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5.8.0 - Transform original cache and more

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@dreampiggy dreampiggy released this 11 May 03:35
· 809 commits to master since this release



  • Add query original cache for transformed image without downloading #2992
  • This can be used to query the original image from cache then do transforming when transformed key cache miss, without any downloading happened.

Animated Image

  • Added autoplay control property to AnimatedImageView (autoPlayAnimatedImage) #3003


  • Mark the black list formal error code, support remove the failed URL from black list #2997
  • Polish the error description between image decode failed and image size is 0 #3005


  • Add the convenient request/response modifier, which provide HTTP header directly #2990

View Category

  • Added the convenient transition options for macOS user. Deprecate the old timingFunction, which can use System API to achieve #2985
  • Feature pass the set operation key into context option from upstream. Fix the potential retain cycle if user use custom manager #2986


  • Feature: Encoding options supports embed thumbnail (works for JPEG/HEIF/AVIF) #2988


  • Support the SwiftPM Objective-C user to use #improt <SDWebImage/SDWebImage.h> #2987