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Nermin Ghith Nermin-Ghith
I am an epidemiologist and data scientist obsessed with using data to generate evidence to improve population and planetary health, equity, and biodiversity.

Danish Cancer Institute Denmark

Lev Levitsky levitsky

University of Southern Denmark Odense, Denmark

Cogito Ergo Sum standardgalactic
   Standard Galactic Alphabet

Xanadu Canada

Paula Rodrigo Martín PaulaRodrigoMartin
Bioinformatics student

Aarhus University

Irem Yucel iremycl
UBC - MSc Bioinformatics

GSC Vancouver

Mervin Fansler mfansler
R Team @conda-forge. Postdoc in Cvejic Lab, BRIC, UCPH. PhD from @Mayrlab MSKCC. scUTRquant creator. Reproducible research enthusiast.

BRIC, University of Copenhagen Københavns Universitet

Anders Lykkebo-Valløe Anderslv

University of Copenhagen

Alba Refoyo Martínez albarema
Bioinformatician interested in health science and evolutionary genetics.


Ahmet Akkoç madprogramer
Help subtitle the world with Nekocap!

ZiteLab ApS Other side of the world

Jakob_Skelmose tzuV
Data Scientist at CLINDA-AAU & Health Data Science Sandbox. My main focus is generation and evaluation of synthetic health data.
Andrew Allen Bruce andrewallenbruce
Healthcare Data Analyst


Isin Altinkaya isinaltinkaya
PhD fellow at UCPH

University of Copenhagen Copenhagen

Santosh santoshdbhosale
Scientist, working in the area of proteomics.
Luke W. Johnston lwjohnst86
Research software engineering, data engineering, diabetes epidemiology, Python and R user, R coding instructor, open science advocate

@steno-aarhus Copenhagen, Denmark

Jacob Fredegaard Hansen jacobfh1
Data Scientist in @hds-sandbox and in the Protein Research Group, Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology at University of Southern Denmark.

University of Southern Denmark Odense, Denmark

Christopher J. Bailey cjayb
Working with foundation models to create products that provide business value.

Norlys Denmark