The build script (Buildfile) requires:
- Ruby 1.8+
- Apache Buildr
- Nokogiri
- launch4j
To install Ruby and Buildr, see: After installing Ruby, install Nokogiri:
gem install nokogiri
To install launch4j, run the installer for launch4j: Also, add launch4j to the PATH environment variable.
To build logisim, just type:
buildr clean package
The generated jar (and executable) will be in the target
If you do not wish to download and install Buildr, you can use Eclipse instead. But first, you must type in the following:
mkdir -p ~/.m2/repository/
cp -r libs/* ~/.m2/repository/
Then, inside Eclipse, import the project as usual.
If you see errors in Eclipse, then install the M2E: Maven Integration for Eclipse plugin.
If you don't want to install Maven for Eclipse (plugin) you may be able to get by without it:
Right click on logisim (the project) -> Build Path -> Configure Build Path...
Click on Add Variable...
Click Configure Variables...
Click New...
Name: M2_HOME Path: C:\Users\yourName\.m2\repository