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What's Cookin'?


This project was a paired project during Module 2 at Turing School of Software & Design.

"What's Cookin'?" is a recipe tracking and meal planning application that allows users to search and save recipes. The application also keeps track of a user's pantry, and can let the user know if they want to cook a recipe, whether or not the have enough ingredients available to do so. If not, they will be informed as to which ingredients they need, so that they may add them to their shopping list.


User Interaction :

User Story :

1. Existing User should be able to Login :


2. User should be able to search all recipes by title or description and see filtered recipes and matching categories


3. User should be able to 'Favorite' or 'Add To Cooking List' a recipe


4. User should be able to filter 'Favorite' or 'Cooking List' recipes and see matchin categories


5. User Should be able to open each recipe and scroll down to see ingredients needed, prices and cooking instructions


6. After clicking 'Cook Now' button user should be able to see missing ingredients list or info message if she/he has all enough ingredients


7. User should be able to filter recipes by cattegory. One recipe can match more than one category


Technologies Used

  • JavaScript
  • Mocha
  • Chai

Learning Goals

In addition to building a functional application, we worked on the following objectives during development:

  • Implement ES6 classes that communicate to each other as needed

  • Write modular, reusable code that follows SRP (Single Responsibility Principle)

  • Implement a robust testing suite using TDD

  • Use object and array prototype methods to perform data manipulation

  • Display information on the page while maintaining ability to test class properties and methods

  • Create a user interface that is easy to use and displays information in a clear way


  1. Fork this repository.

  2. Clone your forked repository.

  3. Change into the directory and install the project dependencies by running npm install

  4. Check that it is setup correctly by entering run npm test in your terminal. All tests should be passing.
