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Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Michael Corrado gaybro8777
engineer flirting with machine learning, neural networks and life sciences 💪

Mit Nyc

Adem KOCAMAZ ademkocamaz
ilkAdam, Bilgisayar Teknolojisi ve Programlama Teknikeri, Bilgisayar Mühendisi, Bilgisayar ve Öğretim Teknolojileri Öğretmeni, Full-Stack Developer Kayseri

Aman Bhargava bhargavaman

Stallions Marketing Solutions India

القــيــ𝒵𔒜ـــصـر Alkysr
دائماً نعتقد أن حياة الأخرين هي أفضل منّ حياتنا، والآخرينّ يعتقدون أنّ حياتنا أفضل، كل ذلك؛ لأنّ نفوسنا تفتقد القناعة. الضمير صوت هادىء،.

القــيــ𝒵𔒜ـــصـر [email protected]

Kenan Cibooğlu kenancibooglu
Software Developer


Sett Sarverott Sarverott
Metallurgist, Artificer, Technomancer
Sheel Patel Sheel34
SWE in Making | Passionate about C | Crafting Scalable Solutions with Algorithms | Exploring OpenGL, 3D Animations in C, CP & Innovation

Gujarat, India

Richard Smet richardsmet
Punctual Procrastinator. Collector Of Things. Cunnilingus Connoisseur. Animal Lover. Art & Music Fanatic. Blockchain Enthusiast. Love & Peace.

United States

Juan Carlos Miranda juancarlosmiranda
Computer Engineer | Computer Science | Agricultural and Food Science and Technology. I try to keep learning every day.

Universidad Nacional de Itapúa Encarnación - Paraguay

Magnus Jurdal Magnus6803
Hi to the world

MJ Kontorsservice Johan Printz väg 18B

Auzheal C. auz1111
I like to make games and drink beer.

Digital Thoughts Media Bend, OR

Rimuru RimuruDev
👋 Hi, my name is Rimuru Tempest and I'm a Unity developer with over three years of experience. Open to new opportunities.


Waleed Ajeebiw

Dessy Cuphinx

Citra raya Tagerang

Musa Zaheer MusaZaheer
A Hardworking and Talented Computer Engineer who is always ready to solve Engineering problems, develop Games and learn XR technologies .
Trout Zhang TroutZhang
A C++ game engine programmer, mostly experienced in Unreal, loves playing RTS/Shooter/Racing/RPG games.

Supercell Helsinki