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Extends HasModels

The AdminBase class provides a set of helper CRUD classes for defining Admin-UI based admin pages.


class TodoAdmin extends AdminBase {
 base () {
    return '/todo'
 model () {
    return 'todo'
 templateDir () {
    return __dirname+'/views'


The base url for the Admin CRUD UI.

Returns string Defaults to /<models>


Fields in the model to show

Returns array


The display name for the model to use in the Admin UI

Returns string Defaults to <model>


The class to use for the nav icon.

Returns string Defaults to fa fa-file


Fields in the model to ignore in the UI

Returns string


Define the primary model for this admin module

Returns string


Returns a hash of currently used models.

Returns [type] [description]


Define any populated relationships for the model

Returns array


The directory to find the templates.

Returns string Defaults to null.


The prefix to use for the templates. Defaults to admin-<model>-

Returns string


Options for data-loader on upload


return {identityFields: ['name'], mapping: {Name: 'name'}}

Returns string


Allow upload of models by this file type


return 'csv'

Returns string


Build Status

An Admin UI Framework for Nxus Apps.


> npm install nxus-admin-ui --save

Optional Module Configuration

There are two configuration options you can specify in your package.json file to change the way the admin-ui module functions. All configuration should be under the admin-ui section of the config key.

  • basePath: the base path, defaults to /admin
  • adminTemplate: the admin template to use, defaults to 'admin'

For example:

"config": {
  "admin-ui": {
    "basePath": "/otherRoute",
    "adminTemplate": "myAdmin"


The Admin Interface is made up of pages and routes. Pages are rendered content displayed in the Admin Interface. Routes are callbacks that don't render anything, but perform application logic (like a save handler).

Admin Pages

You can define pages in three ways using the adminPage provider.

A partial

If you supply a valid filepath, the Admin interface will use that partial to render the page content for display.

admin.adminPage('Page Title', '/partial', {iconClass: 'fa fa-file'}, __dirname+"/views/page.ejs")
A string

If you provide a string, the string will be passed to the admin page template as is.

admin.adminPage('Page Title', '/content', {iconClass: 'fa fa-file'}, (req, res) => {
  return "this is handler content"
A callback

If you provide a callback, the return should either a string or a Promise for a string.

admin.adminPage('Page Title', '/function', (req, res) => {
  return Promise.resolve('Some text');
Page Configuration Options
  • class: string
  • iconClass: string
  • nav: boolean
  • order: integer

Admin Routes

A handler function
admin.adminRoute('get', '/redirect', (req, res) => {


The Admin UI provides a set of convenience functions for defining administrative actions for models and model instances.

Instance Actions

Use the instanceAction gatherer to define actions that relate to a specific instance. For example, view could defined as:

this.admin.instanceAction(this.model(), 'view', 'view', {iconClass:"fa fa-eye", suffixName: true})

Default Instance Actions

The Admin UI module provides the 'Edit' and 'Delete' instance action for you automatically.

Model Actions

Use model actions to do something that applys to the entire class, or no specific instance.

this.admin.modelAction(this.model(), 'Delete All', 'deleteall', {iconClass:"fa fa-remove", suffixName: true})

Default Model Actions

The Admin UI module provides the 'Create' model action for you automatically.

Model View helpers

The module provides a helper for generating list/detail views from a model:

app.get('admin-ui').adminModel('user', {base: '/users', titleField: 'email'})

You may pass in an options object, as in this example, or subclass of ViewBase, or a string path to a subclass of ViewBase.

import {AdminBase} from '@nxus/admin-ui'

class UserView extends AdminBase {
  model() {
    return 'user'
  base() {
    return '/users'
  titleField() {
    return 'email



If you want to provide your own 404 or 500 page, define the relevant new template. Base-ui will use these to handle the routes above.

List and Detail View

You can specify your own list view template to use instead of the default. The base-ui module looks for a template matching the following pattern: admin-<model>-list and admin-<model>-detail.

Each template will be passed either a model instance (for detail view) or an array of models (for list view), using the model name.

So using the examples above:

app.get('templater').templateFunction('admin-user-list', (opts) => {
  return app.get('renderer').render("ejs", "<% users.forEach(function(user){ .... }) %>", opts)

app.get('templater').template('admin-user-detail', 'ejs', () => {
  return app.get('renderer').render("ejs", "Email: <%= %>", opts)





Creates a CRUD UI for the specified model, including all routes and views. You can pass in the following combinations:

  1. a model name and opts hash.
  2. a path to a file which is a subclass of AdminBase
  3. a class which is a subclass of AdminBase

Routes created are:

  • /admin/<base>: list page
  • /admin/<base>/create: create new instance
  • /admin/<base>/edit/:id: edit existing instance
  • /admin/<base>/destroy/:id: destroy existing instance

Views which can be overriden are:

  • admin-<model>-form: the create/edit form
  • admin-<model>-list: the list page view

The generated form for edit/create currently handles simple types (string, float, boolean, etc) and foreign key fields as a dropdown of all the related models.

Options available are:

  • base: the url at which the CRUD paths are created. For example, '/users'.
  • iconClass: the icon class to use in the Nav. Used in tag.
  • templatePrefix: a custom prefix for generated templates. Defaults to admin-<model>.
  • ignore: an array of model fields to ignore in the UI. Defaults to ['id', 'createdAt', 'updatedAt']
  • templateDir: a directory containing the list/form templates for the model. Defaults to none.
  • displayName: an alternate name to use for the display in the Admin UI. Defaults to model.


  • model (string|class) Can either be a model name, a path to a file or an AdminBase Subclass.
  • opts Object=(default {}) An options hash, wich is used to configure the CRUD UI.


Register a page for inclusion in the admin site and navigation Page template will receive (and can set in opts):

  • class: string
  • iconClass: string
  • nav: boolean
  • order: integer


  • title String The title of the page, and navigation link
  • path String The url path for the page
  • opts object Additional options for the rendering of this page
  • handler (string|template-partial|function) for rendering this page


Register a raw route for inclusion in the admin site


  • method String The HTTP method to handle
  • path String The url path for the page
  • handler function for rendering this page


Get the registered actions for model instances


  • model String The model identity


Get the registered actions for model


  • model String The model identity


Register an action for the model detail page


  • model String The model identity to include this action, or '*'
  • label String The button label for this action
  • subURL String The url for this action (register this as an adminPage separately)
  • opts object Additional options: class, iconClass, suffixName


Register an action for the model list page


  • model String The model identity to include this action, or '*'
  • label String The button label for this action
  • subURL String The url for this action (register this as an adminPage separately)
  • opts object Additional options: class, iconClass, suffixName


An Admin UI Framework for Nxus Apps







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