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Wesley Coelho DrWesleyCoelho
Médico em formação buscando integrar a AI na prática médico-científica

Dr. Wesley Coelho Brasil

VSTRAM vstram

VSTRAM Curitiba - Paraná - Brazil

yunnosnd yunnosnd

Rio Grande do Sul/BR

Lucas Breitembach breitembach
Computer Science - Full Stack Developer

Banco Inter Belo Horizonte

Yallison Felipe Silveira de Melo yallisonmelo
Hi, I'm a software engineer. In this account I will be sharing some experiments with various programming languages.

Inter Recife

Bruno E. Grossi begrossi
Blockchain, CDBC, Real Digital | Developer Experience | Senior Tech Manager at Inter&Co | 25+ years of experience with IT

Inter&Co Belo Horizonte/MG/Brazil