Customizable SDWebImage - beta4
1527 commits
to master
since this release
- Expose the graphics helper method for coder plugin author and fix scale issue #2523
- Decrease animated decode times when cache enable #2468
- Remove kCGImageSourceShouldCache option when creating image source #2472
- Add autoreleasepool to release autorelease objects in advance when using GCD #2474
- Add protect when custom animated image class image data is nil during progressive animation check #2466
- Fix background download #2500
- Merged targets + MapKit dedicated target for Carthage installs #2476. Carthage user now does not enable MapKit support by default.
- Upgrade Xcode 10 + using xcconfig for project settings #2494
Notable Changes (from beta3)
- Move webp component (and libwebp dependency) to SDWebImage/SDWebImageWebPCoder #2469. Any user who use WebP in 5.0.0 should add SDWebImageWebPCoder to your Podfile or Cartfile instead.
- Refactory cache path about namespace && final cache directory #2535. Now the default disk cache path was moved to suitable path with the namespace.
- Use the memory bytes size, instead of pixel size to calculate the memory cost function #2568. Now the memory cost function use bytes size instead of pixels count.
Swift Only:
- Fix the accident changes of Swift API naming for
You can always check 5.0 migration guide for the latest information for these changes.