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libadclient - Active Directory client for c++, Python and Golang.

Table of Contents


This simple C++/Python/Golang classes can be used to manipulate Active Directory from c++, Python and Golang programs.

Full list of supported methods can be found in:


  • OpenLDAP or SunLDAP
  • KRB5


c++ and Python

Note: you must have scons installed

git clone
cd libadclient
scons install (to build/install c++ library)
python install (to build/install Python library)

Note: step 4 depends on step 3, if your want to upgrade Python module, you should upgrade c++ library first.

OS X > 10.11

If you are getting errors in Python while importing module:

ImportError: dlopen(/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/, 2): Library not loaded: libadclient.dylib
  Referenced from: /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/
  Reason: unsafe use of relative rpath libadclient.dylib in /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/ with restricted binary

that is because System Integrity Protection. You can fix it with:

sudo install_name_tool -change libadclient.dylib /usr/local/lib/libadclient.dylib /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/


go get

You must have swig >= 3.0.6 and Golang >= 1.4 to compile library. However, Golang >= 1.5.1 is recommended. When building Golang library only openldap >= 2.2 are supported.

Note: this library is not safe for concurrent use. If you need to use library from concurrently executing goroutines, the calls must be mediated by some kind of synchronization mechanism (channels or mutexes).

Usage notes

Active Directory binding

  • boolean adConnParams.use_tls and adConnParams.use_ldaps choose binding method:
    • adConnParams.use_tls enables StartTLS extension to the LDAP protocol, normally served on port 389
    • adConnParams.use_ldaps enables non-standardized LDAP over SSL protocol, normally served on port 636
    • these two options are mutually exclusive and disabled by default
    • you must configure your ldap.conf properly for client to be able to validate your server's certificate. Check man ldap.conf for details.
    • TLS_REQCERT allow can be used in ldap.conf to ignore server's certificate check.
  • boolean adConnParams.secured and adConnParams.use_gssapi choose login authentication mode:
    • SASL DIGEST-MD5 auth (default). It requires properly configured DNS (both direct and reverse) and SPN records (see issue 1 for details).
      • adConnParams.secured = true
      • adConnParams.use_gssapi = false
    • SASL GSSAPI auth (adConnParams.use_gssapi must be set to true). It requires properly configured kerberos library (krb5.conf) with default_keytab_name set to keytab with computer account. msktutil can be used for this purpose, see Squid Active Directory Integration for example.
      • adConnParams.secured = true
      • adConnParams.use_gssapi = true
    • simple auth (clear text username and password). It does not require proper DNS and SPN setup, but with simple auth AD will refuse to do some actions (e.g. change passwords). For some configurations (2008 domain?), to get simple auth to work, binddn must contain domain suffix i.e. adConnParams.binddn = "[email protected]").
      • adConnParams.secured = false
  • choosing Domain Controller to connect can be performed:
    • automatically with domain DNS name (adConnParams.domain) with optional AD site name (
      • ldap uries for domain will be detected via DNS SRV query (_ldap._tcp.SITE._sites.DOMAIN.LOCAL / _ldap._tcp.DOMAIN.LOCAL)
      • if adConnParams.search_base is empty - it will be constructed automatically from domain name (DC=DOMAIN,DC=LOCAL).
    • manually with vector of domain controller DNS names to connect to (adConnParams.uries):
      • adConnParams.search_base must be set explicitly.
  • LDAP_OPT_NETWORK_TIMEOUT and LDAP_OPT_TIMEOUT can be set with adConnParams.nettimeout.
  • LDAP_OPT_TIMELIMIT can be set with adConnParams.timelimit.
  • after successfull binding following methods can be used to check connection properties:
    • binded_uri() - to get connected server ldap URI
    • search_base() - to get current search base
    • bind_method() - to get method used for binding (plain, StartTLS, LDAPS)
    • login_method() - to get method used for login (GSSAPI, DIGEST-MD5, SIMPLE)

Binary values in object attributes

Some object attributes (e.g. objectSid) are stored in Active Directory as binary values, so some functions (e.g. getObjectAttribute(user, "objectSid")) can return binary data (which can include NULL character as well as any unprintable characters). Usually it is not a problem as in c++, Python and Golang string type can hold any values, but:

  • calling code should be ready to handle such values
  • in Python3, binary data will be returned as bytes, not unicode strings.

Helper functions


  • FileTimeToPOSIX(long long filetime) (c++)
  • adclient.FileTimeToPOSIX(filetime) (Python)
  • adclient.FileTimeToPOSIX(filetime) (golang)

Can be used to convert 18-digit Active Directory timestamp to Unix epoch time.

The 18-digit timestamps, also named Windows NT time format, Win32 FILETIME or SYSTEMTIME or NTFS file time are used in Microsoft Active Directory for pwdLastSet, accountExpires, LastLogon, LastLogonTimestamp and LastPwdSet. The timestamp is the number of 100-nanoseconds intervals (1 nanosecond = one billionth of a second) since Jan 1, 1601 UTC.

pw, _ := adclient.GetObjectAttribute(username, "pwdLastSet")
pwNum, _ := strconv.ParseInt(pw[0], 10, 64)
pwPosix := adclient.FileTimeToPOSIX(pwNum)
tm := time.Unix(pwPosix, 0)
fmt.Printf("pw for '%v' was last set at '%v'\n", username, tm)

will return

pw for 'XXX' was last set at '2017-10-23 19:59:47 +0000 UTC'

decode SID

  • decodeSID(sid) (c++)
  • adclient.decodeSID(sid) (Python)
  • adclient.DecodeSID(sid) (golang)

Can be used to convert objectSid from binary representation to string value

if sid, err := adclient.GetObjectAttribute(user, "objectSid"); err == nil {
    fmt.Printf("objectSid encoded is %q\n", sid[0])
    fmt.Printf("objectSid decoded is %v\n", adclient.DecodeSID(sid[0]))

will return

objectSid encoded is "\x01\x05\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x05\x15\x00\x00\x00;\x10\x8a\xceui\xab\xc3\xfao\x93\x81\xbe\xa2\x00\x00"
objectSid decoded is S-1-5-21-3465154619-3282790773-2173923322-41662

IP to int and vise versa

  • int2ip(string value) / ip2int(string ip) (c++)
  • adclient.int2ip(string value) (Python)
  • adclient.Int2ip(value string) / adclient.Ip2int(ip string) (golang)

IP addresses (e.g. msRADIUSFramedIPAddress) are stored in object attributes as integer, these functions can be used to convert IP to integer and vise versa.

ip := ""
ipInt := adclient.Ip2int(ip)
fmt.Printf("%s to int: %v\n", ip, ipInt)
ipStr := adclient.Int2ip(strconv.Itoa(ipInt))
fmt.Printf("%v to string: %s\n", ipInt, ipStr)

will return to int: -1062731420
-1062731420 to string:

Getting LDAP URIes list for domain/site

  • adclient::get_ldap_servers(domain, site) (c++)
  • adclient.get_ldap_servers(domain, site) (Python)
  • adclient.Ldap_servers(domain, site) (golang)

Can be used to get information about LDAP servers for domain/site from DNS. site parameter can be empty to get servers from domain level.

Converting domain to distinguished name

  • adclient::domain2dn(domain) (c++)
  • adclient.domain2dn(domain) (Python)
  • adclient.Domain2dn(domain) (golang)

Can be used to perform simple convertion from DOMAIN.COM to DC=DOMAIN,DC=COM.

Usage samples


#include "adclient.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

int main() {
    adConnParams params;
    // login with a domain name
    params.domain = "DOMAIN.LOCAL";
    // choose DC from SITE (optional, can be ommited) = "SITE";
    // or login with a list of ldap uries
    // params.uries.push_back("Server1");
    // params.uries.push_back("Server2");
    // params.search_base = "dc=DOMAIN,dc=LOCAL";
    params.binddn = "user";
    params.bindpw = "password";
    // binding mode (LDAPS)
    //params.use_ldaps = true;
    // binding mode (StartTLS)
    //params.use_tls = true;

    // simple auth mode
    // params.secured = false;
    // GSSAPI auth, only domain and use_gssapi required
    // params.domain = "DOMAIN.LOCAL";
    // = "SITE";
    // params.use_gssapi = true;
    adclient ad;
    try {
    catch(ADBindException& ex) {
         cout << "ADBindLogin: " << ex.msg << endl;
         return 1;
    try {
        ad.groupRemoveUser("Group", "User");
        vector <string> user_groups = ad.getUserGroups("User");
        vector <string> users_in_group = ad.getUsersInGroup("Groups");
        vector <string> user_lastlogon = ad.getObjectAttribute("User", "lastLogon");
        map <string, vector<string> > user_attrs = ad.getObjectAttributes("User");
        vector <string> users = ad.getUsers();
        string dn = ad.getObjectDN("User");
        bool result = ad.checkUserPassword("User", "Password");
        bool disabled = ad.ifUserDisabled("User");
        bool locked = ad.ifUserLocked("User");
    catch (const ADOperationalException& ex) {
      cout << "ADOperationalException: " << ex.msg << endl;
    catch (const ADSearchException& ex) {
      cout << "ADSearchException: " << ex.msg << endl;

   return 0;


import adclient

params = adclient.ADConnParams()
# login with a domain name
params.domain = "DOMAIN.LOCAL"
# choose DC from SITE (optional, can be ommited) = "SITE"
# or login with a list of ldap uries
# params.uries = ["Server1", "Server2"]
# params.search_base = "dc=DOMAIN,dc=LOCAL";
params.binddn = "user"
params.bindpw = "password"

# binding with TLS or LDAPS
# params.use_ldaps = True
# params.use_tls   = True

# simple auth mode
# params.secured = False;

# GSSAPI auth, only domain and use_gssapi required
# params.domain = "DOMAIN.LOCAL";
# = "SITE";
# params.use_gssapi = True;

ad = adclient.ADClient()
except ADBindError as ex:
  print("failed to connect to Active Directory: {}".format(ex))
  dn = ad.getObjectDN("User");
except adclient.ADSearchError as ex:
  code = ad.get_error_num()
  if code == adclient.AD_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND:
    print("no such user")
    print("unknown search error")
except ADOperationalError:
  print("unknown operational error")


package main

import (

func main() {
  defer adclient.Delete()
  params := adclient.DefaultADConnParams()
  // login with a domain name
  params.Domain = "DOMAIN.LOCAL"
  // choose DC from SITE (optional, can be ommited)
  params.Site = "SITE"
  // or login with a list of ldap uries
  // params.Uries = append(params.Uries, "Server1", "Server2")
  // params.Search_base = "dc=DOMAIN,dc=LOCAL";
  params.Binddn = "user";
  params.Bindpw = "password";

  // binding with TLS or LDAPS
  // params.UseStartTLS = true
  // params.UseLDAPS = true
  // simple auth mode
  // params.Secured = false;

  // enable GSSAPI auth
  // params.UseGSSAPI = true
  params.Timelimit = 60
  params.Nettimeout = 60
  if err := adclient.Login(params); err != nil {
    fmt.Printf("Failed to AD login: %v\n", err)
  group := "Domain Admins"
  if users, err := adclient.GetUsersInGroup(group, true); err != nil {
    fmt.Printf("Failed to get users in '%v': %v\n", group, err)
  } else {
    fmt.Printf("Users in '%v':\n", group)
    for _, user := range users {
      fmt.Printf("\t%v\n", user)


Active Directory client for c++, Python and Golang







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