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Jetlag Hypervisors

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MNO cluster type will allocate remaining hardware that was not put in the inventory for the cluster as Hypervisor machines if hv_inventory: true is set in the all.yml vars file while running the create-inventory.yml playbook. This is typically used for testing ACM/MCE installed on a hub cluster such that the VMs will serve as host machines for spoke clusters.

Make sure to set and append the following vars in the "extra vars" section of the vars/all.yml

Variable Meaning
hv_inventory Enables placing remaining cloud hardware into hypervisor host group in inventory file
hv_ssh_pass The ssh password to the hypervisor machines
hv_ip_offset Offsets hypervisor ip addresses to allow for future expansion of the "hub" cluster. For example, a setting of 10 allows the hub cluster to grow 10 nodes before the ip addresses will conflict with the hypervisors.
hv_vm_prefix Set to a specific prefix. Defaults to vm which produces VMs with hostnames vm00001, vm00002, ... vmXXXXX
hypervisor_nic_interface_idx Defaults to 1 and corresponds to Network 1 in the scalelab. The index is used to lookup which nic name will be bridged for the VMs.

The default VM resource configuration is:

  • 8 vCPUs
  • 18Gi Memory
  • 120G Disk

The number of vms per hypervisor type depends largely on if there are extra disks with the default resource configuration. The count of vms per machine type is hard-coded in the vars/lab.yml file. If you want to customize the count adjust the value per the machine type as desired in the vars/lab.yml.



  • RHEL >= 9 (Hypervisors)


The hypervisors bridge a network interface that was determined at the create-inventory.yml playbook timeframe. Review your inventory before running hv-setup.yml to ensure the interface you intended was selected.

Setup Hypervisors

After generating an inventory with the create-inventory.yml playbook, the hypervisor can be setup. Start by editing the vars

(.ansible) [root@<bastion> jetlag]# cp ansible/vars/hv.sample.yml ansible/vars/hv.yml
(.ansible) [root@<bastion> jetlag]# vi ansible/vars/hv.yml

Pay close attention to these vars:

Variable Comment
lab Likely scalelab as that is the only lab where this has been tested.
setup_hv_vm_dhcp Set to true if dnsmasq should be configured on each hypervisor to hand out static addresses to each VM.
base_dns_name If you set this for your hub cluster, then set it identically here
controlplane_network If you adjusted this for the hub cluster, make sure it matches for the hypervisors

Run hv-setup playbook

(.ansible) [root@<bastion> jetlag]# ansible-playbook -i ansible/inventory/cloud42.local ansible/hv-setup.yml

Hypervisor Network-Impairments

For testing where network impairments are required, we can apply latency/packet-loss/bandwidth impairments on the hypervisor nodes. The create-inventory.yml playbook automatically selects scale lab "network 1" nic names for the host var nic in the hypervisor inventory. To change this, adjust hypervisor_nic_interface_idx as an extra var applied to the all.yml vars file.

To apply network impairments, first copy the network-impairments sample vars file

(.ansible) [root@<bastion> jetlag]# cp ansible/vars/network-impairments.sample.yml ansible/vars/network-impairments.yml
(.ansible) [root@<bastion> jetlag]# vi ansible/vars/network-impairments.yml

Make sure to set/review the following vars:

Variable Description
install_tc toggles installing traffic control
apply_egress_impairments and apply_ingress_impairments toggles out-going or incoming traffic impairments
egress_delay and ingress_delay latency for egress/ingress in milliseconds
egress_packet_loss and ingress_packet_loss packet loss in percent (Example 0.01 for 0.01%)
egress_bandwidth and ingress_bandwidth bandwidth in kilobits (Example 100000 which is 100000kbps or 100Mbps)

Apply impairments:

(.ansible) [root@<bastion> jetlag]# ansible-playbook -i ansible/inventory/cloud03.local ansible/hv-network-impairments.yml

Remove impairments:

(.ansible) [root@<bastion> jetlag]# ansible-playbook -i ansible/inventory/cloud03.local ansible/hv-network-impairments.yml -e 'apply_egress_impairments=false apply_ingress_impairments=false'

Note, egress impairments are applied directly to the impaired nic. Ingress impairments are applied to an ifb interface that handles ingress traffic for the impaired nic.

Create/Delete/Replace VMs

Three playbooks are included to create, delete and replace the vms. All three playbooks depend on the same vars file and it should be copied in the same fashion as previous vars files:

(.ansible) [root@<bastion> jetlag]# cp ansible/vars/hv.sample.yml ansible/vars/hv.yml
(.ansible) [root@<bastion> jetlag]# vi ansible/vars/hv.yml

The following vars apply to the manifests which are generated for deploying OCP clusters from ACM/MCE using the VMs as "emulated BareMetal Nodes":

Variable name Meaning
ssh_public_key_file Sets the permitted ssh key to ssh into the node
setup_hv_vm_dhcp Leaves the nmstateconfig portion out of the manifests
hv_vm_manifest_type Determines which kind of manifest(s) the playbook will generate, choose from sno, compact, standard, and jumbo
hv_vm_manifest_acm_cr Set to true if you want ACM CRs generated with the manifests
compact_cluster_count If hv_vm_manifest_type: compact, then this determines the number of compact cluster siteconfigs to generate. Each compact cluster consists of 3 vms, be careful not to exceed the entire count of vms.
standard_cluster_count If hv_vm_manifest_type: standard, then this determines the number of standard cluster siteconfigs to generate. It will include standard_cluster_node_count count of vms in each standard cluster siteconfig. Be careful not to exceed the entire count of vms.

Run create vms:

(.ansible) [root@<bastion> jetlag]# ansible-playbook -i ansible/inventory/cloud42.local ansible/hv-vm-create.yml

Run replace vms (Deletes then creates vms):

(.ansible) [root@<bastion> jetlag]# ansible-playbook -i ansible/inventory/cloud42.local ansible/hv-vm-replace.yml

Run delete vms:

(.ansible) [root@<bastion> jetlag]# ansible-playbook -i ansible/inventory/cloud42.local ansible/hv-vm-delete.yml

Manifests and Siteconfigs

When you create vms, depending upon what hv_vm_manifest_type, you will find pre-generated manifests to either deploy SNOs or traditional OCP clusters using ACM/MCE. Those manifests and siteconfigs are located in:

# ls -lh /root/hv-vm/
total 0
drwxr-xr-x. 3 root root 23 Jul 22 18:34 jumbo
(.ansible) [root@<bastion> jetlag]# ls -lh /root/hv-vm/jumbo/manifests/
total 456K
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 453K Jul 22 18:51 manifest.yml

As expected, cluster type of jumbo includes just one yaml file with all the manifests to create the jumbo cluster.

(.ansible) [root@<bastion>jetlag]# ls -lh /root/hv-vm/compact/siteconfigs/
total 400K
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 97K Jul 22 19:30 compact-00001-resources.yml
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 97K Jul 22 19:30 compact-00001-siteconfig.yml
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 97K Jul 22 19:30 compact-00002-resources.yml
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 97K Jul 22 19:30 compact-00002-siteconfig.yml
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 97K Jul 22 19:30 compact-00003-resources.yml
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 97K Jul 22 19:30 compact-00003-siteconfig.yml
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 97K Jul 22 19:30 compact-00004-resources.yml
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 97K Jul 22 19:30 compact-00004-siteconfig.yml

Compact type generates a siteconfig per cluster consisting of exactly 3 nodes. Standard type generates siteconfigs consisting of standard_cluster_node_count number of nodes.

SNO manifests are a directory per manifest since each SNO is a single node with several CRs.