title | sourcecode |
CubeCamera |
src/core/CubeCamera.tsx |
A THREE.CubeCamera that returns its texture as a render-prop. It makes children invisible while rendering to the internal buffer so that they are not included in the reflection.
type Props = JSX.IntrinsicElements['group'] & {
/** Number of frames to render, Infinity */
frames?: number
/** Resolution of the FBO, 256 */
resolution?: number
/** Camera near, 0.1 */
near?: number
/** Camera far, 1000 */
far?: number
/** Custom environment map that is temporarily set as the scenes background */
envMap?: THREE.Texture
/** Custom fog that is temporarily set as the scenes fog */
fog?: Fog | FogExp2
/** The contents of CubeCamera will be hidden when filming the cube */
children: (tex: Texture) => React.ReactNode
Using the frames
prop you can control if this camera renders indefinitely or statically (a given number of times).
If you have two static objects in the scene, make it frames={2}
for instance, so that both objects get to "see" one another in the reflections, which takes multiple renders.
If you have moving objects, unset the prop and use a smaller resolution
{(texture) => (
<sphereGeometry />
<meshStandardMaterial envMap={texture} />