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Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Celeste C. CelestialAbyss
I am a noob when it comes to code. Not a beginner when it comes to UX, however. Probably running out of time, but it's fine.


Aidan Christie Shini9000
Just a dude who sits at the PC all day... Current projects - HWP Day Z, MallowsUniverse, Darkspace: Frontier

@MallowsUniverse UK, Scotland

ender non EnderNon
tech otakus destroy the world

Chief Hut, Avos Territory, Corkus Scattered Mirror of the Storm

oHate oHate
Java Developer, College Sophmore


FelixTape FelixTape
bru momento numero dos
MasterBro Network MasterBroNetwork
I'm just somebody on GitHub, that's it.

HTTP Error 403: Forbidden

LiamTheNinja5 LiamTheNinja5

@AmericanFlagInPlace United States of America

OneBite OneBiteAidan
21 | Fourth year Computer Science Undergrad | Researching autonomous underwater robotics | Minecraft server developer as a hobby

US East

Chase Carlson ChaseCarlson
Building the metaverse @Wayrealm

@Wayrealm WA

Cross dillfrescott

Coffee Drinker Earth

Minecraft modder, spigot plugin developer, builder, and texture artist. 🦊 :3

United States

Brace DoctorBracewell
@Wynncraft Content Team manager and freelance web developer.

@Wynncraft London, UK

Sean Bailey sean0x42
Hey 👋 I'm a developer and designer, working on some cool stuff at nib!

@nib-group Australia

Nep Nepmia
Python FS Developer

@N5-Generation | KNC | @Wynncraft France