The Nxus router is an Express compatible web server and router for Nxus applications.
In your Nxus application:
> npm install nxus-router --save
'router': {
'staticRoutesInSession': false, // Should static routes use sessions
'sessionStoreName': 'file-store-session', // name of a registered session store name
'bodyParserJsonOptions': {'limit': '1mb'}, // Config options for body parser json handling
'bodyParserUrlEncodeOptions': {extended: true, limit: "1mb"} // Config options for body parser urlencoded form handling,
'bodyParserRawRoutes': ['/route'] // Use raw instead of json processing for these routes
'bodyParserRawOptions': {'type': 'application/json'} // Config options for raw body parser routes,
Session store settings (like cookie maxAge, domain) are set per-session-store, e.g.
'waterline_sessions': {
'cookie': {
'maxAge': 86400000,
'domain': ''
import {router} from 'nxus-router'
router.route('/', (req, res) => {
res.send('Hello World')
Alternatively, you can specify a HTTP method:
router.route('GET', '/', (req, res) => {
res.send('Hello World')
router.middleware((req, res) => {
res.status(404).send('Nothing to see here')
router.staticRoute("/my-prefix", myPath)
For example, myFile.txt
in myPath
is then available at the url /my-prefix/myFile.txt
Extends NxusModule
Router provides Express based HTTP routing
import {router} from 'nxus-router'
Returns the internal routing table.
Returns array routes which have been registered
Returns the Express App instance.
Returns Instance ExpressJs app instance.
Sets the middleware handler for sessions, first in the configured stack
string If config names a session handler, only that name will be acceptedhandler
function An ExpressJs type callback to handle the route.
Adds a middleware handler to the internal routing table passed to Express
string A URL route or the handler for all routeshandler
function An ExpressJs type callback to handle the route.method
string? optional HTTP method, defaults to all ('use') (optional, default'use'
Adds a route to express.
string? Either 'get', 'post', 'put' or 'delete'. Defaults to 'get'.route
string A URL route.handler
function An ExpressJs type callback to handle the route.
Adds a path to serve static files.