Any contribution is appreciated! You might want to:
- Fix spelling errors
- Improve documentation
- Add tests for untested code
- Add new features
- Fix bugs
- Use issues to report bugs and features
- If you report a bug in the results for a particular pdf, include that pdf. This allows others to replicate the issue.
- Fix issues by creating pull requests.
- Help others by sharing your thoughs in comments on issues and pull requests.
- Join the chat on gitter
- Search previous issues, as yours might be a duplicate.
- When creating a new issue for a bug, include a minimal reproducible example.
- When creating a new issue for a feature, be sure to describe the context of the problem you are trying to solve. This will help others to see the importance of your feature request.
- A pull request should close an existing issue. For example, use "Fix #123" to indicate that your PR fixes issue 123.
- Pull requests should be merged to master.
- Include unit tests when possible. In case of bugs, this will help to prevent the same mistake in the future. In case of features, this will show that your code works correctly.
- Code should work for Python 3.8+.
- Test your code by using nox (see below).
- New features should be well documented using docstrings.
- Check if the or readthedocs documentation needs to be updated.
- Check spelling and grammar.
- Don't forget to update the
- Publishing is automated. Add a YYYYMMDD version tag and GitHub workflows will do the rest.
- This package is distributed under the MIT license.
- All dependencies should be compatible with this license.
- Use licensecheck to validate if new packages are compatible.
Clone the repository
git clone cd pdfminer.six
Install dev dependencies
pip install -e ".[dev]"
Run all formatting, linting and tests
On all Python versions:
Or only the tests on a single Python version:
nox -e tests-3.12