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Conversion From Object

Ozgur Ozcitak edited this page Dec 10, 2013 · 19 revisions

Child nodes can also be created by passing an object to the element or create functions. Here is an example:

var obj = {
  person: {
    name: "John",
    '@age': 35,
    address: {
      city: "Istanbul"
    '#list': [
      { phone: { '#text': "555-1234", '@type': 'home' } }, 
      { phone: { '#text': "555-1235", '@type': 'mobile' } }
    id: function() {
      return 42;

var builder = require('xmlbuilder');
var root = builder.create(obj);

The resulting XML will be:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<person age="35">
  <phone type="home">555-1234</phone>
  <phone type="mobile">555-1235</phone>


Objects will be expanded recursively and each name-value pair is converted to an XML node. If the value is a function, it will be evaluated and its return value will be the node value.

  person: { 
    id: function() { return 42; },
    name: "John"


Arrays will also be expanded and each array item is converted to an XML node.

  numbers: [ 
    three: { "@val": 3 }
  <three val="3"/>


XML attributes and special nodes are recognized with decorator strings. For example, if an object name starts with @, it will be converted to an XML attribute. Decorators can be customized while calling the create method. Default decorators are shown below.

var root = xmlbuilder.create(obj, {
  stringify: {
    convertAttKey: '@',
    convertTextKey: '#text',
    convertCDataKey: '#cdata',
    convertCommentKey: '#comment',
    convertRawKey: '#raw',
    convertListKey: '#list'

Attribute Decorator

Attribute decorator (default @) marks its name-value pair as an attribute. Those attributes are collected and applied to the parent node.

  person: {
    name: "John",
    "@age": 35
<person age="35">

Text Decorator

Text decorator (default #text) marks its value as a text node.

  person: {
    name: "John",
    "#text": "Smith"

CData Decorator

CData decorator (default #cdata) marks its value as a CData node.

  person: {
    name: "John",
    "#cdata": "Smith"

Comment Decorator

Comment decorator (default #comment) marks its value as a comment node.

  person: {
    name: "John",
    "#comment": "Smith"
  <!-- Smith -->

Raw Decorator

Raw decorator (default #raw) marks its value as a text node, but its contents will not be escaped.

  person: {
    name: "John",
    "#raw": "&<>&"

List Decorator

List decorator (default #list) marks its value as a list of nodes. In this case, a parent node will not be created; list items will be appended to the immediate parent node.

  person: {
    name: "John",
    '#list': [
      { phone: "555-1234" },
      { phone: "555-1235" }
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