diff --git a/Scripts/generateAndUpdateTemplateErSheets.fsx b/Scripts/generateAndUpdateTemplateErSheets.fsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3e7f84e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Scripts/generateAndUpdateTemplateErSheets.fsx
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// References
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#r "nuget: FSharpAux"
+#r "nuget: FSharpSpreadsheetML"
+open FSharpAux
+open FSharpSpreadsheetML
+open DocumentFormat.OpenXml
+open DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Packaging
+open DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Spreadsheet
+open System
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Types
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+type CvEntry = {
+ Ontology : string
+ TermSourceRef : string
+ TermAccessionNumber : string
+type Template = {
+ Path : string
+ Name : string
+ SSDocument : SpreadsheetDocument
+ IsEditable : bool
+type IsaType =
+| Parameter
+| Characteristics
+| Factor
+| SampleName
+| SourceName
+| DataFileName
+type BuildingBlockHeader = {
+ IsaTypeColumnHeader : IsaType
+ TSRColumnHeader : string option
+ TANColumnHeader : string option
+ UnitHeader : string option
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Values
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+let cvEntryCols = [|
+ "TermSourceRef"
+ "Ontology"
+ "TAN"
+let validationCols = [|
+ "Content type (validation)"
+ "Notes during templating"
+let erCols = [|
+ "Target term"
+ "Instruction"
+ "Requirement (m/o/n)"
+ "Value (cv/s/d)"
+ "Additional information"
+ "Review comments"
+let combinedCols = Array.concat [|cvEntryCols; validationCols; erCols|]
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Functions
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+let emptyCvEntry () = {
+ Ontology = String.Empty
+ TermSourceRef = String.Empty
+ TermAccessionNumber = String.Empty
+/// Takes a Swate table columns and returns its
+let toNonHiddenColumn col =
+ let hasWord word = String.contains word col = true
+ match col with
+ | _ when hasWord "Parameter [" -> Parameter
+ | _ when hasWord "Factor [" -> Factor
+ | _ when hasWord "Characteristics [" -> Characteristics
+ | _ when hasWord "Sample Name" -> SampleName
+ | _ when hasWord "Source Name" -> SourceName
+ | _ when hasWord "Data File Name" -> DataFileName
+ | _ -> failwith "ERROR: Improper word given."
+/// Checks if a columns is a non-hidden Swate table column.
+let isNonHiddenColumn col = (try Some (toNonHiddenColumn col) with _ -> None).IsSome
+/// Transforms a BuildingBlockHeader to a CvEntry.
+let toCvEntry buildingBlockHeader =
+ let isUserSpecific col = String.contains "()" col
+ let tsrCol = buildingBlockHeader.TSRColumnHeader.Value
+ match tsrCol with
+ | x when isUserSpecific x = true ->
+ {
+ Ontology = "user-specific"
+ TermSourceRef = "user-specific"
+ TermAccessionNumber = "user-specific"
+ }
+ | _ ->
+ let tsr =
+ String.splitS "Term Source REF (" tsrCol
+ |> Array.item 1
+ |> String.split ')'
+ |> Array.head
+ let onto = String.split ':' tsr |> Array.head
+ let tan =
+ let purlLink = @"http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/"
+ let underscoreTsr = String.replace ":" "_" tsr
+ let uri = purlLink + underscoreTsr
+ uri
+ {
+ Ontology = onto
+ TermSourceRef = tsr
+ TermAccessionNumber = tan
+ }
diff --git a/Scripts/readAndTransformTemplateErSheets.fsx b/Scripts/readAndTransformTemplateErSheets.fsx
index d0bc53f..5154f19 100644
--- a/Scripts/readAndTransformTemplateErSheets.fsx
+++ b/Scripts/readAndTransformTemplateErSheets.fsx
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#r "nuget: FSharpAux"
+#r "nuget: FSharpAux"
#r "nuget: FSharpSpreadsheetML"
#r "nuget: Newtonsoft.Json"
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ open System.IO
// Types
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-type CVEntry = {
+type CvEntry = {
Ontology : string
TermSourceRef : string
TAN : string
@@ -35,6 +35,50 @@ type TemplateMetadata = {
organisation : string
+type HeaderCvPair = {
+ Header : string
+ CvEntry : CvEntry
+type Author = {
+ FirstName : string
+ MidInitials : string
+ LastName : string
+type Template = {
+ Path : string
+ Name : string
+ SSDocument : SpreadsheetDocument
+ IsEditable : bool
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Values
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+let cvEntryCols = [|
+ "TermSourceRef"
+ "Ontology"
+ "TAN"
+let validationCols = [|
+ "Content type (validation)"
+ "Notes during templating"
+let erCols = [|
+ "Target term"
+ "Instruction"
+ "Requirement (m/o/n)"
+ "Value (cv/s/d)"
+ "Additional information"
+ "Review comments"
+let combinedCols = Array.concat [|cvEntryCols; validationCols; erCols|]
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Functions
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -46,179 +90,47 @@ let inline toExcelLetters number =
if no > 26. then
(if no % 26. = 0. then no / 26. - 0.1 else no / 26.)
- (if no % 26. = 0. then 'Z'::list else (no % 26. + 64. |> char)::list)
+ (if no % 26. = 0. then 'Z' :: list else (no % 26. + 64. |> char) :: list)
- if no % 26. = 0. then 'Z'::list else (no % 26. + 64. |> char)::list
+ if no % 26. = 0. then 'Z' :: list else (no % 26. + 64. |> char) :: list
loop (float number) []
|> System.String.Concat
-// delete when pushed to F#Aux
-module Array =
- /// Returns a new array containing only the elements of the input array for which the given predicate returns true.
- let filteri (predicate : int -> 'T -> bool) (array : 'T []) =
- let mutable i = -1
- Array.filter (
- fun x ->
- i <- i + 1
- predicate i x
- ) array
- /// Returns the length of an array containing only the elements of the input array for which the given predicate returns true.
- let filterLength (predicate : 'T -> bool) (array : 'T []) =
- let mutable counter = 0
- for i = 0 to array.Length - 1 do
- if predicate array.[i] then counter <- counter + 1
- counter
- /// Returns the length of an array containing only the elements of the input array for which the given predicate returns true.
- let filteriLength (predicate : int -> 'T -> bool) (array : 'T []) =
- let mutable counter = 0
- for i = 0 to array.Length - 1 do
- if predicate i array.[i] then counter <- counter + 1
- counter
- /// Applies the given function to each element of the array. Returns the array comprised of the results x for each element where the function returns Some x.
- let choosei (chooser: int -> 'T -> 'U Option) (array : 'T []) =
- checkNonNull "array" array
- let inline subUnchecked startIndex count (array : _ []) =
- let res = Array.zeroCreate count
- if count < 64 then
- for i = 0 to res.Length - 1 do res.[i] <- array.[startIndex + i]
- else Array.Copy (array, startIndex, res, 0, count)
- res
- let mutable i = 0
- let mutable first = Unchecked.defaultof<'U>
- let mutable found = false
- while i < array.Length && not found do
- let element = array.[i]
- match chooser i element with
- | None -> i <- i + 1
- | Some b ->
- first <- b
- found <- true
- if i <> array.Length then
- let chunk1 : 'U [] = Array.zeroCreate ((array.Length >>> 2) + 1)
- chunk1.[0] <- first
- let mutable count = 1
- i <- i + 1
- while count < chunk1.Length && i < array.Length do
- let element = array.[i]
- match chooser i element with
- | None -> ()
- | Some b ->
- chunk1.[count] <- b
- count <- count + 1
- i <- i + 1
- if i < array.Length then
- let chunk2 : 'U [] = Array.zeroCreate (array.Length-i)
- count <- 0
- while i < array.Length do
- let element = array.[i]
- match chooser i element with
- | None -> ()
- | Some b ->
- chunk2.[count] <- b
- count <- count + 1
- i <- i + 1
- let res : 'U [] = Array.zeroCreate (chunk1.Length + count)
- Array.Copy (chunk1, res, chunk1.Length)
- Array.Copy (chunk2, 0, res, chunk1.Length, count)
- res
- else subUnchecked 0 count chunk1
- else Array.empty
- /// Returns an array with the indeces of the elements in the input array that satisfy the given predicate.
- let findIndeces (predicate : 'T -> bool) (array : 'T []) =
- let mutable counter = 0
- for i = 0 to array.Length - 1 do if predicate array.[i] then counter <- counter + 1
- let mutable outputArr = Array.zeroCreate counter
- counter <- 0
- for i = 0 to array.Length - 1 do if predicate array.[i] then outputArr.[counter] <- i; counter <- counter + 1
- outputArr
- /// Returns a reversed array with the indeces of the elements in the input array that satisfy the given predicate.
- let findIndecesBack (predicate : 'T -> bool) (array : 'T []) =
- let mutable counter = 0
- for i = 0 to array.Length - 1 do if predicate array.[i] then counter <- counter + 1
- let mutable outputArr = Array.zeroCreate counter
- counter <- 0
- for i = array.Length - 1 downto 0 do
- if predicate array.[i] then
- outputArr.[counter] <- i
- counter <- counter + 1
- outputArr
- /// Returns an array comprised of every nth element of the input array.
- let takeNth (n : int) (array : 'T []) = filteri (fun i _ -> (i + 1) % n = 0) array
- /// Returns an array without every nth element of the input array.
- let skipNth (n : int) (array : 'T []) = filteri (fun i _ -> (i + 1) % n <> 0) array
-module JaggedArray =
- /// Creates a jagged array given the dimensions and a generator function to compute the elements.
- let init count1 count2 (initializer : int -> int -> 'T) =
- Array.init count1 (
- fun i ->
- Array.init count2 (
- fun j -> initializer i j
- )
- )
-module JaggedList =
- /// Creates a jagged list given the dimensions and a generator function to compute the elements.
- let init count1 count2 (initializer : int -> int -> 'T) =
- List.init count1 (
- fun i ->
- List.init count2 (
- fun j -> initializer i j
- )
- )
+let getCvEntry (s : string) =
+ let isUserSpecific = String.contains "#h" s && String.contains "#t" s |> not
+ if isUserSpecific then
+ {
+ Ontology = "user-specific"
+ TermSourceRef = "user-specific"
+ TAN = "user-specific"
+ }
+ else
+ let tsr =
+ String.splitS "#t" s
+ |> Array.item 1
+ |> String.split ';'
+ |> Array.head
+ |> String.split ')'
+ |> Array.head
+ let onto = String.split ':' tsr |> Array.head
+ let tan =
+ let purlLink = @"http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/"
+ let underscoreTsr = String.replace ":" "_" tsr
+ let uri = purlLink + underscoreTsr
+ uri
+ {
+ Ontology = onto
+ TermSourceRef = tsr
+ TAN = tan
+ }
+let emptyCvEntry () = {
+ Ontology = String.Empty
+ TermSourceRef = String.Empty
+ TAN = String.Empty
-// delete when pushed to F#Aux
-module String =
- /// Returns the first char of a string.
- let first (str : string) = str.Chars 0
- /// Returns the last char of a string.
- let last (str : string) = str.Chars (str.Length - 1)
- /// Splits an input string at a given delimiter (substring).
- let splitS (delimiter : string) (str : string) = str.Split ([|delimiter|],StringSplitOptions.None)
- /// Returns the last index of a char in a string.
- let findIndexBack (ch : char) (str : string) = str.ToCharArray () |> Array.findIndexBack (fun c -> c = ch)
- /// Returns the first index of a char in a string.
- let findIndex (ch : char) (str : string) = str.ToCharArray () |> Array.findIndex (fun c -> c = ch)
- /// Returns the indeces of a char in a string.
- let findIndeces (ch : char) (str : string) = str.ToCharArray () |> Array.findIndeces (fun c -> c = ch)
- /// Returns the indeces of a char in a string sorted backwards.
- let findIndecesBack (ch : char) (str : string) = str.ToCharArray () |> Array.findIndecesBack (fun c -> c = ch)
- /// Iterates through the string and returns a string with the chars of the input until the predicate returned false the first time.
- let takeWhile (predicate : char -> bool) (str : string) =
- if String.IsNullOrEmpty str then str
- else
- let mutable i = 0
- while i < str.Length && predicate str.[i] do i <- i + 1
- String.take i str
- /// Iterates through the string and returns a string that starts at the char of the input where the predicate returned false the first time.
- let skipWhile (predicate : char -> bool) (str : string) =
- if String.IsNullOrEmpty str then str
- else
- let mutable i = 0
- while i < str.Length && predicate str.[i] do i <- i + 1
- String.skip i str
-let getCVEntry (s : string) =
- let tsr =
- String.splitS "#t" s
- |> Array.item 1
- |> String.split ';'
- |> Array.head
- |> String.split ')'
- |> Array.head
- let onto = String.split ':' tsr |> Array.head
- let tan =
- let purlLink = @"http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/"
- let underscoreTsr = String.replace ":" "_" tsr
- let uri = purlLink + underscoreTsr
- uri
- {
- Ontology = onto
- TermSourceRef = tsr
- TAN = tan
- }
+let getTemplate isEditable filePath name ss = {Path = filePath; SSDocument = ss; IsEditable = isEditable; Name = name}
let toNumber (str : string) =
let chArr = str.ToCharArray()
@@ -231,6 +143,7 @@ let toNumber (str : string) =
) 0.
|> int
+/// Returns if a given cell of a given table is a header-cell.
let isHeaderCell (table : Table) cell =
// header area
let v = (Table.getArea table)
@@ -249,6 +162,135 @@ let isHeaderCell (table : Table) cell =
|> int
cRow = row && cCol >= colL && cCol <= colR
+/// Takes a WorkbookPart and returns the WorksheetPart where the Swate table is located.
+let getWspSwateTable wbp =
+ WorkbookPart.getWorkSheetParts wbp
+ |> Seq.find (fun t -> (Table.tryGetByNameBy (String.contains "annotationTable") t).IsSome)
+/// Returns the SwateTable from a SwateTable-containing WorksheetPart.
+let getSwateTable stwsp = (Table.tryGetByNameBy (String.contains "annotationTable") stwsp).Value
+/// Takes a SpreadsheetDocument and returns the WorksheetPart in which the SwateTable is located.
+let getSwateTableWsp doc =
+ let wbp = Spreadsheet.getWorkbookPart doc
+ WorkbookPart.getWorkSheetParts wbp
+ |> Seq.find (fun t -> (Table.tryGetByNameBy (String.contains "annotationTable") t).IsSome)
+/// Takes a WorksheetPart with a Swate table and returns the SheetData of its Worksheet.
+let getSwateTableSd wspst = Worksheet.get wspst |> Worksheet.getSheetData
+/// Takes a Swate table and a SheetData, and returns its header area.
+let getHeaderArea st sd =
+ let v = (Table.getArea st)
+ let row = Table.Area.upperBoundary v
+ let colL, colR = Table.Area.leftBoundary v, Table.Area.rightBoundary v
+ Array.init (int colR - int colL) (fun i -> SheetData.getCellAt row (colL + uint i) sd)
+/// Takes a header area and a SharedStringTable and returns the header area's values.
+let getHeaderAreaValues sst headerArea = headerArea |> Array.map (Cell.getValue (Some sst))
+/// Creates a pair of headers and CVs from header area values.
+let createHeaderCvPairs headerAreaValues =
+ let isNonHiddenCol c = String.contains "#h" c |> not
+ let chunks =
+ headerAreaValues
+ |> Array.fold (
+ fun acc e ->
+ if isNonHiddenCol e then
+ [e] :: acc
+ else
+ (e :: acc.Head) :: acc.Tail
+ ) []
+ |> List.rev
+ |> List.map (List.rev >> Array.ofList)
+ |> Array.ofList
+ chunks
+ |> Array.map (
+ fun chunk ->
+ if chunk.Length = 1 then
+ {
+ Header = chunk.[0]
+ CvEntry = emptyCvEntry ()
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Header = chunk.[0]
+ CvEntry = getCvEntry chunk.[2]
+ }
+ )
+/// Takes the SwateTable, the SheetData and the SharedStringTable, and returns headers and corresponding CvEntries.
+/// Only works for Swate Version ≤ 0.4.8
+let getHeadersAndCvEntries sst sheetData swateTable =
+ let v = Table.getArea swateTable
+ let row = Table.Area.upperBoundary v
+ let colL, colR = Table.Area.leftBoundary v, Table.Area.rightBoundary v
+ let headerArea = Array.init (int colR - int colL + 1) (fun i -> SheetData.getCellAt row (colL + uint i) sheetData)
+ let headerAreaValues = headerArea |> Array.map (Cell.getValue (Some sst))
+ createHeaderCvPairs headerAreaValues
+/// Takes header area values and returns headers and TANs.
+/// Deprecated. Use `getHeaderAndCvEntries` and `unzipHeaderCvPair` instead.
+let getHeadersAndTans headerAreaValues =
+ let tanKey = "Term Accession Number "
+ headerAreaValues
+ |> fun arr ->
+ Array.filter (fun (t : string) -> not (t.Contains "#")) arr,
+ Array.choose (fun (t : string) -> if t.Contains tanKey then Some (getCvEntry t) else None) arr
+/// Takes a SwateTable-containing WorksheetPart as well as a SharedStringTable, and returns an array with the names of all ERs that are associated.
+let getErNames sst swateTableWsp =
+ let sd = Worksheet.get swateTableWsp |> Worksheet.getSheetData
+ let rowL =
+ let realRowL = SheetData.getMaxRowIndex sd
+ if realRowL > 100u then 100u else realRowL
+ let col1 =
+ Array.init (int rowL) (
+ fun i ->
+ match SheetData.tryGetCellValueAt (Some sst) (i + 1 |> uint) 1u sd with
+ | Some a -> a
+ | None -> ""
+ )
+ col1
+ |> Array.choose (fun t -> if t.Contains("ER ") then Some (t.Remove(0, 3)) else None)
+ |> Array.distinct
+/// Creates a metadata sheet with a given name of an ER, row and column keys, and adds it to a given SpreadsheetDocument.
+let initErSheet erSheetName (rowKeys : string []) (colKeys : string []) (cvEntries : CvEntry []) (doc : SpreadsheetDocument) =
+ let emptyErTable =
+ JaggedArray.init (rowKeys.Length + 1) (colKeys.Length + 1) (
+ fun iR iC ->
+ match (iR,iC) with
+ | (0,0) -> ""
+ | (0,_) -> colKeys.[iC - 1]
+ | (_,0) -> rowKeys.[iR - 1]
+ | (_,1) -> cvEntries.[iR - 1].TermSourceRef
+ | (_,2) -> cvEntries.[iR - 1].Ontology
+ | (_,3) -> cvEntries.[iR - 1].TAN
+ | (_,_) -> ""
+ )
+ let sheet = SheetData.empty ()
+ emptyErTable
+ |> Array.foldi (
+ fun i s row ->
+ Row.ofValues None (uint i + 1u) row
+ |> fun r -> SheetData.appendRow r s
+ ) sheet
+ |> ignore
+ doc
+ |> Spreadsheet.getWorkbookPart
+ |> WorkbookPart.appendSheet erSheetName sheet
+ |> ignore
+ doc
+let unzipHeaderCvPair headerCvPair = headerCvPair.Header, headerCvPair.CvEntry
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Testing
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -259,11 +301,18 @@ let dirs =
let templDir = Path.Combine(__SOURCE_DIRECTORY__, "../templates")
Directory.GetDirectories templDir
-let templates =
- let files = dirs |> Array.collect (fun d -> Directory.GetFiles(d,"*.xlsx"))
+let templatesDepr =
+ let files = dirs |> Array.collect (fun d -> Directory.GetFiles(d,"*_deprecated.xlsx"))
files |> Array.map (fun f -> Spreadsheet.fromFile f false) // Open files
-templates |> Array.iter (fun d -> d.Close()) // Close files
+let templatesCurr =
+ let files = dirs |> Array.collect (fun d -> Directory.GetFiles(d,"*.xlsx"))
+ files
+ |> Array.filter (String.contains "_deprecated" >> not)
+ |> Array.map (fun f -> Spreadsheet.fromFile f false) // Open files
+templatesDepr |> Array.iter (fun d -> d.Close()) // Close files
+templatesCurr |> Array.iter (fun d -> d.Close()) // Close files
let outerJsons = // name is "outerJsons" because they are located outside of the .xlsx file
let files = dirs |> Array.collect (fun d -> Directory.GetFiles(d,"*.json"))
@@ -344,12 +393,6 @@ let annoTableMetadata =
// let outerJson = testOuterJson.Value
// let newGuid = System.Guid.NewGuid()
-type Author = {
- FirstName : string
- MidInitials : string
- LastName : string
let authorsAnew =
|> Array.map (
@@ -399,9 +442,9 @@ for i in outerJsons do
let wspSwateTable =
WorkbookPart.getWorkSheetParts wbp
- |> Seq.find (fun t -> (Table.tryGetByNameBy ((=) "annotationTable") t).IsSome)
-let swateTable = (Table.tryGetByNameBy ((=) "annotationTable") wspSwateTable).Value
+ |> Seq.find (fun t -> (Table.tryGetByNameBy (String.contains "annotationTable") t).IsSome)
+let swateTable = (Table.tryGetByNameBy (String.contains "annotationTable") wspSwateTable).Value
let sd = Worksheet.get wspSwateTable |> Worksheet.getSheetData
@@ -418,7 +461,7 @@ let headers, tans =
|> fun arr ->
Array.filter (fun (t : string) -> not (t.Contains "#")) arr,
- Array.choose (fun (t : string) -> if t.Contains tanKey then Some (getCVEntry t) else None) arr
+ Array.choose (fun (t : string) -> if t.Contains tanKey then Some (getCvEntry t) else None) arr
let ers =
let rowL = SheetData.getMaxRowIndex sd
@@ -433,116 +476,191 @@ let ers =
|> Array.choose (fun t -> if t.Contains("ER ") then Some (t.Remove(0, 3)) else None)
|> Array.distinct
-let cvEntryCols = [|
- "TermSourceRef"
- "Ontology"
- "TAN"
-let validationCols = [|
- "Content type (validation)"
- "Notes during templating"
-let erCols = [|
- "Target term"
- "Instruction"
- "Requirement (m/o/n)"
- "Value (cv/s/d)"
- "Additional information"
- "Review comments"
-let combinedCols = Array.concat [|cvEntryCols; validationCols; erCols|]
Spreadsheet.saveAs @"C:\Users\Mauso\OneDrive\CSB-Stuff\NFDI\Template-Skripts\1SPL01_plants_bearbeitungsCopy.xlsx" testTemplate
testTemplate.Close() // Close file
// funzt nicht -> skippen
-let initNewErSheet ss er =
- let ss = Spreadsheet.fromFile @"C:\Users\Mauso\OneDrive\CSB-Stuff\NFDI\Template-Skripts\1SPL01_plants_bearbeitungsCopy.xlsx" true
- let er = ers.[0]
+//let initNewErSheet ss er =
+// let ss = Spreadsheet.fromFile @"C:\Users\Mauso\OneDrive\CSB-Stuff\NFDI\Template-Skripts\1SPL01_plants_bearbeitungsCopy.xlsx" true
+// let er = ers.[0]
- // Get Workbookpart and Workbook
- let wbp = Spreadsheet.getWorkbookPart ss
- let wb = Workbook.get wbp
+// // Get Workbookpart and Workbook
+// let wbp = Spreadsheet.getWorkbookPart ss
+// let wb = Workbook.get wbp
- // Create new WorksheetPart, Worksheet, and SheetData and connect them.
- let newWsp = WorkbookPart.initWorksheetPart wbp
- WorkbookPart.addWorksheetPart newWsp wbp |> ignore
- let newWs = Worksheet.empty ()
- Worksheet.setWorksheet newWs newWsp |> ignore
- let newSd = SheetData.empty ()
- Worksheet.addSheetData newSd newWs |> ignore
- // Get sheets object and numbers
- let sheets = Sheet.Sheets.get wb
- let currMaxSheetNo =
- Sheet.Sheets.getSheets sheets
- |> Seq. (
- fun s -> s.Id.Value
- )
- let newErSheetNo = uint currMaxSheetNo + 1u
- // Create new sheet and add it to the sheets object
- let idOfNewWsp = WorkbookPart.getWorksheetPartID newWsp wbp
- let newSheet = Sheet.create idOfNewWsp er newErSheetNo
- sheets.AppendChild newSheet |> ignore
- /// Function to create cells on the basis of column index, row index, and a value (string).
- let createNewCell (colI : uint32) rowI v =
- let dt =
- let chArr = String.toCharArray v
- let onlyDigits = chArr |> Array.forall Char.IsDigit
- if onlyDigits then CellValues.Number else CellValues.String
- let cr = sprintf "%s%i" (toExcelLetters colI) rowI
- let cv = CellValue v
- Cell.create dt cr cv
- // Blank of the first row with all the columns
- let colRow =
- let r = Row.empty ()
- Row.setIndex 1u r |> ignore
- SheetData.appendRow r newSd |> ignore
- r
+// // Create new WorksheetPart, Worksheet, and SheetData and connect them.
+// let newWsp = WorkbookPart.initWorksheetPart wbp
+// WorkbookPart.addWorksheetPart newWsp wbp |> ignore
+// let newWs = Worksheet.empty ()
+// Worksheet.setWorksheet newWs newWsp |> ignore
+// let newSd = SheetData.empty ()
+// Worksheet.addSheetData newSd newWs |> ignore
+// // Get sheets object and numbers
+// let sheets = Sheet.Sheets.get wb
+// let currMaxSheetNo =
+// Sheet.Sheets.getSheets sheets
+// |> Seq. (
+// fun s -> s.Id.Value
+// )
+// let newErSheetNo = uint currMaxSheetNo + 1u
+// // Create new sheet and add it to the sheets object
+// let idOfNewWsp = WorkbookPart.getWorksheetPartID newWsp wbp
+// let newSheet = Sheet.create idOfNewWsp er newErSheetNo
+// sheets.AppendChild newSheet |> ignore
+// /// Function to create cells on the basis of column index, row index, and a value (string).
+// let createNewCell (colI : uint32) rowI v =
+// let dt =
+// let chArr = String.toCharArray v
+// let onlyDigits = chArr |> Array.forall Char.IsDigit
+// if onlyDigits then CellValues.Number else CellValues.String
+// let cr = sprintf "%s%i" (toExcelLetters colI) rowI
+// let cv = CellValue v
+// Cell.create dt cr cv
+// // Blank of the first row with all the columns
+// let colRow =
+// let r = Row.empty ()
+// Row.setIndex 1u r |> ignore
+// SheetData.appendRow r newSd |> ignore
+// r
- // Associate all cells with the column row
- combinedCols
- |> Array.iteri (
- fun i c ->
- let newCell = createNewCell 1u (i + 1) c
- if i = 0 then () else Row.appendCell newCell colRow |> ignore
- )
+// // Associate all cells with the column row
+// combinedCols
+// |> Array.iteri (
+// fun i c ->
+// let newCell = createNewCell 1u (i + 1) c
+// if i = 0 then () else Row.appendCell newCell colRow |> ignore
+// )
- let otherRows =
- let l = headers.Length
- let rs =
- Array.init l (
- fun i ->
- let r = Row.empty ()
- let ri = i + 2
- Row.setIndex (uint ri) r |> ignore
- let headerCell = createNewCell 1u ri headers.[i]
- let ontoCell = createNewCell 2u ri tans.[i].Ontology
- let tanCell = createNewCell 3u ri tans.[i].TAN
- let tsrCell = createNewCell 4u ri tans.[i].TermSourceRef
- Row.appendCell headerCell r |> ignore
- Row.appendCell ontoCell r |> ignore
- Row.appendCell tanCell r |> ignore
- Row.appendCell tsrCell r |> ignore
- )
- rs
+// let otherRows =
+// let l = headers.Length
+// let rs =
+// Array.init l (
+// fun i ->
+// let r = Row.empty ()
+// let ri = i + 2
+// Row.setIndex (uint ri) r |> ignore
+// let headerCell = createNewCell 1u ri headers.[i]
+// let ontoCell = createNewCell 2u ri tans.[i].Ontology
+// let tanCell = createNewCell 3u ri tans.[i].TAN
+// let tsrCell = createNewCell 4u ri tans.[i].TermSourceRef
+// Row.appendCell headerCell r |> ignore
+// Row.appendCell ontoCell r |> ignore
+// Row.appendCell tanCell r |> ignore
+// Row.appendCell tsrCell r |> ignore
+// )
+// rs
+// Spreadsheet.close ss; ()
- Spreadsheet.close ss; ()
+Spreadsheet.saveAs (System.IO.Path.Combine(userProfile, @"OneDrive\CSB-Stuff\NFDI\Template-Skripts\1SPL01_plants_bearbeitungsCopy.xlsx")) testTemplate
+let ss = Spreadsheet.fromFile (System.IO.Path.Combine(userProfile, @"OneDrive\CSB-Stuff\NFDI\Template-Skripts\1SPL01_plants_bearbeitungsCopy.xlsx")) true
+initErSheet ers.[0] headers combinedCols tans ss
+Spreadsheet.close ss
+// ++++++ 'Read&Write short' section ++++++
+let deprFilePaths = [|
+ // NB-W-2020-11-OM
+ @"C:\Users\olive\OneDrive\CSB-Stuff\NFDI\Template-Skripts\JonasL\1SPL01_plants_deprecated.xlsx"
+ @"C:\Users\olive\OneDrive\CSB-Stuff\NFDI\Template-Skripts\JonasL\2EXT01_RNA_deprecated.xlsx"
+ @"C:\Users\olive\OneDrive\CSB-Stuff\NFDI\Template-Skripts\JonasL\3ASY01_RNASeq_deprecated.xlsx"
+ @"C:\Users\olive\OneDrive\CSB-Stuff\NFDI\Template-Skripts\JonasL\4COM01_RNASeq_deprecated.xlsx"
+ //DT-P-2020-04-OM
+ @"C:\Users\Mauso\OneDrive\CSB-Stuff\NFDI\Template-Skripts\JonasL\1SPL01_plants_deprecated.xlsx"
+ @"C:\Users\Mauso\OneDrive\CSB-Stuff\NFDI\Template-Skripts\JonasL\2EXT01_RNA_deprecated.xlsx"
+ @"C:\Users\Mauso\OneDrive\CSB-Stuff\NFDI\Template-Skripts\JonasL\3ASY01_RNASeq_deprecated.xlsx"
+ @"C:\Users\Mauso\OneDrive\CSB-Stuff\NFDI\Template-Skripts\JonasL\4COM01_RNASeq_deprecated.xlsx"
-/// Create a metadata sheet with a given name of an ER and add it to a given SpreadsheetDocument.
-let initErSheet erSheetName (doc : SpreadsheetDocument) =
+|> Array.iter (
+ fun fp ->
+ printfn "%s" fp
+ let ss = Spreadsheet.fromFile fp true
+ try
+ let sst = Spreadsheet.getSharedStringTable ss
+ let stwsp = getSwateTableWsp ss
+ let st = getSwateTable stwsp
+ let sd = Worksheet.get stwsp |> Worksheet.getSheetData
+ let headers, cves =
+ getHeadersAndCvEntries sst sd st
+ |> Array.map (fun hcp -> hcp.Header, hcp.CvEntry)
+ |> Array.unzip
+ initErSheet "GEO_RNASEQ" headers combinedCols cves ss
+ |> Spreadsheet.close
+ with e -> printfn "\n%A" e; Spreadsheet.close ss
- let emptyErTable =
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Writing
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+let getDirs withImaging =
+ let templDir = Path.Combine(__SOURCE_DIRECTORY__, "../templates")
+ Directory.GetDirectories templDir
+ |> Array.filter (String.contains "Imaging" >> (if withImaging then id else not))
+let getTemplates isDeprecated dirs =
+ let isEditable = not isDeprecated
+ let files = dirs |> Array.collect (fun d -> Directory.GetFiles(d, if isDeprecated then "*_deprecated.xlsx" else "*.xlsx"))
+ let names = files |> Array.map (FileInfo >> fun fi -> fi.Name)
+ let sss = files |> Array.map (fun f -> Spreadsheet.fromFile f isEditable) // Open files
+ (files, names, sss)
+ |||> Array.map3 (getTemplate isEditable)
+let dirsNoImg = getDirs false
+/// Deprecated templates
+let templatesDeprNoImg = getTemplates true dirsNoImg
+/// Current templates
+let templatesCurrNoImg = getTemplates false dirsNoImg
+|> Array.iteri (
+ fun i t ->
+ printfn "Writing template %i: %s" (i + 1) t.Name
+ let sst = Spreadsheet.getSharedStringTable t.SSDocument
+ let stwsp = getSwateTableWsp t.SSDocument
+ let ers = getErNames sst stwsp
+ let st = getSwateTable stwsp
+ let stsd = getSwateTableSd stwsp
+ let rKs, tans = getHeadersAndCvEntries sst stsd st |> Array.map unzipHeaderCvPair |> Array.unzip
+ ers
+ |> Array.iter (fun er -> initErSheet er rKs combinedCols tans templatesCurrNoImg.[i].SSDocument |> ignore)
+templatesDeprNoImg |> Array.iter (fun d -> d.SSDocument.Close()) // Close files
+templatesCurrNoImg |> Array.iter (fun d -> d.SSDocument.Close()) // Close files
+let dirsOnlyImg = getDirs false
+let templatesDeprImg = getTemplates true dirsOnlyImg
+let templatesCurrImg = getTemplates false dirsOnlyImg
+/// Reads the values from a sheet reagrding
+let getErValues sheetDataSourceSheet sheetDataTargetSheet erName swateTableHeaders sst doc =
+ let sourceSheet =
+/// Creates a metadata sheet with a given name of an ER, row and column keys, as well as the respective values, and adds it to a given SpreadsheetDocument.
+/// The name of the ER a sheet shall be created of.
+/// The row keys of the new sheet. Ideally transposed SwateTable headers.
+/// The column keys of the new sheet. Ideally composed of TSR, TAN, Swate validation information, and ER-related metadata.
+/// The values regarding the column keys for each row. I.e., transposed values from ER and Swate validation section.
+/// The SpreadsheetDocument in which the new sheet shall be created.
+/// The SpreadsheetDocument with the newly created ER sheet.
+let transferErSheet erSheetName (rowKeys : string []) (colKeys : string []) (values : string [,]) doc =
+ let transferredErTable =
let jaggArr =
- JaggedArray.init (headers.Length + 1) (combinedCols.Length + 1) (
+ JaggedArray.init (rowKeys.Length + 1) (colKeys.Length + 1) (
fun iR iC ->
match (iR,iC) with
| (0,0) -> ""
@@ -551,31 +669,27 @@ let initErSheet erSheetName (doc : SpreadsheetDocument) =
| (_,1) -> tans.[iR - 1].TermSourceRef
| (_,2) -> tans.[iR - 1].Ontology
| (_,3) -> tans.[iR - 1].TAN
- | (_,_) -> ""
+ | (_,_) -> values.[iR,iC]
let sheet = SheetData.empty ()
- emptyErTable
+ transferredErTable
|> Array.foldi (
fun i s row ->
Row.ofValues None (uint i + 1u) row
|> fun r -> SheetData.appendRow r s
) sheet
|> ignore
|> Spreadsheet.getWorkbookPart
|> WorkbookPart.appendSheet erSheetName sheet
|> ignore
-Spreadsheet.saveAs (System.IO.Path.Combine(userProfile, @"OneDrive\CSB-Stuff\NFDI\Template-Skripts\1SPL01_plants_bearbeitungsCopy.xlsx")) testTemplate
-let ss = Spreadsheet.fromFile (System.IO.Path.Combine(userProfile, @"OneDrive\CSB-Stuff\NFDI\Template-Skripts\1SPL01_plants_bearbeitungsCopy.xlsx")) true
-initErSheet ers.[0] ss
/// Adds a StyleSheet to a given SpreadsheetDocument
let addStyleSheet ss =
let styleSheet = Stylesheet()
@@ -621,7 +735,7 @@ let protoCols =
let minmax = UInt32Value(uint i + 1u)
protoCol.Min <- minmax
protoCol.Max <- minmax
- protoCol.Width <- DoubleValue 7. // TO DO: Entweder alle Spaltenbreiten f�r jeden Calibri, Size 11-Char erlangen, in einem Dictionary hinterlegen und aus dem Text erzeugen lassen oder f�r alle Spalten in einem generischen ER-Sheet einmalig die Spaltenbreiten checken und hardcoden
+ protoCol.Width <- DoubleValue 7. // TO DO: Entweder alle Spaltenbreiten für jeden Calibri, Size 11-Char erlangen, in einem Dictionary hinterlegen und aus dem Text erzeugen lassen oder für alle Spalten in einem generischen ER-Sheet einmalig die Spaltenbreiten checken und hardcoden
protoCol.CustomWidth <- BooleanValue true
protoCol.BestFit <- BooleanValue true
@@ -653,20 +767,20 @@ let newDoc = // zuerst neues SpreadsheetDocument erstellen
newDoc.Close(); File.Delete fullpath // kill newDoc
-let newWbp = Spreadsheet.initWorkbookPart newDoc // WorkbookPart zum SpreadsheetDocument hinzuf�gen
-Workbook.init newWbp // Workbook dem WorkbookPart anh�ngen
+let newWbp = Spreadsheet.initWorkbookPart newDoc // WorkbookPart zum SpreadsheetDocument hinzufügen
+Workbook.init newWbp // Workbook dem WorkbookPart anhängen
let newWb = Workbook.get newWbp // hier wird das neue Workbook nur gebindet
-Sheet.Sheets.init newWb // Sheets-Objekt zum Workbook hinzuf�gen
+Sheet.Sheets.init newWb // Sheets-Objekt zum Workbook hinzufügen
let newSheets = Sheet.Sheets.get newWb
-let newWsp = WorkbookPart.initWorksheetPart newWbp // neues WorksheetPart zum WorkbookPart hinzuf�gen
-Worksheet.init newWsp // neues Worksheet ans WorksheetPart angeh�ngt
+let newWsp = WorkbookPart.initWorksheetPart newWbp // neues WorksheetPart zum WorkbookPart hinzufügen
+Worksheet.init newWsp // neues Worksheet ans WorksheetPart angehängt
let newWs = Worksheet.get newWsp // neues Worksheet wird gebindet
let newSheetData = SheetData.empty () // neue SheetData
let newCells =
//let rows =
- // let cells = // das hier besser direkt schon im emptyErTable initiieren und nicht erst hier so h�sslich umformen
+ // let cells = // das hier besser direkt schon im emptyErTable initiieren und nicht erst hier so hässlich umformen
// emptyErTable
// |> Array2D.mapi (
// fun i j s ->
@@ -715,13 +829,13 @@ let newCells =
-Worksheet.addSheetData newSheetData newWs // SheetData wird zum Worksheet hinzugef�gt
+Worksheet.addSheetData newSheetData newWs // SheetData wird zum Worksheet hinzugefügt
let idOfNewWsp = newWbp.GetIdOfPart(newWsp) // ID des neuen WorksheetParts binden
let newSheet = Sheet.empty() // neues Sheet
-Sheet.setID idOfNewWsp newSheet // die WorksheetPartID wird mit dem neuen Sheet verkn�pft
+Sheet.setID idOfNewWsp newSheet // die WorksheetPartID wird mit dem neuen Sheet verknüpft
Sheet.setSheetID 1u newSheet // wir geben dem neuen Sheet die Position 1 im Workbook
Sheet.setName "neues Sheet" newSheet // wir geben dem neuen Sheet einen Namen (, der auch in der Worksheet-Leiste in Excel angezeigt wird)
-newSheets.AppendChild(newSheet) // das neue Sheet wird dem Sheets-Objekt hinzugef�gt
+newSheets.AppendChild(newSheet) // das neue Sheet wird dem Sheets-Objekt hinzugefügt
//Sheet.add newDoc newSheet
@@ -748,7 +862,7 @@ let newDoc2 = Spreadsheet.fromFile fullpath false
-// noch h�rteres ToyExample
+// noch härteres ToyExample
// C#
let mySpreadsheetDocument = SpreadsheetDocument.Create(@"C:\Users\Mauso\OneDrive\CSB-Stuff\testFiles\testExcelCreated2.xlsx", SpreadsheetDocumentType.Workbook)
@@ -1040,8 +1154,8 @@ Spreadsheet.close thisSpreadsheetDocument
JaggedArray.init 3 7 (fun i j -> i * 2, j * 3)
-// TO DO: Vesuchen, irgendwie die SheetID aus dem WorksheetPart zu bekommen, sodass am Ende SheetName und Worksheet(Part) gematcht werden k�nnen.
-// Ist wichtig, um sp�ter Sheets herstellen und mit den entsprechenden hergestellten Worksheet(Part)s verkn�pfen zu k�nnen.
+// TO DO: Vesuchen, irgendwie die SheetID aus dem WorksheetPart zu bekommen, sodass am Ende SheetName und Worksheet(Part) gematcht werden können.
+// Ist wichtig, um später Sheets herstellen und mit den entsprechenden hergestellten Worksheet(Part)s verknüpfen zu können.
let matchSheetIDWithWorksheet =
|> Worksheet.WorksheetPart.
diff --git a/templates/1SPL01_plants/1SPL01_plants.xlsx b/templates/1SPL01_plants/1SPL01_plants.xlsx
index e3a04ff..96de5df 100644
Binary files a/templates/1SPL01_plants/1SPL01_plants.xlsx and b/templates/1SPL01_plants/1SPL01_plants.xlsx differ
diff --git a/templates/1SPL01_plants/1SPL01_plants_deprecated.xlsx b/templates/1SPL01_plants/1SPL01_plants_deprecated.xlsx
deleted file mode 100644
index cdd8b78..0000000
Binary files a/templates/1SPL01_plants/1SPL01_plants_deprecated.xlsx and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/templates/2EXT01_RNA/2EXT01_RNA.xlsx b/templates/2EXT01_RNA/2EXT01_RNA.xlsx
index 478b717..b31eb62 100644
Binary files a/templates/2EXT01_RNA/2EXT01_RNA.xlsx and b/templates/2EXT01_RNA/2EXT01_RNA.xlsx differ
diff --git a/templates/2EXT01_RNA/2EXT01_RNA_deprecated.xlsx b/templates/2EXT01_RNA/2EXT01_RNA_deprecated.xlsx
deleted file mode 100644
index 4ec5b5e..0000000
Binary files a/templates/2EXT01_RNA/2EXT01_RNA_deprecated.xlsx and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/templates/2EXT02_Protein/2EXT02_Protein.xlsx b/templates/2EXT02_Protein/2EXT02_Protein.xlsx
index 13e431f..1dc4091 100644
Binary files a/templates/2EXT02_Protein/2EXT02_Protein.xlsx and b/templates/2EXT02_Protein/2EXT02_Protein.xlsx differ
diff --git a/templates/2EXT02_Protein/2EXT02_Protein_deprecated.xlsx b/templates/2EXT02_Protein/2EXT02_Protein_deprecated.xlsx
deleted file mode 100644
index 68cbd2e..0000000
Binary files a/templates/2EXT02_Protein/2EXT02_Protein_deprecated.xlsx and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/templates/2EXT03_Metabolites/2EXT03_Metabolites.xlsx b/templates/2EXT03_Metabolites/2EXT03_Metabolites.xlsx
index 2d9f8ff..a93f9b2 100644
Binary files a/templates/2EXT03_Metabolites/2EXT03_Metabolites.xlsx and b/templates/2EXT03_Metabolites/2EXT03_Metabolites.xlsx differ
diff --git a/templates/2EXT03_Metabolites/2EXT03_Metabolites_deprecated.xlsx b/templates/2EXT03_Metabolites/2EXT03_Metabolites_deprecated.xlsx
deleted file mode 100644
index e49aa15..0000000
Binary files a/templates/2EXT03_Metabolites/2EXT03_Metabolites_deprecated.xlsx and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/templates/2EXT04_DNA/2EXT04_DNA.xlsx b/templates/2EXT04_DNA/2EXT04_DNA.xlsx
index 1c584a0..4636e52 100644
Binary files a/templates/2EXT04_DNA/2EXT04_DNA.xlsx and b/templates/2EXT04_DNA/2EXT04_DNA.xlsx differ
diff --git a/templates/2EXT04_DNA/2EXT04_DNA_deprecated.xlsx b/templates/2EXT04_DNA/2EXT04_DNA_deprecated.xlsx
deleted file mode 100644
index 5b5b370..0000000
Binary files a/templates/2EXT04_DNA/2EXT04_DNA_deprecated.xlsx and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/templates/2EXT05_Imaging/2EXT05_Imaging.xlsx b/templates/2EXT05_Imaging/2EXT05_Imaging.xlsx
index f90e490..45cb8db 100644
Binary files a/templates/2EXT05_Imaging/2EXT05_Imaging.xlsx and b/templates/2EXT05_Imaging/2EXT05_Imaging.xlsx differ
diff --git a/templates/3ASY01_RNASeq/3ASY01_RNASeq.xlsx b/templates/3ASY01_RNASeq/3ASY01_RNASeq.xlsx
index bd72fe1..de408a2 100644
Binary files a/templates/3ASY01_RNASeq/3ASY01_RNASeq.xlsx and b/templates/3ASY01_RNASeq/3ASY01_RNASeq.xlsx differ
diff --git a/templates/3ASY01_RNASeq/3ASY01_RNASeq_deprecated.xlsx b/templates/3ASY01_RNASeq/3ASY01_RNASeq_deprecated.xlsx
deleted file mode 100644
index 5cac53f..0000000
Binary files a/templates/3ASY01_RNASeq/3ASY01_RNASeq_deprecated.xlsx and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/templates/3ASY02_ProteomicsMassSpec/3ASY02_ProteomicsMassSpec.xlsx b/templates/3ASY02_ProteomicsMassSpec/3ASY02_ProteomicsMassSpec.xlsx
index c734c33..8910f06 100644
Binary files a/templates/3ASY02_ProteomicsMassSpec/3ASY02_ProteomicsMassSpec.xlsx and b/templates/3ASY02_ProteomicsMassSpec/3ASY02_ProteomicsMassSpec.xlsx differ
diff --git a/templates/3ASY02_ProteomicsMassSpec/3ASY02_ProteomicsMassSpec_deprecated.xlsx b/templates/3ASY02_ProteomicsMassSpec/3ASY02_ProteomicsMassSpec_deprecated.xlsx
deleted file mode 100644
index 12b5694..0000000
Binary files a/templates/3ASY02_ProteomicsMassSpec/3ASY02_ProteomicsMassSpec_deprecated.xlsx and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/templates/3ASY03_MetabolomicsMassSpec/3ASY03_MetabolomicsMassSpec.xlsx b/templates/3ASY03_MetabolomicsMassSpec/3ASY03_MetabolomicsMassSpec.xlsx
index 4f346b4..2d69170 100644
Binary files a/templates/3ASY03_MetabolomicsMassSpec/3ASY03_MetabolomicsMassSpec.xlsx and b/templates/3ASY03_MetabolomicsMassSpec/3ASY03_MetabolomicsMassSpec.xlsx differ
diff --git a/templates/3ASY03_MetabolomicsMassSpec/3ASY03_MetabolomicsMassSpec_deprecated.xlsx b/templates/3ASY03_MetabolomicsMassSpec/3ASY03_MetabolomicsMassSpec_deprecated.xlsx
deleted file mode 100644
index ae20cd0..0000000
Binary files a/templates/3ASY03_MetabolomicsMassSpec/3ASY03_MetabolomicsMassSpec_deprecated.xlsx and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/templates/3ASY04_Genomics/3ASY04_Genomics.xlsx b/templates/3ASY04_Genomics/3ASY04_Genomics.xlsx
index 2a712a2..4044639 100644
Binary files a/templates/3ASY04_Genomics/3ASY04_Genomics.xlsx and b/templates/3ASY04_Genomics/3ASY04_Genomics.xlsx differ
diff --git a/templates/3ASY04_Genomics/3ASY04_Genomics_deprecated.xlsx b/templates/3ASY04_Genomics/3ASY04_Genomics_deprecated.xlsx
deleted file mode 100644
index 7be8413..0000000
Binary files a/templates/3ASY04_Genomics/3ASY04_Genomics_deprecated.xlsx and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/templates/3ASY05_Imaging/3ASY05_Imaging.xlsx b/templates/3ASY05_Imaging/3ASY05_Imaging.xlsx
index 552925a..4f6bd51 100644
Binary files a/templates/3ASY05_Imaging/3ASY05_Imaging.xlsx and b/templates/3ASY05_Imaging/3ASY05_Imaging.xlsx differ
diff --git a/templates/4COM01_RNASeq/4COM01_RNASeq.xlsx b/templates/4COM01_RNASeq/4COM01_RNASeq.xlsx
index becd949..1cf3f6d 100644
Binary files a/templates/4COM01_RNASeq/4COM01_RNASeq.xlsx and b/templates/4COM01_RNASeq/4COM01_RNASeq.xlsx differ
diff --git a/templates/4COM01_RNASeq/4COM01_RNASeq_deprecated.xlsx b/templates/4COM01_RNASeq/4COM01_RNASeq_deprecated.xlsx
deleted file mode 100644
index 66ee123..0000000
Binary files a/templates/4COM01_RNASeq/4COM01_RNASeq_deprecated.xlsx and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/templates/4COM02_ProteomicsDataProcessing/4COM02_ProteomicsDataProcessing.xlsx b/templates/4COM02_ProteomicsDataProcessing/4COM02_ProteomicsDataProcessing.xlsx
index 7836c5f..45f194e 100644
Binary files a/templates/4COM02_ProteomicsDataProcessing/4COM02_ProteomicsDataProcessing.xlsx and b/templates/4COM02_ProteomicsDataProcessing/4COM02_ProteomicsDataProcessing.xlsx differ
diff --git a/templates/4COM02_ProteomicsDataProcessing/4COM02_ProteomicsDataProcessing_deprecated.xlsx b/templates/4COM02_ProteomicsDataProcessing/4COM02_ProteomicsDataProcessing_deprecated.xlsx
deleted file mode 100644
index 1dfec06..0000000
Binary files a/templates/4COM02_ProteomicsDataProcessing/4COM02_ProteomicsDataProcessing_deprecated.xlsx and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/templates/4COM03_Metabolomics/4COM03_Metabolomics.xlsx b/templates/4COM03_Metabolomics/4COM03_Metabolomics.xlsx
index 176ca4f..d258678 100644
Binary files a/templates/4COM03_Metabolomics/4COM03_Metabolomics.xlsx and b/templates/4COM03_Metabolomics/4COM03_Metabolomics.xlsx differ
diff --git a/templates/4COM03_Metabolomics/4COM03_Metabolomics_deprecated.xlsx b/templates/4COM03_Metabolomics/4COM03_Metabolomics_deprecated.xlsx
deleted file mode 100644
index 1ba1dd7..0000000
Binary files a/templates/4COM03_Metabolomics/4COM03_Metabolomics_deprecated.xlsx and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/templates/4COM04_GenomeAssembly/4COM04_GenomeAssembly.xlsx b/templates/4COM04_GenomeAssembly/4COM04_GenomeAssembly.xlsx
index e3a6868..e7bab27 100644
Binary files a/templates/4COM04_GenomeAssembly/4COM04_GenomeAssembly.xlsx and b/templates/4COM04_GenomeAssembly/4COM04_GenomeAssembly.xlsx differ
diff --git a/templates/4COM04_GenomeAssembly/4COM04_GenomeAssembly_deprecated.xlsx b/templates/4COM04_GenomeAssembly/4COM04_GenomeAssembly_deprecated.xlsx
deleted file mode 100644
index 8d46ce0..0000000
Binary files a/templates/4COM04_GenomeAssembly/4COM04_GenomeAssembly_deprecated.xlsx and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/templates/4COM05_Imaging/4COM05_Imaging.xlsx b/templates/4COM05_Imaging/4COM05_Imaging.xlsx
index df795ff..9eedc23 100644
Binary files a/templates/4COM05_Imaging/4COM05_Imaging.xlsx and b/templates/4COM05_Imaging/4COM05_Imaging.xlsx differ