Built using Hyperfiles: https://github.com/flowscience/hyperfiles
An implementation of Hypercerts using Near Protocol's Blockchain Operating System (BOS). Hypercerts on BOS (HoB) is a decentralized front-end stored entirely on-chain that interacts with both the Near socialDB contract as well as the Hypercert contract on Optimism to enable minting on either network. The entire application can be integrated into any BOS gateway deployment such as near.org, near.social, and opencann.net with a single line of code. BOS native Hypercerts leveraging a standardized type schema. Standardized fields can make Hypercerts composable with other implementations of impact certificates (e.g. to aggregate & analyze metadata like scope, dates, contributors, etc).
Docs https://www.notion.so/opencann/Hypercerts-on-BOS-a779c2abf7e54e4bb5782e569dd14419
Demo https://near.org/flowscience.near/widget/create.hypercert
Built during Funding The Commons, Public Goods Hackathon (Aug 2023) https://app.buidlbox.io/projects/hypercerts-on-bos
metadata: redundant fields applicable to any type or thing
- description (s)
- image (s)
- backgroundImage (s)
file: a collection of records
- fileName (str, s)
- fileFormat (thing, s)
- records (thing, m)
- owner (str, s)
- permissions (thing, s)
fileformat: standard types for files
- formatName (str, s)
- fields (thing, m)
fileNames (thing, m)
field: primitives that compose into fileFormats
- fieldName (str, s)
- primitive (str, s)
fileFormats (thing, m)
record: individual pieces of data (a datum)
- recordName (str, s)
- fields (str, m)
- recordValues (str, m)
- recordOwner (str, s)
- isEncrypted (bool, s)
- permissions (thing, s)
- sking.near/widget/DAO.Permissions
These enable files to be used for decentralized compute over Bacalhau via PLEX.
See example Colab notebook for off-chain demo.
- jobName (str, s)
- jobType (thing, s)
- inputfiles (thing, m)
- CID (str, s)
- owner (str, s)
"outputs": {
"outdata": {
"class": "File",
"filepath": "testdata_fastqc.zip",
"ipfs": "QmXXKpKz2w1b992MXpSo3Dmohu46d4V4Y2WXLQZtWa9AKR"
"report": {
"class": "File",
"filepath": "testdata_fastqc.html",
"ipfs": "QmWw6oevnbPqxJGVBMmAVPsRCfHEHcf8D6TFxThXENdx1b"
"tool": {
"name": "fastqc",
"ipfs": "QmRsqab1yXAc8GPipkXkBjTjJq7VpXSRv5qdthLymm4Mzm"
"inputs": {
"reads": {
"class": "File",
"filepath": "testdata.fastq",
"ipfs": "QmUvALPCVL5ZgnRWyvfqjrTSK9UgLW1JJTLsisFooRpcGD"
"state": "completed",
"errMsg": "",
"userId": "",
"bacalhauJobId": "0581f011-8070-4ddb-959b-f6bc2c43e2ed"
Is this redundant with toolconfig???
- jobType (str, s)
- toolConfigFile (thing, s)
- jobFiles (thing, m)
Enforce input file formats are of the appropriate type (so the job will work).
Designate output file formats to enable composability in pipeline builder.
- configName (str, s)
- inputfileFormats (thing, m)
- outputfileFormats (thing, m)
- class
- name
- description
- baseCommand:
Tested working toolConfigFiles can be found on Github (see example below).
"class": "Tool",
"name": "fastqc",
"description": "Comprehensive quality control tool for high-throughput sequence data",
"doi": "https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2202.05146",
"baseCommand": ["/bin/bash", "-c"],
"arguments": [
"fastqc $(inputs.reads.filepath) --outdir=/outputs/"
"dockerPull": "staphb/fastqc:0.12.1@sha256:f5d8f72753269e0cee071fe198c89a59a1f8071445739b3398f7818f7cb039ae",
"gpuBool": false,
"networkBool": false,
"inputs": {
"reads": {
"type": "File",
"glob": ["*.bam", "*.sam", "*.fastq"]
"outputs": {
"report": {
"type": "File",
"glob": ["*.html"]
"outdata": {
"type": "File",
"glob": ["*.zip"]
"class": "CommandLineTool",
"name": "equibind",
"description": "Docking of small molecules to a protein",
"baseCommand": ["/bin/bash", "-c"],
"arguments": [
"mkdir -p /tmp-inputs/tmp;",
"mkdir -p /tmp-outputs/tmp;",
"cp /inputs/* /tmp-inputs/tmp/;",
"ls /tmp-inputs/tmp;",
"cd /src && python /src/inference.py --config=/src/configs_clean/bacalhau.yml;",
"mv /tmp-outputs/tmp/* /outputs/;",
"mv /outputs/lig_equibind_corrected.sdf /outputs/$(inputs.protein.basename)_$(inputs.small_molecule.basename)_docked.$(inputs.small_molecule.ext);",
"mv /tmp-inputs/tmp/*.pdb /outputs/;"],
"dockerPull": "ghcr.io/labdao/equibind:main@sha256:21a381d9ab1ff047565685044569c8536a55e489c9531326498b28d6b3cc244f",
"gpuBool": false,
"networkBool": false,
"inputs": {
"protein": {
"type": "File",
"item": "",
"glob": ["*.pdb"]
"small_molecule": {
"type": "File",
"item": "",
"glob": ["*.sdf", "*.mol2"]
"outputs": {
"best_docked_small_molecule": {
"type": "File",
"item": "",
"glob": ["*_docked.sdf", "*_docked.mol2"]
"protein": {
"type": "File",
"item": "",
"glob": ["*.pdb"]
- every thing else has a metadata thing associated with it already, right???
- or is metadata stored in the socialDB contract?
- https://near.org/efiz.near/widget/every.type.metadata
- every.file
- every.fileformat
- every.record
- every.field
- every.job
- every.jobtype
- every.toolconfig
- {accountId}/thing/impact.file
- every.hypercert
- impact
- fileformat.job
- fileformat.jobType
- fileformat.toolConfig
types = fileformats = types???
- hypercertName (string, s)
- hypercertProject (url, s)
- hypercertScopeTags (list, s)
- hypercertWorkStart (date, s)
- hypercertWorkEnd (date, s) - how to make indefinite? (leave empty)
- hypercertContributors (list, s)
- hypercertUsageRights (str, s)
- hypercertAllowlist (list, s)
- hypercertDistribution (int, s) - how to set deduplicate = TRUE???
- description (string, s)
- image (img, s)
- backgroundImage (img, s)
- hypercert.1
- file.1
- job.1