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Ahmed Adel odookuw

Gifts-gate Kuwait

Farid Shahy fshahy
Software Developer

@FlexicodeGmbH Magdeburg, Germany

Neri Cervin nericervin

Cipolletti, Río Negro, Argentina

dhx dhx Austria

ishfaq babar babarlhr
Father | Gamer | Reader | Opinions are my own The only way to improve your coding skills is to share your knowledge and help others ☝️


Shanto Roy shantoroy
SRE, Charles Schwab | PhD & MS, Computer Science, University of Houston | Cyber Security | Python | Data Analytics | SysAdmin | GCP | Latex | Content Creator

Charles Schwab Dallas, TX, USA

Bhoomi Vaishnani bhoomiBJV
Love to talk about Odoo & Open Source

Nashville, USA