Caffe Model to detect Gender
Models can be downloaded from here
- age_gender_mean.t7
- haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml
- deploy_gender.prototxt
- gender_net.caffemodel
- mean.binaryproto
- Caffe Installation here
- Torch Installation with Luahere
- Other installations (Run 'luarocks install dpnn', 'pip install lutorpy')
- Download the trained model zip file from the link above and unzip the file
- Put all the model files in folder 'models'
- keep the codes and 'models' in the same location
- Make sure Camera is connected as USBID is 0(default)
- To check different implementation, run the following codes
- python : Python wrapper to run Lua code, fastest code
- th gender_demo_torch.lua : Lua code to detect gender, best accuracy
- python : Caffe code, slower
As far as speed is concerned, you can check a discussion over here. GilLevi/AgeGenderDeepLearning#6
The subtraction from the mean is a way of normalization, please find a detailed answer here