive oil
In camp:
- Boil 1 cup water and rice together; let rest 15m (stir at 10m).
- Might require re-boil, it's tenacious.
- Transfer to Talenti jar.
- Carefully boil collards with a bit more water than it takes to cover them in the pot; cover and let rest.
- Add 1 packet olive oil.