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Releases: omni/token-bridge

TokenBridge Oracle 1.3.1

24 May 14:52
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The version of TokenBridge oracle supports operations in three modes:

  • Native-to-ERC20 to relay native coin to an bridgeable ERC20 token;
  • ERC20-to-ERC20 to relay an ERC20 token to a bridgeable ERC20 token;
  • ERC20-to-Native to relay an ERC20 token to a native coin.

The version of bridge contracts to be used with this version of the token bridge is 2.3.x.

This version contains the following changes:

  • Fix: Update contract submodule for e2e testing and ABI files (#148)

TokenBridge Oracle 1.3.0

23 May 12:23
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The version of TokenBridge oracle supports operations in three modes:

  • Native-to-ERC20 to relay native coin to an bridgeable ERC20 token;
  • ERC20-to-ERC20 to relay an ERC20 token to a bridgeable ERC20 token;
  • ERC20-to-Native to relay an ERC20 token to a native coin.

The version of bridge contracts to be used with this version of the token bridge is 2.3.x.

This version contains the following changes:

  • Enhancement: Add support for UserRequestForAffirmation event on erc-to-erc mode (#145)
  • Fix: Usage of 2.2.0 bridges contracts instead of 2.1.0 in e2e tests (#140)
  • Fix: Update README with details about redis and rabbit volume in docker (#147)

TokenBridge 1.3.0-rc0

06 May 10:53
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TokenBridge 1.3.0-rc0 Pre-release

The version of TokenBridge oracle supports operations in three modes:

  • Native-to-ERC20 to relay native coin to an bridgeable ERC20 token;
  • ERC20-to-ERC20 to relay an ERC20 token to a bridgeable ERC20 token;
  • ERC20-to-Native to relay an ERC20 token to a native coin.

The bridge contracts to be used with this version of the token bridge is 2.3.x (

The following changes were included in this version:

  • Enhancement: Add support for UserRequestForAffirmation event on erc-to-erc mode (#145)
  • Fix: Usage of 2.2.0 bridges contracts instead of 2.1.0 in e2e tests (#140)

TokenBridge 1.2.0

01 Apr 17:26
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The version of TokenBridge oracle supports operations in three modes:

  • Native-to-ERC20 to relay native coin to an bridgeable ERC20 token;
  • ERC20-to-ERC20 to relay an ERC20 token to a bridgeable ERC20 token;
  • ERC20-to-Native to relay an ERC20 token to a native coin.

The bridge contracts to be used with this version of the token bridge is 2.2.x (

It was deployed to serve the ETC-WETC bridge between the Ethereum Classic and the Ethereum Mainnet chains in Native-to-ERC20 mode. The special version (omni/tokenbridge-contracts@a072da6) of the bridge contracts based on 2.2.0 with the Fee Manager feature added and adapted for Ethereum Classic environment was used.

The following changes were included in this version:

  • Enhancement: Use ChainId on sender worker instead of NetworkId (#136)
  • Fix: README updates (#130)
  • Fix: Attack to the gas price oracle could lead to drying out of a validator balance](#133)

POA token bridge 1.1.0

29 Dec 09:00
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The version of POA Token Bridge supports operations in three modes:

  • Native-to-ERC20 to relay native coin to an bridgeable ERC20 token and vice versa;
  • ERC20-to-ERC20 to relay an ERC20 token to a bridgeable ERC20 token;
  • ERC20-to-Native to relay an ERC20 token to a native coin.

The bridge contracts to be used with this version of the token bridge is 2.1.x (

The following changes were included in this version:

  • Improvement: addressing security issues found in the docker environment (#119, #123, #125)
  • Improvement: integrating the security audit report (#122)
  • Fix: Remove VALIDATOR_ADDRESS parameter from .env.example (#117)

POA token bridge 1.1.0-rc1

08 Nov 11:17
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The version of POA Token Bridge supports operations in three modes:

  • Native-to-ERC20 to relay native coin to an bridgeable ERC20 token and vice versa;
  • ERC20-to-ERC20 to relay an ERC20 token to a bridgeable ERC20 token;
  • ERC20-to-Native to relay an ERC20 token to a native coin.

The bridge contracts to be used with this version of the token bridge is 2.1.0 (

The following improvement was done:

  • A script to return Ethereum address from a private key can be used in the deployment playbooks (#107)
  • Run a watchdog timer in watchers (#105)
  • Simplified configuration for the transaction generation scripts to get the tokens addresses from the bridge contracts (5e36ca2)
  • The transaction generation scripts will check if the amount of assets is being tried to send is less than minimal amount specified in the bridge contracts (5e71d8e)
  • Added the parameters to specify the gas price for the transaction generation scripts (5ec159d)
  • An imporvement to get the validator address from the private key allows to secure environments for watchers run in the docker (6575f0f)
  • Improvements in the logging subsystem to help with issues troubleshooting

Including fixes for the issues:

  • Transaction fails for the last validator in native-to-erc20 mode (#111)
  • Incorrect behavior if *_GAS_PRICE_UPDATE_INTERVAL is not defined (#83)
  • Start block parameter skipped when a watcher is started first time (#87)

POA token bridge 1.1.0-rc0

14 Oct 23:16
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The version of POA Token Bridge supports operations in three modes:

  • Native-to-ERC20 to relay native coin to an bridgeable ERC20 token and vice versa;
  • ERC20-to-ERC20 to relay an ERC20 token to a bridgeable ERC20 token;
  • ERC20-to-Natvie to relay an ERC20 token to a native coin.

It was deployed to serve the POA Bridge between the Ethereum Mainnet and the Dai chain in ERC20-to-Native mode. The release candidate 2.1.0-rc0 ( of the bridge contract was used.

The feature included in this release:

  • the gas price used for the bridge transaction is meant to be in wei (2173d84 and 451da02).

POA token bridge 1.0.0

09 Oct 14:39
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The first official version of POA Token Bridge.

It supports operations in two modes:

  • Native-to-ERC20 to relay native coin to an bridgeable ERC20 token and vice versa;
  • ERC20-to-ERC20 to relay an ERC20 token to a bridgeable ERC20 token.

The recommended version of POA bridge contracts is 2.0.0.

The features included in this release:

  • The validator confirmations are collected on Home side of the bridge assuming that the Home bridge is the network with low gas price;
  • A gas price oracle is used for validator transactions;
  • NPM and Docker can be used to run one bridge instance.

POA token bridge 0.0.1

02 Jul 18:35
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Proof-of-concept of POA token bridge