This list is a collection of projects, tutorials, public access points, GitHub forks and applications either based on or using RaspAP as a component in one form or another. Items in each list are ordered alphabetically by title.
Contributions are very welcome. See contributing.
The open source community is doing amazing things with RaspAP. Just when we think we've seen it all, something new and unexpected comes along. With the low cost of the Raspberry Pi and the ease of setup with our famous Quick Installer, RaspAP-powered projects are popping up all over the globe. Do you run a public or personal access point powered by RaspAP? Have an innovative project you've developed with it? Showcase your resource here!
- Arduino mobile development with Blynk - course using Blynk platform for building projects with Arduino Nano 33 IoT and ESP32
- Build a Raspberry Pi APRS Tracker using Direwolf - an amateur radio-based system for real time digital communications with RaspAP
- Build a Raspberry Pi dual-WiFi VPN router with WireGuard - for use with Apple TV
- Butter Box - an app store, encrypted chat & more, available over WiFi from an off-grid Raspberry Pi
- Connecting a Pi, iPad, HoloLens, and Magic Leap ML1 - communication between these devices in places with unreliable WiFi
- Create your own portable RFID pentest kit - Based on the Proxmark 3 with RaspAP for remote control over WiFi
- DIY WALL·E Robot - 3-D printed WALL·E replica with RaspAP used for wireless control (en español)
- Et si on Utilisait Minecraft au CollĂšge ? - Using Minecraft + RaspAP in education
- FreedomEV - Unlocking the full potential of Linux on your EV ( đž RaspAP on a rooted Tesla )
- Hacking my Air Purifier - Monitoring network traffic using RaspAP with a "smart" air purifier
- Ham Radio Winter Tent Camping | Winter Field Day - Preparedness & off-grid communications đœ
- iTex Gloves - an in-home evaluation of an e-textile glove system for tele-assessment of Parkinsonâs Disease
- Low-cost wireless endoscope camera - a preliminary report
- OpenFJ is multi-functional appliance made for adventure travel - OpenFJ is intended for use in a Toyota FJ Cruiser, OpenSJ is the version for the ocean sailing vessel Sojourner
- Pool pH Level and Temperature Wifi Monitor ( đž Project photo )
- Raspberry Pi Construction Cam
- RoutourđŒ - Building the ultimate travel router
- Secure Scuttlebutt Weather Station - Replicating, peer-to-peer database of weather log data
- Smart Window Opener - Upgrade your window from a lame one to an awesome smart one
- Subsea resident autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) - RaspAP used for wireless communication with the AUV's dock
- TravelPlex - a portable, offline 1TB Plex shared media server
- V1 Engineering - RPi-powered OctoPrint, CNC.js, CNC control from your phone
- WarDriver Pi â Build Guide - WarDriving / WiFi assessment Pi with RaspAP & Kismet
- WiFilter - A WiFi filter box boosted by machine learning to protect your children from adult content
- WiPi â A RaspberryPi Hotspot To Go - AP & portable local network with a Sixfab cellular HAT, built for travel
- Staying connected in Italy during coronavirus lockdown - tweet via @lewixlabs
- Telescope configured with PiZeroW, Rpi_Cam and RaspAP ( đž Project photo )
- WiFi Hotspot for the Garden
- 5 minutes pour créer son hotspot Wifi sur Raspberry Pi
- Adafruit: RaspAP WiFi Configuration Portal
- Build a Raspberry Pi dual-WiFi VPN router with WireGuard to use with Apple TV
- Cartographie faible coût et partagée à base de raspberry Pi et Opencpn
- RaspAP â Raspberry Pi als Hotspot / Access Point (WLAN / Wi-Fi)
- VPN router with Raspberry Pi, RaspAP and NordVPN / OpenVPN (simple)
- Raspberry Pi als WLAN-Hotspot nutzen
- Building private WiFi hotspot with RaspberryPi, RaspAP, and VPN
- Create a Wi-Fi hotspot in less than 10 minutes
- Create an AP to gain remote control of the Raspberry - Realtek chipset wifi dongle with a RPi Zero W
- Framboise314: Créez votre hotspot Wifi avec un Raspberry Pi de façon express
- Transformez votre Raspberry Pi en point dâaccĂšs WiFi avec RaspAP
- How to build a Raspberry Pi APRS Tracker using Direwolf + RaspAP
- Instructables: Raspberry Pi As Completely Wireless Router
- Lesfrerespoulain: Boitier WIFI VPN
- Monter sa borne wifi en 5mn avec un raspberry
- Raspberry Pi as 4G LTE Router
- Raspberry Pi as a Wifi Hotspot
- RĂ©aliser un routeur WiFi/4G sois-mĂȘme
- Rock Pi S WiFi Access Point with Armbian
- Tea and Tech Time: Raspberry Pi WiFi Router
- Turn Your Raspberry Pi into a Captive Portal WiâFi Access Point
- Turn your Raspberry Pi into a VPN with Tor as Access Point
- Using Sixfab Raspberry Pi Shield/HAT as a Wi-Fi Hotspot
- Raspberry Pi Wireless Access Point - YouTube instructional video
Contribution guidelines can be found here.
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