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Andrew Jones aljones15
Full Stack Web Developer with a love of test driven development, statistics & functional programming.

Arlington, VA

Arthur Oliveira da Silva ArthurOSilva

@QuorumUS Canoas - RS - Brazil

Giliard Gomes giliardgomes
Product Designer

Quorum Manaus

Lucas Martins lucasmv2205
Software Engineer

Quorum Washington

Abraão Állysson dos Santos Honório AbraaoHonorio
Staff Software Engineer at Quorum(@QuorumUS). Graduate of Computer Engineering at UFPB, Brazil.

@QuorumUS Brazil

Lia Ximenes LiaXimenes
A Full-Stack Developer that loves to embrace. A creator that above all likes to create confort and sense of belonging to people.

@quorumUS São Paulo - Brasil

Will Elder willelder-q
I make things look good.

Nevada, USA

John Duncan JohnDDuncanIII
Avatar drawing © Renee French

@QuorumUS @mit-ll Washington, DC

Cristian Plotnicu crisplot
Software QA Engineer

Chisinau, Moldova

Dmitriy Atamaniuc atamaniuc
FullStack Software Engineer

Chisinau, Republic of Moldova

Donald James Ross Fulgrim3
studying Computer Science, and close watcher of the NJ/MA/FED budget.

Tozzer Library Cambridge, MA