My Technical Report Application, which can also be used for presentation, all in PERSIAN ... based on web-technology (html+js+css), running totally off-line on the user's machine ...
Best works on FireFox
was developed to replace LaTeX for myself (using a bunch of PERSIAN MARK-DOWN commands) ...
Automatic sectioning (with subsectioning and subsubsectioning), automatic tables, figures, movies, sound and animation numbering with the possibility of adding captions and assiging a label to each of them for later cross-referencing, automatic table of content generation, bibtex-similar (though, a lot less in functionality) handling of the references, MathJax for writing down LaTeX-kind Mathematics, and three.js for generating 3d animations and showing them, and etc. ...
All-in-all, a well-riched PERSIAN technical-report/presentation generation in a web browser ...
The application is not intended to be a mere editor, exporting into HTML or PDF, but to be used as a stand-alone application, although it has limited support for exporting to HTML/PDF through the Firefox's own capability as well
The written MARKDOWN code is still saved as a txt file on the user's machine ...