TOAST UI Chart Vue Wrapper has been managed separately from the TOAST UI Chart repository. As a result of the distribution of these issues, we decided to deprecated each wrapper repository and manage repository as a mono-repo from the TOAST UI Chart repository.
From now on, please submit issues or contributings related to TOAST UI Vue Wrapper to TOAST UI Chart repository. Thank youπ.
This is Vue component wrapping TOAST UI Chart.
- Collect statistics on the use of open source
- Install
- Usage
- Pull Request Steps
- Documents
- Contributing
- License
Vue Wrapper of TOAST UI Chart applies Google Analytics (GA) to collect statistics on the use of open source, in order to identify how widely TOAST UI Chart is used throughout the world. It also serves as important index to determine the future course of projects. location.hostname (e.g. > β") is to be collected and the sole purpose is nothing but to measure statistics on the usage. To disable GA, use the following usageStatistics
options when declare Vue Wrapper compoent.
var options = {
usageStatistics: false
Or, include tui-code-snippet.js
(v1.4.0 or later) and then immediately write the options as follows:
tui.usageStatistics = false;
npm install --save @toast-ui/vue-chart
You can use Toast UI Chart for Vue as moudule format or namespace. When using module format, you should load tui-chart.css
in the script. Also, map files are not included, so if you want to use a map chart, you have to import map files in the same way.
Using Ecmascript module
import 'tui-chart/dist/tui-chart.css' import { barChart, lineChart } from '@toast-ui/vue-chart'
Using Commonjs module
require('tui-chart/dist/tui-chart.css'); var toastui = require('@toast-ui/vue-chart'); var barChart = toastui.barChart; var lineChart = toastui.lineChart;
Using namespace
var barChart = toastui.barChart; var lineChart = toastui.lineChart;
Using map files
import 'tui-chart/dist/maps/south-korea'; import { mapChart } from '@toast-ui/vue-chart'
You can use all kinds of charts in tui.chart. Vue Components for each chart types are:
If you want to use
, insert<bar-chart>
in the template or
prop is required.<bar-chart :data="chartData"/>
Load chart component and then add it to the
in your component or Vue instance.If you want to use
, implement like this:import 'tui-chart/dist/tui-chart.css' import { barChart } from '@toast-ui/vue-chart' export default { components: { 'bar-chart': barChart }, data() { return { chartData: { // for 'data' prop of 'bar-chart' categories: ['July', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov'], series: [ { name: 'Budget', data: [3000, 5000, 7000, 6000, 4000] }, { name: 'Income', data: [1000, 7000, 2000, 5000, 3000] } ] } } } }
import 'tui-chart/dist/tui-chart.css' import { barChart } from '@toast-ui/vue-chart' new Vue({ el: '#app', components: { 'bar-chart': barChart }, data() { return { chartData: { // for 'data' prop of 'bar-chart' categories: ['July', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov'], series: [ { name: 'Budget', data: [3000, 5000, 7000, 6000, 4000] }, { name: 'Income', data: [1000, 7000, 2000, 5000, 3000] } ] } } } });
You can use data
, options
, theme
props for initailize tui.chart.
If you want to use other maps, you should use map
For more detail with example, see Getting-Started
Name | Type | Required | Description |
data | Object | O | This prop is for data of the chart. When you change data, chart is rendering for changing data. |
options | Object | X | This prop is for options of tui.chart. You can configuration about chart. |
theme | Object | X | This prop can change theme of the chart. |
map | Object | X | If you want to use other maps, you set Object that is required name and value . |
For more detail with example, see Getting-Started
Name | Description |
load | This event occurs when the chart is loaded, except options has showLabel: true in the series. |
selectLegend | This event occurs when the label of legend is clicked. |
selectSeries | This event occurs when options has allowSelect: true in the series and then the series is selected. |
unselectSeries | This event occurs when options has allowSelect: true in the series and then the series is unselected. |
beforeShowTooltip | This event occurs before tooltip show. |
afterShowTooltip | This event occurs after tooltip show. |
beforeHideTooltip | This event occurs before tooltip hide. |
zoom | This event occurs when change rate of zoom. |
changeCheckedLegends | This event occurs when the legend's checkbox changes. |
For use method, first you need to assign ref attribute of element like this:
<bar-chart ref="tuiBarChart" data="chartData"/>
After then you can use methods through this.$refs
. We provide invoke
method. You can use invoke
method to call the method of tui.chart. First argument of invoke is name of the method and second argument is parameters of the method.
this.$refs.tuiBarChart.invoke('resize', {
width: 500,
height: 500
const checkedLegend = this.$refs.tuiBarChart.invoke('getCheckedLegend');
In the api document, check the methods for each chart type.
TOAST UI products are open source, so you can create a pull request(PR) after you fix issues. Run npm scripts and develop yourself with the following process.
Fork develop
branch into your personal repository.
Clone it to local computer. Install node modules.
Before starting development, you should check to haveany errors.
$ git clone{your-personal-repo}/[[repo name]].git
$ cd [[repo name]]
$ npm install
Let's start development!
Before PR, check to test lastly and then check any errors. If it has no error, commit and then push it!
For more information on PR's step, please see links of Contributing section.