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HT-BAC Tools

HT-BAC provides a set of tools for running large number of parallel molecular dynamics binding affinity calculations on HPC clusters. It provides two command line tools:

  • htbac-fecalc - runs amber / mmpbsa free energy calculations (see section 2.2).
  • htbac-simchain - runs namd2 simulations (see section 2.3).

1. Installation

Prerequisites: Python >= 2.6, virtualenv >= 1.11 and pip >= 1.5.

The easiest way to install HT-BAC in user-space is to create a virtual environment:

virtualenv $HOME/HT-BAC-Tools
source $HOME/HT-BAC-Tools/bin/activate

If virtualenv is not installed on your system, do this:

wget --no-check-certificate
tar xzf virtualenv-1.9.tar.gz

python virtualenv-1.9/ $HOME/HT-BAC-Tools
source $HOME/HT-BAC-Tools/bin/activate

The latest version of HT-BAC can be installed directly from GitHub:

pip install --upgrade git+
pip install --upgrade git+

If the above command doesn't work, you can check out the repository manually and install HT-BAC from source:

    git clone -b release HT-BAC-src
    cd HT-BAC-src
    pip install .

The following command should return the version number of the tools if the installation was successful:

python -c "import radical.ensemblemd.htbac; print radical.ensemblemd.htbac.version"

2. Usage Examples

2.1 Preparation

NOTE: We will use TACC's stampede cluster to run the example jobs. Since the HT-BAC tools can submit computational tasks to a remote machine, all steps in this example should be done on a 'local' resource, e.g., your laptop. It is not neccessary to log in to stampede.

Before your run the examples, please create a new directory, e.g., in your $HOME directory and copy our sample configuration files into it:

mkdir $HOME/htbac-examples
cd $HOME/htbac-examples
wget --no-check-certificate

Next, open and change the following lines to match your stampede / TACC account:

USERNAME   = "your_username"               # Your username on the remote machine.
ALLOCATION = "your_allocation"             # The allocation or project to charge.

If you don't have wget installed, you can just copy and paste the content of the
URL above into a file called

In order for HT-BAC to work, you also need password-less SSH-key access to the remote cluster. Tools like ssh keychain can help with that. Make sure you can SSH into the remote cluster without being asked for a passord before you proceed.

2.2 Free Energy Calculations (htbac-fecalc)

In this example we run a set of 16 free energy calculations using AMBER / For demonstration purposes, the input data for all 16 tasks is identical, but this can obvisouly be changed easily.

Check the Environment

Before you start running large simulations on a resource, you should run htbac-fecalc --checkenv at least once to ensure that the environment is ok:

To see some additional information about task execution, you can set the environment variable RADICAL_PILOT_VERBOSE=info.

htbac-fecalc --checkenv

The output should look like this:

 * Task 53690d7fb6158537540658cc state changed to 'PendingExecution'.
 * Resource '53690d77b6158537540658ca' state changed to 'Running'.
 * Task 53690d7fb6158537540658cc state changed to 'Running'.
 * Task 53690d7fb6158537540658cc state changed to 'Done'.


MMPBSA path:/opt/apps/intel13/mvapich2_1_9/amber/12.0/bin/
MMPBSA Version 13.0

Define and Run the Sample Workload

If --checkenv has passed, we assume that the execution environment on the remote cluster is capable of executing MMPBSA tasks.

Next, download the input data for the sample workload:

curl -O
tar xzf mmpbsa-sample-data.tgz

Next, define the workload (here we use the same input files for all tasks for simplicity). Use the one below or simply download it from here.

import os


INPUT_DATA_ROOT_DIR  = "{0}/mmpbsa-sample-data/".format(os.getcwd())

# We define 4 tasks with 4 cores each -- for practical purposes, they are all the same.
for tj in range(0, 4):

    task = {

        # Runtime of the MMPBSA task. With 4 cores, it takes roughly 10 minutes.
        "runtime"         : 30,
        # Number of cores to use for the MMPBSA task (uses MPI)
        "cores"           : 4,
        # Give the task a name
        "name"            : "sample-fecalc-task-{0}".format(tj),

        # Location of the input data: "HERE" means on this machine 
        # (input transfer required), "THERE" means on the remote machine.
        "input_data_location"  : "HERE", 
        # Location to put the output data: "HERE" means on this machine 
        # (output transfer required)| "THERE" means on the remote machine.
        "output_data_location" : "HERE",

        # NAMD-specific input files.
        "input"           : INPUT_DATA_ROOT_DIR+"./",
        # Complex topology file
        "complex_prmtop"  : INPUT_DATA_ROOT_DIR+"./",
        # Receptor topology file
        "receptor_prmtop" : INPUT_DATA_ROOT_DIR+"./",
        # Ligand topology file.
        "ligand_prmtop"   : INPUT_DATA_ROOT_DIR+"./",
        # Input trajectories to analyze.
        "trajectory"      : INPUT_DATA_ROOT_DIR+"./trajectories/rep1.traj", 
        # Output filename.
        "output"          : "sample-mmpbsa-task-%s.out" % tj


Note: HT-BAC workload files are Python scripts. This means that you can define arbitrarily complex workload descriptions, as long as all tasks are appened to the global WORKLOAD list.

Now you are ready to run the workload with the htbac-fecalc tool:


The workload will allocate 4*16 = 64 cores and will take about 5 minutes to execute. The output should look like this:

 * Number of tasks: 16
 * Pilot size (# cores): 64
 * Pilot runtime: 60

 * Task 53692e00b61585411691fb98 state changed to 'WaitingForInputTransfer'.
 * Task 53692e00b61585411691fb99 state changed to 'WaitingForInputTransfer'.
 * Task 53692e00b61585411691fb98 state changed to 'TranferringInput'.
 * Task 53692e00b61585411691fb99 state changed to 'TranferringInput'.
 * Task 53692e00b61585411691fb98 state changed to 'TranferringInput'.
 * Task 53692e00b61585411691fb99 state changed to 'TranferringInput'.
 * Task 53692e00b61585411691fb98 state changed to 'WaitingForExecution'.
 * Task 53692e00b61585411691fb99 state changed to 'WaitingForExecution'.
 * Task 53692e00b61585411691fb98 state changed to 'Executing'.
 * Task 53692e00b61585411691fb99 state changed to 'Executing'.
 * Task 53692e00b61585411691fb98 state changed to 'WaitingForOutputTransfer'.
 * Task 53692e00b61585411691fb99 state changed to 'WaitingForOutputTransfer'.
 * Task 53692e00b61585411691fb98 state changed to 'TransferringOutput'.
 * Task 53692e00b61585411691fb99 state changed to 'TransferringOutput'.
 * Task 53692e00b61585411691fb98 state changed to 'Done'.
 * Task 53692e00b61585411691fb99 state changed to 'Done'.

 * Task 53692e00b61585411691fb98: state: Done, started: 2014-05-09 18:17:19.333000, finished: 2014-05-09 18:26:36.553000, results: mmpbsa-task-0.out
 * Task 53692e00b61585411691fb99: state: Done, started: 2014-05-09 18:17:20.385000, finished: 2014-05-09 18:26:32.193000, results: mmpbsa-task-1.out

 o Task sample-fecalc-task-0 (runtime 0:02:17.002000) output in: sample-mmpbsa-task-0.out
 o Task sample-fecalc-task-1 (runtime 0:02:17.748000) output in: sample-mmpbsa-task-1.out

2.3 NAMD Simulation (htbac-simchain)

In this example we run a set of 16 free energy calculations using NAMD. For demonstration purposes, the input data for all 16 tasks is identical, but this can obvisouly be changed easily.

Check the Environment

Before you start running large simulations on a resource, you should run htbac-simchain --checkenv at least once to ensure that the environment is ok:

To see some additional information about task execution, you can set the environment variable RADICAL_PILOT_VERBOSE=info. This can be useful to track down errors.

htbac-simchain --checkenv

The output should look like this:

 * Task 53690d7fb6158537540658cc state changed to 'PendingExecution'.
 * Resource '53690d77b6158537540658ca' state changed to 'Running'.
 * Task 53690d7fb6158537540658cc state changed to 'Running'.
 * Task 53690d7fb6158537540658cc state changed to 'Done'.


Info: NAMD 2.9 for Linux-x86_64-MPI
Info: Please visit
Info: for updates, documentation, and support information.
Info: Please cite Phillips et al., J. Comp. Chem. 26:1781-1802 (2005)
Info: in all publications reporting results obtained with NAMD.
Info: Based on Charm++/Converse 60400 for mpi-linux-x86_64
Info: Built Thu Jan 3 10:11:57 CST 2013 by root on
Info: 1 NAMD  2.9  Linux-x86_64-MPI  1  tg802352
Info: Running on 1 processors, 1 nodes, 1 physical nodes.
Info: CPU topology information available.
Info: Charm++/Converse parallel runtime startup completed at 0.00828314 s

Due to some NAMD-internal issues, the task will show as Failed, however, as long as the output is there, everything is ok.

Define and Run the Sample Workload

If --checkenv has passed, we assume that the execution environment on the remote cluster is capable of executing MMPBSA tasks.

Next, download the input data for the sample workload:

curl -O
tar xzf simchain-sample-data.tgz

Next, define the workload (here we use the same input files for all tasks for simplicity). Open a file and put in the following:

import os 


INPUT_DATA_ROOT_DIR  = "{0}/simchain-sample-data/".format(os.getcwd())

# We define 4 tasks with 16 cores each -- for practical purposes, they are all the same.g
for tj in range(0, 4):

    task = {
        "runtime"            : 15,
        "cores"              : 16,
        "parmfile"           : INPUT_DATA_ROOT_DIR+"./",
        "coordinates"        : INPUT_DATA_ROOT_DIR+"./complex.pdb",
        "conskfile"          : INPUT_DATA_ROOT_DIR+"./cons.pdb",
        "input"              : INPUT_DATA_ROOT_DIR+"./eq0.inp",
        "name"               : INPUT_DATA_ROOT_DIR+"sample-simchain-task-{0}".format(tj),
        "output"             : INPUT_DATA_ROOT_DIR+"sample-simchain-task-%s.out" % tj


Note: HT-BAC workload files are Python scripts. This means that you can define arbitrarily complex workload descriptions, as long as all tasks are appened to the global WORKLOAD list.

Now you can run the workload with the htbac-simchain tool:


The workload will allocate 16*16 = 256 cores and will take about 15 minutes to execute. The output should look like this:

 * Number of tasks: 16
 * Pilot size (# cores): 256
 * Pilot runtime: 60

 * Task 53692e00b61585411691fb98 state changed to 'WaitingForInputTransfer'.
 * Task 53692e00b61585411691fb99 state changed to 'WaitingForInputTransfer'.
 * Task 53692e00b61585411691fb98 state changed to 'TranferringInput'.
 * Task 53692e00b61585411691fb99 state changed to 'TranferringInput'.
 * Task 53692e00b61585411691fb98 state changed to 'TranferringInput'.
 * Task 53692e00b61585411691fb99 state changed to 'TranferringInput'.
 * Task 53692e00b61585411691fb98 state changed to 'WaitingForExecution'.
 * Task 53692e00b61585411691fb99 state changed to 'WaitingForExecution'.
 * Task 53692e00b61585411691fb98 state changed to 'Executing'.
 * Task 53692e00b61585411691fb99 state changed to 'Executing'.
 * Task 53692e00b61585411691fb98 state changed to 'WaitingForOutputTransfer'.
 * Task 53692e00b61585411691fb99 state changed to 'WaitingForOutputTransfer'.
 * Task 53692e00b61585411691fb98 state changed to 'TransferringOutput'.
 * Task 53692e00b61585411691fb99 state changed to 'TransferringOutput'.
 * Task 53692e00b61585411691fb98 state changed to 'Done'.
 * Task 53692e00b61585411691fb99 state changed to 'Done'.

 * Task 53692e00b61585411691fb98: state: Done, started: 2014-05-09 18:17:19.333000, finished: 2014-05-09 18:26:36.553000, results: mmpbsa-task-0.out
 * Task 53692e00b61585411691fb99: state: Done, started: 2014-05-09 18:17:20.385000, finished: 2014-05-09 18:26:32.193000, results: mmpbsa-task-1.out

 o Task sample-simchain-task-0 RUNTIME 0:10:55.839000 OUTPUT: sample-simchain-task-0.out
 o Task sample-simchain-task-1 RUNTIME 0:10:53.536000 OUTPUT: sample-simchain-task-1.out

3. Running on Archer and Other Systems

The above examples are all using TACC's stampede HPC cluster. However, it is trivial to execute fecalc and simchain workloads on other systems simply by modifying If you want to use Archer (a Cray XT system), change your configuration file like this:

RESOURCE   = ""                # The name of the remote machine.
USERNAME   = "archer-username"             # Your username on the remote machine.
ALLOCATION = "archer-allocation"           # The allocation or project to charge.
WORKDIR    = "/work/your/home/dir/HT-BAC" # The working directory ("sandbox")
MAXCPUS    = 1024                          # Maximum number of CPUs to allocate.

Submitting workloads works just like it is described in sections 2.2 and 2.3.

4. Tips and Best Practice

Use tmux for Long Running Simulations

Usually workloads take much longer to execute then the examples above. Some workloads can run for hours or even for days. Hence, it is highly advisable to run the script within a terminal multiplexer, like tmux. This allows you to detach from your running script, log out from the lab machine and re-attach to it at a later point in time to check its progress.

To start a new tmux session, type


You can detach from a running tmux session by pressing Ctrl-B D and re-attach by launching tmux via tmux attach.

In your (new) tmux session, active your virtual environment and launch your workload:

source $HOME/HT-BAC-Tools/bin/activate


Now you can detach from your tmux session and even log out if you are connected via ssh. Later you can login and / or re-connect to your session again to check the progress of your simulations.


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