Status: working, in use (as of Mar 2019)
Small harddisk monitoring script. Providing a simple webpage overview.
Using Perl standalone webserver.
Multiple disks are supported.
Using smartctl and df.
Configuration in
./ to collect data (e.g. use w/ cron, as root).
./ to start the server (default port 6001).
Learning/using Perl CGI, Template Toolkit and JavaScript Canvas (for the graphs). Yes, Perl in 2k19. :'D
The actual program was mostly intended for use on my Raspberry, where I have an external harddrive connected, which I use as NAS/Backup etc. I do use Monitorix on the Raspberry, which I really like. But Monitorix has a polling interval of one minute, which I don't want for the harddrive since I want the drive to go into standby, during day or night, when I don't use it. Smartd would be the tool for this, but it uses Mail. And that is just.. uuhm, urgh. So, that was the perfect little use-case for this project.
insert screenshots in readme ==> DONE
create systemd file for ==> DONE
make partition usage boxes wrap ==> DONE
make the usage days update on refresh ==> DONE
rename part.size etc. ==> DONE
evtl. make n-days configurable ==> DONE, all props to Luca for helping me debugging this
limit graph points to n-days (30atm.) ==> DONE
limit numb. of status entries ==> DONE