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{"tweets": [{"text": "So I apparently slept through a riot and helicopters \ud83d\ude33", "cate": ["C07", "O02"], "tokens": {"riot": ["C07"], "helicopter": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "PORVPDN&NE", "lemmed_text": "so i apparently sleep through a riot and helicopter \ud83d\ude33", "tweet_id": "523827539966701569", "created_at": "2014-10-19T13:26:32Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.925567", "lon": "-72.283148"}}, {"text": "@meegmchugh * with a mace filled paintball gun", "cate": ["C07"], "tokens": {"gun": ["C07"]}, "token_tags": "@,PDNVNN", "lemmed_text": "@meegmchugh * with a mace fill paintball gun", "tweet_id": "523827626885263360", "created_at": "2014-10-19T13:26:53Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.926585", "lon": "-72.285509"}}, {"text": "@carey_mercier @JimMacLeod I had no idea what was going on ! I was annoyed by the helicopter . Can't a girl look at some pumpkins in peace ?", "cate": ["O02", "E01"], "tokens": {"pumpkin": ["E01"], "helicopter": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "@@OVDNOVVT,OVVPDN,VDNVPDNPN,", "lemmed_text": "@carey_mercier @jimmacleod i have no idea what be go on ! i be annoy by the helicopter . can't a girl look at some pumpkin in peace ?", "tweet_id": "523828058399465473", "created_at": "2014-10-19T13:28:36Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.943189", "lon": "-72.278352"}}, {"text": "@jerilynk66 police kept them away from the rest of the community at least . This is what happens when kids have zero responsibility", "cate": ["O02"], "tokens": {"police": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "@NVORPDNPDNPA,OVOVRNVNN", "lemmed_text": "@jerilynk66 police keep them away from the rest of the community at least . this be what happen when kid have zero responsibility", "tweet_id": "523828268131418112", "created_at": "2014-10-19T13:29:26Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.939695", "lon": "-72.280726"}}, {"text": "Obama ruined pumpkin fest", "cate": ["E01"], "tokens": {"pumpkin": ["E01"]}, "token_tags": "^VNN", "lemmed_text": "obama ruin pumpkin fest", "tweet_id": "523828718629060609", "created_at": "2014-10-19T13:31:13Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.922269", "lon": "-72.291019"}}, {"text": "I thought pumpkinfest would kill us but stupid motherfuckers killed it for everyone", "cate": ["C07", "T11"], "tokens": {"kill": ["C07"], "stupid": ["T11"]}, "token_tags": "OV^VVO&ANVOPN", "lemmed_text": "i think pumpkinfest would kill us but stupid motherfucker kill it for everyone", "tweet_id": "523831182208024577", "created_at": "2014-10-19T13:41:00Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.925344", "lon": "-72.279691"}}, {"text": "Was too excited to see Eric last night", "cate": ["T11"], "tokens": {"excited": ["T11"]}, "token_tags": "VRAPV^AN", "lemmed_text": "was too excited to see eric last night", "tweet_id": "523835445508341760", "created_at": "2014-10-19T13:57:57Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.925595", "lon": "-72.28295"}}, {"text": "I think I'm sick .. Pumpkin Fest 2k14 got the best of me", "cate": ["E01"], "tokens": {"pumpkin": ["E01"]}, "token_tags": "OVLA,NNNVDAPO", "lemmed_text": "i think i'm sick .. pumpkin fest 2k14 get the best of me", "tweet_id": "523835671132512256", "created_at": "2014-10-19T13:58:51Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.929701", "lon": "-72.282629"}}, {"text": "This place looks like a bomb went off", "cate": ["C07"], "tokens": {"bomb": ["C07"]}, "token_tags": "DNVPDNVT", "lemmed_text": "this place look like a bomb go off", "tweet_id": "523837146747404288", "created_at": "2014-10-19T14:04:42Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.929723", "lon": "-72.281541"}}, {"text": "Viva la pumpkin fest \ud83c\udf83\ud83c\udf83 @ pfest baby http://t.co/Gs3TaefHli", "cate": ["E01"], "tokens": {"pumpkin": ["E01"]}, "token_tags": "G^NN,P^NU", "lemmed_text": "viva la pumpkin fest \ud83c\udf83\ud83c\udf83 @ pfest baby http://t.co/gs3taefhli", "tweet_id": "523838067711283200", "created_at": "2014-10-19T14:08:22Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.92712", "lon": "-72.285311"}}, {"text": "Never experienced something so insane in my life", "cate": ["T11"], "tokens": {"insane": ["T11"]}, "token_tags": "RVNRAPDN", "lemmed_text": "never experience something so insane in my life", "tweet_id": "523839557113241600", "created_at": "2014-10-19T14:14:17Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.927624", "lon": "-72.283636"}}, {"text": "\" @SoniaMarieXoXo : Where's my \" I survived pumpkin fest 2014 \" shirt ? \"", "cate": ["E01"], "tokens": {"pumpkin": ["E01"]}, "token_tags": ",@~LD,OVNN$,N,,", "lemmed_text": "\" @soniamariexoxo : where's my \" i survive pumpkin fest 2014 \" shirt ? \"", "tweet_id": "523840254017826816", "created_at": "2014-10-19T14:17:03Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.92715", "lon": "-72.28263"}}, {"text": "I was that girl yelling \" hi mom \" to the helicopter as it circled our school . #PumpkinFest2K14", "cate": ["O02"], "tokens": {"helicopter": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "OVDNV,!N,PDNPOVDN,#", "lemmed_text": "i be that girl yell \" hi mom \" to the helicopter as it circle our school . #pumpkinfest2k14", "tweet_id": "523841340715831296", "created_at": "2014-10-19T14:21:22Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.928728", "lon": "-72.279391"}}, {"text": "Blake Street Riot \ud83d\udd25\ud83d\udc6e @ Keene Pumpkinfest 2014 http://t.co/Q7Upn54UIz", "cate": ["C07"], "tokens": {"riot": ["C07"]}, "token_tags": "^^N,P^^$U", "lemmed_text": "blake street riot \ud83d\udd25\ud83d\udc6e @ keene pumpkinfest 2014 http://t.co/q7upn54uiz", "tweet_id": "523842153517023232", "created_at": "2014-10-19T14:24:36Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.933563", "lon": "-72.278183"}}, {"text": "Hope this wasnt the last of pfest If cops weren't as aggressive as they were none of this would have happened . They were just asking for it", "cate": ["O02"], "tokens": {"cop": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "VOVDAP^PNVRAPOVNPOVVV,OVRVPO", "lemmed_text": "hope this wasnt the last of pfest if cop weren't as aggressive as they be none of this would have happen . they be just ask for it", "tweet_id": "523843880144617472", "created_at": "2014-10-19T14:31:28Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.926446", "lon": "-72.283806"}}, {"text": "An unhealthy amount tear gas/pepper spray still lingering in my lungs ; you can say it was a great night #PumpkinFest2014", "cate": ["O02", "T11"], "tokens": {"great": ["T11"], "spray": ["O02"], "tear": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "DANNNNRVPDN,OVVOVDAN#", "lemmed_text": "an unhealthy amount tear gas/pepper spray still linger in my lung ; you can say it be a great night #pumpkinfest2014", "tweet_id": "523844055407816704", "created_at": "2014-10-19T14:32:10Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.929552", "lon": "-72.282626"}}, {"text": "There is an unhealthy amount of tear gas/pepper spray still lingering in my lungs ; you can say it was a good night #PumpkinFest2014 \ud83c\udf83\ud83d\udc7b\ud83c\udf7b\ud83c\udf79", "cate": ["O02"], "tokens": {"spray": ["O02"], "tear": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "XVDANPNNNRVPDN,OVVOVDAN##", "lemmed_text": "there be an unhealthy amount of tear gas/pepper spray still linger in my lung ; you can say it be a good night #pumpkinfest2014 \ud83c\udf83\ud83d\udc7b\ud83c\udf7b\ud83c\udf79", "tweet_id": "523845006713688064", "created_at": "2014-10-19T14:35:56Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.929684", "lon": "-72.282675"}}, {"text": "I love how everyone is saying they're glad they don't go to Keene but it wasn't even the students rioting it was all of the dumbass visitors", "cate": ["C07"], "tokens": {"riot": ["C07"]}, "token_tags": "OVRNVVLAOVVP^&OVRDNVOVDPDNN", "lemmed_text": "i love how everyone be say they're glad they don't go to keene but it wasn't even the student riot it be all of the dumbass visitor", "tweet_id": "523849082306301953", "created_at": "2014-10-19T14:52:08Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.932665", "lon": "-72.285822"}}, {"text": "Tear gas ain't right", "cate": ["O02"], "tokens": {"tear": ["O02"], "gas": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "VNVR", "lemmed_text": "tear gas ain't right", "tweet_id": "523850173542588416", "created_at": "2014-10-19T14:56:28Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.926585", "lon": "-72.283586"}}, {"text": "RIP pumpkinfest", "cate": ["E01"], "tokens": {"pumpkinfest": ["E01"]}, "token_tags": "VA", "lemmed_text": "rip pumpkinfest", "tweet_id": "523850312617316352", "created_at": "2014-10-19T14:57:01Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.931076", "lon": "-72.266357"}}, {"text": "@AlecRodrigue lol Keene is currently labeled the number 1 party school in the country , umass didn't have armored vehicles or 3 SWAT teams ...", "cate": ["O02"], "tokens": {"swat": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "@!^VRVDN$NNPDN,^VVAN&$NN,", "lemmed_text": "@alecrodrigue lol keene be currently label the number 1 party school in the country , umass didn't have armored vehicle or 3 swat team ...", "tweet_id": "523850870518452224", "created_at": "2014-10-19T14:59:14Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.926651", "lon": "-72.28093"}}, {"text": "Happy happy birthday @C_nway \ud83d\ude0d \u2764 \ufe0f", "cate": ["T11"], "tokens": {"happy": ["T11"]}, "token_tags": "AAN@EEE", "lemmed_text": "happy happy birthday @c_nway \ud83d\ude0d \u2764 \ufe0f", "tweet_id": "523851451991601152", "created_at": "2014-10-19T15:01:33Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.931119", "lon": "-72.277785"}}, {"text": "@KyleCoelhoo @Dreiiaaaa I got tear gassed and I saw kids get shot with rubber bullets and some girl decked w a beer bottle", "cate": ["C07", "O02", "E01"], "tokens": {"beer": ["E01"], "shot": ["C07"], "tear": ["O02"], "gas": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "@@OVVV&OVNVNPNN&DNVPDNN", "lemmed_text": "@kylecoelhoo @dreiiaaaa i get tear gas and i saw kid get shot with rubber bullet and some girl deck w a beer bottle", "tweet_id": "523852513817395200", "created_at": "2014-10-19T15:05:46Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.926651", "lon": "-72.28093"}}, {"text": "@AlecRodrigue did the governor get involved ? And if you were anywhere on campus did you get beaten w batons and arrested ?", "cate": ["C07"], "tokens": {"arrest": ["C07"]}, "token_tags": "@VDNVV,&POVRPNVOVVPN&V,", "lemmed_text": "@alecrodrigue do the governor get involve ? and if you be anywhere on campus do you get beat w baton and arrest ?", "tweet_id": "523852917846310912", "created_at": "2014-10-19T15:07:22Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.926651", "lon": "-72.28093"}}, {"text": "\u201c @FinnaRageTV : \u201c @KSCClassof2018 : This is fucking pathetic http://t.co/nz1ExcsUFX \u201d END IT KEENE !! \u201d The rage people thought it was bad", "cate": ["T11"], "tokens": {"bad": ["T11"]}, "token_tags": ",@~,@~OVRAU,VO^,,DNNVOVA", "lemmed_text": "\u201c @finnaragetv : \u201c @kscclassof2018 : this be fucking pathetic http://t.co/nz1excsufx \u201d end it keene !! \u201d the rage people think it be bad", "tweet_id": "523853001908576256", "created_at": "2014-10-19T15:07:43Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.903204", "lon": "-72.265852"}}, {"text": "Was there a riot or something ?", "cate": ["C07"], "tokens": {"riot": ["C07"]}, "token_tags": "VXDN&N,", "lemmed_text": "was there a riot or something ?", "tweet_id": "523853244624560128", "created_at": "2014-10-19T15:08:40Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.930427", "lon": "-72.27847"}}, {"text": "\u201c @SMACKCOLLEGE : \" Saw a kid with his kneecap showing ... Most disgusting thing ive ever seen in my life #keenestae \"\u201d @haydenclark9", "cate": ["T11"], "tokens": {"disgusting": ["T11"]}, "token_tags": ",@~,VDNPDNV,RANLRVPDN#,@", "lemmed_text": "\u201c @smackcollege : \" saw a kid with his kneecap show ... most disgusting thing ive ever see in my life #keenestae \"\u201d @haydenclark9", "tweet_id": "523854393209540608", "created_at": "2014-10-19T15:13:14Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.93104", "lon": "-72.265971"}}, {"text": "@USAPartyStory casual swat team #KeeneState #USAPartyStories http://t.co/Oujs1eaqRW", "cate": ["O02"], "tokens": {"swat": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "@ANN##U", "lemmed_text": "@usapartystory casual swat team #keenestate #usapartystories http://t.co/oujs1eaqrw", "tweet_id": "523855767343210496", "created_at": "2014-10-19T15:18:42Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.929779", "lon": "-72.282825"}}, {"text": "Shout out to the kid who dome shotted that cop with a beer", "cate": ["O02", "E01"], "tokens": {"beer": ["E01"], "cop": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "VTPDNONVDNPDN", "lemmed_text": "shout out to the kid who dome shotted that cop with a beer", "tweet_id": "523855872997732352", "created_at": "2014-10-19T15:19:07Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.926869", "lon": "-72.280712"}}, {"text": "Why don't we do a little day drinking \ud83c\udf83\ud83c\udf7b\ud83c\udf89 @ Pumpkinfest 2k14 http://t.co/NPhZ3XgIam", "cate": ["E01"], "tokens": {"drink": ["E01"]}, "token_tags": "RVOVDANV,P^^U", "lemmed_text": "why don't we do a little day drink \ud83c\udf83\ud83c\udf7b\ud83c\udf89 @ pumpkinfest 2k14 http://t.co/nphz3xgiam", "tweet_id": "523856108986044416", "created_at": "2014-10-19T15:20:03Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.92488", "lon": "-72.273512"}}, {"text": "Tear gas definitely doesn't feel nice", "cate": ["O02"], "tokens": {"tear": ["O02"], "gas": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "VNRVVA", "lemmed_text": "tear gas definitely doesn't feel nice", "tweet_id": "523859483785961472", "created_at": "2014-10-19T15:33:28Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.94045", "lon": "-72.277607"}}, {"text": "I want a milkshake so bad !", "cate": ["T11"], "tokens": {"bad": ["T11"]}, "token_tags": "OVDNRA,", "lemmed_text": "i want a milkshake so bad !", "tweet_id": "523860127804555264", "created_at": "2014-10-19T15:36:01Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.940454", "lon": "-72.277607"}}, {"text": "@AlecRodrigue kids were getting beaten for just walking out of their dorms and then arrested .", "cate": ["C07"], "tokens": {"arrest": ["C07"]}, "token_tags": "@NVVVPRVPPDN&RV,", "lemmed_text": "@alecrodrigue kid be get beat for just walk out of their dorm and then arrest .", "tweet_id": "523861432715444224", "created_at": "2014-10-19T15:41:13Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.927547", "lon": "-72.284361"}}, {"text": "@AlecRodrigue also getting pepper sprayed , tear gassed , and shot with rubber bullets", "cate": ["C07", "O02"], "tokens": {"spray": ["O02"], "shot": ["C07"], "pepper": ["O02"], "tear": ["O02"], "gas": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "@RVNV,VV,&NPNN", "lemmed_text": "@alecrodrigue also get pepper spray , tear gas , and shot with rubber bullet", "tweet_id": "523861522498715649", "created_at": "2014-10-19T15:41:34Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.927547", "lon": "-72.284361"}}, {"text": "@AlecRodrigue didn't say you were\ud83d\udc81 I'm just saying we're now the #1 party school in the country and blarney wasn't nearly as bad", "cate": ["T11"], "tokens": {"bad": ["T11"]}, "token_tags": "@VVOVLRVLRD$NNPDN&NVRRA", "lemmed_text": "@alecrodrigue didn't say you were\ud83d\udc81 i'm just say we're now the #1 party school in the country and blarney wasn't nearly as bad", "tweet_id": "523862091619655680", "created_at": "2014-10-19T15:43:50Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.926695", "lon": "-72.2811"}}, {"text": "@carly_hopkins barley . Almost died of too much pepper spray \ud83d\ude37", "cate": ["O02"], "tokens": {"spray": ["O02"], "pepper": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "@N,RVPRANNE", "lemmed_text": "@carly_hopkins barley . almost die of too much pepper spray \ud83d\ude37", "tweet_id": "523864652141592576", "created_at": "2014-10-19T15:54:00Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.928048", "lon": "-72.273717"}}, {"text": "And yes ... there was a helicopter", "cate": ["O02"], "tokens": {"helicopter": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "&!,XVDN", "lemmed_text": "and yes ... there be a helicopter", "tweet_id": "523865337629274113", "created_at": "2014-10-19T15:56:44Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.92692", "lon": "-72.279751"}}, {"text": "Thank you fora great weekend , love you long time @ Pumpkin Fest 2014 http://t.co/7lK6ztPbU8", "cate": ["T11"], "tokens": {"great": ["T11"]}, "token_tags": "VOVAN,VOANP^^$U", "lemmed_text": "thank you fora great weekend , love you long time @ pumpkin fest 2014 http://t.co/7lk6ztpbu8", "tweet_id": "523865449172590593", "created_at": "2014-10-19T15:57:10Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.928445", "lon": "-72.282054"}}, {"text": "Never realized I would ever wake up with tear gas in my hair but I guess there's a first to everything", "cate": ["O02"], "tokens": {"tear": ["O02"], "gas": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "RVOVRVTPNNPDN&OVLDAPN", "lemmed_text": "never realize i would ever wake up with tear gas in my hair but i guess there's a first to everything", "tweet_id": "523865707860484097", "created_at": "2014-10-19T15:58:12Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.927201", "lon": "-72.280593"}}, {"text": "@LillianSawyer : Never realized I would ever wake up with tear gas in my hair but I guess there's a first for everything", "cate": ["O02"], "tokens": {"tear": ["O02"], "gas": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "@,RVOVRVTPNNPDN&OVLDAPN", "lemmed_text": "@lilliansawyer : never realize i would ever wake up with tear gas in my hair but i guess there's a first for everything", "tweet_id": "523865778396069888", "created_at": "2014-10-19T15:58:29Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.928474", "lon": "-72.278745"}}, {"text": "Never realized I would ever wake up with tear gas in my hair but I guess there's a first for everything", "cate": ["O02"], "tokens": {"tear": ["O02"], "gas": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "RVOVRVTPNNPDN&OVLDAPN", "lemmed_text": "never realize i would ever wake up with tear gas in my hair but i guess there's a first for everything", "tweet_id": "523865878807728129", "created_at": "2014-10-19T15:58:53Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.928474", "lon": "-72.278745"}}, {"text": "Felt like I was in GTA chillin on 5 stars once I saw the helicopter come in last night", "cate": ["O02"], "tokens": {"helicopter": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "VPOVP^VP$NROVDNVPAN", "lemmed_text": "felt like i be in gta chillin on 5 star once i saw the helicopter come in last night", "tweet_id": "523867947639799808", "created_at": "2014-10-19T16:07:06Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.926512", "lon": "-72.28357"}}, {"text": "Pumpkin fest was fucking insane I'm not doing good today but still drink booze", "cate": ["E01", "T11"], "tokens": {"pumpkin": ["E01"], "drink": ["E01"], "insane": ["T11"]}, "token_tags": "NNVRALRVAN&RVN", "lemmed_text": "pumpkin fest be fucking insane i'm not do good today but still drink booze", "tweet_id": "523868948451061760", "created_at": "2014-10-19T16:11:04Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.928957", "lon": "-72.274013"}}, {"text": "@ThugNasty_Mercs they brought in a squad of SWAT", "cate": ["O02"], "tokens": {"swat": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "@OVPDNPN", "lemmed_text": "@thugnasty_mercs they bring in a squad of swat", "tweet_id": "523868977991524353", "created_at": "2014-10-19T16:11:12Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.926775", "lon": "-72.280848"}}, {"text": "Alex's mom thinks she started the riot last night ..", "cate": ["C07"], "tokens": {"riot": ["C07"]}, "token_tags": "ZNVOVDNAN,", "lemmed_text": "alex's mom think she start the riot last night ..", "tweet_id": "523869318778724352", "created_at": "2014-10-19T16:12:33Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.929485", "lon": "-72.281201"}}, {"text": "@bladelevich pumpkinfest got ridiculous yesterday", "cate": ["E01"], "tokens": {"pumpkinfest": ["E01"]}, "token_tags": "@NVAN", "lemmed_text": "@bladelevich pumpkinfest get ridiculous yesterday", "tweet_id": "523869633632563201", "created_at": "2014-10-19T16:13:48Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.929444", "lon": "-72.282517"}}, {"text": "\" @princeisaiah_ : When bri starts drunk tweeting < \" \ud83d\ude02 you love it", "cate": ["E01"], "tokens": {"drunk": ["E01"]}, "token_tags": ",@~RGVAV~,,OVO", "lemmed_text": "\" @princeisaiah_ : when bri start drunk tweet < \" \ud83d\ude02 you love it", "tweet_id": "523870219102879745", "created_at": "2014-10-19T16:16:07Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.924974", "lon": "-72.27992"}}, {"text": "@kafffren felt like I was going to die my throat is still killing me .", "cate": ["C07"], "tokens": {"kill": ["C07"]}, "token_tags": "@VPOVVPVDNVRVO,", "lemmed_text": "@kafffren felt like i be go to die my throat be still kill me .", "tweet_id": "523872062239412224", "created_at": "2014-10-19T16:23:27Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.928224", "lon": "-72.273703"}}, {"text": "Alright SWAT http://t.co/EWZspixoTb", "cate": ["O02"], "tokens": {"swat": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "!NU", "lemmed_text": "alright swat http://t.co/ewzspixotb", "tweet_id": "523872226052165632", "created_at": "2014-10-19T16:24:06Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.928094", "lon": "-72.273737"}}, {"text": "Cloudy with a chance of beer showers . \ud83c\udf83\ud83c\udf7b\u2614\ufe0f @ Keene State College , Pumpkinfest http://t.co/uku5cjTsfu", "cate": ["E01"], "tokens": {"beer": ["E01"]}, "token_tags": "APDNPNN,GP^^^,^U", "lemmed_text": "cloudy with a chance of beer shower . \ud83c\udf83\ud83c\udf7b\u2614\ufe0f @ keene state college , pumpkinfest http://t.co/uku5cjtsfu", "tweet_id": "523873798232481792", "created_at": "2014-10-19T16:30:21Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.926895", "lon": "-72.285283"}}, {"text": "Thinking of making \" I survived pumpkin fest 2014 \" t-shirts ...", "cate": ["E01"], "tokens": {"pumpkin": ["E01"]}, "token_tags": "VPV,OVNN$,N,", "lemmed_text": "thinking of make \" i survive pumpkin fest 2014 \" t-shirt ...", "tweet_id": "523874077812219904", "created_at": "2014-10-19T16:31:27Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.926547", "lon": "-72.282749"}}, {"text": "Selfies with the swat team and selfies with my team . \u270c\ufe0fKeene and RIP Pumpkinfest @ \ud83c\udf83\ud83c\udf7b\ud83d\ude94 http://t.co/z9KIHumOhE", "cate": ["O02"], "tokens": {"swat": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "NPDNN&NPDN,^&V^P^U", "lemmed_text": "selfies with the swat team and selfies with my team . \u270c\ufe0fkeene and rip pumpkinfest @ \ud83c\udf83\ud83c\udf7b\ud83d\ude94 http://t.co/z9kihumohe", "tweet_id": "523875833862045698", "created_at": "2014-10-19T16:38:26Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.929706", "lon": "-72.281003"}}, {"text": "@lisalunu yeah I was there- it's my school . Just drunk assholes", "cate": ["E01"], "tokens": {"drunk": ["E01"]}, "token_tags": "@!OVRLDN,RAN", "lemmed_text": "@lisalunu yeah i be there- it's my school . just drunk asshole", "tweet_id": "523877239499550720", "created_at": "2014-10-19T16:44:01Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.928491", "lon": "-72.278773"}}, {"text": "Pumpkin fest was fucking cray cray last night #helicopters #platinums #everythinggood", "cate": ["E01"], "tokens": {"pumpkin": ["E01"]}, "token_tags": "NNVRAAANNN#", "lemmed_text": "pumpkin fest be fucking cray cray last night #helicopters #platinums #everythinggood", "tweet_id": "523881448122908672", "created_at": "2014-10-19T17:00:45Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.924929", "lon": "-72.284297"}}, {"text": "It's not Pumpkin Fest unless someone gets naked ! #pumpkinfest #shitshow @ Keene Pumpkin Fest 2014 http://t.co/57esq6YcKi", "cate": ["E01"], "tokens": {"pumpkin": ["E01"]}, "token_tags": "LRNNPNVA,#NP^NN$U", "lemmed_text": "it's not pumpkin fest unless someone get naked ! #pumpkinfest #shitshow @ keene pumpkin fest 2014 http://t.co/57esq6ycki", "tweet_id": "523882060440551424", "created_at": "2014-10-19T17:03:11Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.933878", "lon": "-72.271023"}}, {"text": "#keene students clean up after riots . Many say never seen parties escalate to that level . #fox25 http://t.co/X1MGXkHQjQ", "cate": ["C07"], "tokens": {"riot": ["C07"]}, "token_tags": "^NVTPN,ANRVNVPDN,#U", "lemmed_text": "#keene student clean up after riot . many say never see party escalate to that level . #fox25 http://t.co/x1mgxkhqjq", "tweet_id": "523884953273397248", "created_at": "2014-10-19T17:14:40Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.933094", "lon": "-72.278274"}}, {"text": "So uh .. Last night was rather insane", "cate": ["T11"], "tokens": {"insane": ["T11"]}, "token_tags": "P!,ANVRA", "lemmed_text": "so uh .. last night be rather insane", "tweet_id": "523885192742977536", "created_at": "2014-10-19T17:15:37Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.928726", "lon": "-72.279571"}}, {"text": "Pumpkin Fest 2k14 \ud83c\udf83\ud83d\udca5\ud83c\udf7a\ud83c\udf83 @ Pumpkin Fest http://t.co/bDk054a9W2", "cate": ["E01"], "tokens": {"pumpkin": ["E01"]}, "token_tags": "NN$NP^^U", "lemmed_text": "pumpkin fest 2k14 \ud83c\udf83\ud83d\udca5\ud83c\udf7a\ud83c\udf83 @ pumpkin fest http://t.co/bdk054a9w2", "tweet_id": "523893157889867777", "created_at": "2014-10-19T17:47:16Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.931337", "lon": "-72.2781"}}, {"text": "May the bridges I burn light the way", "cate": ["T04"], "tokens": {"bridge": ["T04"], "burn": ["T04"]}, "token_tags": "VDNOVNDN", "lemmed_text": "may the bridge i burn light the way", "tweet_id": "523894035547971584", "created_at": "2014-10-19T17:50:46Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "43.014614", "lon": "-72.350478"}}, {"text": "@alivingiano thanks for the misleading title on your article . The mayhem and riots/idiots were not at the actual Pumpkin fest .", "cate": ["E01"], "tokens": {"pumpkin": ["E01"]}, "token_tags": "@NPDANPDN,DN&NVRPDANN,", "lemmed_text": "@alivingiano thanks for the misleading title on your article . the mayhem and riots/idiots be not at the actual pumpkin fest .", "tweet_id": "523899833825103872", "created_at": "2014-10-19T18:13:48Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.939725", "lon": "-72.280705"}}, {"text": "If you weren't at pumpkin fest , you can thank @Ryan_Hagerty11 for the fabulous play by play shots", "cate": ["C07", "E01", "T11"], "tokens": {"pumpkin": ["E01"], "fabulous": ["T11"], "shot": ["C07"]}, "token_tags": "POVPNN,OVV@PDANPVN", "lemmed_text": "if you weren't at pumpkin fest , you can thank @ryan_hagerty11 for the fabulous play by play shot", "tweet_id": "523905872565919744", "created_at": "2014-10-19T18:37:48Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.928729", "lon": "-72.279572"}}, {"text": "I'm so fucking tired of putting gas into my car \ud83d\ude12", "cate": ["O02"], "tokens": {"gas": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "LPRAPVNPDNE", "lemmed_text": "i'm so fucking tired of put gas into my car \ud83d\ude12", "tweet_id": "523910800009076736", "created_at": "2014-10-19T18:57:23Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.932566", "lon": "-72.285245"}}, {"text": "@creenaxo I hate youuuuu hahah", "cate": ["T11"], "tokens": {"hate": ["T11"]}, "token_tags": "@OVO!", "lemmed_text": "@creenaxo i hate youuuuu hahah", "tweet_id": "523911380978892800", "created_at": "2014-10-19T18:59:41Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.926499", "lon": "-72.289255"}}, {"text": "Drinkin ' and dancin ' with the one and only @jharrington75 before Blake street was set on fire . \ud83c\udf83\ud83c\udf7b\ud83d\udd25 \u2026 http://t.co/s19pg2nLUa", "cate": ["C07"], "tokens": {"fire": ["C07"]}, "token_tags": "V,&V,PD$&R@P^^VVPN,G~U", "lemmed_text": "drinkin ' and dancin ' with the one and only @jharrington75 before blake street be set on fire . \ud83c\udf83\ud83c\udf7b\ud83d\udd25 \u2026 http://t.co/s19pg2nlua", "tweet_id": "523918180050546688", "created_at": "2014-10-19T19:26:42Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.929345", "lon": "-72.281176"}}, {"text": "My besties & pumpkin fest \ud83d\udc9c\ud83d\udc8b\ud83c\udf83 @ Keene State College http://t.co/0R5yJSHN2t", "cate": ["E01"], "tokens": {"pumpkin": ["E01"]}, "token_tags": "DN&NN,P^^^U", "lemmed_text": "my besties & pumpkin fest \ud83d\udc9c\ud83d\udc8b\ud83c\udf83 @ keene state college http://t.co/0r5yjshn2t", "tweet_id": "523919674514604033", "created_at": "2014-10-19T19:32:39Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.926945", "lon": "-72.280858"}}, {"text": "\" @meg__malloy : PTPS ( post traumatic pumpkin fest syndrome ) \"", "cate": ["E01"], "tokens": {"pumpkin": ["E01"]}, "token_tags": ",@~^,VANNN,,", "lemmed_text": "\" @meg__malloy : ptps ( post traumatic pumpkin fest syndrome ) \"", "tweet_id": "523924387167469569", "created_at": "2014-10-19T19:51:22Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.940004", "lon": "-72.283533"}}, {"text": "Pumpkin Fest was a fucking shit show ; can't wait till next year to do all over again \ud83d\ude1c !! #pumpkinfest \u2026 http://t.co/wuLc4dCakS", "cate": ["E01"], "tokens": {"pumpkin": ["E01"]}, "token_tags": "NNVDANN,VVPANPVDPRE,#,U", "lemmed_text": "pumpkin fest be a fucking shit show ; can't wait till next year to do all over again \ud83d\ude1c !! #pumpkinfest \u2026 http://t.co/wulc4dcaks", "tweet_id": "523928920388026368", "created_at": "2014-10-19T20:09:23Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.926945", "lon": "-72.280858"}}, {"text": "i dont care about my haters and if you wanna fight me , then fight me \ud83d\udc4c\ud83d\ude1a\ud83d\udc76 http://t.co/FHou2zA3uR", "cate": ["C07"], "tokens": {"fight": ["C07"]}, "token_tags": "OVVPDN&POVVO,RVOGU", "lemmed_text": "i dont care about my hater and if you wanna fight me , then fight me \ud83d\udc4c\ud83d\ude1a\ud83d\udc76 http://t.co/fhou2za3ur", "tweet_id": "523930069455368192", "created_at": "2014-10-19T20:13:57Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.909789", "lon": "-72.260378"}}, {"text": "@zingZACH I mean yeah it was fucked up and things got out of hand , but it doesn't mean this is a bad school", "cate": ["T11"], "tokens": {"bad": ["T11"]}, "token_tags": "@OV!OVVT&NVTPN,&OVVOVDAN", "lemmed_text": "@zingzach i mean yeah it be fuck up and thing get out of hand , but it doesn't mean this be a bad school", "tweet_id": "523934486262996992", "created_at": "2014-10-19T20:31:30Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.926651", "lon": "-72.280931"}}, {"text": "@beeffwellington @CatherineTewell they rioted because of my return", "cate": ["C07"], "tokens": {"riot": ["C07"]}, "token_tags": "@@OVPPDN", "lemmed_text": "@beeffwellington @catherinetewell they riot because of my return", "tweet_id": "523944829286641664", "created_at": "2014-10-19T21:12:36Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.92345", "lon": "-72.280452"}}, {"text": "Happy 21st birthday Bobo \ud83c\udf7b\ud83d\ude18\ud83c\udf88\ud83c\udf89 @Bo_Crane_34", "cate": ["T11"], "tokens": {"happy": ["T11"]}, "token_tags": "AAN^^@", "lemmed_text": "happy 21st birthday bobo \ud83c\udf7b\ud83d\ude18\ud83c\udf88\ud83c\udf89 @bo_crane_34", "tweet_id": "523946741226553344", "created_at": "2014-10-19T21:20:12Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.92929", "lon": "-72.275122"}}, {"text": "Before everything got crazy \ud83c\udf83\ud83d\ude18\ud83d\udc95 @ Pumkin Fest ' 14 \ud83c\udf83 http://t.co/R9XK3osTiO", "cate": ["T11"], "tokens": {"crazy": ["T11"]}, "token_tags": "PNVANP^^,$NU", "lemmed_text": "before everything get crazy \ud83c\udf83\ud83d\ude18\ud83d\udc95 @ pumkin fest ' 14 \ud83c\udf83 http://t.co/r9xk3ostio", "tweet_id": "523947553067237379", "created_at": "2014-10-19T21:23:25Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.927128", "lon": "-72.278887"}}, {"text": "Enjoying my one Pumpkinhead beer of the year .", "cate": ["E01"], "tokens": {"beer": ["E01"]}, "token_tags": "VD$^NPDN,", "lemmed_text": "enjoying my one pumpkinhead beer of the year .", "tweet_id": "523956989735743488", "created_at": "2014-10-19T22:00:55Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.92662", "lon": "-72.282531"}}, {"text": "What a crazy day . Still doesn't seem real https://t.co/D8pq68zsUh", "cate": ["T11"], "tokens": {"crazy": ["T11"]}, "token_tags": "ODAN,RVVAU", "lemmed_text": "what a crazy day . still doesn't seem real https://t.co/d8pq68zsuh", "tweet_id": "523961417465364480", "created_at": "2014-10-19T22:18:31Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.92689", "lon": "-72.283682"}}, {"text": "@bonecrusher143 it was awful , especially going back to my dorm where the riots were . It tasted like poison", "cate": ["C07"], "tokens": {"riot": ["C07"]}, "token_tags": "@OVA,RVRPDNRDNV,OVPN", "lemmed_text": "@bonecrusher143 it be awful , especially go back to my dorm where the riot be . it taste like poison", "tweet_id": "523965650319200256", "created_at": "2014-10-19T22:35:20Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.928695", "lon": "-72.278821"}}, {"text": "@AmandaMakar too bad it closes at 12 \ud83d\ude1c", "cate": ["T11"], "tokens": {"bad": ["T11"]}, "token_tags": "@RAOVP$E", "lemmed_text": "@amandamakar too bad it close at 12 \ud83d\ude1c", "tweet_id": "523966517097299969", "created_at": "2014-10-19T22:38:47Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.926319", "lon": "-72.283843"}}, {"text": "@DBullen1094 bro . I leave my room and see a war zone of like 5k ppl run in around helicopters , swat team , fires and shit happening hahah", "cate": ["C07", "O02"], "tokens": {"fire": ["C07"], "swat": ["O02"], "helicopter": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "@N,OVDN&VDNNPP$NVPAN,NN,V&NV!", "lemmed_text": "@dbullen1094 bro . i leave my room and see a war zone of like 5k ppl run in around helicopter , swat team , fire and shit happen hahah", "tweet_id": "523971638556372992", "created_at": "2014-10-19T22:59:08Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.926921", "lon": "-72.281546"}}, {"text": "Some asshole literally got into a fight with a DC worker ..", "cate": ["C07"], "tokens": {"fight": ["C07"]}, "token_tags": "DNRVPDNPD^N,", "lemmed_text": "some asshole literally get into a fight with a dc worker ..", "tweet_id": "523972297955508226", "created_at": "2014-10-19T23:01:45Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.926684", "lon": "-72.280219"}}, {"text": "Happy birthday @Bo_Crane_34 !", "cate": ["T11"], "tokens": {"happy": ["T11"]}, "token_tags": "AN@,", "lemmed_text": "happy birthday @bo_crane_34 !", "tweet_id": "523975062563872770", "created_at": "2014-10-19T23:12:44Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.922841", "lon": "-72.279032"}}, {"text": "\u201c @_Happy_Gilmore : When you're drunk and trying to tell your friends a story .... https://t.co/HL40vpLyE3 \u201d @GarlicKnutz @RepDupont", "cate": ["E01"], "tokens": {"drunk": ["E01"]}, "token_tags": ",@~RLA&VPVDNDN,U,@@", "lemmed_text": "\u201c @_happy_gilmore : when you're drunk and try to tell your friend a story .... https://t.co/hl40vplye3 \u201d @garlicknutz @repdupont", "tweet_id": "524010904682528768", "created_at": "2014-10-20T01:35:09Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.924706", "lon": "-72.279557"}}, {"text": "The fact that pumpkin fest turned into a project x party this weekend is too crazy to me lmao", "cate": ["E01", "T11"], "tokens": {"pumpkin": ["E01"], "crazy": ["T11"]}, "token_tags": "DNPNNVPDNGNDNVRAPO!", "lemmed_text": "the fact that pumpkin fest turn into a project x party this weekend be too crazy to me lmao", "tweet_id": "524022089184182274", "created_at": "2014-10-20T02:19:36Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.928792", "lon": "-72.274715"}}, {"text": "@MelaniePlenda I am confused as to where your sources came from in your article . No fraternities were involved nor did they start anything .", "cate": ["T11"], "tokens": {"confused": ["T11"]}, "token_tags": "@OVAPPRDNVPPDN,DNVV&VOVN,", "lemmed_text": "@melanieplenda i be confused as to where your source come from in your article . no fraternity be involve nor do they start anything .", "tweet_id": "524023397370822656", "created_at": "2014-10-20T02:24:48Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.929921", "lon": "-72.2809"}}, {"text": "When I'm so funny that I can hear heather laughing at me from next door", "cate": ["T11"], "tokens": {"funny": ["T11"]}, "token_tags": "RLRAPOVV^VPOPAN", "lemmed_text": "when i'm so funny that i can hear heather laugh at me from next door", "tweet_id": "524056557672464385", "created_at": "2014-10-20T04:36:34Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.923309", "lon": "-72.280895"}}, {"text": "This turf burn is killing me rn", "cate": ["C07"], "tokens": {"kill": ["C07"]}, "token_tags": "DNNVVOR", "lemmed_text": "this turf burn be kill me rn", "tweet_id": "524057179155091456", "created_at": "2014-10-20T04:39:02Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.927008", "lon": "-72.280611"}}, {"text": "@BenMakesTV possible show material John Oliver does bit about local police not needing surplus gov riot armoured cars . References Keene , NH", "cate": ["C07", "O02"], "tokens": {"police": ["O02"], "riot": ["C07"]}, "token_tags": "@ANN^^VRPANRVNNNAN,N^,^", "lemmed_text": "@benmakestv possible show material john oliver do bit about local police not need surplus gov riot armoured car . references keene , nh", "tweet_id": "524185450869981184", "created_at": "2014-10-20T13:08:45Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.933705", "lon": "-72.279714"}}, {"text": "@BenMakesTV pt2 but then they have a riot in Keene NH this weekend at the very thing the liberal douche bag was making fun of . Pumpkin Fest", "cate": ["C07", "E01"], "tokens": {"pumpkin": ["E01"], "riot": ["C07"]}, "token_tags": "@N&ROVDNP^^DNPDANDANNVVNP,NN", "lemmed_text": "@benmakestv pt2 but then they have a riot in keene nh this weekend at the very thing the liberal douche bag be make fun of . pumpkin fest", "tweet_id": "524185873299300353", "created_at": "2014-10-20T13:10:25Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.933742", "lon": "-72.279692"}}, {"text": "Happy birthday Nicole ! Have a great day , you deserve it !! \ud83d\ude0a @Nicoleauer", "cate": ["T11"], "tokens": {"great": ["T11"], "happy": ["T11"]}, "token_tags": "AN^,VDAN,OVO,E@", "lemmed_text": "happy birthday nicole ! have a great day , you deserve it !! \ud83d\ude0a @nicoleauer", "tweet_id": "524222330093199360", "created_at": "2014-10-20T15:35:17Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.927443", "lon": "-72.284768"}}, {"text": "Happy birthday babe \ud83d\ude18 @_lizzyyg have a good day \ud83d\udc95\ud83c\udf77\ud83d\udc95", "cate": ["T11"], "tokens": {"happy": ["T11"]}, "token_tags": "ANNE@VDAN,", "lemmed_text": "happy birthday babe \ud83d\ude18 @_lizzyyg have a good day \ud83d\udc95\ud83c\udf77\ud83d\udc95", "tweet_id": "524224964434857984", "created_at": "2014-10-20T15:45:45Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.926888", "lon": "-72.279234"}}, {"text": "Happy birthday loser @kendaalroy #teamblue #fuckteamcamo http://t.co/3slqyAzbuX", "cate": ["T11"], "tokens": {"happy": ["T11"]}, "token_tags": "ANN@##U", "lemmed_text": "happy birthday loser @kendaalroy #teamblue #fuckteamcamo http://t.co/3slqyazbux", "tweet_id": "524225767329513472", "created_at": "2014-10-20T15:48:57Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.925601", "lon": "-72.283263"}}, {"text": "The fact that adults made a Facebook page bashing KSC students is fucking disgusting .", "cate": ["T11"], "tokens": {"disgusting": ["T11"]}, "token_tags": "DNPNVD^NV^NVRA,", "lemmed_text": "the fact that adult make a facebook page bash ksc student be fucking disgusting .", "tweet_id": "524230541558943744", "created_at": "2014-10-20T16:07:55Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.925288", "lon": "-72.282374"}}, {"text": "It would be soooo amazing to work for natgeo I think that's my dream job", "cate": ["T11"], "tokens": {"amazing": ["T11"]}, "token_tags": "OVVRAPVPNOVLDNN", "lemmed_text": "it would be soooo amazing to work for natgeo i think that's my dream job", "tweet_id": "524233147480035329", "created_at": "2014-10-20T16:18:16Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.928706", "lon": "-72.279577"}}, {"text": "I think it's really sad and pathetic that some people are trying to make Keene's riots race related .", "cate": ["C07", "T11"], "tokens": {"sad": ["T11"], "riot": ["C07"]}, "token_tags": "OVLRA&APDNVVPVZNNA,", "lemmed_text": "i think it's really sad and pathetic that some people be try to make keene's riot race related .", "tweet_id": "524235151984041984", "created_at": "2014-10-20T16:26:14Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.9287", "lon": "-72.27952"}}, {"text": "@NewzuluUS not my picture , sorry !", "cate": ["T11"], "tokens": {"sorry": ["T11"]}, "token_tags": "@RDN,A,", "lemmed_text": "@newzuluus not my picture , sorry !", "tweet_id": "524235745859743744", "created_at": "2014-10-20T16:28:36Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.928528", "lon": "-72.278791"}}, {"text": "@steve_sps happy bday !!! U rock :-)", "cate": ["T11"], "tokens": {"happy": ["T11"]}, "token_tags": "@AN,OVE", "lemmed_text": "@steve_sps happy bday !!! u rock :-)", "tweet_id": "524241402310705152", "created_at": "2014-10-20T16:51:04Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.928476", "lon": "-72.279378"}}, {"text": "@vgmac oh cool ! Yeah , let's hope it will continue and KSC community can take responsibility to prevent this kind of thing in coming years :/", "cate": ["T11"], "tokens": {"cool": ["T11"]}, "token_tags": "@!A,!,LVOVV&^NVVNPVDNPNPVNE", "lemmed_text": "@vgmac oh cool ! yeah , let's hope it will continue and ksc community can take responsibility to prevent this kind of thing in come year :/", "tweet_id": "524244817682132992", "created_at": "2014-10-20T17:04:39Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.931801", "lon": "-72.269519"}}, {"text": "@NewzuluUS sorry it's not my original photo", "cate": ["T11"], "tokens": {"sorry": ["T11"]}, "token_tags": "@ALRDAN", "lemmed_text": "@newzuluus sorry it's not my original photo", "tweet_id": "524253501984358400", "created_at": "2014-10-20T17:39:09Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.92558", "lon": "-72.277876"}}, {"text": "http://t.co/2PxgdsoleW . \" Fuck her right in the pussy \" at pfest the reporters reaction is too funny lmaoo", "cate": ["T11"], "tokens": {"funny": ["T11"]}, "token_tags": "U,,VORPDN,P^DNNVRA!", "lemmed_text": "http://t.co/2pxgdsolew . \" fuck her right in the pussy \" at pfest the reporter reaction be too funny lmaoo", "tweet_id": "524260421621276672", "created_at": "2014-10-20T18:06:39Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.926416", "lon": "-72.283512"}}, {"text": "@NewzuluUS no I'm sorry . This one is mine though http://t.co/Ra6IdZjDj1", "cate": ["T11"], "tokens": {"sorry": ["T11"]}, "token_tags": "@!LA,D$VOPU", "lemmed_text": "@newzuluus no i'm sorry . this one be mine though http://t.co/ra6idzjdj1", "tweet_id": "524283304246534144", "created_at": "2014-10-20T19:37:35Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.926651", "lon": "-72.28093"}}, {"text": "Press conference at Keene city hall about the riots over the weekend @NH1News http://t.co/xnJdnUkwFz", "cate": ["C07"], "tokens": {"riot": ["C07"]}, "token_tags": "NNP^NNPDNPDN@U", "lemmed_text": "press conference at keene city hall about the riot over the weekend @nh1news http://t.co/xnjdnukwfz", "tweet_id": "524290517698617344", "created_at": "2014-10-20T20:06:14Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.934166", "lon": "-72.278453"}}, {"text": "@NH1News #Keene city officials actively perusing suspects from #PumpkinFest . More to come live at 5:30 and 6 ! http://t.co/g6jar0xoA1", "cate": ["C07"], "tokens": {"suspect": ["C07"]}, "token_tags": "@^NNRVVP^,APVVP$&$,U", "lemmed_text": "@nh1news #keene city official actively peruse suspect from #pumpkinfest . more to come live at 5:30 and 6 ! http://t.co/g6jar0xoa1", "tweet_id": "524307415890526208", "created_at": "2014-10-20T21:13:23Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.934168", "lon": "-72.278456"}}, {"text": "Happy 21st birthdayy @KTMerrill \ud83c\udf7b\ud83c\udf88", "cate": ["T11"], "tokens": {"happy": ["T11"]}, "token_tags": "AAN@!", "lemmed_text": "happy 21st birthdayy @ktmerrill \ud83c\udf7b\ud83c\udf88", "tweet_id": "524309278165700609", "created_at": "2014-10-20T21:20:47Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.931449", "lon": "-72.278112"}}, {"text": "Criminal justice midterm from 6- 9:30 and I haven't learned one thing in the class yet ... #lol", "cate": ["C07"], "tokens": {"criminal": ["C07"]}, "token_tags": "ANNP^$&OVV$NPDNR,#", "lemmed_text": "criminal justice midterm from 6- 9:30 and i haven't learn one thing in the class yet ... #lol", "tweet_id": "524315514575654912", "created_at": "2014-10-20T21:45:34Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.926248", "lon": "-72.280875"}}, {"text": "None of these reporters have any idea what pumpkin fest is . That's why they're so confused as to why the parties were happening .", "cate": ["E01", "T11"], "tokens": {"pumpkin": ["E01"], "confused": ["T11"]}, "token_tags": "NPDNVDNONNV,LRLRAPPRDNVV,", "lemmed_text": "none of these reporter have any idea what pumpkin fest be . that's why they're so confused as to why the party be happen .", "tweet_id": "524318754486763521", "created_at": "2014-10-20T21:58:27Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.926505", "lon": "-72.282556"}}, {"text": "Happy birthday to my best friend , forever and forever \ud83d\udc98 Thanks for always making me smile . I love you , Alexianna . http://t.co/9iclZWACq7", "cate": ["T11"], "tokens": {"happy": ["T11"]}, "token_tags": "ANPDAN,R&RENPRVOV,OVO,^,U", "lemmed_text": "happy birthday to my best friend , forever and forever \ud83d\udc98 thanks for always make me smile . i love you , alexianna . http://t.co/9iclzwacq7", "tweet_id": "524324170637643777", "created_at": "2014-10-20T22:19:58Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.9267", "lon": "-72.278981"}}, {"text": "@Leekee_Leek44 as soon as I sent this tweet I knew you were going to say that ... I hate you", "cate": ["T11"], "tokens": {"hate": ["T11"]}, "token_tags": "@PRPOVDNOVOVVPVO,OVO", "lemmed_text": "@leekee_leek44 as soon as i send this tweet i know you be go to say that ... i hate you", "tweet_id": "524335410319990784", "created_at": "2014-10-20T23:04:38Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.926708", "lon": "-72.281697"}}, {"text": "\" @girlposts : when ur friend starts telling an embarrassing story about u in front of everyone http://t.co/Cyee9lSgrw \" @mackbecca1 me 2 u", "cate": ["T11"], "tokens": {"embarrassing": ["T11"]}, "token_tags": ",@~RDNVVDANPOPNPNU,@OPO", "lemmed_text": "\" @girlposts : when ur friend start tell an embarrassing story about u in front of everyone http://t.co/cyee9lsgrw \" @mackbecca1 me 2 u", "tweet_id": "523263757607510017", "created_at": "2014-10-18T00:06:16Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.909191", "lon": "-72.253544"}}, {"text": "I wish every weekend was this crazy", "cate": ["T11"], "tokens": {"crazy": ["T11"]}, "token_tags": "OVDNVDA", "lemmed_text": "i wish every weekend be this crazy", "tweet_id": "523265323240534018", "created_at": "2014-10-18T00:12:29Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.925043", "lon": "-72.282683"}}, {"text": "I've been drunk for 8.5 hours . Im just gonna leave it at that and say im still drinking ok bye", "cate": ["E01"], "tokens": {"drunk": ["E01"], "drink": ["E01"]}, "token_tags": "LVAP$N,LRVVOPO&VLRV!!", "lemmed_text": "i've be drunk for 8.5 hour . im just gonna leave it at that and say im still drink ok bye", "tweet_id": "523267701893242880", "created_at": "2014-10-18T00:21:56Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.918411", "lon": "-72.271988"}}, {"text": "\" Where's Sam ? She's not in the freezer but vodka is \" I am right here", "cate": ["E01"], "tokens": {"vodka": ["E01"]}, "token_tags": ",L^,LRPDN&NV,OVRR", "lemmed_text": "\" where's sam ? she's not in the freezer but vodka be \" i be right here", "tweet_id": "523267928347914240", "created_at": "2014-10-18T00:22:50Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.924318", "lon": "-72.278733"}}, {"text": "\" you're chasing shots of aunt Jemima with and apple ! FIGURE IT OUT \" @kindo6", "cate": ["C07"], "tokens": {"shot": ["C07"]}, "token_tags": ",LVNPN^P&N,VOT,@", "lemmed_text": "\" you're chase shot of aunt jemima with and apple ! figure it out \" @kindo6", "tweet_id": "523270927438852096", "created_at": "2014-10-18T00:34:45Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.920736", "lon": "-72.275712"}}, {"text": "#pumpkinfest - Drinking a Peachy Keene by Elm City Brewing Company @ Elm City Brewing Company \u2014 http://t.co/3jAcHaOD5g", "cate": ["E01"], "tokens": {"drinking": ["E01"]}, "token_tags": "#,VDA^P^^^NP^^^N,U", "lemmed_text": "#pumpkinfest - drinking a peachy keene by elm city brewing company @ elm city brewing company \u2014 http://t.co/3jachaod5g", "tweet_id": "523271325901934592", "created_at": "2014-10-18T00:36:20Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.9319", "lon": "-72.2872"}}, {"text": "This is the #pumpkinman ! I hope they burn this tomorrow . #PumpkinFest @ The Keene Pumpkin Festival http://t.co/SO2AIwEM98", "cate": ["E01"], "tokens": {"#pumpkinman": ["E01"]}, "token_tags": "OVDN,OVOVON,#PD^^^U", "lemmed_text": "this be the #pumpkinman ! i hope they burn this tomorrow . #pumpkinfest @ the keene pumpkin festival http://t.co/so2aiwem98", "tweet_id": "523281837805035521", "created_at": "2014-10-18T01:18:06Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.931127", "lon": "-72.277768"}}, {"text": "@HarleyBlodgett Harley you're gonna be drunk as soon as you get out of work", "cate": ["E01"], "tokens": {"drunk": ["E01"]}, "token_tags": "@^LVVAPRPOVPPN", "lemmed_text": "@harleyblodgett harley you're gonna be drunk as soon as you get out of work", "tweet_id": "523282978164989952", "created_at": "2014-10-18T01:22:38Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.926893", "lon": "-72.281962"}}, {"text": "If you're wearing a shirt that says just do it shirt there is a 99% chance I hate you", "cate": ["T11"], "tokens": {"hate": ["T11"]}, "token_tags": "PLVDNPVRVOVRVD$NOVO", "lemmed_text": "if you're wear a shirt that say just do it shirt there be a 99% chance i hate you", "tweet_id": "523285091507003392", "created_at": "2014-10-18T01:31:02Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.930311", "lon": "-72.282526"}}, {"text": "Tequila kills all", "cate": ["C07"], "tokens": {"kill": ["C07"]}, "token_tags": "NVD", "lemmed_text": "tequila kill all", "tweet_id": "523285165335117824", "created_at": "2014-10-18T01:31:20Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.930318", "lon": "-72.282545"}}, {"text": "\" I like to drink captain straight \" \" You're a savage \"", "cate": ["E01"], "tokens": {"drink": ["E01"]}, "token_tags": ",OVPVNR,,LDA,", "lemmed_text": "\" i like to drink captain straight \" \" you're a savage \"", "tweet_id": "523289805766262785", "created_at": "2014-10-18T01:49:46Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.937581", "lon": "-72.279936"}}, {"text": "And a cop just showed up to our street party with a machine gun ...... With the swat team", "cate": ["C07", "O02"], "tokens": {"cop": ["O02"], "swat": ["O02"], "gun": ["C07"]}, "token_tags": "&DNRVTPDNNPDNN,PDNN", "lemmed_text": "and a cop just show up to our street party with a machine gun ...... with the swat team", "tweet_id": "523299839292235776", "created_at": "2014-10-18T02:29:38Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.928392", "lon": "-72.280823"}}, {"text": "Sure I guess I'll drink this fireball with ... water ....", "cate": ["E01"], "tokens": {"drink": ["E01"]}, "token_tags": "AOVLVDNP,N,", "lemmed_text": "sure i guess i'll drink this fireball with ... water ....", "tweet_id": "523302066769633280", "created_at": "2014-10-18T02:38:29Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.926131", "lon": "-72.283341"}}, {"text": "Cops ?", "cate": ["O02"], "tokens": {"cops": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "N,", "lemmed_text": "cops ?", "tweet_id": "523302687702810624", "created_at": "2014-10-18T02:40:57Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.929098", "lon": "-72.28128"}}, {"text": "Did keene state really just pepper spray a party ? You have to b kidding me", "cate": ["O02"], "tokens": {"spray": ["O02"], "pepper": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "V^NRRVNDN,OVPVVO", "lemmed_text": "did keene state really just pepper spray a party ? you have to b kid me", "tweet_id": "523307015813496832", "created_at": "2014-10-18T02:58:09Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.927021", "lon": "-72.272711"}}, {"text": "Lol they just got tear gased good thing we peaced", "cate": ["O02"], "tokens": {"tear": ["O02"], "gas": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "!ORVVVANOV", "lemmed_text": "lol they just get tear gas good thing we peaced", "tweet_id": "523308193162993664", "created_at": "2014-10-18T03:02:50Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.929136", "lon": "-72.273798"}}, {"text": "Keene uses pepper spray that's a fun fact", "cate": ["O02"], "tokens": {"spray": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "^V^NLDAN", "lemmed_text": "keene use pepper spray that's a fun fact", "tweet_id": "523308245184962560", "created_at": "2014-10-18T03:03:02Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.927579", "lon": "-72.273561"}}, {"text": "\" Omg it's not even PumpkinFest yet \" @SydneyLJenkins", "cate": ["E01"], "tokens": {"pumpkinfest": ["E01"]}, "token_tags": ",!LRRVR,@", "lemmed_text": "\" omg it's not even pumpkinfest yet \" @sydneyljenkins", "tweet_id": "523310432208306177", "created_at": "2014-10-18T03:11:44Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.930281", "lon": "-72.277885"}}, {"text": "It's too great to be a coincidence", "cate": ["T11"], "tokens": {"great": ["T11"]}, "token_tags": "LRAPVDN", "lemmed_text": "it's too great to be a coincidence", "tweet_id": "523312399429140480", "created_at": "2014-10-18T03:19:33Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.929908", "lon": "-72.282692"}}, {"text": "Idk why it was so funny that I just crawled across the street", "cate": ["T11"], "tokens": {"funny": ["T11"]}, "token_tags": "LROVRAPORVPDN", "lemmed_text": "idk why it be so funny that i just crawl across the street", "tweet_id": "523312437240791041", "created_at": "2014-10-18T03:19:42Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.92761", "lon": "-72.283413"}}, {"text": "Made friends with keene cops aloha", "cate": ["O02"], "tokens": {"cop": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "VNP^N!", "lemmed_text": "made friend with keene cop aloha", "tweet_id": "523312487798939648", "created_at": "2014-10-18T03:19:54Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.923985", "lon": "-72.277129"}}, {"text": "Made friends with keene cops hola", "cate": ["O02"], "tokens": {"cop": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "VNP^N!", "lemmed_text": "made friend with keene cop hola", "tweet_id": "523312591771537408", "created_at": "2014-10-18T03:20:19Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.924336", "lon": "-72.277218"}}, {"text": "You wanna get me mad ? Steal my mozzt sticks when I'm drunk .... Fuck you", "cate": ["C07", "E01"], "tokens": {"drunk": ["E01"], "steal": ["C07"]}, "token_tags": "OVVOA,VDNVRLA,VO", "lemmed_text": "you wanna get me mad ? steal my mozzt stick when i'm drunk .... fuck you", "tweet_id": "523315678582169601", "created_at": "2014-10-18T03:32:35Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.930254", "lon": "-72.277851"}}, {"text": "Saw some bottles thrown at cop cars tonight lol", "cate": ["O02"], "tokens": {"cop": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "VDNVPNNR!", "lemmed_text": "saw some bottle throw at cop car tonight lol", "tweet_id": "523329252268462081", "created_at": "2014-10-18T04:26:31Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.926336", "lon": "-72.283331"}}, {"text": "Cops everywhere tonight wtf >:(", "cate": ["O02"], "tokens": {"cops": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "NRR!E", "lemmed_text": "cops everywhere tonight wtf >:(", "tweet_id": "523330085269803009", "created_at": "2014-10-18T04:29:49Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.92948", "lon": "-72.278241"}}, {"text": "A random drunk girl just told me I was beautiful #pumpkinfest", "cate": ["E01"], "tokens": {"drunk": ["E01"]}, "token_tags": "DAANRVOOVA#", "lemmed_text": "a random drunk girl just tell me i be beautiful #pumpkinfest", "tweet_id": "523337946481823744", "created_at": "2014-10-18T05:01:04Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.9268", "lon": "-72.281171"}}, {"text": "\" Drink every time you see the dominoes guy \" fuck ...", "cate": ["E01"], "tokens": {"drink": ["E01"]}, "token_tags": ",VDNOVDNN,V,", "lemmed_text": "\" drink every time you see the domino guy \" fuck ...", "tweet_id": "523349085647302657", "created_at": "2014-10-18T05:45:20Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.92861", "lon": "-72.274378"}}, {"text": "Really this is what a fuckin fire drill is like .", "cate": ["C07"], "tokens": {"fire": ["C07"]}, "token_tags": "ROVODANNVP,", "lemmed_text": "really this be what a fuckin fire drill be like .", "tweet_id": "523349835047763968", "created_at": "2014-10-18T05:48:18Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.930147", "lon": "-72.283027"}}, {"text": "Pre-gaming the Pumpkin Festival with the homey of 25yrs shalem_bencivenga #canon #tokina @ Central Square http://t.co/cqaP4ozgJp", "cate": ["E01"], "tokens": {"festival": ["E01"], "pumpkin": ["E01"]}, "token_tags": "VDNNPDNPNG##P^^U", "lemmed_text": "pre-gaming the pumpkin festival with the homey of 25yrs shalem_bencivenga #canon #tokina @ central square http://t.co/cqap4ozgjp", "tweet_id": "523350361265152000", "created_at": "2014-10-18T05:50:24Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.933815", "lon": "-72.278721"}}, {"text": "Pumpkin fest is fucking crazy", "cate": ["E01", "T11"], "tokens": {"pumpkin": ["E01"], "crazy": ["T11"]}, "token_tags": "NNVRA", "lemmed_text": "pumpkin fest be fucking crazy", "tweet_id": "523353343406915584", "created_at": "2014-10-18T06:02:15Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.925401", "lon": "-72.283129"}}, {"text": "Obviously Arcadia is on fire at 2 am #PumpkinFest2k14", "cate": ["C07"], "tokens": {"fire": ["C07"]}, "token_tags": "R^VPNP$V#", "lemmed_text": "obviously arcadia be on fire at 2 be #pumpkinfest2k14", "tweet_id": "523355270081437696", "created_at": "2014-10-18T06:09:54Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.930635", "lon": "-72.282895"}}, {"text": "Pumpkin fest festivities w/ my bestie \ud83d\udc9c @Innocentlybad_ http://t.co/vfALXcUQ4o", "cate": ["E01"], "tokens": {"pumpkin": ["E01"]}, "token_tags": "NNNPDNE@U", "lemmed_text": "pumpkin fest festivity w/ my bestie \ud83d\udc9c @innocentlybad_ http://t.co/vfalxcuq4o", "tweet_id": "523357363668254720", "created_at": "2014-10-18T06:18:13Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.9375", "lon": "-72.280995"}}, {"text": "Not even the night of pumpkin fest and there's riots everywhere", "cate": ["C07", "E01"], "tokens": {"pumpkin": ["E01"], "riot": ["C07"]}, "token_tags": "RRDNPNN&LNR", "lemmed_text": "not even the night of pumpkin fest and there's riot everywhere", "tweet_id": "523358339556982784", "created_at": "2014-10-18T06:22:06Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.928722", "lon": "-72.27956"}}, {"text": "Wow do I miss you like crazy", "cate": ["T11"], "tokens": {"crazy": ["T11"]}, "token_tags": "!VOVOVA", "lemmed_text": "wow do i miss you like crazy", "tweet_id": "523359258117963776", "created_at": "2014-10-18T06:25:45Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.925515", "lon": "-72.283342"}}, {"text": "This is cool #tree", "cate": ["T11"], "tokens": {"cool": ["T11"]}, "token_tags": "OVAN", "lemmed_text": "this be cool #tree", "tweet_id": "523364837079138304", "created_at": "2014-10-18T06:47:55Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.925812", "lon": "-72.282161"}}, {"text": "#sorrymytweeps I dint watched greys Thursday . Stupid pats were on booted off tv .", "cate": ["T11"], "tokens": {"stupid": ["T11"]}, "token_tags": "#OVV^^,ANVPAPN,", "lemmed_text": "#sorrymytweeps i dint watch greys thursday . stupid pat be on booted off tv .", "tweet_id": "523401480381169664", "created_at": "2014-10-18T09:13:31Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.958799", "lon": "-72.317494"}}, {"text": "Yesterday definitely took a few years off of my life sooooo I'm scared for today\ud83d\udc4b", "cate": ["T11"], "tokens": {"scared": ["T11"]}, "token_tags": "NRVDANPPDNPLAPN", "lemmed_text": "yesterday definitely take a few year off of my life sooooo i'm scared for today\ud83d\udc4b", "tweet_id": "523448328915525632", "created_at": "2014-10-18T12:19:41Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.926589", "lon": "-72.289245"}}, {"text": "I can't wait to go into full blown tourist mode over pumpkins #PumpkinFest #FirstTimer http://t.co/9L2EKFvSa7", "cate": ["E01"], "tokens": {"pumpkin": ["E01"]}, "token_tags": "OVVPVPAANNPN##U", "lemmed_text": "i can't wait to go into full blown tourist mode over pumpkin #pumpkinfest #firsttimer http://t.co/9l2ekfvsa7", "tweet_id": "523449615740567552", "created_at": "2014-10-18T12:24:48Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.936949", "lon": "-72.269021"}}, {"text": "Apparently I'm good at editing Insta pics when I'm drunk \ud83d\ude02", "cate": ["E01"], "tokens": {"drunk": ["E01"]}, "token_tags": "RLAPV^NRLA,", "lemmed_text": "apparently i'm good at edit insta pic when i'm drunk \ud83d\ude02", "tweet_id": "523452589699248128", "created_at": "2014-10-18T12:36:37Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.930634", "lon": "-72.281651"}}, {"text": "Happy Pfest http://t.co/nj2KRpHhx9", "cate": ["T11"], "tokens": {"happy": ["T11"]}, "token_tags": "ANU", "lemmed_text": "happy pfest http://t.co/nj2krphhx9", "tweet_id": "523463745419640832", "created_at": "2014-10-18T13:20:57Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.927312", "lon": "-72.283433"}}, {"text": "Good morrrrning Keene state , it's time to drink your mimosas and PUMPKINFESSSSSST", "cate": ["E01"], "tokens": {"drink": ["E01"]}, "token_tags": "AN^N,LNPVDN&^", "lemmed_text": "good morrrrning keene state , it's time to drink your mimosa and pumpkinfesssssst", "tweet_id": "523467197231136768", "created_at": "2014-10-18T13:34:40Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.929746", "lon": "-72.281065"}}, {"text": "\" No one stole the car bed ? Weird I left the keys in it \"", "cate": ["C07"], "tokens": {"steal": ["C07"]}, "token_tags": ",D$VDNN,AOVDNPO,", "lemmed_text": "\" no one steal the car bed ? weird i leave the key in it \"", "tweet_id": "523468228841205760", "created_at": "2014-10-18T13:38:45Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.930139", "lon": "-72.274843"}}, {"text": "Only time that it's acceptable to take shots at 10 am #pumpkinfest", "cate": ["C07"], "tokens": {"shot": ["C07"]}, "token_tags": "ANPLAPVNP$V#", "lemmed_text": "only time that it's acceptable to take shot at 10 be #pumpkinfest", "tweet_id": "523470081041661952", "created_at": "2014-10-18T13:46:07Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.928845", "lon": "-72.279322"}}, {"text": "Sorry I didn't get any cool snap stories of pfest ... I was too busy RAGING MY FUCKING ASS OFF \ud83c\udf7b\ud83c\udf7b\ud83c\udf83\ud83c\udf83\ud83c\udf83\ud83c\udf83\ud83c\udf83\ud83c\udf89\ud83d\udc4f\ud83d\udc4f", "cate": ["T11"], "tokens": {"sorry": ["T11"], "cool": ["T11"]}, "token_tags": "AOVVDANNPG,OVRANDANP^", "lemmed_text": "sorry i didn't get any cool snap story of pfest ... i be too busy raging my fucking ass off \ud83c\udf7b\ud83c\udf7b\ud83c\udf83\ud83c\udf83\ud83c\udf83\ud83c\udf83\ud83c\udf83\ud83c\udf89\ud83d\udc4f\ud83d\udc4f", "tweet_id": "523470939745710080", "created_at": "2014-10-18T13:49:32Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.928958", "lon": "-72.279217"}}, {"text": "Drinking has begun #pumpkinfest", "cate": ["E01"], "tokens": {"drinking": ["E01"]}, "token_tags": "VVV#", "lemmed_text": "drinking have begin #pumpkinfest", "tweet_id": "523471521663426560", "created_at": "2014-10-18T13:51:51Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.930433", "lon": "-72.27352"}}, {"text": "Still drunk at work #help", "cate": ["E01"], "tokens": {"drunk": ["E01"]}, "token_tags": "RAPN#", "lemmed_text": "still drunk at work #help", "tweet_id": "523471564126568448", "created_at": "2014-10-18T13:52:01Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.927675", "lon": "-72.304303"}}, {"text": "Cops sent us text messages last night to get out of the streets \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02", "cate": ["O02"], "tokens": {"cops": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "NVONNANPVPPDN!", "lemmed_text": "cops send us text message last night to get out of the street \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02", "tweet_id": "523473206859288576", "created_at": "2014-10-18T13:58:32Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.928931", "lon": "-72.27929"}}, {"text": "Favorites \ud83d\ude0d @ PUMPKIN FEST http://t.co/YogEdlHP73", "cate": ["E01"], "tokens": {"pumpkin": ["E01"]}, "token_tags": "N,PNNU", "lemmed_text": "favorites \ud83d\ude0d @ pumpkin fest http://t.co/yogedlhp73", "tweet_id": "523474449866432512", "created_at": "2014-10-18T14:03:29Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.926404", "lon": "-72.283736"}}, {"text": "Some Jell-O shots for bfast on this fine morning", "cate": ["C07"], "tokens": {"shot": ["C07"]}, "token_tags": "D^NPAPDAN", "lemmed_text": "some jell-o shot for bfast on this fine morning", "tweet_id": "523477577269518336", "created_at": "2014-10-18T14:15:54Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.932908", "lon": "-72.293843"}}, {"text": "1023 & Im drunk , go Keene U rock", "cate": ["E01"], "tokens": {"drunk": ["E01"]}, "token_tags": "$&LA,V^OV", "lemmed_text": "1023 & im drunk , go keene u rock", "tweet_id": "523479709011963906", "created_at": "2014-10-18T14:24:23Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.930249", "lon": "-72.276798"}}, {"text": "Why am I not drinking yet ... @kellbell1291", "cate": ["E01"], "tokens": {"drink": ["E01"]}, "token_tags": "RVORVR,@", "lemmed_text": "why be i not drink yet ... @kellbell1291", "tweet_id": "523481814808416256", "created_at": "2014-10-18T14:32:45Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.929337", "lon": "-72.277771"}}, {"text": "\u201c @SMACKCOLLEGE : \" If you're not in keene this weekend I'm sorry but you're missing out \"\u201d", "cate": ["T11"], "tokens": {"sorry": ["T11"]}, "token_tags": ",@~,PLRP^DNLA&LVT,", "lemmed_text": "\u201c @smackcollege : \" if you're not in keene this weekend i'm sorry but you're miss out \"\u201d", "tweet_id": "523483109254508545", "created_at": "2014-10-18T14:37:53Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.927322", "lon": "-72.28096"}}, {"text": "GOAL OF THE DAY : GET ON THE PUMPKIN FEST LIVE SNAPCHAT FEED\ud83c\udf83\ud83c\udf83\ud83c\udf83\ud83c\udf7a\ud83c\udf7b", "cate": ["E01"], "tokens": {"pumpkin": ["E01"]}, "token_tags": "NPDN,VPDNNV^^", "lemmed_text": "goal of the day : get on the pumpkin fest live snapchat feed\ud83c\udf83\ud83c\udf83\ud83c\udf83\ud83c\udf7a\ud83c\udf7b", "tweet_id": "523483276556918784", "created_at": "2014-10-18T14:38:33Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.936413", "lon": "-72.284524"}}, {"text": "PUMPKIN FEST LETS FUCKING GO", "cate": ["E01"], "tokens": {"pumpkin": ["E01"]}, "token_tags": "NNLVV", "lemmed_text": "pumpkin fest lets fucking go", "tweet_id": "523483279207723008", "created_at": "2014-10-18T14:38:34Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.932781", "lon": "-72.285306"}}, {"text": "Feeling pretty cool that pumpkin fest is live on snapchat and I'm here", "cate": ["E01", "T11"], "tokens": {"pumpkin": ["E01"], "cool": ["T11"]}, "token_tags": "VRAPNNVAP^&LR", "lemmed_text": "feeling pretty cool that pumpkin fest be live on snapchat and i'm here", "tweet_id": "523484358649577472", "created_at": "2014-10-18T14:42:51Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.929886", "lon": "-72.283737"}}, {"text": "We have a fucking pumpkinfest story on snapchat !!!!!", "cate": ["E01"], "tokens": {"pumpkinfest": ["E01"]}, "token_tags": "OVDAANP^,", "lemmed_text": "we have a fucking pumpkinfest story on snapchat !!!!!", "tweet_id": "523484479047102464", "created_at": "2014-10-18T14:43:20Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.926651", "lon": "-72.28093"}}, {"text": "Pumpkinfest is on snapchat and I could not be more excited \ud83c\udf83\ud83c\udf41\ud83c\udf42\ud83c\udf43", "cate": ["T11"], "tokens": {"excited": ["T11"]}, "token_tags": "^VP^&OVRVRA,", "lemmed_text": "pumpkinfest be on snapchat and i could not be more excited \ud83c\udf83\ud83c\udf41\ud83c\udf42\ud83c\udf43", "tweet_id": "523487305768923136", "created_at": "2014-10-18T14:54:34Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.92742", "lon": "-72.284049"}}, {"text": "Pumpkin fest is live on snapchatttt", "cate": ["E01"], "tokens": {"pumpkin": ["E01"]}, "token_tags": "NNVAPN", "lemmed_text": "pumpkin fest be live on snapchatttt", "tweet_id": "523487325930926082", "created_at": "2014-10-18T14:54:39Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.926614", "lon": "-72.282052"}}, {"text": "My friends just woke me up by saying \" wake up its time to get drunk ! \" #pumpkinfest", "cate": ["E01"], "tokens": {"drunk": ["E01"]}, "token_tags": "DNRVOTPV,VTLNPVA,,#", "lemmed_text": "my friend just wake me up by say \" wake up its time to get drunk ! \" #pumpkinfest", "tweet_id": "523487576133763073", "created_at": "2014-10-18T14:55:38Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.926751", "lon": "-72.283212"}}, {"text": "Need breakfast coffee and beers", "cate": ["E01"], "tokens": {"beer": ["E01"]}, "token_tags": "VNN&N", "lemmed_text": "need breakfast coffee and beer", "tweet_id": "523488154071097344", "created_at": "2014-10-18T14:57:56Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.935664", "lon": "-72.271369"}}, {"text": "Bobby woke me up at 7 am because he \" felt like a little boy on Christmas morning he was so excited for pumpkinfest \"", "cate": ["E01", "T11"], "tokens": {"excited": ["T11"], "pumpkinfest": ["E01"]}, "token_tags": "^VOTP$VPO,VPDANP^NOVRAPN,", "lemmed_text": "bobby wake me up at 7 be because he \" felt like a little boy on christmas morning he be so excited for pumpkinfest \"", "tweet_id": "523488408971538432", "created_at": "2014-10-18T14:58:57Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.933609", "lon": "-72.287308"}}, {"text": "Had a great time seeing @eringill13 last night and catching up on her life #wineandwhinenight #kindaneighbors", "cate": ["T11"], "tokens": {"great": ["T11"]}, "token_tags": "VDANV@AN&VTPDN##", "lemmed_text": "had a great time see @eringill13 last night and catch up on her life #wineandwhinenight #kindaneighbors", "tweet_id": "523488854326902784", "created_at": "2014-10-18T15:00:43Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.923734", "lon": "-72.288128"}}, {"text": "HAPPY PUMPKINFEST \ud83c\udf83 #keenestatecollege #Pumpkinfest2014", "cate": ["E01", "T11"], "tokens": {"happy": ["T11"], "pumpkinfest": ["E01"]}, "token_tags": "AN,##", "lemmed_text": "happy pumpkinfest \ud83c\udf83 #keenestatecollege #pumpkinfest2014", "tweet_id": "523489919734648833", "created_at": "2014-10-18T15:04:57Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.92804", "lon": "-72.282867"}}, {"text": "Beyond excited that Pumpkin fest is going to be on snapchat", "cate": ["E01"], "tokens": {"pumpkin": ["E01"]}, "token_tags": "PVDNNVVPVP^", "lemmed_text": "beyond excite that pumpkin fest be go to be on snapchat", "tweet_id": "523491088880140288", "created_at": "2014-10-18T15:09:36Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.926562", "lon": "-72.282482"}}, {"text": "Hurt", "cate": ["T02"], "tokens": {"hurt": ["T02"]}, "token_tags": "V", "lemmed_text": "hurt", "tweet_id": "523493080276955136", "created_at": "2014-10-18T15:17:31Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.928778", "lon": "-72.273551"}}, {"text": "Do jello shots count as breakfest- @kellbell1291", "cate": ["C07"], "tokens": {"shot": ["C07"]}, "token_tags": "V^NVPN@", "lemmed_text": "do jello shot count as breakfest- @kellbell1291", "tweet_id": "523493540211732480", "created_at": "2014-10-18T15:19:20Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.929839", "lon": "-72.276761"}}, {"text": "@DesmondZach you shoulda came up for pumpkin fest ! you coulda punched him\ud83d\ude02", "cate": ["E01"], "tokens": {"pumpkin": ["E01"]}, "token_tags": "@OVVTPNN,OVVD", "lemmed_text": "@desmondzach you shoulda come up for pumpkin fest ! you coulda punch him\ud83d\ude02", "tweet_id": "523495092037107712", "created_at": "2014-10-18T15:25:30Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.924984", "lon": "-72.283572"}}, {"text": "Everyone make sure you add your Pumpkinfest snapchats to the Pumpkinfest Live Snapchat !!", "cate": ["E01"], "tokens": {"pumpkinfest": ["E01"]}, "token_tags": "NVAOVDNNPD^V^,", "lemmed_text": "everyone make sure you add your pumpkinfest snapchats to the pumpkinfest live snapchat !!", "tweet_id": "523497769882124288", "created_at": "2014-10-18T15:36:09Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.927204", "lon": "-72.284007"}}, {"text": "We love the pumpkin", "cate": ["E01"], "tokens": {"pumpkin": ["E01"]}, "token_tags": "OVDN", "lemmed_text": "we love the pumpkin", "tweet_id": "523497972014022657", "created_at": "2014-10-18T15:36:57Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.929406", "lon": "-72.280617"}}, {"text": "* mads is chugging wine * \" I drink until it tastes like bug spray \"", "cate": ["O02", "E01"], "tokens": {"wine": ["E01"], "drink": ["E01"], "spray": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": ",^VVN,,OVPOVPNN,", "lemmed_text": "* mads be chug wine * \" i drink until it taste like bug spray \"", "tweet_id": "523498723863969793", "created_at": "2014-10-18T15:39:56Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.925369", "lon": "-72.283612"}}, {"text": "@DesmondZach pumpkin fest is more important\ud83d\ude21\u270b", "cate": ["E01"], "tokens": {"pumpkin": ["E01"]}, "token_tags": "@NNVRA", "lemmed_text": "@desmondzach pumpkin fest be more important\ud83d\ude21\u270b", "tweet_id": "523499598560886784", "created_at": "2014-10-18T15:43:25Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.925146", "lon": "-72.283699"}}, {"text": "Pumpkin fest has an our story ? That's all me . Game fucking on", "cate": ["E01"], "tokens": {"pumpkin": ["E01"]}, "token_tags": "NNVDDN,LDO,NVP", "lemmed_text": "pumpkin fest have an our story ? that's all me . game fuck on", "tweet_id": "523501268464312320", "created_at": "2014-10-18T15:50:03Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.911227", "lon": "-72.265877"}}, {"text": "Pumpkin fest with the VT boys", "cate": ["E01"], "tokens": {"pumpkin": ["E01"]}, "token_tags": "NNPD^N", "lemmed_text": "pumpkin fest with the vt boy", "tweet_id": "523506763761737728", "created_at": "2014-10-18T16:11:53Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.951219", "lon": "-72.285995"}}, {"text": "THE FACT THAT I JUST POSTED TO THE LIVE PUMPKINFEST FEED ON SNAPCHAT IS SO FUCKING COOL", "cate": ["E01", "T11"], "tokens": {"cool": ["T11"], "pumpkinfest": ["E01"]}, "token_tags": "DNPORVPDANVP^VRRA", "lemmed_text": "the fact that i just posted to the live pumpkinfest feed on snapchat is so fucking cool", "tweet_id": "523508580423839744", "created_at": "2014-10-18T16:19:06Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.926723", "lon": "-72.283104"}}, {"text": "everyone's not drunk enough for this #\ud83c\udf83fest", "cate": ["E01"], "tokens": {"drunk": ["E01"]}, "token_tags": "LRARPO#", "lemmed_text": "everyone's not drunk enough for this #\ud83c\udf83fest", "tweet_id": "523509853852286976", "created_at": "2014-10-18T16:24:10Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.926609", "lon": "-72.284616"}}, {"text": "Matt has puked in a parking lot and I'm drinking out of a Trophy", "cate": ["E01"], "tokens": {"drink": ["E01"]}, "token_tags": "^VVPDNN&LVPPDN", "lemmed_text": "matt have puke in a parking lot and i'm drink out of a trophy", "tweet_id": "523510690976645121", "created_at": "2014-10-18T16:27:29Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.929408", "lon": "-72.272375"}}, {"text": "Happy pumpkinfest . Get Hannered .", "cate": ["E01", "T11"], "tokens": {"happy": ["T11"], "pumpkinfest": ["E01"]}, "token_tags": "AN,V^,", "lemmed_text": "happy pumpkinfest . get hannered .", "tweet_id": "523510878638198785", "created_at": "2014-10-18T16:28:14Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.925664", "lon": "-72.283847"}}, {"text": "Pumpkinfest time", "cate": ["E01"], "tokens": {"pumpkinfest": ["E01"]}, "token_tags": "AN", "lemmed_text": "pumpkinfest time", "tweet_id": "523511957971013632", "created_at": "2014-10-18T16:32:31Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.938594", "lon": "-72.286801"}}, {"text": "God I love wine", "cate": ["E01"], "tokens": {"wine": ["E01"]}, "token_tags": "^OVN", "lemmed_text": "god i love wine", "tweet_id": "523521502420140032", "created_at": "2014-10-18T17:10:27Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.925565", "lon": "-72.28264"}}, {"text": "Whiskey rum and vodka", "cate": ["E01"], "tokens": {"rum": ["E01"], "vodka": ["E01"], "whiskey": ["E01"]}, "token_tags": "NN&N", "lemmed_text": "whiskey rum and vodka", "tweet_id": "523525662465093634", "created_at": "2014-10-18T17:26:59Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.925995", "lon": "-72.284539"}}, {"text": "If your not at Keene today I feel bad for you forreal .", "cate": ["T11"], "tokens": {"bad": ["T11"]}, "token_tags": "PLRP^NOVAPOV,", "lemmed_text": "if your not at keene today i feel bad for you forreal .", "tweet_id": "523529542661459968", "created_at": "2014-10-18T17:42:24Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.930287", "lon": "-72.282835"}}, {"text": "Welp getting teared gas is cool", "cate": ["O02", "T11"], "tokens": {"cool": ["T11"], "tear": ["O02"], "gas": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "!VVNVA", "lemmed_text": "welp get tear gas be cool", "tweet_id": "523531255577849856", "created_at": "2014-10-18T17:49:12Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.929845", "lon": "-72.281148"}}, {"text": "@baileysullivann where are you drink booze", "cate": ["E01"], "tokens": {"drink": ["E01"]}, "token_tags": "@RVOVN", "lemmed_text": "@baileysullivann where be you drink booze", "tweet_id": "523531427967942656", "created_at": "2014-10-18T17:49:53Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.928912", "lon": "-72.274018"}}, {"text": "Paintballed by cops", "cate": ["O02"], "tokens": {"cop": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "^PN", "lemmed_text": "paintballed by cop", "tweet_id": "523531827748024320", "created_at": "2014-10-18T17:51:29Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.929128", "lon": "-72.28206"}}, {"text": "Always a good go to .. Pumpkin Fest .... - Drinking a Shed Mountain Ale at @ramuntosofkeene - http://t.co/jthLuEoEMF #photo", "cate": ["E01"], "tokens": {"pumpkin": ["E01"], "drinking": ["E01"]}, "token_tags": "RDAVP,NN,,VDNNNP@,U#", "lemmed_text": "always a good go to .. pumpkin fest .... - drinking a shed mountain ale at @ramuntosofkeene - http://t.co/jthlueoemf #photo", "tweet_id": "523532142119514112", "created_at": "2014-10-18T17:52:44Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.9296", "lon": "-72.2774"}}, {"text": "Pumpkinfest 5 years ago to now with my best friend . Love you to the moon & back xoxo \ud83c\udf83 @ Central Square http://t.co/3w9qsPUD9o", "cate": ["E01"], "tokens": {"pumpkinfest": ["E01"]}, "token_tags": "A$NRPRPDAN,VOPDN&REEP^^U", "lemmed_text": "pumpkinfest 5 year ago to now with my best friend . love you to the moon & back xoxo \ud83c\udf83 @ central square http://t.co/3w9qspud9o", "tweet_id": "523533363945406464", "created_at": "2014-10-18T17:57:35Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.933815", "lon": "-72.278721"}}, {"text": "Me and sis @ThickAndProudM3 met the lovely Meg Caswell at pumpkin fest @megcaswell #hgtvmagpf @ \u2026 http://t.co/XnDkp5Bg8p", "cate": ["E01"], "tokens": {"pumpkin": ["E01"]}, "token_tags": "O&N@VDA^^PNN@#P,U", "lemmed_text": "me and si @thickandproudm3 meet the lovely meg caswell at pumpkin fest @megcaswell #hgtvmagpf @ \u2026 http://t.co/xndkp5bg8p", "tweet_id": "523535764332613633", "created_at": "2014-10-18T18:07:07Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.933815", "lon": "-72.278721"}}, {"text": "@fox_robby fabulous now get up here", "cate": ["T11"], "tokens": {"fabulous": ["T11"]}, "token_tags": "@ARVTR", "lemmed_text": "@fox_robby fabulous now get up here", "tweet_id": "523537279525326848", "created_at": "2014-10-18T18:13:08Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.930748", "lon": "-72.278138"}}, {"text": "@fox_robby perfect call me then", "cate": ["T11"], "tokens": {"perfect": ["T11"]}, "token_tags": "@AVOR", "lemmed_text": "@fox_robby perfect call me then", "tweet_id": "523537502381281280", "created_at": "2014-10-18T18:14:02Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.930592", "lon": "-72.278109"}}, {"text": "Covered in beer and random blood", "cate": ["E01"], "tokens": {"beer": ["E01"]}, "token_tags": "VPN&AN", "lemmed_text": "covered in beer and random blood", "tweet_id": "523540635417333761", "created_at": "2014-10-18T18:26:29Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.930427", "lon": "-72.282961"}}, {"text": "Activity #3 : Pumpkin Bowling #striiiiikkkkkeeee #PumpkinFest http://t.co/0tNbWs9H9D", "cate": ["E01"], "tokens": {"pumpkin": ["E01"]}, "token_tags": "N$,NN##U", "lemmed_text": "activity #3 : pumpkin bowling #striiiiikkkkkeeee #pumpkinfest http://t.co/0tnbws9h9d", "tweet_id": "523541150121357313", "created_at": "2014-10-18T18:28:31Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.936899", "lon": "-72.268868"}}, {"text": "RT @BIGw00d94 : Just escaped a riot and it's not even 2", "cate": ["T09", "C07"], "tokens": {"escape": ["T09"], "riot": ["C07"]}, "token_tags": "~@~RVDN&LRR$", "lemmed_text": "rt @bigw00d94 : just escape a riot and it's not even 2", "tweet_id": "523542308311281664", "created_at": "2014-10-18T18:33:07Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.930313", "lon": "-72.282405"}}, {"text": "Tear gas . Fuckin run .", "cate": ["O02"], "tokens": {"tear": ["O02"], "gas": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "VN,VV,", "lemmed_text": "tear gas . fuckin run .", "tweet_id": "523542509507837953", "created_at": "2014-10-18T18:33:55Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.93042", "lon": "-72.283028"}}, {"text": "Drinking an IPA by @lagunitasbruhws @ Kilkenny Pub \u2014 http://t.co/mgIQ3nRAHj #photo", "cate": ["E01"], "tokens": {"drinking": ["E01"]}, "token_tags": "VDNP@P^N,U#", "lemmed_text": "drinking an ipa by @lagunitasbruhws @ kilkenny pub \u2014 http://t.co/mgiq3nrahj #photo", "tweet_id": "523543357231214592", "created_at": "2014-10-18T18:37:17Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.9321", "lon": "-72.277"}}, {"text": "All that beer made my hair so soft #winning", "cate": ["E01"], "tokens": {"beer": ["E01"]}, "token_tags": "XDNVDNPA#", "lemmed_text": "all that beer make my hair so soft #winning", "tweet_id": "523543977870786560", "created_at": "2014-10-18T18:39:45Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.926718", "lon": "-72.283103"}}, {"text": "Cloudy with a chance of riots , beer showers , tear gas and fireworks . It's \ud83c\udf83fest !!!!!!", "cate": ["C07", "O02", "E01"], "tokens": {"beer": ["E01"], "tear": ["O02"], "riot": ["C07"], "gas": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "APDNPN,NN,VN&N,LA,", "lemmed_text": "cloudy with a chance of riot , beer shower , tear gas and firework . it's \ud83c\udf83fest !!!!!!", "tweet_id": "523548162712408064", "created_at": "2014-10-18T18:56:23Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.926341", "lon": "-72.284044"}}, {"text": "Swat team going in", "cate": ["O02"], "tokens": {"swat": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "NNVP", "lemmed_text": "swat team go in", "tweet_id": "523549110872596480", "created_at": "2014-10-18T19:00:09Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.927247", "lon": "-72.282547"}}, {"text": "I'm kinda in love with you #pfest \ud83c\udf7b\ud83d\udc95 @ Cobblestone Ale House http://t.co/xafiEMsAAd", "cate": ["E01"], "tokens": {"#pfest": ["E01"]}, "token_tags": "LRPNPOV,P^^^U", "lemmed_text": "i'm kinda in love with you #pfest \ud83c\udf7b\ud83d\udc95 @ cobblestone ale house http://t.co/xafiemsaad", "tweet_id": "523549321870843905", "created_at": "2014-10-18T19:01:00Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.92997", "lon": "-72.278055"}}, {"text": "One of the most creative pumpkins I've seen . #PumpkinFest @ Keene Pumpkin Festival 2014 http://t.co/26J0A9FQQQ", "cate": ["E01"], "tokens": {"pumpkin": ["E01"]}, "token_tags": "$PDRANLV,#P^^^$U", "lemmed_text": "one of the most creative pumpkin i've see . #pumpkinfest @ keene pumpkin festival 2014 http://t.co/26j0a9fqqq", "tweet_id": "523550012504948736", "created_at": "2014-10-18T19:03:44Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.933765", "lon": "-72.278938"}}, {"text": "I'm drunk on #PumpkinFest ! @ Keene Pumpkin Festival 2014 http://t.co/OFxjXNfQck", "cate": ["E01"], "tokens": {"drunk": ["E01"]}, "token_tags": "LAP^,P^^^$U", "lemmed_text": "i'm drunk on #pumpkinfest ! @ keene pumpkin festival 2014 http://t.co/ofxjxnfqck", "tweet_id": "523550286175285248", "created_at": "2014-10-18T19:04:49Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.933765", "lon": "-72.278938"}}, {"text": "@Toy_sTORI_ BAD GIRL VICKY", "cate": ["T11"], "tokens": {"bad": ["T11"]}, "token_tags": "@AN^", "lemmed_text": "@toy_stori_ bad girl vicky", "tweet_id": "523551551932346368", "created_at": "2014-10-18T19:09:51Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.936246", "lon": "-72.284368"}}, {"text": "Fuck these college kids . 13 ambos . Ypu do stupid shit today you fucking deal with it #pfest", "cate": ["T11"], "tokens": {"stupid": ["T11"]}, "token_tags": "VDNN,$N,OVANNOVNPO#", "lemmed_text": "fuck these college kid . 13 ambo . ypu do stupid shit today you fuck deal with it #pfest", "tweet_id": "523552596959961088", "created_at": "2014-10-18T19:14:00Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.939689", "lon": "-72.280779"}}, {"text": "Day 2 . Year 2 . Pumpkin Fest 2014 @ Keene State College http://t.co/KrepVRqYlI", "cate": ["E01"], "tokens": {"pumpkin": ["E01"]}, "token_tags": "N$,N$,NN$P^^^U", "lemmed_text": "day 2 . year 2 . pumpkin fest 2014 @ keene state college http://t.co/krepvrqyli", "tweet_id": "523553868161224705", "created_at": "2014-10-18T19:19:03Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.926945", "lon": "-72.280858"}}, {"text": "... well I can check getting tear gased off my bucket list \ud83d\ude02\ud83c\udf7b", "cate": ["O02"], "tokens": {"tear": ["O02"], "gas": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": ",!OVVVVVTDNN,", "lemmed_text": "... well i can check get tear gas off my bucket list \ud83d\ude02\ud83c\udf7b", "tweet_id": "523556159555661824", "created_at": "2014-10-18T19:28:10Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.928966", "lon": "-72.27924"}}, {"text": "Keene Pumpkin Fest 2014 at head of square @ Central Square http://t.co/E5xeQIwVab", "cate": ["E01"], "tokens": {"pumpkin": ["E01"]}, "token_tags": "^NN$PNPNP^^U", "lemmed_text": "keene pumpkin fest 2014 at head of square @ central square http://t.co/e5xeqiwvab", "tweet_id": "523557719702503424", "created_at": "2014-10-18T19:34:22Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.933815", "lon": "-72.278721"}}, {"text": "Rita John Traci George Dawson and mike . Having a great time (@ Keene Pumpkin Festival in Keene , NH ) https://t.co/JYfnsWPe99", "cate": ["T11"], "tokens": {"great": ["T11"]}, "token_tags": "^^^^^&^,VDANP^^^P^,^,U", "lemmed_text": "rita john traci george dawson and mike . having a great time (@ keene pumpkin festival in keene , nh ) https://t.co/jyfnswpe99", "tweet_id": "523559042812489730", "created_at": "2014-10-18T19:39:37Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.932227", "lon": "-72.278323"}}, {"text": "PUMPKIN FEST IS CRAZY", "cate": ["E01", "T11"], "tokens": {"pumpkin": ["E01"], "crazy": ["T11"]}, "token_tags": "NNVA", "lemmed_text": "pumpkin fest is crazy", "tweet_id": "523560528657285120", "created_at": "2014-10-18T19:45:31Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.926751", "lon": "-72.281212"}}, {"text": "FUCK KEENE AND FUCK COPS", "cate": ["O02"], "tokens": {"cops": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "V^&VN", "lemmed_text": "fuck keene and fuck cops", "tweet_id": "523563858523598849", "created_at": "2014-10-18T19:58:45Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.92668", "lon": "-72.285347"}}, {"text": "Pumpkin fest \ud83c\udf83 @ Keene State College http://t.co/O3iGOrZzoD", "cate": ["E01"], "tokens": {"pumpkin": ["E01"]}, "token_tags": "NN,P^^^U", "lemmed_text": "pumpkin fest \ud83c\udf83 @ keene state college http://t.co/o3igorzzod", "tweet_id": "523564014505566209", "created_at": "2014-10-18T19:59:23Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.926945", "lon": "-72.280858"}}, {"text": "Keene Pumpkin festival !!! (@ Keene Pumpkin Festival in Keene , NH ) https://t.co/7pUKRl89gw", "cate": ["E01"], "tokens": {"festival": ["E01"]}, "token_tags": "^^N,P^^^P^,^,U", "lemmed_text": "keene pumpkin festival !!! (@ keene pumpkin festival in keene , nh ) https://t.co/7pukrl89gw", "tweet_id": "523564131954475008", "created_at": "2014-10-18T19:59:51Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.932227", "lon": "-72.278323"}}, {"text": "Just got tear gassed by a cop . First for everything #college", "cate": ["O02"], "tokens": {"cop": ["O02"], "tear": ["O02"], "gas": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "RVVVPDN,APN#", "lemmed_text": "just get tear gas by a cop . first for everything #college", "tweet_id": "523564243762049024", "created_at": "2014-10-18T20:00:17Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.926886", "lon": "-72.283808"}}, {"text": "Its 4 and ive been tear gassed , hit in the head with a bottle , bucket , hit in the balls with a pumpkin and ive just witnessed project x live", "cate": ["O02", "E01"], "tokens": {"pumpkin": ["E01"], "tear": ["O02"], "gas": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "L$&LVVV,VPDNPDN,N,VPDNPDN&LRVNGA", "lemmed_text": "its 4 and ive be tear gas , hit in the head with a bottle , bucket , hit in the ball with a pumpkin and ive just witness project x live", "tweet_id": "523564332387672064", "created_at": "2014-10-18T20:00:38Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.92847", "lon": "-72.278838"}}, {"text": "Just got gassed #bylungs", "cate": ["O02"], "tokens": {"gas": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "RVV#", "lemmed_text": "just get gas #bylungs", "tweet_id": "523564637204537345", "created_at": "2014-10-18T20:01:51Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.926928", "lon": "-72.283484"}}, {"text": "Eyy swat team comin in hot", "cate": ["O02"], "tokens": {"swat": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "!NNVPA", "lemmed_text": "eyy swat team comin in hot", "tweet_id": "523565235366809600", "created_at": "2014-10-18T20:04:14Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.92847", "lon": "-72.278817"}}, {"text": "All tear gas does is give me the hic ups whut", "cate": ["O02"], "tokens": {"tear": ["O02"], "gas": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "DNNVVVODNNO", "lemmed_text": "all tear gas do be give me the hic ups whut", "tweet_id": "523565933127012353", "created_at": "2014-10-18T20:07:00Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.92651", "lon": "-72.283933"}}, {"text": "Carley enjoying her 1st #keenepumpkinfest with her new friends #goodtimes #memories @ Central Square http://t.co/8Gd8YeqzEV", "cate": ["E01"], "tokens": {"#keenepumpkinfest": ["E01"]}, "token_tags": "^VDANPDAN##P^^U", "lemmed_text": "carley enjoy her 1st #keenepumpkinfest with her new friend #goodtimes #memories @ central square http://t.co/8gd8yeqzev", "tweet_id": "523567119032545280", "created_at": "2014-10-18T20:11:43Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.933815", "lon": "-72.278721"}}, {"text": "Swat team ain't got shit on me #PussiesOnThePavement", "cate": ["O02"], "tokens": {"swat": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "NNVVNPO#", "lemmed_text": "swat team ain't get shit on me #pussiesonthepavement", "tweet_id": "523567951233155073", "created_at": "2014-10-18T20:15:01Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.927304", "lon": "-72.282992"}}, {"text": "Riot control is out and people are chanting U S A #keenestate", "cate": ["C07"], "tokens": {"riot": ["C07"]}, "token_tags": "NNVR&NVVOGDN", "lemmed_text": "riot control be out and people be chant u s a #keenestate", "tweet_id": "523568559864426497", "created_at": "2014-10-18T20:17:26Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.927557", "lon": "-72.284096"}}, {"text": "We're adorable #nofilter #fall #autumn #bestfriends #life #love #pumpkinfest #selfie #selfienation \u2026 http://t.co/C1UwF6g3tN", "cate": ["T11"], "tokens": {"adorable": ["T11"]}, "token_tags": "LA#########,U", "lemmed_text": "we're adorable #nofilter #fall #autumn #bestfriends #life #love #pumpkinfest #selfie #selfienation \u2026 http://t.co/c1uwf6g3tn", "tweet_id": "523568879592022016", "created_at": "2014-10-18T20:18:42Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.933765", "lon": "-72.278938"}}, {"text": "@NECN major police/ems presence at Keene state and pumpkin festival", "cate": ["E01"], "tokens": {"festival": ["E01"], "pumpkin": ["E01"]}, "token_tags": "@ANNP^N&NN", "lemmed_text": "@necn major police/ems presence at keene state and pumpkin festival", "tweet_id": "523571144990130177", "created_at": "2014-10-18T20:27:43Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.930217", "lon": "-72.278053"}}, {"text": "Pumpkin Fest continues !! - Drinking a Switchback Ale by @switchbackbeer @ JoePeanuts House Of Wings \u2014 http://t.co/kECVv5Mf4K #photo", "cate": ["E01"], "tokens": {"pumpkin": ["E01"], "drinking": ["E01"]}, "token_tags": "NNV,,VDNNP@P^^PN,U#", "lemmed_text": "pumpkin fest continue !! - drinking a switchback ale by @switchbackbeer @ joepeanuts house of wings \u2014 http://t.co/kecvv5mf4k #photo", "tweet_id": "523573180292952064", "created_at": "2014-10-18T20:35:48Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.9245", "lon": "-72.294"}}, {"text": "Honestly so disgusted with Keene state", "cate": ["T11"], "tokens": {"disgusted": ["T11"]}, "token_tags": "RRAP^N", "lemmed_text": "honestly so disgusted with keene state", "tweet_id": "523574871142715392", "created_at": "2014-10-18T20:42:31Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.928283", "lon": "-72.280751"}}, {"text": "You are ruining the pumpkin fest for everyone", "cate": ["E01"], "tokens": {"pumpkin": ["E01"]}, "token_tags": "OVVDNNPN", "lemmed_text": "you be ruin the pumpkin fest for everyone", "tweet_id": "523574871809613825", "created_at": "2014-10-18T20:42:31Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.928252", "lon": "-72.280742"}}, {"text": "It's funny overhearing people talk about swat and shit like that #typicalatumass #pumpkinfest", "cate": ["O02", "T11"], "tokens": {"funny": ["T11"], "swat": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "LAVNVPN&NPO##", "lemmed_text": "it's funny overhear people talk about swat and shit like that #typicalatumass #pumpkinfest", "tweet_id": "523580274987507713", "created_at": "2014-10-18T21:03:59Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.928735", "lon": "-72.278736"}}, {"text": "But first #letmetakeaselfie #pumpkinfest2014 #pumpkins #fall #pfest #ksc @ Keene Pumpkin Fest http://t.co/YNgsCFWbgI", "cate": ["E01"], "tokens": {"pumpkin": ["E01"]}, "token_tags": "&A######P^NNU", "lemmed_text": "but first #letmetakeaselfie #pumpkinfest2014 #pumpkins #fall #pfest #ksc @ keene pumpkin fest http://t.co/yngscfwbgi", "tweet_id": "523580460446674944", "created_at": "2014-10-18T21:04:44Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.93234", "lon": "-72.279744"}}, {"text": "This is so fucking out of control like this is not what pumpkin fest is about", "cate": ["E01"], "tokens": {"pumpkin": ["E01"]}, "token_tags": "OVRRPPNPOVRONNVP", "lemmed_text": "this be so fucking out of control like this be not what pumpkin fest be about", "tweet_id": "523580546115727360", "created_at": "2014-10-18T21:05:04Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.92653", "lon": "-72.275256"}}, {"text": "Lol I'm so confused", "cate": ["T11"], "tokens": {"confused": ["T11"]}, "token_tags": "!LRA", "lemmed_text": "lol i'm so confused", "tweet_id": "523580604890488832", "created_at": "2014-10-18T21:05:18Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.926533", "lon": "-72.275254"}}, {"text": "When shit gets too wild at Keene State , you get tear gassed . Good to know .", "cate": ["O02"], "tokens": {"tear": ["O02"], "gas": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "RNVRAP^^,OVVV,APV,", "lemmed_text": "when shit get too wild at keene state , you get tear gas . good to know .", "tweet_id": "523580626210136064", "created_at": "2014-10-18T21:05:23Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.924367", "lon": "-72.287639"}}, {"text": "@ChrisCaesar @BostonDotCom @Dels_Kevinade pumpkin fest isnt a keene state thing . It's the city of keene's thing . Douche college kids show up", "cate": ["E01"], "tokens": {"pumpkin": ["E01"]}, "token_tags": "@@@NNVD^NN,LDNPZN,NNNVT", "lemmed_text": "@chriscaesar @bostondotcom @dels_kevinade pumpkin fest isnt a keene state thing . it's the city of keene's thing . douche college kid show up", "tweet_id": "523580738227429376", "created_at": "2014-10-18T21:05:50Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.939715", "lon": "-72.280703"}}, {"text": "2014 #pfest pumpkin #90sbaby #pumpkins #ksc #keene #batmanandrobin #boywonder #robin #dontneednoman @ \u2026 http://t.co/zERo78c5lV", "cate": ["E01"], "tokens": {"pumpkin": ["E01"]}, "token_tags": "$#N########P,U", "lemmed_text": "2014 #pfest pumpkin #90sbaby #pumpkins #ksc #keene #batmanandrobin #boywonder #robin #dontneednoman @ \u2026 http://t.co/zero78c5lv", "tweet_id": "523583229505597443", "created_at": "2014-10-18T21:15:44Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.93234", "lon": "-72.279744"}}, {"text": "Keene pumpkin festival http://t.co/bD7CVTkn70", "cate": ["E01"], "tokens": {"festival": ["E01"], "pumpkin": ["E01"]}, "token_tags": "^NNU", "lemmed_text": "keene pumpkin festival http://t.co/bd7cvtkn70", "tweet_id": "523584718504488960", "created_at": "2014-10-18T21:21:39Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.931151", "lon": "-72.277766"}}, {"text": "Ok swat team at pfest http://t.co/zEOrozg8uk", "cate": ["O02"], "tokens": {"swat": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "!NNP^U", "lemmed_text": "ok swat team at pfest http://t.co/zeorozg8uk", "tweet_id": "523585391442800640", "created_at": "2014-10-18T21:24:19Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.933833", "lon": "-72.278391"}}, {"text": "Fuck the SWAT team", "cate": ["O02"], "tokens": {"swat": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "VDNN", "lemmed_text": "fuck the swat team", "tweet_id": "523586521811918849", "created_at": "2014-10-18T21:28:49Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.930552", "lon": "-72.281543"}}, {"text": "Kelsey and Erica are here . I'm fully happy now \u2665 \ufe0f \u2665 \ufe0f \u2665 \ufe0f\ud83c\udf83", "cate": ["T11"], "tokens": {"happy": ["T11"]}, "token_tags": "^&^VR,LRAREEEEEE", "lemmed_text": "kelsey and erica be here . i'm fully happy now \u2665 \ufe0f \u2665 \ufe0f \u2665 \ufe0f\ud83c\udf83", "tweet_id": "523589607930478592", "created_at": "2014-10-18T21:41:05Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.92674", "lon": "-72.280058"}}, {"text": "Lol @ pumpkin fest kids throwing bottles", "cate": ["E01"], "tokens": {"pumpkin": ["E01"]}, "token_tags": "!PNANVN", "lemmed_text": "lol @ pumpkin fest kid throw bottle", "tweet_id": "523591061521043457", "created_at": "2014-10-18T21:46:51Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.925821", "lon": "-72.283739"}}, {"text": "Holy nuggets SWAT team us here", "cate": ["O02"], "tokens": {"swat": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "ANNNOR", "lemmed_text": "holy nugget swat team us here", "tweet_id": "523591248947716096", "created_at": "2014-10-18T21:47:36Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.928793", "lon": "-72.279466"}}, {"text": "Found raybans on the ground , haven't puked , haven't gotten arrested .. Today's a good day", "cate": ["C07"], "tokens": {"arrest": ["C07"]}, "token_tags": "V^PDN,VV,VVV,SDAN", "lemmed_text": "found raybans on the ground , haven't puke , haven't get arrest .. today's a good day", "tweet_id": "523591369072590848", "created_at": "2014-10-18T21:48:04Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.926449", "lon": "-72.27545"}}, {"text": "Riot shields , pepper spray , and rubber bullets #notagoodsign", "cate": ["C07", "O02"], "tokens": {"spray": ["O02"], "riot": ["C07"]}, "token_tags": "NN,^N,&NN#", "lemmed_text": "riot shield , pepper spray , and rubber bullet #notagoodsign", "tweet_id": "523592933178900481", "created_at": "2014-10-18T21:54:17Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.930228", "lon": "-72.274017"}}, {"text": "This the shit I live for with the people if die for", "cate": ["T03"], "tokens": {"die": ["T03"], "people": ["T03"]}, "token_tags": "DDNOVPPDNPVP", "lemmed_text": "this the shit i live for with the people if die for", "tweet_id": "523593806261002242", "created_at": "2014-10-18T21:57:45Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.928635", "lon": "-72.280182"}}, {"text": "If anyone wants to know how pumpkin fest is check mass live #lol", "cate": ["E01"], "tokens": {"pumpkin": ["E01"]}, "token_tags": "PNVPVRNNVVNV#", "lemmed_text": "if anyone want to know how pumpkin fest be check mass live #lol", "tweet_id": "523597689842589699", "created_at": "2014-10-18T22:13:11Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.926651", "lon": "-72.28093"}}, {"text": "These pumpkins died for your lattes @ Keene Pumpkin Festival 2014 http://t.co/dp1B6LTG3K", "cate": ["E01"], "tokens": {"pumpkin": ["E01"]}, "token_tags": "DNVPDNP^^^$U", "lemmed_text": "these pumpkin die for your latte @ keene pumpkin festival 2014 http://t.co/dp1b6ltg3k", "tweet_id": "523600730197094401", "created_at": "2014-10-18T22:25:16Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.933765", "lon": "-72.278938"}}, {"text": "Pumpkin Fest getting out of hand \ud83c\udf83\ud83d\ude08\ud83c\udf89 @ Keene State College http://t.co/qQeabrBX55", "cate": ["E01"], "tokens": {"pumpkin": ["E01"]}, "token_tags": "NNVPPN,P^^^U", "lemmed_text": "pumpkin fest get out of hand \ud83c\udf83\ud83d\ude08\ud83c\udf89 @ keene state college http://t.co/qqeabrbx55", "tweet_id": "523601586313244672", "created_at": "2014-10-18T22:28:40Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.926945", "lon": "-72.280858"}}, {"text": "@markoselimaj I'm sorry !", "cate": ["T11"], "tokens": {"sorry": ["T11"]}, "token_tags": "@LA,", "lemmed_text": "@markoselimaj i'm sorry !", "tweet_id": "523602135863537665", "created_at": "2014-10-18T22:30:51Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.957879", "lon": "-72.315854"}}, {"text": "After seeing SWAT and riot police for the seventh time today I believe it's safe to Keene knows how to fucking TURN UP", "cate": ["C07", "O02"], "tokens": {"safe": ["C07"], "swat": ["O02"], "riot": ["C07"], "police": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "PVN&NNPDANNOVLAP^VRPVVT", "lemmed_text": "after see swat and riot police for the seventh time today i believe it's safe to keene know how to fuck turn up", "tweet_id": "523603013043511296", "created_at": "2014-10-18T22:34:21Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.923585", "lon": "-72.27456"}}, {"text": "I've raised my standards so much since high school . college is amazing .", "cate": ["T11"], "tokens": {"amazing": ["T11"]}, "token_tags": "LVDNRRPAN,NVA,", "lemmed_text": "i've raise my standard so much since high school . college be amazing .", "tweet_id": "523603523532242944", "created_at": "2014-10-18T22:36:22Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.957881", "lon": "-72.315858"}}, {"text": "@markoselimaj you're right , you're right ! My bad !", "cate": ["T11"], "tokens": {"bad": ["T11"]}, "token_tags": "@LR,LA,DA,", "lemmed_text": "@markoselimaj you're right , you're right ! my bad !", "tweet_id": "523604279496814593", "created_at": "2014-10-18T22:39:22Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.957479", "lon": "-72.313424"}}, {"text": "People die at pumpkin fest", "cate": ["T03", "E01"], "tokens": {"die": ["T03"], "pumpkin": ["E01"], "people": ["T03"]}, "token_tags": "NVPNN", "lemmed_text": "people die at pumpkin fest", "tweet_id": "523604297523949568", "created_at": "2014-10-18T22:39:27Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.923682", "lon": "-72.274513"}}, {"text": "Jess and I take on the swat team http://t.co/NZ8KIzSTMf", "cate": ["O02"], "tokens": {"swat": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "^&OVPDNNU", "lemmed_text": "jess and i take on the swat team http://t.co/nz8kizstmf", "tweet_id": "523607696952819712", "created_at": "2014-10-18T22:52:57Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.923617", "lon": "-72.280804"}}, {"text": "Pumpkin fest 2k14 @ Keene State College http://t.co/bbosPdF0lf", "cate": ["E01"], "tokens": {"pumpkin": ["E01"]}, "token_tags": "NN$P^^^U", "lemmed_text": "pumpkin fest 2k14 @ keene state college http://t.co/bbospdf0lf", "tweet_id": "523608078819033090", "created_at": "2014-10-18T22:54:28Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.926945", "lon": "-72.280858"}}, {"text": "Keene Pumpkin Fest - a basic bitches dream come true #pumpkin #basic #keenepumpkinfest @ Central Square http://t.co/wf8TS7afBB", "cate": ["E01"], "tokens": {"pumpkin": ["E01"], "#keenepumpkinfest": ["E01"]}, "token_tags": "^NN,DANVVANANP^^U", "lemmed_text": "keene pumpkin fest - a basic bitch dream come true #pumpkin #basic #keenepumpkinfest @ central square http://t.co/wf8ts7afbb", "tweet_id": "523608219231322113", "created_at": "2014-10-18T22:55:02Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.933815", "lon": "-72.278721"}}, {"text": "Pumpkinfest is dark", "cate": ["E01"], "tokens": {"pumpkinfest": ["E01"]}, "token_tags": "NVA", "lemmed_text": "pumpkinfest be dark", "tweet_id": "523609022151557120", "created_at": "2014-10-18T22:58:13Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.926139", "lon": "-72.281927"}}, {"text": "swat team needs to gtfo", "cate": ["O02"], "tokens": {"swat": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "NNVP!", "lemmed_text": "swat team need to gtfo", "tweet_id": "523609057727639552", "created_at": "2014-10-18T22:58:22Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.926929", "lon": "-72.282783"}}, {"text": "Pumpkin fest for the win", "cate": ["E01"], "tokens": {"pumpkin": ["E01"]}, "token_tags": "NNPDN", "lemmed_text": "pumpkin fest for the win", "tweet_id": "523610543996010496", "created_at": "2014-10-18T23:04:16Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.930054", "lon": "-72.277473"}}, {"text": "Only got tear gassed twice so far", "cate": ["O02"], "tokens": {"tear": ["O02"], "gas": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "RVVVRRR", "lemmed_text": "only get tear gas twice so far", "tweet_id": "523610843431567361", "created_at": "2014-10-18T23:05:27Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.927188", "lon": "-72.285489"}}, {"text": "So what we get drunk", "cate": ["E01"], "tokens": {"drunk": ["E01"]}, "token_tags": "POOVA", "lemmed_text": "so what we get drunk", "tweet_id": "523611290280157184", "created_at": "2014-10-18T23:07:14Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.929042", "lon": "-72.278707"}}, {"text": "PUMPKINFEST !!! http://t.co/t8ZZNxFNO5", "cate": ["E01"], "tokens": {"pumpkinfest": ["E01"]}, "token_tags": "N,U", "lemmed_text": "pumpkinfest !!! http://t.co/t8zznxfno5", "tweet_id": "523612607681683456", "created_at": "2014-10-18T23:12:28Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.933525", "lon": "-72.278113"}}, {"text": "My pumpkin for the Keene Pumpkin Festival . #keene #keenepumpkinfestival #casper #jackolantern @ Keene ,\u2026 http://t.co/1HOIGqjUjP", "cate": ["E01"], "tokens": {"pumpkin": ["E01"]}, "token_tags": "DNPD^^^,####P^,U", "lemmed_text": "my pumpkin for the keene pumpkin festival . #keene #keenepumpkinfestival #casper #jackolantern @ keene ,\u2026 http://t.co/1hoigqjujp", "tweet_id": "523612642846732288", "created_at": "2014-10-18T23:12:36Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.9425", "lon": "-72.2884"}}, {"text": "Wow , while i was at work , people in my town were tear gassed and shot with pepper bullets by Police ?? http://t.co/JMD5wguVbn", "cate": ["C07", "O02"], "tokens": {"shot": ["C07"], "tear": ["O02"], "gas": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "!,POVPN,NPDNVNV&NP^NP^,U", "lemmed_text": "wow , while i be at work , people in my town be tear gas and shot with pepper bullet by police ?? http://t.co/jmd5wguvbn", "tweet_id": "523614410599067650", "created_at": "2014-10-18T23:19:38Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.925142", "lon": "-72.291678"}}, {"text": "Keene cops are so gay lol", "cate": ["O02"], "tokens": {"cop": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "^NVRA!", "lemmed_text": "keene cop be so gay lol", "tweet_id": "523614526571573248", "created_at": "2014-10-18T23:20:06Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.927998", "lon": "-72.280564"}}, {"text": "@Tayjaye heading back to boston to many cops bustin ' good parties .. Gonna make Keene a viral video ..", "cate": ["O02"], "tokens": {"cop": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "@VRP^PANV,AN,VV^DAN,", "lemmed_text": "@tayjaye head back to boston to many cop bustin ' good party .. gonna make keene a viral video ..", "tweet_id": "523617558759759872", "created_at": "2014-10-18T23:32:09Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.92577", "lon": "-72.289096"}}, {"text": "#PumpkinFest So much happy . @ Keene Pumpkin Festival 2014 http://t.co/0PZehjf9Uk", "cate": ["T11"], "tokens": {"happy": ["T11"]}, "token_tags": "#RRA,P^^^$U", "lemmed_text": "#pumpkinfest so much happy . @ keene pumpkin festival 2014 http://t.co/0pzehjf9uk", "tweet_id": "523618117369757696", "created_at": "2014-10-18T23:34:22Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.933765", "lon": "-72.278938"}}, {"text": "Lol apparently I'm not cool enough to hang out with you #fuckyou", "cate": ["T11"], "tokens": {"cool": ["T11"]}, "token_tags": "!RLRARPVTPO#", "lemmed_text": "lol apparently i'm not cool enough to hang out with you #fuckyou", "tweet_id": "523621273931644929", "created_at": "2014-10-18T23:46:54Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.93057", "lon": "-72.281545"}}, {"text": "Happy pumpkinfest \ud83c\udf83 \u2764 \ufe0f\ud83d\udc6e @ blake st http://t.co/CLr0zprvHE", "cate": ["E01", "T11"], "tokens": {"happy": ["T11"], "pumpkinfest": ["E01"]}, "token_tags": "ANGEEP^^U", "lemmed_text": "happy pumpkinfest \ud83c\udf83 \u2764 \ufe0f\ud83d\udc6e @ blake st http://t.co/clr0zprvhe", "tweet_id": "523621480639115264", "created_at": "2014-10-18T23:47:44Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.92966", "lon": "-72.280982"}}, {"text": "Pumpkin fest was amazing \ud83d\ude0d\ud83c\udf83", "cate": ["E01", "T11"], "tokens": {"pumpkin": ["E01"], "amazing": ["T11"]}, "token_tags": "NNVA,", "lemmed_text": "pumpkin fest be amazing \ud83d\ude0d\ud83c\udf83", "tweet_id": "523622147563192320", "created_at": "2014-10-18T23:50:23Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.908404", "lon": "-72.414831"}}, {"text": "No , yeah def wanted to lay on the floor instead of my own bed \ud83d\ude12 Grumpy and tired .", "cate": ["T11"], "tokens": {"grumpy": ["T11"]}, "token_tags": "!,!RVPVPDNRPDANEA&A,", "lemmed_text": "no , yeah def want to lay on the floor instead of my own bed \ud83d\ude12 grumpy and tired .", "tweet_id": "523622937375801344", "created_at": "2014-10-18T23:53:31Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.938372", "lon": "-72.280482"}}, {"text": "Fuckin swat team is here", "cate": ["O02"], "tokens": {"swat": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "VNNVR", "lemmed_text": "fuckin swat team be here", "tweet_id": "523623704748883969", "created_at": "2014-10-18T23:56:34Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.929443", "lon": "-72.281049"}}, {"text": "So there's q fire in the street and the swat team is on Blake for the 3rd time today", "cate": ["C07", "O02"], "tokens": {"fire": ["C07"], "swat": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "PLGNPDN&DNNVP^PDANN", "lemmed_text": "so there's q fire in the street and the swat team be on blake for the 3rd time today", "tweet_id": "523625335649497088", "created_at": "2014-10-19T00:03:03Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.929602", "lon": "-72.280889"}}, {"text": "We used to just get drunk , walk around downtown , drink more , walk around , pass out . None of this dumb shit #Pumkinfest2K14", "cate": ["E01"], "tokens": {"drunk": ["E01"], "drink": ["E01"]}, "token_tags": "OVPRVA,VPN,VA,VR,VT,NPDAN#", "lemmed_text": "we use to just get drunk , walk around downtown , drink more , walk around , pass out . none of this dumb shit #pumkinfest2k14", "tweet_id": "523625639191277568", "created_at": "2014-10-19T00:04:15Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.938486", "lon": "-72.281799"}}, {"text": "Apparently there's riot police , glass bottles , and tear gas outside of the bar right now so I'll take 18 more pickle backs pls", "cate": ["C07", "O02"], "tokens": {"police": ["O02"], "tear": ["O02"], "riot": ["C07"], "gas": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "RLNN,NN,&VNPPDNRRRLV$ANNV", "lemmed_text": "apparently there's riot police , glass bottle , and tear gas outside of the bar right now so i'll take 18 more pickle back pls", "tweet_id": "523628677100503041", "created_at": "2014-10-19T00:16:19Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.933757", "lon": "-72.277395"}}, {"text": "Cops are scumbags", "cate": ["O02"], "tokens": {"cops": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "NVN", "lemmed_text": "cops be scumbags", "tweet_id": "523629015362715648", "created_at": "2014-10-19T00:17:40Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.92709", "lon": "-72.285261"}}, {"text": "@Bma10795 @markoselimaj y'all are funny .", "cate": ["T11"], "tokens": {"funny": ["T11"]}, "token_tags": "@@OVA,", "lemmed_text": "@bma10795 @markoselimaj y'all be funny .", "tweet_id": "523631265376108544", "created_at": "2014-10-19T00:26:36Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.957865", "lon": "-72.315908"}}, {"text": "My pumpkin this year http://t.co/DtjP4jm4gX", "cate": ["E01"], "tokens": {"pumpkin": ["E01"]}, "token_tags": "DNDNU", "lemmed_text": "my pumpkin this year http://t.co/dtjp4jm4gx", "tweet_id": "523633223474364416", "created_at": "2014-10-19T00:34:23Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.931719", "lon": "-72.269544"}}, {"text": "There's a car on fire ...", "cate": ["C07"], "tokens": {"fire": ["C07"]}, "token_tags": "LDNPN,", "lemmed_text": "there's a car on fire ...", "tweet_id": "523633447299207168", "created_at": "2014-10-19T00:35:17Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.926725", "lon": "-72.283109"}}, {"text": "@skyboooo dude like it's crazy omg", "cate": ["T11"], "tokens": {"crazy": ["T11"]}, "token_tags": "@NPLA!", "lemmed_text": "@skyboooo dude like it's crazy omg", "tweet_id": "523633538852470785", "created_at": "2014-10-19T00:35:38Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.925851", "lon": "-72.283705"}}, {"text": "PUMPKIN FEST 2k14 http://t.co/ywzaPV1ymw", "cate": ["E01"], "tokens": {"pumpkin": ["E01"]}, "token_tags": "NNNU", "lemmed_text": "pumpkin fest 2k14 http://t.co/ywzapv1ymw", "tweet_id": "523633873880875008", "created_at": "2014-10-19T00:36:58Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.925851", "lon": "-72.283705"}}, {"text": "Sooooo the car that's on fire at p-fest right now ... #wtf", "cate": ["C07"], "tokens": {"fire": ["C07"]}, "token_tags": "PDNLPNPNRR,#", "lemmed_text": "sooooo the car that's on fire at p-fest right now ... #wtf", "tweet_id": "523635007144079360", "created_at": "2014-10-19T00:41:29Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.930015", "lon": "-72.277728"}}, {"text": "PUMPKIN FEST IS WILD !!!", "cate": ["E01"], "tokens": {"pumpkin": ["E01"]}, "token_tags": "NNVA,", "lemmed_text": "pumpkin fest is wild !!!", "tweet_id": "523636235748016129", "created_at": "2014-10-19T00:46:21Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.930304", "lon": "-72.277793"}}, {"text": "Apparently Pumpkin fest already closing down before 9 . Police having ppl to clear roads . Huh ok . http://t.co/zk0NfYmrTn", "cate": ["T04", "E01"], "tokens": {"pumpkin": ["E01"], "close": ["T04"], "road": ["T04"]}, "token_tags": "RNNRVTP$,^VNPAN,!!,U", "lemmed_text": "apparently pumpkin fest already close down before 9 . police have ppl to clear road . huh ok . http://t.co/zk0nfymrtn", "tweet_id": "523637031009009665", "created_at": "2014-10-19T00:49:31Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.933398", "lon": "-72.278475"}}, {"text": "Pumpkin toss http://t.co/WwVfGvmzqM", "cate": ["E01"], "tokens": {"pumpkin": ["E01"]}, "token_tags": "NNU", "lemmed_text": "pumpkin toss http://t.co/wwvfgvmzqm", "tweet_id": "523638614534934528", "created_at": "2014-10-19T00:55:49Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.930351", "lon": "-72.278027"}}, {"text": "Thanks to the disrespectful assholes for ruining pumpkin fest \ud83d\udc4c", "cate": ["E01"], "tokens": {"pumpkin": ["E01"]}, "token_tags": "NPDANPVNNE", "lemmed_text": "thanks to the disrespectful asshole for ruin pumpkin fest \ud83d\udc4c", "tweet_id": "523638805786820608", "created_at": "2014-10-19T00:56:34Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.938118", "lon": "-72.277095"}}, {"text": "Whoa officers with riot gear and paintball guns http://t.co/lqY8AExnx8", "cate": ["C07"], "tokens": {"riot": ["C07"], "gun": ["C07"]}, "token_tags": "!^PNN&ANU", "lemmed_text": "whoa officers with riot gear and paintball gun http://t.co/lqy8aexnx8", "tweet_id": "523640773108318208", "created_at": "2014-10-19T01:04:23Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.928142", "lon": "-72.280263"}}, {"text": "More , about 4 dozen riot cops http://t.co/1UYej0nHS7", "cate": ["C07", "O02"], "tokens": {"cop": ["O02"], "riot": ["C07"]}, "token_tags": "A,P$NNNU", "lemmed_text": "more , about 4 dozen riot cop http://t.co/1uyej0nhs7", "tweet_id": "523641658291011584", "created_at": "2014-10-19T01:07:54Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.928022", "lon": "-72.28117"}}, {"text": "I hate when couples sit at a booth then sit on the same side as each other #DoLess", "cate": ["T11"], "tokens": {"hate": ["T11"]}, "token_tags": "OVRNVPDNRVPDANPDA#", "lemmed_text": "i hate when couple sit at a booth then sit on the same side as each other #doless", "tweet_id": "523643742713282560", "created_at": "2014-10-19T01:16:11Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.932099", "lon": "-72.288995"}}, {"text": "@AmbieeeDawnx3 @matt_house21 @Just1nMart1nez @Katherine_Cxx what are the odds amber would take 5 shots rn", "cate": ["C07"], "tokens": {"shot": ["C07"]}, "token_tags": "@@@@OVDNAVV$NV", "lemmed_text": "@ambieeedawnx3 @matt_house21 @just1nmart1nez @katherine_cxx what be the odds amber would take 5 shot rn", "tweet_id": "523643916630110208", "created_at": "2014-10-19T01:16:53Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.933843", "lon": "-72.270797"}}, {"text": "Just a couple a pumpkins at the festival today \ud83c\udf83\ud83c\udf7a\ud83c\udf42\ud83c\udf41 ashley_angus mikeperkins15 #pumpkinfest #Keene \u2026 http://t.co/zJr0gYb1D7", "cate": ["E01"], "tokens": {"festival": ["E01"], "pumpkin": ["E01"]}, "token_tags": "RDNDNPDNNG^^##,U", "lemmed_text": "just a couple a pumpkin at the festival today \ud83c\udf83\ud83c\udf7a\ud83c\udf42\ud83c\udf41 ashley_angus mikeperkins15 #pumpkinfest #keene \u2026 http://t.co/zjr0gyb1d7", "tweet_id": "523645762300022784", "created_at": "2014-10-19T01:24:13Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.933563", "lon": "-72.278183"}}, {"text": "Me : \" What's in the bag kiki \" @kianalaroche : \" i don't know sounds like an arrest to me \"", "cate": ["C07"], "tokens": {"arrest": ["C07"]}, "token_tags": "O,,LPDN^,@~,OVVVPDNPO,", "lemmed_text": "me : \" what's in the bag kiki \" @kianalaroche : \" i don't know sound like an arrest to me \"", "tweet_id": "523645902725324802", "created_at": "2014-10-19T01:24:46Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.924651", "lon": "-72.280717"}}, {"text": "taking shots by myself cause drama", "cate": ["C07"], "tokens": {"shot": ["C07"]}, "token_tags": "VNPOPN", "lemmed_text": "take shot by myself cause drama", "tweet_id": "523647475379613696", "created_at": "2014-10-19T01:31:01Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.928314", "lon": "-72.28038"}}, {"text": "We missed the Keene riot & the world record , we got to celebrate Abuela Russell's birthday !\u2026 http://t.co/29U3DYLhi6", "cate": ["C07"], "tokens": {"riot": ["C07"]}, "token_tags": "OVD^N&DNN,OVPV^ZN,U", "lemmed_text": "we miss the keene riot & the world record , we get to celebrate abuela russell's birthday !\u2026 http://t.co/29u3dylhi6", "tweet_id": "523648280450695168", "created_at": "2014-10-19T01:34:13Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.933765", "lon": "-72.278938"}}, {"text": "These Keene State riots are #bananas", "cate": ["C07"], "tokens": {"riot": ["C07"]}, "token_tags": "D^^NVA", "lemmed_text": "these keene state riot be #bananas", "tweet_id": "523649321586409473", "created_at": "2014-10-19T01:38:21Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.927559", "lon": "-72.280565"}}, {"text": "@mattdpearce right now about 4 dozen police in full riot gear blocking an intersection http://t.co/qM9ZzHamej", "cate": ["C07", "O02"], "tokens": {"police": ["O02"], "riot": ["C07"]}, "token_tags": "@RRP$NNPANNVDNU", "lemmed_text": "@mattdpearce right now about 4 dozen police in full riot gear block an intersection http://t.co/qm9zzhamej", "tweet_id": "523650105006907392", "created_at": "2014-10-19T01:41:28Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.931769", "lon": "-72.269451"}}, {"text": "Then we all got teared gassed ... Why", "cate": ["O02"], "tokens": {"tear": ["O02"], "gas": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "ROXVVV,R", "lemmed_text": "then we all get tear gas ... why", "tweet_id": "523650640585953280", "created_at": "2014-10-19T01:43:36Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.926856", "lon": "-72.279505"}}, {"text": "Too bad I'm already kind of drunk . I'll probably throw up tonight \ud83d\ude37", "cate": ["E01", "T11"], "tokens": {"drunk": ["E01"], "bad": ["T11"]}, "token_tags": "RALRNPA,LRVTRE", "lemmed_text": "too bad i'm already kind of drunk . i'll probably throw up tonight \ud83d\ude37", "tweet_id": "523650779945918464", "created_at": "2014-10-19T01:44:09Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.925023", "lon": "-72.280024"}}, {"text": "It was never about pumpkins .", "cate": ["E01"], "tokens": {"pumpkin": ["E01"]}, "token_tags": "OVRPN,", "lemmed_text": "it be never about pumpkin .", "tweet_id": "523650957297860609", "created_at": "2014-10-19T01:44:51Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.928822", "lon": "-72.282211"}}, {"text": "Tear gas or transfer\ud83d\udca3 @ Pumpkin Fest 2014 http://t.co/utO2CI5Ll5", "cate": ["O02"], "tokens": {"tear": ["O02"], "gas": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "VN&NP^^$U", "lemmed_text": "tear gas or transfer\ud83d\udca3 @ pumpkin fest 2014 http://t.co/uto2ci5ll5", "tweet_id": "523651240497266688", "created_at": "2014-10-19T01:45:59Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.925356", "lon": "-72.284213"}}, {"text": "It ain't real till u get yet gas trown at u", "cate": ["O02"], "tokens": {"gas": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "OVAPOVRNNPO", "lemmed_text": "it ain't real till u get yet gas trown at u", "tweet_id": "523651644232597504", "created_at": "2014-10-19T01:47:35Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.92693", "lon": "-72.275727"}}, {"text": "It aint a rager till you get tear gased", "cate": ["O02"], "tokens": {"tear": ["O02"], "gas": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "OVD^POVVV", "lemmed_text": "it aint a rager till you get tear gas", "tweet_id": "523651882204794880", "created_at": "2014-10-19T01:48:32Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.926839", "lon": "-72.275454"}}, {"text": "SAC takes Pumpkin Fest \ud83c\udf42\ud83c\udf83\ud83c\udf41 @ Keene State http://t.co/5Ptdg0QEVG", "cate": ["E01"], "tokens": {"pumpkin": ["E01"]}, "token_tags": "^VNN,P^^U", "lemmed_text": "sac take pumpkin fest \ud83c\udf42\ud83c\udf83\ud83c\udf41 @ keene state http://t.co/5ptdg0qevg", "tweet_id": "523652161872621569", "created_at": "2014-10-19T01:49:39Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.929306", "lon": "-72.280369"}}, {"text": "Pumpkinfest is insane ... Crazy shit", "cate": ["T11"], "tokens": {"crazy": ["T11"], "insane": ["T11"]}, "token_tags": "^VA,AN", "lemmed_text": "pumpkinfest be insane ... crazy shit", "tweet_id": "523652502747877376", "created_at": "2014-10-19T01:51:00Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.926295", "lon": "-72.282481"}}, {"text": "Pumpkin Fest ! \ud83d\ude01\ud83c\udf83\u270c @valeriaaapier", "cate": ["E01"], "tokens": {"pumpkin": ["E01"]}, "token_tags": "NN,G@", "lemmed_text": "pumpkin fest ! \ud83d\ude01\ud83c\udf83\u270c @valeriaaapier", "tweet_id": "523652513510457344", "created_at": "2014-10-19T01:51:02Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.925773", "lon": "-72.281895"}}, {"text": "It's only 10 an it's the third riot", "cate": ["C07"], "tokens": {"riot": ["C07"]}, "token_tags": "LA$DLDAN", "lemmed_text": "it's only 10 an it's the third riot", "tweet_id": "523654095786479616", "created_at": "2014-10-19T01:57:20Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.928112", "lon": "-72.281485"}}, {"text": "You haven't experience a mob until you get hit with tear gas #TheMoreYouKnow", "cate": ["O02"], "tokens": {"tear": ["O02"], "gas": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "OVVDNPOVVPNN#", "lemmed_text": "you haven't experience a mob until you get hit with tear gas #themoreyouknow", "tweet_id": "523654257132974080", "created_at": "2014-10-19T01:57:58Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.928833", "lon": "-72.279138"}}, {"text": "Fuck tear gas", "cate": ["O02"], "tokens": {"tear": ["O02"], "gas": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "VNN", "lemmed_text": "fuck tear gas", "tweet_id": "523654293082370048", "created_at": "2014-10-19T01:58:07Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.927081", "lon": "-72.281583"}}, {"text": "In Keene listening to the huge riot in the distance , sounds like a war zone", "cate": ["C07"], "tokens": {"riot": ["C07"]}, "token_tags": "P^VPDANPDN,VPDNN", "lemmed_text": "in keene listen to the huge riot in the distance , sound like a war zone", "tweet_id": "523654421465792512", "created_at": "2014-10-19T01:58:37Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.930383", "lon": "-72.271124"}}, {"text": "Tear gas is no joke .. Thanks to all u stupid fucks for ruining pumpkinfest .. Fuck u", "cate": ["O02", "E01", "T11"], "tokens": {"stupid": ["T11"], "pumpkinfest": ["E01"], "tear": ["O02"], "gas": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "VNVDN,NPDOANPVN,VO", "lemmed_text": "tear gas be no joke .. thanks to all u stupid fuck for ruin pumpkinfest .. fuck u", "tweet_id": "523654612587642880", "created_at": "2014-10-19T01:59:23Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.926843", "lon": "-72.278186"}}, {"text": "Tear gas just landed like 6 inches from my foot so that was a little scary", "cate": ["O02"], "tokens": {"tear": ["O02"], "gas": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "VNRVP$NPDNPOVDAA", "lemmed_text": "tear gas just land like 6 inch from my foot so that be a little scary", "tweet_id": "523654613300686848", "created_at": "2014-10-19T01:59:23Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.927603", "lon": "-72.28243"}}, {"text": "TEAR GAS IS NOT FUXKING OK", "cate": ["O02"], "tokens": {"tear": ["O02"], "gas": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "VNVRRA", "lemmed_text": "tear gas is not fuxking ok", "tweet_id": "523654806242869248", "created_at": "2014-10-19T02:00:09Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.927091", "lon": "-72.279321"}}, {"text": "@YaraBear fucking hate keene college kids", "cate": ["T11"], "tokens": {"hate": ["T11"]}, "token_tags": "@VV^NN", "lemmed_text": "@yarabear fuck hate keene college kid", "tweet_id": "523654957929885698", "created_at": "2014-10-19T02:00:45Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.930384", "lon": "-72.271124"}}, {"text": "Pretty sure I'm going to be telling my grandkids about how I was at the 2014 Keene Pumpkinfest riot", "cate": ["C07"], "tokens": {"riot": ["C07"]}, "token_tags": "RALVPVVDNPROVPD$^^N", "lemmed_text": "pretty sure i'm go to be tell my grandkids about how i be at the 2014 keene pumpkinfest riot", "tweet_id": "523655409861951488", "created_at": "2014-10-19T02:02:33Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.927595", "lon": "-72.282442"}}, {"text": "Tear gasping is inhumane wtf", "cate": ["O02"], "tokens": {"tear": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "VVVA!", "lemmed_text": "tear gasp be inhumane wtf", "tweet_id": "523655554603184128", "created_at": "2014-10-19T02:03:07Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.927751", "lon": "-72.277493"}}, {"text": "Not condoning the riots though , the way people are acting is absolutely disgusting .", "cate": ["C07", "T11"], "tokens": {"disgusting": ["T11"], "riot": ["C07"]}, "token_tags": "RVDNP,DNNVVVRA,", "lemmed_text": "not condone the riot though , the way people be act be absolutely disgusting .", "tweet_id": "523655902369705984", "created_at": "2014-10-19T02:04:30Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.927463", "lon": "-72.281714"}}, {"text": "The fights here are unfucking real", "cate": ["C07"], "tokens": {"fight": ["C07"]}, "token_tags": "DNRVAA", "lemmed_text": "the fight here be unfucking real", "tweet_id": "523655910598905856", "created_at": "2014-10-19T02:04:32Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.929565", "lon": "-72.282133"}}, {"text": "Dodging rubber pellets and year gas are going to be a skill by the end of tonight", "cate": ["O02"], "tokens": {"gas": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "VNN&NNVVPVDNPDNPN", "lemmed_text": "dodging rubber pellet and year gas be go to be a skill by the end of tonight", "tweet_id": "523656035098456065", "created_at": "2014-10-19T02:05:02Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.927079", "lon": "-72.285509"}}, {"text": "FUCK KEENE I JUST GOT GASSED FUCK THIS PLACE FUCK PUMPKINS THEYRE USELESS !!!!!", "cate": ["O02"], "tokens": {"gassed": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "V^ORVVVDNVNLA,", "lemmed_text": "fuck keene i just got gassed fuck this place fuck pumpkins theyre useless !!!!!", "tweet_id": "523656239478497280", "created_at": "2014-10-19T02:05:51Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.928241", "lon": "-72.278906"}}, {"text": "Dude i just for tear gassed", "cate": ["O02"], "tokens": {"tear": ["O02"], "gas": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "NORPVV", "lemmed_text": "dude i just for tear gas", "tweet_id": "523656344046665728", "created_at": "2014-10-19T02:06:16Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.92449", "lon": "-72.277008"}}, {"text": "TEAR GAS IS A USELESS INVENTION BESIDES THE FACT THAT IT CLEARED MY SINUSES", "cate": ["O02"], "tokens": {"tear": ["O02"], "gas": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "VNVDANPDNPOVDN", "lemmed_text": "tear gas is a useless invention besides the fact that it cleared my sinuses", "tweet_id": "523656406835429377", "created_at": "2014-10-19T02:06:31Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.928189", "lon": "-72.279179"}}, {"text": "Dude i just got tear gassed", "cate": ["O02"], "tokens": {"tear": ["O02"], "gas": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "NORVVV", "lemmed_text": "dude i just get tear gas", "tweet_id": "523656599660146688", "created_at": "2014-10-19T02:07:17Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.923583", "lon": "-72.276695"}}, {"text": "THE FUCK keene in total is tear gased", "cate": ["O02"], "tokens": {"tear": ["O02"], "gas": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "DN^PNVNV", "lemmed_text": "the fuck keene in total be tear gas", "tweet_id": "523658099497115650", "created_at": "2014-10-19T02:13:14Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.928314", "lon": "-72.28038"}}, {"text": "The only pumpkins I saw tonight were smashed or flying through the air .", "cate": ["E01"], "tokens": {"pumpkin": ["E01"]}, "token_tags": "DANOVRVA&VPDN,", "lemmed_text": "the only pumpkin i saw tonight be smashed or fly through the air .", "tweet_id": "523658414275436544", "created_at": "2014-10-19T02:14:29Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.928635", "lon": "-72.280182"}}, {"text": "The dad reality if pumpkin fest is that you don't actually get to see pumpkins", "cate": ["E01"], "tokens": {"pumpkin": ["E01"]}, "token_tags": "DNNPNNVOOVRVPVN", "lemmed_text": "the dad reality if pumpkin fest be that you don't actually get to see pumpkin", "tweet_id": "523658569586311168", "created_at": "2014-10-19T02:15:06Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.930262", "lon": "-72.277876"}}, {"text": "The sad reality of pumpkin fest is that you don't actually get to see pumpkins", "cate": ["E01", "T11"], "tokens": {"pumpkin": ["E01"], "sad": ["T11"]}, "token_tags": "DANPNNVOOVRVPVN", "lemmed_text": "the sad reality of pumpkin fest be that you don't actually get to see pumpkin", "tweet_id": "523658752709627904", "created_at": "2014-10-19T02:15:50Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.930263", "lon": "-72.277849"}}, {"text": "So great to see my boys in the same place tonight", "cate": ["T11"], "tokens": {"great": ["T11"]}, "token_tags": "RAPVDNPDANN", "lemmed_text": "so great to see my boy in the same place tonight", "tweet_id": "523659148387704833", "created_at": "2014-10-19T02:17:24Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.929818", "lon": "-72.277253"}}, {"text": "I can still taste pepper spray in my mouth .. blech", "cate": ["O02"], "tokens": {"spray": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "OVRV^NPDN,!", "lemmed_text": "i can still taste pepper spray in my mouth .. blech", "tweet_id": "523659534825697280", "created_at": "2014-10-19T02:18:56Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.926336", "lon": "-72.2836"}}, {"text": "Swat team has literally sent off bombs of pepper spray #fucked", "cate": ["C07", "O02"], "tokens": {"spray": ["O02"], "bomb": ["C07"], "swat": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "NNVRVTNP^N#", "lemmed_text": "swat team have literally send off bomb of pepper spray #fucked", "tweet_id": "523659918247985152", "created_at": "2014-10-19T02:20:28Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.930864", "lon": "-72.280621"}}, {"text": "Tear gas central", "cate": ["O02"], "tokens": {"tear": ["O02"], "gas": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "VNN", "lemmed_text": "tear gas central", "tweet_id": "523661771677372416", "created_at": "2014-10-19T02:27:50Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.929114", "lon": "-72.273696"}}, {"text": "When Steph's phone gets stolen", "cate": ["C07"], "tokens": {"steal": ["C07"]}, "token_tags": "RZNVV", "lemmed_text": "when steph's phone get steal", "tweet_id": "523661961184423936", "created_at": "2014-10-19T02:28:35Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.928574", "lon": "-72.27392"}}, {"text": "I'm actually scared right now I wanna go back to North Carolina \ud83d\ude48", "cate": ["T11"], "tokens": {"scared": ["T11"]}, "token_tags": "LRARROVVRP^^^", "lemmed_text": "i'm actually scared right now i wanna go back to north carolina \ud83d\ude48", "tweet_id": "523661968750944256", "created_at": "2014-10-19T02:28:37Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.924486", "lon": "-72.285039"}}, {"text": "Catch me on Blake Street wit da rebels .", "cate": ["C07"], "tokens": {"rebel": ["C07"]}, "token_tags": "VOP^^PDN,", "lemmed_text": "catch me on blake street wit da rebel .", "tweet_id": "523662352223592448", "created_at": "2014-10-19T02:30:08Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.928635", "lon": "-72.280182"}}, {"text": "This shit is insane #PumpkinFest http://t.co/72x6kNeav9", "cate": ["T11"], "tokens": {"insane": ["T11"]}, "token_tags": "DNVA#U", "lemmed_text": "this shit be insane #pumpkinfest http://t.co/72x6kneav9", "tweet_id": "523663827293184000", "created_at": "2014-10-19T02:36:00Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.927052", "lon": "-72.282824"}}, {"text": "Anddddddd that's a helicopter", "cate": ["O02"], "tokens": {"helicopter": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "!LDN", "lemmed_text": "anddddddd that's a helicopter", "tweet_id": "523664946635485184", "created_at": "2014-10-19T02:40:27Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.923587", "lon": "-72.27664"}}, {"text": "Pumpkin Fest 2014 in a nutshell . Tear Gas , Paintballs , Pepper Spray , Tazers , and a whole lot of \u2026 http://t.co/q3xOGeZfwj", "cate": ["O02", "E01"], "tokens": {"pumpkin": ["E01"], "tear": ["O02"], "gas": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "NN$PDN,VN,^,^^,N,&DANP,U", "lemmed_text": "pumpkin fest 2014 in a nutshell . tear gas , paintballs , pepper spray , tazers , and a whole lot of \u2026 http://t.co/q3xogezfwj", "tweet_id": "523665037224067072", "created_at": "2014-10-19T02:40:48Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.926945", "lon": "-72.280858"}}, {"text": "There are fucking helicopters here", "cate": ["O02"], "tokens": {"helicopter": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "XVANR", "lemmed_text": "there be fucking helicopter here", "tweet_id": "523665368486002690", "created_at": "2014-10-19T02:42:07Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.927078", "lon": "-72.282731"}}, {"text": "My town is being destroyed by fucking piece of shit college kids #pfest #pumpkinfest #pfest2014", "cate": ["T04"], "tokens": {"destroy": ["T04"], "town": ["T04"]}, "token_tags": "DNVVVPANPNNN###", "lemmed_text": "my town be be destroy by fucking piece of shit college kid #pfest #pumpkinfest #pfest2014", "tweet_id": "523665810074914816", "created_at": "2014-10-19T02:43:53Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.939698", "lon": "-72.280729"}}, {"text": "Seriously worst night ever don't ever want to go to pumpkin fest it's the biggest shitshow .. I got tear gassed 5 times by nh swat", "cate": ["O02", "E01"], "tokens": {"pumpkin": ["E01"], "tear": ["O02"], "swat": ["O02"], "gas": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "RANRVRVPVPNNLDAN,OVVV$NP^N", "lemmed_text": "seriously worst night ever don't ever want to go to pumpkin fest it's the biggest shitshow .. i get tear gas 5 time by nh swat", "tweet_id": "523666017038651392", "created_at": "2014-10-19T02:44:42Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.919392", "lon": "-72.292178"}}, {"text": "Wtf helicopters and national guard are here", "cate": ["O02"], "tokens": {"guard": ["O02"], "helicopter": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "!N&ANVR", "lemmed_text": "wtf helicopter and national guard be here", "tweet_id": "523666126602268672", "created_at": "2014-10-19T02:45:08Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.926254", "lon": "-72.283327"}}, {"text": "Ambulance and fire truck on water st with helicopter search light above http://t.co/53I9GNcUTF", "cate": ["C07", "O02"], "tokens": {"fire": ["C07"], "ambulance": ["O02"], "helicopter": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "N&NNPNNPNNNPU", "lemmed_text": "ambulance and fire truck on water st with helicopter search light above http://t.co/53i9gncutf", "tweet_id": "523666600009166848", "created_at": "2014-10-19T02:47:01Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.930145", "lon": "-72.27362"}}, {"text": "so i got teargassed 5 times shot at and witnessed 2 cars get flipped but i still got my fireballl", "cate": ["C07"], "tokens": {"shot": ["C07"]}, "token_tags": "ROVA$NNP&V$NVV&ORVDN", "lemmed_text": "so i get teargassed 5 time shot at and witness 2 car get flip but i still get my fireballl", "tweet_id": "523666831668957184", "created_at": "2014-10-19T02:47:56Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.928068", "lon": "-72.275523"}}, {"text": "Tear gas , fires , riots , and helicopter with search lights issuing threats . Pumpkin fest is out of control", "cate": ["C07", "O02", "E01"], "tokens": {"pumpkin": ["E01"], "fire": ["C07"], "riot": ["C07"], "tear": ["O02"], "helicopter": ["O02"], "gas": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "VN,V,N,&NPNNVN,NNVPPN", "lemmed_text": "tear gas , fire , riot , and helicopter with search light issue threat . pumpkin fest be out of control", "tweet_id": "523666923704573952", "created_at": "2014-10-19T02:48:18Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.924378", "lon": "-72.274745"}}, {"text": "I think the chopper with spot light is a little over the top #Pumpkinfest2014", "cate": ["C07"], "tokens": {"chopper": ["C07"]}, "token_tags": "OVDNPNNVDAPDA#", "lemmed_text": "i think the chopper with spot light be a little over the top #pumpkinfest2014", "tweet_id": "523667121138458625", "created_at": "2014-10-19T02:49:05Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.928344", "lon": "-72.275573"}}, {"text": "I can't with the helicopters", "cate": ["O02"], "tokens": {"helicopter": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "OVPDN", "lemmed_text": "i can't with the helicopter", "tweet_id": "523667208166465536", "created_at": "2014-10-19T02:49:26Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.930036", "lon": "-72.280314"}}, {"text": "There's a helicopter above Keene telling people to disperse\ud83d\ude81", "cate": ["O02"], "tokens": {"helicopter": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "LDNP^VNPV", "lemmed_text": "there's a helicopter above keene tell people to disperse\ud83d\ude81", "tweet_id": "523667568532660224", "created_at": "2014-10-19T02:50:52Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.9286", "lon": "-72.274373"}}, {"text": "Pepper spray and tear gas at pumpkin t", "cate": ["O02", "E01"], "tokens": {"pumpkin": ["E01"], "spray": ["O02"], "tear": ["O02"], "gas": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "^N&VNPNG", "lemmed_text": "pepper spray and tear gas at pumpkin t", "tweet_id": "523667925337919488", "created_at": "2014-10-19T02:52:17Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.930165", "lon": "-72.273377"}}, {"text": "This is crazy", "cate": ["T11"], "tokens": {"crazy": ["T11"]}, "token_tags": "OVA", "lemmed_text": "this be crazy", "tweet_id": "523667944967274496", "created_at": "2014-10-19T02:52:22Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.92994", "lon": "-72.28036"}}, {"text": "Cops using pepper spray at pumpkin fest ? That's cool", "cate": ["O02", "E01", "T11"], "tokens": {"pumpkin": ["E01"], "spray": ["O02"], "cool": ["T11"], "pepper": ["O02"], "cops": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "NVNNPNN,LA", "lemmed_text": "cops use pepper spray at pumpkin fest ? that's cool", "tweet_id": "523667946204569600", "created_at": "2014-10-19T02:52:22Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.929389", "lon": "-72.281191"}}, {"text": "\" Clear with Arrested \"' cool pumpkin fest cops interred I don't kid about the cops", "cate": ["O02", "E01", "T11"], "tokens": {"pumpkin": ["E01"], "cool": ["T11"], "cop": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": ",APV,ANNNVOVVPDN", "lemmed_text": "\" clear with arrested \"' cool pumpkin fest cop inter i don't kid about the cop", "tweet_id": "523668074181197824", "created_at": "2014-10-19T02:52:52Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.924357", "lon": "-72.278779"}}, {"text": "so the helicopters are surrounding the school\ud83d\udc4c #pumpkinfest", "cate": ["O02"], "tokens": {"helicopter": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "PDNVVDN#", "lemmed_text": "so the helicopter be surround the school\ud83d\udc4c #pumpkinfest", "tweet_id": "523668370210947072", "created_at": "2014-10-19T02:54:03Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.925701", "lon": "-72.28342"}}, {"text": "Thank god Dover was on the same day as the pumpkin fest", "cate": ["E01"], "tokens": {"pumpkin": ["E01"]}, "token_tags": "V^^VPDANPDNN", "lemmed_text": "thank god dover be on the same day as the pumpkin fest", "tweet_id": "523668723643981824", "created_at": "2014-10-19T02:55:27Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.91355", "lon": "-72.267147"}}, {"text": "\" Clear with the area . You will be arrested . Clear with the area . Return to you're home . \" Lol bye cops I do not care about you", "cate": ["C07", "O02"], "tokens": {"arrest": ["C07"], "cop": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": ",APDN,OVVV,APDN,VPLN,,!!NOVRVPO", "lemmed_text": "\" clear with the area . you will be arrest . clear with the area . return to you're home . \" lol bye cop i do not care about you", "tweet_id": "523669027059933185", "created_at": "2014-10-19T02:56:40Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.922986", "lon": "-72.279977"}}, {"text": "Police helicopter now breaking up riot with tear gas and shooting rubber bullets #Pumpkinfest2014", "cate": ["C07", "O02"], "tokens": {"helicopter": ["O02"], "shoot": ["C07"], "tear": ["O02"], "riot": ["C07"], "gas": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "^NRVTNPNN&VNN#", "lemmed_text": "police helicopter now break up riot with tear gas and shoot rubber bullet #pumpkinfest2014", "tweet_id": "523669143430889473", "created_at": "2014-10-19T02:57:07Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.92559", "lon": "-72.282916"}}, {"text": "Police set up a blockade for some reason ? http://t.co/VpAT4A9j5U", "cate": ["O02"], "tokens": {"police": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "NVTDNPDN,U", "lemmed_text": "police set up a blockade for some reason ? http://t.co/vpat4a9j5u", "tweet_id": "523669150447968256", "created_at": "2014-10-19T02:57:09Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.928094", "lon": "-72.279387"}}, {"text": "\" Clear the area . You will be arrested . Clear the area . Return to you're home . \" Lol shut up suck my dick", "cate": ["T04", "C07"], "tokens": {"area": ["T04"], "arrest": ["C07"], "home": ["T04"], "shut": ["T04"]}, "token_tags": ",VDN,OVVV,ADN,VPLN,,!VTVDN", "lemmed_text": "\" clear the area . you will be arrest . clear the area . return to you're home . \" lol shut up suck my dick", "tweet_id": "523669209591844864", "created_at": "2014-10-19T02:57:23Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.922888", "lon": "-72.279637"}}, {"text": "#keenestatecollege being tear gassed & shot at with paintballs with no warning", "cate": ["C07", "O02"], "tokens": {"shot": ["C07"], "tear": ["O02"], "gas": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "#VNV&NPPNPDN", "lemmed_text": "#keenestatecollege be tear gas & shot at with paintball with no warning", "tweet_id": "523669409102307329", "created_at": "2014-10-19T02:58:11Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.925628", "lon": "-72.283021"}}, {"text": "THERE ARE HELICOPTERS EVERYWHERE", "cate": ["O02"], "tokens": {"helicopters": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "XVNR", "lemmed_text": "there are helicopters everywhere", "tweet_id": "523669724870508545", "created_at": "2014-10-19T02:59:26Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.928368", "lon": "-72.277943"}}, {"text": "@ikarufox massive riot in Keene nh", "cate": ["C07"], "tokens": {"riot": ["C07"]}, "token_tags": "@ANP^^", "lemmed_text": "@ikarufox massive riot in keene nh", "tweet_id": "523669944119353345", "created_at": "2014-10-19T03:00:18Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.930385", "lon": "-72.271193"}}, {"text": "Currently fires in the road , swat team and helicopters circling around Keene right now #pumpkinfest", "cate": ["C07", "O02"], "tokens": {"fire": ["C07"], "swat": ["O02"], "helicopter": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "RVPDN,NN&NVP^RR#", "lemmed_text": "currently fire in the road , swat team and helicopter circle around keene right now #pumpkinfest", "tweet_id": "523670074637680640", "created_at": "2014-10-19T03:00:49Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.928378", "lon": "-72.280794"}}, {"text": "Cops with tear gas , helicopters , paintball guns and shit this is so fucked", "cate": ["C07", "O02"], "tokens": {"helicopter": ["O02"], "gas": ["O02"], "tear": ["O02"], "gun": ["C07"], "cops": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "NPNN,N,AN&NOVRA", "lemmed_text": "cops with tear gas , helicopter , paintball gun and shit this be so fucked", "tweet_id": "523670639866302465", "created_at": "2014-10-19T03:03:04Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.930219", "lon": "-72.282617"}}, {"text": "Pumpkinfest is crazy this year , riot police are everywhere", "cate": ["C07", "O02", "T11"], "tokens": {"police": ["O02"], "crazy": ["T11"], "riot": ["C07"]}, "token_tags": "^VADN,NNVR", "lemmed_text": "pumpkinfest be crazy this year , riot police be everywhere", "tweet_id": "523670673471066112", "created_at": "2014-10-19T03:03:12Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.930268", "lon": "-72.274184"}}, {"text": "Ok Keene is in lock down and I'm happy to say I'm a part of it", "cate": ["T11"], "tokens": {"happy": ["T11"]}, "token_tags": "!^VPNR&LAPVLDNPO", "lemmed_text": "ok keene be in lock down and i'm happy to say i'm a part of it", "tweet_id": "523670829855670272", "created_at": "2014-10-19T03:03:49Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.926333", "lon": "-72.283935"}}, {"text": "These helicopters though haaaaaaa", "cate": ["O02"], "tokens": {"helicopter": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "DNP!", "lemmed_text": "these helicopter though haaaaaaa", "tweet_id": "523670863556902912", "created_at": "2014-10-19T03:03:57Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.934586", "lon": "-72.284653"}}, {"text": "Holy hell , nashua swat and national guard are here", "cate": ["O02"], "tokens": {"guard": ["O02"], "swat": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "!N,^N&ANVR", "lemmed_text": "holy hell , nashua swat and national guard be here", "tweet_id": "523671055723167744", "created_at": "2014-10-19T03:04:43Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.93038", "lon": "-72.271173"}}, {"text": "There are literally helicopters flying around . What is life", "cate": ["O02"], "tokens": {"helicopter": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "XVRNVR,OVN", "lemmed_text": "there be literally helicopter fly around . what be life", "tweet_id": "523671301861691392", "created_at": "2014-10-19T03:05:42Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.9258", "lon": "-72.283081"}}, {"text": "The helicopters are saying go home now or you will be arrested", "cate": ["C07", "O02"], "tokens": {"arrest": ["C07"], "helicopter": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "DNVVVRR&OVVV", "lemmed_text": "the helicopter be say go home now or you will be arrest", "tweet_id": "523671608280764417", "created_at": "2014-10-19T03:06:55Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.92596", "lon": "-72.282489"}}, {"text": "@seizethedaleks yes ! It's Fucking insane !", "cate": ["T11"], "tokens": {"insane": ["T11"]}, "token_tags": "@!,LRA,", "lemmed_text": "@seizethedaleks yes ! it's fucking insane !", "tweet_id": "523671830381731840", "created_at": "2014-10-19T03:07:48Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.927578", "lon": "-72.284111"}}, {"text": "Shout out to assholes hurting people and ruining pfest \ud83c\udf83", "cate": ["T02"], "tokens": {"hurt": ["T02"], "people": ["T02"]}, "token_tags": "VTPNVN&VNG", "lemmed_text": "shout out to asshole hurt people and ruin pfest \ud83c\udf83", "tweet_id": "523672185324724224", "created_at": "2014-10-19T03:09:13Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.924779", "lon": "-72.281185"}}, {"text": "@becauseracecat yeah , a helicopter just flew over shouting \" return to your homes \"", "cate": ["O02"], "tokens": {"helicopter": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "@!,DNRVPV,VPDN,", "lemmed_text": "@becauseracecat yeah , a helicopter just fly over shout \" return to your home \"", "tweet_id": "523672525998686208", "created_at": "2014-10-19T03:10:34Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.930395", "lon": "-72.271125"}}, {"text": "RT \" @shtuffs_ : \" tear gas isn't that bad lets go \"\"", "cate": ["O02", "T11"], "tokens": {"bad": ["T11"], "tear": ["O02"], "gas": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "~,@~,VNVDALV,", "lemmed_text": "rt \" @shtuffs_ : \" tear gas isn't that bad lets go \"\"", "tweet_id": "523672558965899264", "created_at": "2014-10-19T03:10:42Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.930217", "lon": "-72.277763"}}, {"text": "literal riot in keene right now", "cate": ["C07"], "tokens": {"riot": ["C07"]}, "token_tags": "ANP^RR", "lemmed_text": "literal riot in keene right now", "tweet_id": "523672875157696512", "created_at": "2014-10-19T03:11:57Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.929995", "lon": "-72.284039"}}, {"text": "Can't believe the drama that is going on right now in Keene . Both the national guard and swat team are present it's scary as hell", "cate": ["O02"], "tokens": {"guard": ["O02"], "swat": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "VVDNPVVPRRP^,ODAN&NNVALAPN", "lemmed_text": "can't believe the drama that be go on right now in keene . both the national guard and swat team be present it's scary as hell", "tweet_id": "523672983374934017", "created_at": "2014-10-19T03:12:23Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.924319", "lon": "-72.278751"}}, {"text": "\u201c @ThisIsSheehan : Lol yes mom I did pumpkin responsibly \u201d", "cate": ["E01"], "tokens": {"pumpkin": ["E01"]}, "token_tags": ",@~!!NOVNR,", "lemmed_text": "\u201c @thisissheehan : lol yes mom i do pumpkin responsibly \u201d", "tweet_id": "523673103579492352", "created_at": "2014-10-19T03:12:51Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.929763", "lon": "-72.281071"}}, {"text": "National guard to keene ??? That's a little much no ? #GOAWAYKPD", "cate": ["O02"], "tokens": {"guard": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "ANP^,LDAA!,#", "lemmed_text": "national guard to keene ??? that's a little much no ? #goawaykpd", "tweet_id": "523673303219990528", "created_at": "2014-10-19T03:13:39Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.937597", "lon": "-72.279835"}}, {"text": "National Guard , Riot Patrol , swat team and police . JeeeeeezuS Keene !!!", "cate": ["C07", "O02"], "tokens": {"police": ["O02"], "guard": ["O02"], "swat": ["O02"], "riot": ["C07"]}, "token_tags": "AN,NN,NN&N,!^,", "lemmed_text": "national guard , riot patrol , swat team and police . jeeeeeezus keene !!!", "tweet_id": "523674178940329984", "created_at": "2014-10-19T03:17:08Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.927048", "lon": "-72.280106"}}, {"text": "There's a riot line here in front of the dining common ? http://t.co/Czyl04scIA", "cate": ["C07"], "tokens": {"riot": ["C07"]}, "token_tags": "LDNNRPNPDNN,U", "lemmed_text": "there's a riot line here in front of the dining common ? http://t.co/czyl04scia", "tweet_id": "523674438685179904", "created_at": "2014-10-19T03:18:10Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.926943", "lon": "-72.279623"}}, {"text": "I got fucking tear gassed by the cops \u263a \ufe0f", "cate": ["O02"], "tokens": {"cop": ["O02"], "tear": ["O02"], "gas": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "OVVVVPDNEE", "lemmed_text": "i get fuck tear gas by the cop \u263a \ufe0f", "tweet_id": "523674735700611072", "created_at": "2014-10-19T03:19:21Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.930233", "lon": "-72.277774"}}, {"text": "@thecamboucher yo text me ! I'm here dude it's so fucking insane . Almost got tear gassed", "cate": ["O02", "T11"], "tokens": {"insane": ["T11"], "tear": ["O02"], "gas": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "@!VO,LRNLRRA,RVVV", "lemmed_text": "@thecamboucher yo text me ! i'm here dude it's so fucking insane . almost get tear gas", "tweet_id": "523675490939576320", "created_at": "2014-10-19T03:22:21Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.933181", "lon": "-72.288641"}}, {"text": "Cops now getting hit with beer cans and bottles #pumpkinfest2014 #keenepumpkinfest", "cate": ["O02", "E01"], "tokens": {"beer": ["E01"], "cops": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "NRVVPNN&N##", "lemmed_text": "cops now get hit with beer can and bottle #pumpkinfest2014 #keenepumpkinfest", "tweet_id": "523675790698102784", "created_at": "2014-10-19T03:23:32Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.925572", "lon": "-72.282953"}}, {"text": "@timegoat I was walking back to the dorm and tear gassed . I was not rioting . @HuffingtonPost", "cate": ["C07", "O02"], "tokens": {"tear": ["O02"], "riot": ["C07"], "gas": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "@OVVRPDN&VV,OVRV,@", "lemmed_text": "@timegoat i be walk back to the dorm and tear gas . i be not riot . @huffingtonpost", "tweet_id": "523676128591249408", "created_at": "2014-10-19T03:24:53Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.926498", "lon": "-72.283659"}}, {"text": "No one better touch my car . Cause I swear to god I'll kill you .", "cate": ["C07"], "tokens": {"kill": ["C07"]}, "token_tags": "D$ANDN,POVP^LVO,", "lemmed_text": "no one better touch my car . cause i swear to god i'll kill you .", "tweet_id": "523677560027496449", "created_at": "2014-10-19T03:30:34Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.932216", "lon": "-72.277503"}}, {"text": "Update : Cars have been flipped , keene is in a state of emergency , niggas on lockdown right now", "cate": ["C07"], "tokens": {"emergency": ["C07"]}, "token_tags": "N,NVVV,^VPDNPN,NP^RR", "lemmed_text": "update : cars have be flip , keene be in a state of emergency , nigga on lockdown right now", "tweet_id": "523678216029220865", "created_at": "2014-10-19T03:33:10Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.928468", "lon": "-72.278868"}}, {"text": "#latergram #pumpkins #fall #autumn #love #life #newengland #pumpkinfest #light @ Keene Pumpkin \u2026 http://t.co/6YxmneVsYp", "cate": ["E01"], "tokens": {"pumpkin": ["E01"]}, "token_tags": "#########P^N,U", "lemmed_text": "#latergram #pumpkins #fall #autumn #love #life #newengland #pumpkinfest #light @ keene pumpkin \u2026 http://t.co/6yxmnevsyp", "tweet_id": "523678700512870400", "created_at": "2014-10-19T03:35:06Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.933765", "lon": "-72.278938"}}, {"text": "Tear gassed WAY too many times today", "cate": ["O02"], "tokens": {"tear": ["O02"], "gas": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "VVNRANN", "lemmed_text": "tear gas way too many time today", "tweet_id": "523678852200300544", "created_at": "2014-10-19T03:35:42Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.92544", "lon": "-72.282745"}}, {"text": "This stuff is crazy and I love it .", "cate": ["T11"], "tokens": {"crazy": ["T11"]}, "token_tags": "DNVA&OVO,", "lemmed_text": "this stuff be crazy and i love it .", "tweet_id": "523679748736946176", "created_at": "2014-10-19T03:39:16Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.929433", "lon": "-72.273069"}}, {"text": "\u201c @Brandon_Allen : Happy I didn't go to Keene #ShitShow \u201d @ShitPussiesSay", "cate": ["T11"], "tokens": {"happy": ["T11"]}, "token_tags": ",@~AOVVP^#,@", "lemmed_text": "\u201c @brandon_allen : happy i didn't go to keene #shitshow \u201d @shitpussiessay", "tweet_id": "523679854697676800", "created_at": "2014-10-19T03:39:41Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.925465", "lon": "-72.282774"}}, {"text": "This is insane . Keene is in a declared state of emergency , and a helicopter is flying overhead .", "cate": ["C07", "O02", "T11"], "tokens": {"emergency": ["C07"], "insane": ["T11"], "helicopter": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "OVA,^VPDANPN,&DNVVA,", "lemmed_text": "this be insane . keene be in a declared state of emergency , and a helicopter be fly overhead .", "tweet_id": "523680125188317184", "created_at": "2014-10-19T03:40:46Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.925651", "lon": "-72.28378"}}, {"text": "I miss the old days of pumpkin Fest where you didn't have to stay indoors #policeeverywhere #keenestate", "cate": ["E01"], "tokens": {"pumpkin": ["E01"]}, "token_tags": "OVDANPNNROVVPVN##", "lemmed_text": "i miss the old day of pumpkin fest where you didn't have to stay indoors #policeeverywhere #keenestate", "tweet_id": "523680613430484992", "created_at": "2014-10-19T03:42:42Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.92861", "lon": "-72.278856"}}, {"text": "Trying to get to owls nest but riot line is blocking winchester st. Ppl chanting \" bring out the bearcat ! \" . A joke http://t.co/LW8RQHR0md", "cate": ["C07"], "tokens": {"riot": ["C07"]}, "token_tags": "VPVPNN&NNVV^^NV,VTDN,,,DNU", "lemmed_text": "trying to get to owl nest but riot line be block winchester st. ppl chant \" bring out the bearcat ! \" . a joke http://t.co/lw8rqhr0md", "tweet_id": "523682130099187712", "created_at": "2014-10-19T03:48:44Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.928954", "lon": "-72.277978"}}, {"text": "@ChrisCaesar Nat Guard was in Keene today , saw them staged at the fire station earlier . No pics", "cate": ["C07"], "tokens": {"fire": ["C07"]}, "token_tags": "@^^VP^N,VOVPDNNR,DN", "lemmed_text": "@chriscaesar nat guard be in keene today , saw them stag at the fire station earlier . no pic", "tweet_id": "523682304573853697", "created_at": "2014-10-19T03:49:25Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.939707", "lon": "-72.280701"}}, {"text": "Da choppers are here \ud83d\ude81 @Busty_DeLusty", "cate": ["C07"], "tokens": {"chopper": ["C07"]}, "token_tags": "DNVR,@", "lemmed_text": "da chopper be here \ud83d\ude81 @busty_delusty", "tweet_id": "523682432034566144", "created_at": "2014-10-19T03:49:56Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.930827", "lon": "-72.281893"}}, {"text": "Have the keene students not destroyed their school enough ? Beyond embarrassed to be here #PumpkinFest2K14", "cate": ["T04"], "tokens": {"destroy": ["T04"], "school": ["T04"]}, "token_tags": "VD^NRVDNR,PVPVR#", "lemmed_text": "have the keene student not destroy their school enough ? beyond embarrass to be here #pumpkinfest2k14", "tweet_id": "523682868829364224", "created_at": "2014-10-19T03:51:40Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.925592", "lon": "-72.282765"}}, {"text": "Keene pumpkin festival with my main squeeze . @ Keene , New Hampshire http://t.co/oazGhTb3UQ", "cate": ["E01"], "tokens": {"festival": ["E01"], "pumpkin": ["E01"]}, "token_tags": "^NNPDAN,P^,^^U", "lemmed_text": "keene pumpkin festival with my main squeeze . @ keene , new hampshire http://t.co/oazghtb3uq", "tweet_id": "523683817937068033", "created_at": "2014-10-19T03:55:26Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.9425", "lon": "-72.2884"}}, {"text": "Feel bad for the kids who go to regular colleges", "cate": ["T11"], "tokens": {"bad": ["T11"]}, "token_tags": "VAPDNOVPAN", "lemmed_text": "feel bad for the kid who go to regular college", "tweet_id": "523684015203553281", "created_at": "2014-10-19T03:56:13Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.926799", "lon": "-72.285328"}}, {"text": "I was at the front of that fucking riot and man tear gas fucking kills don't get hit by that shit guys", "cate": ["T03", "C07", "O02"], "tokens": {"kill": ["T03", "C07"], "man": ["T03"], "tear": ["O02"], "riot": ["C07"], "gas": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "OVPDNPDAN&NVNVVVVVPDNN", "lemmed_text": "i be at the front of that fucking riot and man tear gas fuck kill don't get hit by that shit guy", "tweet_id": "523685181782503424", "created_at": "2014-10-19T04:00:51Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.930657", "lon": "-72.281652"}}, {"text": "Strong couple #Pfest @ Riot Campus USA http://t.co/41RsPeoZVD", "cate": ["C07"], "tokens": {"riot": ["C07"]}, "token_tags": "AN#PN^^U", "lemmed_text": "strong couple #pfest @ riot campus usa http://t.co/41rspeozvd", "tweet_id": "523685498234372096", "created_at": "2014-10-19T04:02:07Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.926895", "lon": "-72.280258"}}, {"text": "@1catfish73 people were completely out of hand but I've never seen this kind of escalated police presence .", "cate": ["O02"], "tokens": {"police": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "@NVRPPN&LRVDNPVNN,", "lemmed_text": "@1catfish73 people be completely out of hand but i've never see this kind of escalate police presence .", "tweet_id": "523687703007985664", "created_at": "2014-10-19T04:10:52Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.92928", "lon": "-72.281039"}}, {"text": "One of the most amazing carving\ud83c\udf41\ud83c\udf42\ud83d\udc9c ( at Keene Pumpkin Festival ) [ pic ] \u2014 https://t.co/VhczOJanSc", "cate": ["T11"], "tokens": {"amazing": ["T11"]}, "token_tags": "$PDRAN,P^^^,,N,,U", "lemmed_text": "one of the most amazing carving\ud83c\udf41\ud83c\udf42\ud83d\udc9c ( at keene pumpkin festival ) [ pic ] \u2014 https://t.co/vhczojansc", "tweet_id": "523688712324923392", "created_at": "2014-10-19T04:14:53Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.93257", "lon": "-72.27822"}}, {"text": "Damn I hope you got shot with rubber bullets you fuck head", "cate": ["C07"], "tokens": {"shot": ["C07"]}, "token_tags": "!OVOVNPNNOVN", "lemmed_text": "damn i hope you get shot with rubber bullet you fuck head", "tweet_id": "523689421145931776", "created_at": "2014-10-19T04:17:42Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.93057", "lon": "-72.281576"}}, {"text": "I've never been happier to have JUST gotten tear gassed ... #pumpkinfest2k14 #keenestate", "cate": ["O02"], "tokens": {"tear": ["O02"], "gas": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "LRVAPVRVVV,##", "lemmed_text": "i've never be happier to have just get tear gas ... #pumpkinfest2k14 #keenestate", "tweet_id": "523690159829950465", "created_at": "2014-10-19T04:20:38Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.928446", "lon": "-72.279023"}}, {"text": "Riot mishaps . Car flipped . #Pumpkinfest2014", "cate": ["C07"], "tokens": {"riot": ["C07"]}, "token_tags": "NN,NV,#", "lemmed_text": "riot mishap . car flip . #pumpkinfest2014", "tweet_id": "523690175646674944", "created_at": "2014-10-19T04:20:42Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.930154", "lon": "-72.277893"}}, {"text": "I wonder what it's like to get drunk and wanna pull street signs out of the ground", "cate": ["T04", "E01"], "tokens": {"drunk": ["E01"], "pull": ["T04"], "street": ["T04"]}, "token_tags": "OVOLPPVA&VVNNPPDN", "lemmed_text": "i wonder what it's like to get drunk and wanna pull street sign out of the ground", "tweet_id": "523690276628725761", "created_at": "2014-10-19T04:21:06Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.927115", "lon": "-72.273737"}}, {"text": "Riot mishaps . Car flipped . #Pumpkinfest2014 http://t.co/p5jEeuuIMM", "cate": ["C07"], "tokens": {"riot": ["C07"]}, "token_tags": "NN,NV,#U", "lemmed_text": "riot mishap . car flip . #pumpkinfest2014 http://t.co/p5jeeuuimm", "tweet_id": "523690418752737281", "created_at": "2014-10-19T04:21:40Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.930139", "lon": "-72.277913"}}, {"text": "This is one of the saddest and most disgusting things I've ever seen .", "cate": ["T11"], "tokens": {"disgusting": ["T11"]}, "token_tags": "OV$PDA&RANLRV,", "lemmed_text": "this be one of the saddest and most disgusting thing i've ever see .", "tweet_id": "523690570448121856", "created_at": "2014-10-19T04:22:16Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.926746", "lon": "-72.283166"}}, {"text": "Pepper spray and tear gas at pumpkin fest ... that's so cool", "cate": ["O02", "E01", "T11"], "tokens": {"pumpkin": ["E01"], "cool": ["T11"], "spray": ["O02"], "tear": ["O02"], "gas": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "^N&VNPNN,LRA", "lemmed_text": "pepper spray and tear gas at pumpkin fest ... that's so cool", "tweet_id": "523690929539252224", "created_at": "2014-10-19T04:23:41Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.930165", "lon": "-72.273377"}}, {"text": "Tear gas , mace , paint ball guns , and helicopters is what Pumpkin Fest has consisted of . #policebrutality", "cate": ["C07", "O02", "E01"], "tokens": {"pumpkin": ["E01"], "helicopter": ["O02"], "tear": ["O02"], "gun": ["C07"], "gas": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "VN,^,VNN,&NVONNVNP,#", "lemmed_text": "tear gas , mace , paint ball gun , and helicopter be what pumpkin fest have consisted of . #policebrutality", "tweet_id": "523691205511888896", "created_at": "2014-10-19T04:24:47Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.92879", "lon": "-72.283316"}}, {"text": "@AIR_Ford massive riots", "cate": ["C07"], "tokens": {"riot": ["C07"]}, "token_tags": "@AN", "lemmed_text": "@air_ford massive riot", "tweet_id": "523691300173131776", "created_at": "2014-10-19T04:25:10Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.930612", "lon": "-72.281589"}}, {"text": "At #keenepumpkinfestival I see this great shot ! hashgramapp #abstract #art #abstractart #hashgram \u2026 http://t.co/kgJisRvKBq", "cate": ["C07", "T11"], "tokens": {"shot": ["C07"], "great": ["T11"]}, "token_tags": "P#OVDAN,G####,U", "lemmed_text": "at #keenepumpkinfestival i see this great shot ! hashgramapp #abstract #art #abstractart #hashgram \u2026 http://t.co/kgjisrvkbq", "tweet_id": "523691732496830464", "created_at": "2014-10-19T04:26:53Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.933765", "lon": "-72.278938"}}, {"text": "@AIR_Ford very bad . Flipping cars , ripping light posts up and breaking windows , all the street signs are gone", "cate": ["T04", "T11"], "tokens": {"bad": ["T11"], "break": ["T04"], "street": ["T04"]}, "token_tags": "@RA,AN,VNNT&VN,XDNNVA", "lemmed_text": "@air_ford very bad . flipping car , rip light post up and break window , all the street sign be gone", "tweet_id": "523691742772875265", "created_at": "2014-10-19T04:26:55Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.930511", "lon": "-72.28154"}}, {"text": "@AIR_Ford yuppp the cops broke up every party we tried to have so they rioted . Still really stupid though", "cate": ["C07", "O02", "T11"], "tokens": {"cop": ["O02"], "stupid": ["T11"], "riot": ["C07"]}, "token_tags": "@!DNVTDNOVPVPOV,RRAP", "lemmed_text": "@air_ford yuppp the cop break up every party we try to have so they riot . still really stupid though", "tweet_id": "523692258236047360", "created_at": "2014-10-19T04:28:58Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.930622", "lon": "-72.2816"}}, {"text": "@AIR_Ford I heard one person died and few critically injured", "cate": ["T02", "T03", "C07"], "tokens": {"injure": ["T02", "C07"], "person": ["T02", "T03"], "die": ["T03"]}, "token_tags": "@OV$NV&ARV", "lemmed_text": "@air_ford i hear one person die and few critically injure", "tweet_id": "523693746794549248", "created_at": "2014-10-19T04:34:53Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.930578", "lon": "-72.281589"}}, {"text": "@Adam__Corey but instead we have cars tipped over on fire and pepper spray in our mouths :) weee", "cate": ["C07", "O02"], "tokens": {"fire": ["C07"], "spray": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "@&ROVNVTPN&^NPDNE!", "lemmed_text": "@adam__corey but instead we have car tip over on fire and pepper spray in our mouth :) weee", "tweet_id": "523693936398053376", "created_at": "2014-10-19T04:35:38Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.926072", "lon": "-72.283421"}}, {"text": "@AIR_Ford yes people are so stupid , I was rioting too but I wouldn't even think of doing that damage", "cate": ["C07", "T11"], "tokens": {"stupid": ["T11"], "riot": ["C07"]}, "token_tags": "@!NVRA,OVVR&OVRVPVDN", "lemmed_text": "@air_ford yes people be so stupid , i be riot too but i wouldn't even think of do that damage", "tweet_id": "523694257920434176", "created_at": "2014-10-19T04:36:55Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.93061", "lon": "-72.281589"}}, {"text": "#keenepumpkinfestival 2014 #pumpkincarving you see great Pumpkins from a lot of places around the \u2026 http://t.co/C2Du8e7VXK", "cate": ["T11"], "tokens": {"great": ["T11"]}, "token_tags": "#$VOVANPDNPNPD,U", "lemmed_text": "#keenepumpkinfestival 2014 #pumpkincarving you see great pumpkins from a lot of place around the \u2026 http://t.co/c2du8e7vxk", "tweet_id": "523694392511852544", "created_at": "2014-10-19T04:37:27Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.933765", "lon": "-72.278938"}}, {"text": "I love being tear gassed !!!!! http://t.co/6J020m0p7X", "cate": ["O02"], "tokens": {"tear": ["O02"], "gas": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "OVVNV,U", "lemmed_text": "i love be tear gas !!!!! http://t.co/6j020m0p7x", "tweet_id": "523695220920426496", "created_at": "2014-10-19T04:40:45Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.928689", "lon": "-72.279287"}}, {"text": "Ppl look out your windows and tell me you don't see like 20+ swat members walking cause it's fucked up", "cate": ["O02"], "tokens": {"swat": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "NVPDN&VOOVVP$NNVPLVT", "lemmed_text": "ppl look out your window and tell me you don't see like 20+ swat member walk cause it's fuck up", "tweet_id": "523695278898315265", "created_at": "2014-10-19T04:40:58Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.925771", "lon": "-72.283258"}}, {"text": "Seeing ppl from Castleton here at Keene makes me happy", "cate": ["T11"], "tokens": {"happy": ["T11"]}, "token_tags": "VNP^RP^VOA", "lemmed_text": "seeing ppl from castleton here at keene make me happy", "tweet_id": "523695530019655680", "created_at": "2014-10-19T04:41:58Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.930541", "lon": "-72.278102"}}, {"text": "@Piz_Squalifa I swear to god . you said hi to me yesterday whIle I was carving pumpkins . I'm staying right across from you .", "cate": ["E01"], "tokens": {"pumpkin": ["E01"]}, "token_tags": "@OVP^,OV!PORPOVVN,LVRPPO,", "lemmed_text": "@piz_squalifa i swear to god . you say hi to me yesterday while i be carve pumpkin . i'm stay right across from you .", "tweet_id": "523696935488991232", "created_at": "2014-10-19T04:47:33Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.924949", "lon": "-72.280154"}}, {"text": "I never want to get tear gassed again", "cate": ["O02"], "tokens": {"tear": ["O02"], "gas": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "ORVPVVVR", "lemmed_text": "i never want to get tear gas again", "tweet_id": "523696970352058368", "created_at": "2014-10-19T04:47:42Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.930578", "lon": "-72.281592"}}, {"text": "There was no parties today just riots", "cate": ["C07"], "tokens": {"riot": ["C07"]}, "token_tags": "XVDNNRN", "lemmed_text": "there be no party today just riot", "tweet_id": "523697200162172928", "created_at": "2014-10-19T04:48:37Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.928461", "lon": "-72.278931"}}, {"text": "Happy birthday @TreDaRealest ! Hope you have a great day ! \ud83c\udf89\ud83c\udf88\ud83d\ude0a", "cate": ["T11"], "tokens": {"great": ["T11"], "happy": ["T11"]}, "token_tags": "AN@,VOVDAN,G", "lemmed_text": "happy birthday @tredarealest ! hope you have a great day ! \ud83c\udf89\ud83c\udf88\ud83d\ude0a", "tweet_id": "523698301817094145", "created_at": "2014-10-19T04:52:59Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.92506", "lon": "-72.280367"}}, {"text": "Oh my gosh they're literally arresting anyone who leaves the building . This is insane .", "cate": ["C07", "T11"], "tokens": {"arrest": ["C07"], "insane": ["T11"]}, "token_tags": "!D!LRVNOVDN,OVA,", "lemmed_text": "oh my gosh they're literally arrest anyone who leave the building . this be insane .", "tweet_id": "523698770002075648", "created_at": "2014-10-19T04:54:51Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.926714", "lon": "-72.283109"}}, {"text": "The only verse I've had in my head all weekend is from dirt off your shoulder and I'm sorry if you heard me and @arianakinsvater singing it", "cate": ["T11"], "tokens": {"sorry": ["T11"]}, "token_tags": "DANLVPDNDNVPNPDN&LAPOVO&@VO", "lemmed_text": "the only verse i've have in my head all weekend be from dirt off your shoulder and i'm sorry if you hear me and @arianakinsvater sing it", "tweet_id": "523698873727197184", "created_at": "2014-10-19T04:55:16Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.925935", "lon": "-72.283227"}}, {"text": "Obviously pumpkin fest 2015 isn't happening , thanks keene for being an embarrassment , time to transfer ? #ORNAH http://t.co/8m98blQKx0", "cate": ["E01"], "tokens": {"pumpkin": ["E01"]}, "token_tags": "RNN$VV,N^PVDN,NPN,#U", "lemmed_text": "obviously pumpkin fest 2015 isn't happen , thanks keene for be an embarrassment , time to transfer ? #ornah http://t.co/8m98blqkx0", "tweet_id": "523699423776632832", "created_at": "2014-10-19T04:57:27Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.926691", "lon": "-72.281083"}}, {"text": "42 arrests ...", "cate": ["C07"], "tokens": {"arrest": ["C07"]}, "token_tags": "$N,", "lemmed_text": "42 arrest ...", "tweet_id": "523701580504530944", "created_at": "2014-10-19T05:06:01Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.925972", "lon": "-72.282391"}}, {"text": "Anyone who leaves their building is keene is getting arrested and kicked out at a student lol #GOOOOOOOOOD", "cate": ["C07"], "tokens": {"arrest": ["C07"]}, "token_tags": "NOVDNV^VVV&VTPDN!^", "lemmed_text": "anyone who leave their building be keene be get arrest and kick out at a student lol #goooooooood", "tweet_id": "523701701220790272", "created_at": "2014-10-19T05:06:30Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.927152", "lon": "-72.284237"}}, {"text": "Well this is fun . Cool . Awesome . \u270c\ufe0f\ud83d\ude12", "cate": ["T11"], "tokens": {"cool": ["T11"]}, "token_tags": "!OVA,A,A,G", "lemmed_text": "well this be fun . cool . awesome . \u270c\ufe0f\ud83d\ude12", "tweet_id": "523701837342736384", "created_at": "2014-10-19T05:07:02Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.927139", "lon": "-72.273774"}}, {"text": "@jlencki that's what I just heard . Also if you leave your building you instantly get cuffed and arrested ...", "cate": ["C07"], "tokens": {"arrest": ["C07"]}, "token_tags": "@LOORV,RPOVDNORVA&V,", "lemmed_text": "@jlencki that's what i just hear . also if you leave your building you instantly get cuffed and arrest ...", "tweet_id": "523702736597315584", "created_at": "2014-10-19T05:10:36Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.92663", "lon": "-72.280952"}}, {"text": "@jlencki honestly im embarrassed", "cate": ["T11"], "tokens": {"embarrassed": ["T11"]}, "token_tags": "@RLA", "lemmed_text": "@jlencki honestly im embarrassed", "tweet_id": "523703040604643328", "created_at": "2014-10-19T05:11:49Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.926651", "lon": "-72.28093"}}, {"text": "For real tho , shit was a little too insane . Say goodbye to pumpkin fest cause I doubt there's one next year", "cate": ["E01", "T11"], "tokens": {"pumpkin": ["E01"], "insane": ["T11"]}, "token_tags": "PAN,NVDARA,V!PNNPOVL$AN", "lemmed_text": "for real tho , shit be a little too insane . say goodbye to pumpkin fest cause i doubt there's one next year", "tweet_id": "523703400677273601", "created_at": "2014-10-19T05:13:15Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.930972", "lon": "-72.266394"}}, {"text": "@ThErEaLnIcKsHaW damn this shit is crazy", "cate": ["T11"], "tokens": {"crazy": ["T11"]}, "token_tags": "@!DNVA", "lemmed_text": "@therealnickshaw damn this shit be crazy", "tweet_id": "523705655526707200", "created_at": "2014-10-19T05:22:12Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.930524", "lon": "-72.281478"}}, {"text": "Surrounded by the national guard", "cate": ["O02"], "tokens": {"guard": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "VPDNN", "lemmed_text": "surrounded by the national guard", "tweet_id": "523705736359317505", "created_at": "2014-10-19T05:22:32Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.925331", "lon": "-72.281385"}}, {"text": "Swat team patrollin", "cate": ["O02"], "tokens": {"swat": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "NNN", "lemmed_text": "swat team patrollin", "tweet_id": "523707172656787456", "created_at": "2014-10-19T05:28:14Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.926716", "lon": "-72.283101"}}, {"text": "\" @raywert : Look at these thug gang-bangers in Keene , NH . #pumpkinfest http://t.co/0CbBf31eM6 \" so disgusting .", "cate": ["T11"], "tokens": {"disgusting": ["T11"]}, "token_tags": ",@~VPDNNP^,^,#U,RA,", "lemmed_text": "\" @raywert : look at these thug gang-bangers in keene , nh . #pumpkinfest http://t.co/0cbbf31em6 \" so disgusting .", "tweet_id": "523707281662566400", "created_at": "2014-10-19T05:28:40Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.926716", "lon": "-72.283101"}}, {"text": "I would love to start a fundraiser for Keene State , KPD , Campus Safety and the town of keene ! What happened tonight is not OK", "cate": ["C07"], "tokens": {"safety": ["C07"]}, "token_tags": "OVVPVDNP^^,^,^N&DNP^,OVNVR!", "lemmed_text": "i would love to start a fundraiser for keene state , kpd , campus safety and the town of keene ! what happen tonight be not ok", "tweet_id": "523707907750494209", "created_at": "2014-10-19T05:31:09Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.925701", "lon": "-72.281868"}}, {"text": "Estimated 40 riot control officers outside Carle right now", "cate": ["C07", "O02"], "tokens": {"officer": ["O02"], "riot": ["C07"]}, "token_tags": "A$NNNP^RR", "lemmed_text": "estimated 40 riot control officer outside carle right now", "tweet_id": "523707987513602048", "created_at": "2014-10-19T05:31:28Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.925391", "lon": "-72.284369"}}, {"text": "Another photo of police in riot gear on Winchester Street at #keenestate #keenepumpkinfest @BostonGlobe http://t.co/JcXBes0UVx", "cate": ["C07", "O02"], "tokens": {"police": ["O02"], "riot": ["C07"]}, "token_tags": "DNPNPNNP^^P^#@U", "lemmed_text": "another photo of police in riot gear on winchester street at #keenestate #keenepumpkinfest @bostonglobe http://t.co/jcxbes0uvx", "tweet_id": "523708028940718081", "created_at": "2014-10-19T05:31:38Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.924093", "lon": "-72.297379"}}, {"text": "The cops need to fucking stop it's over stop fucking innocent people up", "cate": ["O02"], "tokens": {"cop": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "DNVPVVLPVRANT", "lemmed_text": "the cop need to fuck stop it's over stop fucking innocent people up", "tweet_id": "523709095136997376", "created_at": "2014-10-19T05:35:52Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.928805", "lon": "-72.28419"}}, {"text": "Omg there is going to be some epic news clips from this pumpkinfest .", "cate": ["E01"], "tokens": {"pumpkinfest": ["E01"]}, "token_tags": "!XVVPVDANNPDN,", "lemmed_text": "omg there be go to be some epic news clip from this pumpkinfest .", "tweet_id": "523709763985879040", "created_at": "2014-10-19T05:38:32Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.93", "lon": "-72.282476"}}, {"text": "S/O to keene NH for putting up with this shit tonight haha . Definitely no pumpkin fest next year doeee", "cate": ["E01"], "tokens": {"pumpkin": ["E01"]}, "token_tags": "VP^^PVTPDNR!,RDNNANP", "lemmed_text": "s/o to keene nh for put up with this shit tonight haha . definitely no pumpkin fest next year doeee", "tweet_id": "523709960149291008", "created_at": "2014-10-19T05:39:19Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.9262", "lon": "-72.283448"}}, {"text": "I hate when niggas look at me funny for saying nigga", "cate": ["T11"], "tokens": {"funny": ["T11"], "hate": ["T11"]}, "token_tags": "OVRNVPOAPVN", "lemmed_text": "i hate when nigga look at me funny for say nigga", "tweet_id": "523710429563191296", "created_at": "2014-10-19T05:41:11Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.932998", "lon": "-72.286828"}}, {"text": "To the men and women that kept us safe tonight thank you ! You deserve so much more than just a thank you !", "cate": ["C07"], "tokens": {"safe": ["C07"]}, "token_tags": "PDN&NPVOANVO,OVRRAPRDNO,", "lemmed_text": "to the men and woman that keep us safe tonight thank you ! you deserve so much more than just a thank you !", "tweet_id": "523712036099080193", "created_at": "2014-10-19T05:47:34Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.923448", "lon": "-72.281466"}}, {"text": "This picture is pumpkin fest in a nutshell folks . Enough said #pumpkinfest http://t.co/RTqmbCWEXg", "cate": ["E01"], "tokens": {"pumpkin": ["E01"]}, "token_tags": "DNVNNPDNN,AV#U", "lemmed_text": "this picture be pumpkin fest in a nutshell folk . enough say #pumpkinfest http://t.co/rtqmbcwexg", "tweet_id": "523712068655280128", "created_at": "2014-10-19T05:47:41Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.928797", "lon": "-72.279384"}}, {"text": "These people get live about some pumpkins", "cate": ["E01"], "tokens": {"pumpkin": ["E01"]}, "token_tags": "DNVVPDN", "lemmed_text": "these people get live about some pumpkin", "tweet_id": "523713049728131072", "created_at": "2014-10-19T05:51:35Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.928476", "lon": "-72.278901"}}, {"text": "I tell a team of 80 swat men to not hit me with a billy club after being tear gassed so yeah what's good pump fest", "cate": ["O02"], "tokens": {"tear": ["O02"], "swat": ["O02"], "gas": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "OVDNP$NNPRVOPD^NPVNVR!LANN", "lemmed_text": "i tell a team of 80 swat men to not hit me with a billy club after be tear gas so yeah what's good pump fest", "tweet_id": "523714566585610240", "created_at": "2014-10-19T05:57:37Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.925566", "lon": "-72.283826"}}, {"text": "Pumpkin festival Keen @ Pumpkin Festival Keene Nh http://t.co/Tsh0CAGdJy", "cate": ["E01"], "tokens": {"festival": ["E01"], "pumpkin": ["E01"]}, "token_tags": "NN^P^^^^U", "lemmed_text": "pumpkin festival keen @ pumpkin festival keene nh http://t.co/tsh0cagdjy", "tweet_id": "523715040151891968", "created_at": "2014-10-19T05:59:30Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.933222", "lon": "-72.278019"}}, {"text": "This is pretty fucking stupid", "cate": ["T11"], "tokens": {"stupid": ["T11"]}, "token_tags": "OVRRA", "lemmed_text": "this be pretty fucking stupid", "tweet_id": "523718468756320256", "created_at": "2014-10-19T06:13:07Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.927406", "lon": "-72.280586"}}, {"text": "@megan_muisex35 that's good ! It was crazy , I can't believe that all happened", "cate": ["T11"], "tokens": {"crazy": ["T11"]}, "token_tags": "@LA,OVA,OVVPDV", "lemmed_text": "@megan_muisex35 that's good ! it be crazy , i can't believe that all happen", "tweet_id": "523722338169548800", "created_at": "2014-10-19T06:28:30Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.927335", "lon": "-72.28276"}}, {"text": "My hands are burning from pepper spray and doustou is snoring right next to me \ud83c\udd97", "cate": ["O02"], "tokens": {"spray": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "DNVVP^N&NVVRAPO,", "lemmed_text": "my hand be burn from pepper spray and doustou be snore right next to me \ud83c\udd97", "tweet_id": "523726406023663616", "created_at": "2014-10-19T06:44:40Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.929721", "lon": "-72.281054"}}, {"text": "I'm drunk .", "cate": ["E01"], "tokens": {"drunk": ["E01"]}, "token_tags": "LA,", "lemmed_text": "i'm drunk .", "tweet_id": "523732289055100928", "created_at": "2014-10-19T07:08:02Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.920848", "lon": "-72.284521"}}, {"text": "Got gassed , and shot at .", "cate": ["C07", "O02"], "tokens": {"shot": ["C07"], "gas": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "VV,&NP,", "lemmed_text": "got gas , and shot at .", "tweet_id": "523742307976511488", "created_at": "2014-10-19T07:47:51Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.926732", "lon": "-72.280548"}}, {"text": "Cars were being flipped and the swat team was here guys ... we were rioting like we never rioted before ... lol Keene state 2014 !!!!!!!!", "cate": ["C07", "O02"], "tokens": {"swat": ["O02"], "riot": ["C07"]}, "token_tags": "NVVV&DNNVRN,OVVPORVP,!^N$,", "lemmed_text": "cars be be flip and the swat team be here guy ... we be riot like we never riot before ... lol keene state 2014 !!!!!!!!", "tweet_id": "523757019166416896", "created_at": "2014-10-19T08:46:18Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.928918", "lon": "-72.279285"}}, {"text": "Like seriously wtf I just want a blanket but don't wanna get arrested for leaving the dorm to go to my car to get one", "cate": ["C07"], "tokens": {"arrest": ["C07"]}, "token_tags": "PR!ORVDN&VVVVPVDNPVPDNPV$", "lemmed_text": "like seriously wtf i just want a blanket but don't wanna get arrest for leave the dorm to go to my car to get one", "tweet_id": "523758169093570560", "created_at": "2014-10-19T08:50:53Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.925864", "lon": "-72.283755"}}, {"text": "Before they tear gased us ... we out here , literally mobbing \ud83c\udf83\ud83c\udf7b\ud83d\udc4f http://t.co/wRj95jhen5", "cate": ["O02"], "tokens": {"tear": ["O02"], "gas": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "POVVO,OTR,RV^U", "lemmed_text": "before they tear gas us ... we out here , literally mob \ud83c\udf83\ud83c\udf7b\ud83d\udc4f http://t.co/wrj95jhen5", "tweet_id": "523777142677848064", "created_at": "2014-10-19T10:06:16Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.928947", "lon": "-72.279253"}}, {"text": "@patty10holmes actually slept on a wet floor with no blanket or pillow last night and it made me very sad", "cate": ["T11"], "tokens": {"sad": ["T11"]}, "token_tags": "@RVPDANPDN&NAN&OVORA", "lemmed_text": "@patty10holmes actually sleep on a wet floor with no blanket or pillow last night and it make me very sad", "tweet_id": "523805727757193216", "created_at": "2014-10-19T11:59:51Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.930283", "lon": "-72.280411"}}, {"text": "@k4dams that just made me so happy", "cate": ["T11"], "tokens": {"happy": ["T11"]}, "token_tags": "@ORVORA", "lemmed_text": "@k4dams that just make me so happy", "tweet_id": "523807690313969665", "created_at": "2014-10-19T12:07:39Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.935369", "lon": "-72.270924"}}, {"text": "Remember when Pumpkinfest was a fun thing and we didn't have people embarrassing our school by rioting and getting us tear gassed ?", "cate": ["T04", "C07", "O02"], "tokens": {"gas": ["O02"], "riot": ["C07"], "tear": ["T04", "O02"], "school": ["T04"]}, "token_tags": "VR^VDAN&OVVNVDNPV&VOVV,", "lemmed_text": "remember when pumpkinfest be a fun thing and we didn't have people embarrass our school by riot and get us tear gas ?", "tweet_id": "523808599160913920", "created_at": "2014-10-19T12:11:16Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.929053", "lon": "-72.288539"}}, {"text": "I didn't know that everyone excitement of me being home was going to start a riot", "cate": ["C07"], "tokens": {"riot": ["C07"]}, "token_tags": "OVVONNPOVNVVPVDN", "lemmed_text": "i didn't know that everyone excitement of me be home be go to start a riot", "tweet_id": "523814425661562880", "created_at": "2014-10-19T12:34:25Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.930325", "lon": "-72.28149"}}, {"text": "Disgusted by what happened in my town last night . When people act like that you should be allowed to shoot them . They're too stupid to live", "cate": ["C07", "T11"], "tokens": {"shoot": ["C07"], "disgusted": ["T11"], "stupid": ["T11"]}, "token_tags": "VPOVPDNAN,RNVPPOVVVPVO,LRAPV", "lemmed_text": "disgusted by what happen in my town last night . when people act like that you should be allow to shoot them . they're too stupid to live", "tweet_id": "523815978061537281", "created_at": "2014-10-19T12:40:35Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.939707", "lon": "-72.280701"}}, {"text": "@CataldoRacing how fucking awful is that . Im so disgusted and upset", "cate": ["T11"], "tokens": {"disgusted": ["T11"]}, "token_tags": "@RRAVO,LRA&A", "lemmed_text": "@cataldoracing how fucking awful be that . im so disgusted and upset", "tweet_id": "523816618158456832", "created_at": "2014-10-19T12:43:08Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.939707", "lon": "-72.280701"}}, {"text": "Cried walking back to my dorm this morning , Keene is ruined . I hope your fucking happy who ever participated in ruining my home", "cate": ["T04", "T11"], "tokens": {"ruin": ["T04"], "home": ["T04"], "happy": ["T11"]}, "token_tags": "VVRPDNDN,^VA,OVDRAORVPVDN", "lemmed_text": "cried walk back to my dorm this morning , keene be ruined . i hope your fucking happy who ever participate in ruin my home", "tweet_id": "523818210194628608", "created_at": "2014-10-19T12:49:28Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.925919", "lon": "-72.282647"}}, {"text": "Pulled a muscle from coughing so much from tear gas", "cate": ["O02"], "tokens": {"tear": ["O02"], "gas": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "VDNPVRRPNN", "lemmed_text": "pulled a muscle from cough so much from tear gas", "tweet_id": "523820502415339521", "created_at": "2014-10-19T12:58:34Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.940226", "lon": "-72.283374"}}, {"text": "@EdPayneCNN it wasn't the Pumpkin Festival crowd . Those of us that actually went to Pfest didn't destroy any property/throw things at cops", "cate": ["O02", "E01"], "tokens": {"festival": ["E01"], "pumpkin": ["E01"], "cop": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "@OVDNNN,OPOORVP^VVDNNPN", "lemmed_text": "@edpaynecnn it wasn't the pumpkin festival crowd . those of us that actually go to pfest didn't destroy any property/throw thing at cop", "tweet_id": "523822354703859713", "created_at": "2014-10-19T13:05:56Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.939705", "lon": "-72.280761"}}, {"text": "Hey look Mom I'm on TV getting peppered with rubber bullets and tear gassed", "cate": ["O02"], "tokens": {"tear": ["O02"], "gas": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "!VNLPNVAPNN&VV", "lemmed_text": "hey look mom i'm on tv get peppered with rubber bullet and tear gas", "tweet_id": "523823775817957376", "created_at": "2014-10-19T13:11:34Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.928103", "lon": "-72.275566"}}, {"text": "Hey look Mom were on TV getting peppered with rubber bullets and tear gas", "cate": ["O02"], "tokens": {"tear": ["O02"], "gas": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "!VNVPNVAPNN&VN", "lemmed_text": "hey look mom be on tv get peppered with rubber bullet and tear gas", "tweet_id": "523823904155267072", "created_at": "2014-10-19T13:12:05Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.928151", "lon": "-72.275403"}}, {"text": "Look Mom were on TV getting peppered with rubber bullets and tear gas", "cate": ["O02"], "tokens": {"tear": ["O02"], "gas": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "VNVPNVAPNN&VN", "lemmed_text": "look mom be on tv get peppered with rubber bullet and tear gas", "tweet_id": "523824366078132224", "created_at": "2014-10-19T13:13:55Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.928254", "lon": "-72.275295"}}, {"text": "at least now i can cross \" get shot by a cop \" off my bucket list", "cate": ["C07", "O02"], "tokens": {"shot": ["C07"], "cop": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "PAROVV,VNPDN,PDNN", "lemmed_text": "at least now i can cross \" get shot by a cop \" off my bucket list", "tweet_id": "523824549989998592", "created_at": "2014-10-19T13:14:39Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.926661", "lon": "-72.285411"}}, {"text": "Well I survived pumpkinfest", "cate": ["E01"], "tokens": {"pumpkinfest": ["E01"]}, "token_tags": "!OVN", "lemmed_text": "well i survive pumpkinfest", "tweet_id": "523824837341761536", "created_at": "2014-10-19T13:15:48Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.928997", "lon": "-72.27964"}}, {"text": "to the cop who shot dyl in the eye , fuck you", "cate": ["C07", "O02"], "tokens": {"shot": ["C07"], "cop": ["O02"]}, "token_tags": "PDNONNPDN,VO", "lemmed_text": "to the cop who shot dyl in the eye , fuck you", "tweet_id": "523825063620263936", "created_at": "2014-10-19T13:16:42Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.930242", "lon": "-72.274027"}}, {"text": "#livetweet #pumpkinfest forum . Resident & student , the culture of this college has to change . \" Things wont change unless we do . We hit a new low \"", "cate": ["T04"], "tokens": {"hit": ["T04"], "resident": ["T04"]}, "token_tags": "##N,N&N,DNPDNVPV,,NVVPOV,OVDAA,", "lemmed_text": "#livetweet #pumpkinfest forum . resident & student , the culture of this college have to change . \" things wont change unless we do . we hit a new low \"", "tweet_id": "524349339708424193", "created_at": "2014-10-20T23:59:59Z", "geolocation": {"lat": "42.927279", "lon": "-72.280696"}}]}