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Releases: openlayers/openlayers


26 Mar 17:39
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The 6.14 release includes a few new features and fixes. The new loadstart and loadend events make it easy to add loading indicators to your maps. Enhancements to the snap interaction add support for snapping to points coincident with lines and improve performance. A change to WebGL rendering works around an issue in Safari 15.4. Find detail on these improvements and more in the full list of changes below.

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See below for a complete list of features and fixes.

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Full Changelog: v6.13.0...v6.14.0


27 Feb 17:03
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The 6.13 release brings several exciting new features and improvements:

  • A new layer.getData() method to get pixel data for a single layer (see details below).
  • Support for rich text labels in ol/style/Text, to use different font styles and fonts in a single label.
  • The useGeograpic() and setUserProjection() functions in the ol/proj module are now part of the official API. These functions make it easier to work with geographic coordinates or local projections.
  • Improvements for WebGL Tile and Points layers.
  • Performance improvements on ol/Feature, to avoid event creation when there are no listeners.
  • Update of geotiff.js to v2, to fix some build issues that users reported.
  • Improvements to the auto-generated TypeScript types.


New layer.getData() method

Raster layers (static images, image tiles, data tiles) have a new layer.getData(pixel) method that returns the pixel data at the provided location. The return value depends on the underlying source data type. For example, a GeoTIFF may return a Float32Array with one value per band, while a PNG rendered from a tile layer will return a Uint8ClampedArray of RGBA values.

If you were previously using the map.forEachLayerAtPixel() method, you should use the new layer.getData() method instead. The old method returns composite pixel values from multiple layers and is limited to RGBA values. The new method doesn't suffer from these shortcomings and is more performant.

Deprecated map.forEachLayerAtPixel() method

The map.forEachLayerAtPixel() method has been deprecated. It will be removed (or its behavior may change) in the next major release. Please use the layer.getData() method instead.

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See below for a complete list of features and fixes.

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14 Jan 20:33
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The 6.12 release brings a few small fixes and enhancements. See below for a complete list.

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Full Changelog: v6.11.0...v6.12.0


09 Jan 00:19
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This release follows up on the 6.10 release with a fix for Mapbox vector layers rendered over other layers. A handful of other fixes and features are included. See below for more detail.

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Full Changelog: v6.10.0...v6.11.0


28 Dec 23:19
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Just in time for the new year, the 6.10 release brings another great batch of features and fixes for your OpenLayers applications.

WebGL rendering

You can now update the style for your WebGL tile layers with layer.setStyle(). Keep in mind that it is more efficient to use style variables if you want to adjust styling on every render frame. However, in cases where you want to completely reconfigure the style, you can use the new layer.setStyle() method.

Additional WebGL tile layer rendering enhancements:

  • A new palette operator was added that allows styling raster data based on a colormap.
  • The band operator accepts expressions for the band number (in addition to numeric literals) – allowing for bands to be set by user provided style variables, for example.
  • Tile layers now dispatch prerender, postrender, precompose and postcompose events with access to the WebGL rendering context.
  • Layers that are adjacent to one another now share a single canvas element and rendering context – allowing for more layers in your maps before exhausting the browser's context limit.

Vector tiles

The Mapbox vector layer now works more easily with other vector tile providers. In addition, vector tile layers can now be configured with a background color.

New interpolate option for sources

Sources now have an interpolate option. This option controls whether data from the source is interpolated when resampling.

For ol/source/DataTile sources, the default is interpolate: false. This means that when a data tile source is used with a WebGL tile layer renderer, your style expression will have access to pixel values in the data tiles without interpolation. If this option is set to true, linear interpolation will be used when over- or under-sampling the data.

Deprecation of the imageSmoothing option for sources

The imageSmoothing option for sources has been deprecated and will be removed in the next major release. Use the interpolate option instead.

// if you were using `imageSmoothing`
const before = new TileSource({
  imageSmoothing: false

// use the `interpolate` option instead
const after = new TileSource({
  interpolate: false

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See below for more features and fixes.

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12 Oct 20:09
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The 6.9 release brings a few new features and a number of fixes. GeoTIFF sources now have a normalize option. Set normalize: false if you want your style expressions to work with raw floating point values instead of normalized values from 0 to 1. The GeoTIFF source also now uses nodata values from the source imagery – so in most cases you don't need to specify this yourself. For people configuring vector layers with styles that use custom rendering, you can now get hit detection on the rendered result. See details on these features and other included fixes below.

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25 Sep 09:15
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This is a patch release which updates ol.css to restore a legible control button size in applications that do not have a css font-size set for button elements.


24 Sep 20:11
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The 6.8 release builds on the momentum of 6.7 with some great new enhancements. Data tiles now handle 32-bit data in addition to 8-bit. Views properties can now be provided that sources that fetch view-related data. Vector tile rendering got some performance enhancements. Find detail on these features and a number of fixes in the list of changes below.

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09 Sep 17:46
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The 6.7 release includes a great batch of usability improvements, fixes, and new features. See the full list of changes from 100 pull requests below, but here are some highlights:

  • New GeoTIFF source! With parsing support from the awesome geotiff.js library, you can now render layers from hosted GeoTIFF imagery. The GeoTIFF source gives you the ability to pull from multiple GeoTIFF images, read from arbitrary bands, run band math expressions, and style the imagery to your liking.
  • New WebGL tile renderer. The GeoTIFF source is rendered with a new WebGL-based tile renderer. In addition to GeoTIFFs, the renderer supports layers with a generic DataTile source – these can be used to render aribtrary raster data and leverage the same style expressions as described above.
  • More type checking. We continue to make improvements to the TypeScript definitions included in the ol package.
  • New sources supporting the draft OGC API - Tiles specification. The OGCMapTile and OGCVectorTile sources allow you to render data from services that implement the draft OGC tiles spec. Since the specification is not yet final, these sources are not yet part of the stable OpenLayers API and should be considered experimental.
  • Custom cluster creation support, improved KML icon rendering, lots of fixes, and more. See below for all the detail.

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15 Jul 09:23
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This is a bugfix release which brings improvements to the included TypeScript types, and fixes two minor issues with the Draw interaction and hit detection of regular shape symbols.

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