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Truong Le truonglehcm
🍃 🅰️🆑 Hello, My name is Truong. I'm a Java web developer.

Ho Chi Minh

Florian Steitz FSteitz
Software architect and team lead

SHD AG Koblenz, Germany

Pavlo Bondarenko OfficialCodeVoyage
Product Manager / Software Engineer / Cloud Engineer / IT Enthusiast

Denver, CO

Fernando Teixeira teixeira-fernando
Software Engineer in Test who loves to learn and try out new technologies.

Verivox Gmbh Germany

Volker Lötterle loetterle
working remote on a sunny island :-)


Software Engineer at @qaware

QAware Munich

Timo Köthe timokoethe

@LMU @QAware @mimuc Munich


QAware GmbH

Charly charlyautomatiza
| +18 years of XP | Project Leader | Tech Streamer: | Playwright Ambassador | K6 Champion | Music Producer @Nilracolos |


Maximilian Gobbel maex0
Master Computer Science Student @ TH Rosenheim. Co-Owner of @MaTech-Software-GbR.

MaTech-Software-GbR Munich

Kristo Godari kristo-godari
Hands-on Software Architect


Leonhard Masche leonhma
I’m a student from Munich who writes code in his spare time and loves learning about new technologies.

Munich, Germany

Byunghoon nbalance97

@woowabros @woowacourse Seongnam

Josef Fuchshuber fuchshuber
Director of Quality, Productivity & Innovation @qaware

@qaware Munich

Marc Schmidt MarcSchmidt

QAware GmbH Munich, Germany

Joe aurora6174
ML Enthusiast
胡睿毅 huruiyi
Happy Codings

TBK 上海

Robert robert0714
Life is struggled!

iisigroup Taiwain

ChunFuWu wuchunfu
Open Source Enthusiast; Committer of @apache SeaTunnel; Contributor of @apache DolphinScheduler, and etc. BigData, CloudNative, DevOps


Tilman Schweitzer tilmanschweitzer
💻 Senior Software Engineer at @qaware | 🥁 Drummer | 🌱 Vegan food lover | 🇪🇺 Member of @VoltEuropa

Mainz, Germany

Manuel Reinfurt mreinfurt

Self-employed Düsseldorf, Germany

Moritz H. phxql
Backend developer, open source enthusiast. Loves creating software!

Ingolstadt, Germany

M.-Leander Reimer lreimer
Passionate developer and architect. Proud father. #CloudNativeNerd. Leander works as managing director and CTO for @qaware.

QAware GmbH