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File metadata and controls

109 lines (80 loc) · 12.7 KB

How to use

  1. Set-up environment
  2. Train or evaluate
  3. Configuration files and input arguments
    1. Input Arguments
    2. Datasets configuration files
    3. Models configuration files
      1. Retrieval module
      2. Visual Module
      3. Training parameters
  4. Visualization

Set-up environment

To start all the dependencies you only need to create a new conda environment with the provided yml file:

$ conda env create -f environment.yml
$ conda activate mp_docvqa

Train and evaluate

To use the framework you only need to call the or scripts with the dataset and model you want to use. For example:

python --dataset MP-DocVQA --model HiVT5

The name of the dataset and the model must match the name of the configuration under the configs/dataset and configs/models. This allows to have different configs for the same dataset or model. For example in my case, I have MP-DocVQA_local.yml, and MP-DocVQA_cluster.yml. Depending on where to I run the script I use one or the other, where I specify the correct dataset path in each environment.

Configuration files and input arguments

Input arguments

Input param
Required Description
Model -m --model Yes Name of the model config file
Dataset -d --dataset Yes Name of the dataset config file
Evaluation at start --no-eval-start No By default, before start training the framework performs an evaluation step to know the initial performance. By specifying this will skip the initial evaluation step.
Batch size -bs, --batch-size No Batch size*
Initialization seed --seed No Initialization seed* **
Parallelization --data-parallel No Specify utilizing multiple GPUs
Currently not working
  • *Batch size and seed are specified in the configuration files. However, you can overwrite those parameters through the input parameters.
  • **Although initialization seed is implemented. We have had different results with the same seed. If someone found the reason open an issue or email me 😅

Datasets configuration files

Parameter Description Values
dataset_name Name of the dataset to use. SP-DocVQA, MP-DocVQA, DUDE
imdb_dir Path to the numpy annotations file. <Path>
images_dir Path to the images dir. <Path>
page_retrieval Type of page retrieval system to be used.
- Logits corresponds to the "Max conf." in the paper.
- Oracle setup can't be used with DUDE because it doesn't contain the answer page position.
- Custom refers to the answer page prediction module. Therefore it can be used only with hierarchical models.
- If used in SP-DocVQA dataset, this parameter will be ignored.
Oracle, Concat, Logits, Custom

Models configuration files

Parameter Description Values
model_name Name of the dataset to use. BertQA, LayoutLMv2, LayoutLMv3, Longformer, BigBird, T5, Hi-VT5
model_weights Path to the model weights dir. It can be either local path or huggingface weights id. <Path>, <Huggingface path>
page_tokens Number of [PAGE] tokens per page in hierarchical methods. Integer: By default is 10 (as described in the paper)
max_text_tokens Max number of text tokens per page.
Currently this is implemented only in hierarchical methods
Integer: Usually should be 512, 768 or 1024.
use_spatial_features Boolean to ablate the hierarchical methods by using or not spatial features. Implemented? True, False
use_visual_features Boolean to ablate the hierarchical methods by using or not visual features. Implemented? True, False
freeze_encoder Boolean to freeze the encoder in the hierarchical methods. This is used to train following the strategy described in the paper. True, False
save_dir Path where the checkpoints and log files will be saved. <Path>
device Device to be used Can I use cuda:1? CPU, cuda
data_parallel Use parallelism or not.
True, False
retrieval_module Retrieval module parameters
Check section [Retrieval Module](#Retrieval Module)
What if I don't want to have the retrieval module?
visual_module Visual module parameters
Check section [Visual Module](#Visual Module)
What if I don't want to have the visual module?
training_parameters The training parameters are specified in the model config file.
Check section [Training parameters](#Training parameters)
Oracle, Concat, Logits, Custom

Retrieval Module

  • Retrieval module corresponds to the Answer Page Prediction Module described in the paper.
  • This is used only for Hierarchical methods:
Parameter Description Values
loss Loss to be used for the retrieval module. Currently only CrossEntropy is implemented. CrossEntropy
loss_weight Scaling factor for the contribution of the Answer Page Prediction Module to the total loss. Float: 0.25 by default.

Visual Module

  • This is used only for Hierarchical methods:
Parameter Description Values
model Name of the model to extract visual features to be used. Is ViT still functional? ViT, DiT
model_weights Path to the model weights dir. It can be either local path or huggingface weights id. <Path>, <Huggingface path>

Training parameters

Parameter Description
lr Learning rate.
batch_size Batch size.
train_epochs Number of epochs to train.
warmup_iterations Number of iterations to perform learning rate warm-up.

Attention visualization

Currently this works only for Hi-VT5