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Muhammad Alvi Kirana Zulfan Nazal Alvi399
"The most technologically efficient machine that man has ever invented is the book.” - Northrop Frye

Surabaya State University Surabaya City, East Java, Indonesia

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


m5x5 m5x5
SlMgZGV2ZWxvcGVyIGFuZCBlbnRyZXByZW5ldXI - base64

webschuppen GmbH Hamburg, Germany

Dimas Rizky Saputra dimasrizky08
Hello, i'm Dimas Rizky Saputra I am a student majoring in Mechatronics Department at Batam State Polytechnic,

Politeknik Negeri Batam Batam, Indonesia

Eko Rudiawan Jamzuri ekorudiawan
Addicted to Code & Coffee

Politeknik Negeri Batam Batam, Indonesia

we3ew we3ew

若恋相亲APP 中国浙江杭州

Manuel Gomes manuelgitgomes
Research Fellow and PhD Student in Robotics and AI at University of Aveiro

@lardemua Aveiro, Portugal

Pengyu Chen gaiyi7788

Computer Science and Technology,Northwestern Polytechnical University Xi'an

Chikara Hanakawa ChikaraHanakawa
I am Beginner and Brainfucker!!!!

Chiba Institute of Technology Japan, Chiba

Jasper jgueldenstein
PhD Student at @TAMS-Group Robot Soccer at @bit-bots

Hamburg, Germany

Thiago T. Moura Thgm01
Student of Automation and Control Engineering at University Center FEI

@RoboFEI São Paulo, Brazil

Swaraj swarajpeppermint
Building Robots in service of the Human Race. Robotics Engineer at @Peppermint-Robots

Peppermint Robotics Pune, India

Bednarz, Agnieszka bednarz5
grad student, linguistics, noob

Illinois, USA

DeeDive DeeDive
Turning ideas into action.

[email protected]

Hauke Schnau HaukeSchnau

@homevoice @LoginSolutions @CHECK24 Hamburg, Germany

Yuta Mibuchi MibuchiYuta

Chiba Institute of Technology

Kenta Tsukino KentaTsukino

Chiba Institute of Technology Japan,Chiba Prefecture

Designer and originator of the open hardware platform humanoid robot, @SUSTAINA-OP, @SUSTAINA-OP2 .

Chiba Institute of Technology Atsugi, JAPAN

Nima Arteghzadeh nimaarteghzadeh
I am a Software Robotics Engineer. My passion is to help humans by developing robotics solutions. I love working with Robots and programming mostly in C++.

ALBA Robot Turin

Tianyi Lim tianyilim
Robotics developer focusing on state-estimation and localization
Carlos J. Rosales carlosjoserg
Robot mechanics, perception, and control

Beta Robots - @beta-robots Barcelona, ES

Marc-O saxtot
Software engineering student at ÉTS; Advisor at @clubcapra

École de technologie supérieure Montréal

Liam Craft Crafty15
Software Engineer - 4Tel, Computer Science Graduate - University Of Newcastle

Newcastle, NSW

WangNing sweetquiet
Mobile Robot Enthusiasts

CIMC Co., Ltd. Shenzhen China

Florian Vahl Flova
Computer Science student at the University of Hamburg

Hamburg @bit-bots Hamburg

Jan Gutsche jaagut
A lot of TODOs @bit-bots RoboCup-team...

Universität Hamburg Hamburg, HH, Germany