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Pavlo Bondarenko OfficialCodeVoyage
Product Manager / Software Engineer / Cloud Engineer / IT Enthusiast

Denver, CO

Yazid Jibrel jibrel

Shrewsbury and Telford NHS | @Medical-Ocean Telford

Nicola Solazzo niksolaz
Javascript, Vue.js & Nuxt.js, Nodejs, future Python Look other my git:

Logix Asti

John Flynn Matthew jfmatth
Started with dBASE, went to FoxPro, then Delphi, and landed with Python. Along the way, got a CS degree and LOVE COMPUTERS and PROGRAMMING.

Los Angeles

Matías Agustín Méndez matagus
#django #python #rust

Chicago, IL

Shekhroz Shekhrozx
Python Backend Engineer | Ph.D. | Crafting Scalable Solutions 💻 Passionate about Code and Innovation

Seoul, South Korea

Leonardo Cavallucci protoroto

NEPHILA S.A.S. Florence

William Castro sirmay1
Coding as a hobby.

contractor Ridgewood, New York

Saeed Ramezani SaeedRz96
Backend Developer

@PT-Co Tehran

Filippo Romani filipporomani
18y/o python developer, custom hardware/software maker and developer, MCU enthusiast. EASA licensed drone operator.

ITIS Tullio Buzzi Prato, Italy

Stefan van den Eertwegh svandeneertwegh
Programming, IT, Diving into technical issues, creating good solutions. Python, Django guru.


Just doing stuff for fun! ps. I don't like AI
Aivars Kalvāns aivarsk
Eat, sleep, code, repeat.

@ebury Jelgava, Latvia

Lino Mediavilla linomp
[Far beyond all light]


Sr Machine Learning Engineer      MSc Artificial Intelligence @uva    BSc Maths @AristotleUniversity

@kaiko-ai Zürich, Switzerland

Rui Neto rnetonet
Software Engineer


Fundor333 fundor333
🐦 Huge fan of #docker🐋, #opensource and #Pythonista 🐍. Fingerprint: 2BB4 5E7F 69D3 AF2E CF5D 202A B9E I write post on

Venice, Italy

Christopher Maile Swifilaboroka
Entrepreneur | Software Developer | Product Developer | Product Analyst | Marketing Strategist | Author | Musician | Evangelist South Africa

Java,Go,PHP,C++,TypeScript,Python,SQL,AWS,Flutter brong90s
Arigato ... I'm hacking Nasa with HTML.

Freelancer Earth by day, Mars /ˈmɑːrz/ by night.

Codestudentcs50 Codestudentcs
Artificial Intelligence and neural network student.

Los Angeles California

Fabio Caccamo fabiocaccamo
🐍 Python / 🦄 Django / Vue.js full-stack developer based in Torino, Italy. 🇮🇹 🤌

Torino, Italy

KDweb tech py-kd
Python /Django Developer

KDweb Online

Rajendra Agrawal Rajendra999
Civil Engineer,Stock market ,python,flask

self employed