See the following resources to get started.
- .NET Core Documentation
- Install .NET Core on Raspberry Pi
- .NET Core ARM64 Status
- .NET Core Docker Samples
- How to Prepare a Publish Profile
- Device Bindings - Includes a collection of APIs representing a range of sensors, displays and human interface devices based on System.Device.* APIs.
- DevicesApiTester CLI - Helpful utility, based on System.Device.* APIs, that include various commands for testing connected development boards and external hardware.
- .NET Design Reviews: GPIO (10/2/2018)
- .NET Design Reviews: GPIO (10/19/2018)
- .NET Design Reviews: GPIO (11/2/2018)
Mono WinForms GPIO Demo Using Toradex Colibri iMX7D and Torizon Container
NOTE: It has been verified that .NET Core will work on the following development boards. However, there has only been limited testing so far. It is recommended you experiment with the Raspberry Pi 3 and HummingBoard for now.
- Raspberry Pi Website
- Raspberry Pi GitHub Website
- Raspberry Pi Wiki
- Raspberry Pi GPIO Pinout
- Raspberry Pi GPIO Tutorial
- Enable SPI on Raspberry Pi
- Enable I2C on Raspberry Pi
- Enable Headless Raspberry Pi
- Docker Access to Raspberry Pi GPIO Pins
- Design a Raspberry Pi Hat in 10 Minutes