This is a dumping ground for little libraries that I've written that serve a specific purpose, but don't weigh in big enough (in my eyes) to warrant an entire github repo.
The aim will be to include documentation for each either here or in a [library].md file.
Only tested in Chrome & IE7, but I have a simple event "on", "fire" system that works but also supports custom events and bubbling.
var links = document.getElementsByTagName('a');
ev(links).on('click', function () {
ev(links).on('remy', function (event) {
alert('a custom event fired: ' + event.type);
bind.js used to live here, but I've moved it to it's own repo:
Basic XHR with JSON and error handling.
var xhr = get('/status', function (err, status) {
if (err) {
// something went wrong
console.log('The current status is: ' + status);