I work at Adobe on CSS features:
- Speaking about practical things: CSS Shapes, CSS Masking, CSS Blend Modes.
- Building tools and prototypes to make life easier for web designers.
- Practical things!
- That doesn't matter for this talk.
"This talk is less practical; it's about something that fascinates me: unconventional uses of technology to transmit data and input."
- networking between disconnected devices
- unconventional input modes
- sound, light, electro-magnetism
Going Offline
- icons: no wifi, no BT, no connection
- "This is something all conference speakers dread on stage -- not having a reliable connection. But for the purpose of this talk (disconnected networking) to prove that all demos work as advertised, I'm going to turn off all connectivity."
- Controversial story
- Late 2013, security researcher Dragos Ruiu investigating malware on a machine:
- clean reinstall, mallware reinfected machine;
- flashed BIOS, malware infected again;
- remove physical components:
- power cord,
- wifi card,
- bluetooth,
- everything networking-related,
- finally, remove sound card, malware not present anymore.
- Controversial, other sec researchers didn't replicate.
- Plausible: infecting air-gapped devices
- using sound to encode attack vector
- proved by other security researchers
Ultrasound Networking [DEMO],
- Boris Smus, Google
- http://smus.com/ultrasonic-networking/
- https://github.com/borismus/sonicnet.js
- sonicnet.js:
- library to encode alphabet into spectrum of inaudible sound (ultrasound)
- broadcast ultrasound then picked-up by another device
- 2-way communication with ultrasound
- option for audible spectrum; better range, but gets interference from ambient sound (speech, music)
- Google Tone extension:
- https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/google-tone/nnckehldicaciogcbchegobnafnjkcne?hl=en
- share links between computers using sound
- Boris Smus, Google
Motion sensing with sound [DEMO]:
(Doppler Effect) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doppler_effect Definition: frequency shift of a wave (sound/light) as experienced by an external observer when the emitter of the wave is moving fast towards or away from the observer.
Think of an ambulance siren: high pitch when approaching, low pitch when going away;
Fundamental principle for radar:
- ground station emits radio wave, wave hits moving airplane and bounces back; station measures freq shift to determine how fast the airplane is moving (i.e: is it coming or going?).
- multiple ground stations enables triangulation (i.e: where is the airplane?)
doppler.js library
- https://github.com/danielrapp/doppler
- uses WebAudio API to send ultrasound and listens to incoming sound (echo) to determine freq shift between the two.
- determine hand position relative to laptop (coming or going)
- DEMOS using motion sensing: visualizer, scale object, scroll page, navigate slide deck
Ambient light + Morse Code [DEMO]
DeviceLight API Detects changes in ambient room light. Typical use case: change styles to make reading easier on the eyes [DEMO] Unconventional use case: send rhythmic light pulses, decode as optical Morse Code. https://github.com/oslego/opticalmorse
(Support) Ambient light events in browsers currently work only on Firefox and in Chrome (behind a flag). The practicality of this technique is quite limited. You could argue that it's a better approach to use the camera instead of the light sensor. And you'd be right! But you need to ask the user for permission to access the camera. You don't have to ask for permission for DeviceLight API.
(Privacy) Spec authors + implementers recognized the misuse of DeviceLight risks leaking identity information. Therefore event frequency is deliberately inaccurate. Still, you can workaround that to establish a relatively reliable transmission. And that can have serious privacy implications.
Privacy use case: Imagine walking into a store, phone in hand, browsing FB. (happens way more than you think, look around you in a mall) FB is monitoring the light sensor.
- Light above the door flashes some pattern (FB knows you walked into Store X, identity leak).
- Light above product aisle flashes other pattern (FB knows you're in aisle Y).
- You linger in aisle, (FB knows you're looking so It pops a notification with a promo).
- Light above check-out counter flashes other pattern (FB knows you bought smth).
Pros for stores:
- alternative to beacons, but with lower fidelity.
- reuses light infrastructure (LED lighting)
If this sounds crazy and improbable, it shouldn't.
Carrefour + Philips VLC experiment, indoor GPS:
- prototype LED lights with different subtle light pulses
- app for phone to get directions in store
Harald Haas at TED 2011 presents LiFi:
- transmit data with hi-frequency light pulses from LED.
- imperceptible to naked eye.
- specialized equipment.
- radio spectrum is crowded / light has more spectrum than radio.
- radio prone to interference / light is isolated in rooms.
- Haas demoed stream of video over LiFi
Misfit Shine (wearable) http://misfit.com/ Initial KickStarter video: put wearable on phone touchscreen to sync Speculation: sending data through simulated rhythmic touch? Revelation: it's just Bluetooth LE, but very low range. Putting on screen is a gimmick, not real.
Google Cardboard (VR headset) http://smus.com/magnetic-input-mobile-vr/ Problem: device in a box, user can't access it to provide input. Solution: magnet on the side of the cardboard box + magnetometer sensor on device reading changes in eletro-magnetic field => significant variations = input