Starter, scaffold, or boilerplate code for projects developed mainly in Python. The note was inspired by a Real Python tutorial.
Common task — capture dependencies for both tests and code:
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
information: if no license (file?) is included with the code, the code is fully copyrighted by default in most jurisdictions. This means no one has a right to use it or copy it in any fashion! I'm using MIT License for my Python templates.
This template is for a single-file Python program, often called a script. It works both for code with or without dependencies.
To begin, generate a new repository using python-template-oneoff template repository.
To manage dependencies, create a virtual environment.
To run the unit test suite for the script:
$ python -m unittest
This template steps up in complexity. It is a multi-file Python module.
- Now there are multiple Python files, grouped into a module.
- Now there are multiple test files. The test coverage is checked as well.
- Another tool useful for larger programs is a linter (
To begin, generate a new repository using python-template-single-package template repository.
To run the tests, there is a
bash script:
- it runs the tests;
- it runs the test coverage tool from PyPI coverage suite;
- it can be made to run a linter at the end, as well.
TODO this template is an example of a multi-module Python program.