This is a simple script intended to make live reloading in the browser for PHP projects painless, without the need for external libraries.
It is tested with Apache and the built in PHP development server but should work out of the box anywhere that the $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']
variable is available.
The script uses polling to communicate when changes have occurred. This could be sped up by using web sockets but sockets in PHP require a special extension. I went with polling to keep it as portable as possible.
Tested on a directory with ~21,000 files, the script takes roughly 500ms to generate a hash of each file and to compare it with the prior result. On the default project directory, the total time is ~10ms. YMMV.
The minimum delay between checks is set by default to 2 * the run time value returned from the last API call, or 1000ms whichever is greater. If hashing the files in the working directory begins to take a long time for a larger project, the time between checks made to the server will grow proportionally.
# Project Directory
Scan Time Change Detected
9.678ms false
9.388ms false
9.375ms false
13.102ms false
10.341ms false
12.498ms false
11.853ms false
11.101ms false
# Default WordPress Installation
Scan Time Change Detected
96.288ms false
98.005ms false
116.249ms false
96.539ms false
104.836ms false
114.176ms false
99.886ms false
88.264ms false
# Just watching wp-content directory
Scan Time Change Detected
6.54ms false
13.934ms false
11.265ms false
14.48ms false
9.013ms false
15.531ms false
11.385ms false
13.293ms false
11.14ms false
# 779 MB Laravel App with no exclusion defined for /vendor or /node_modules directories
Scan Time Change Detected
4616.152ms false
3954.744ms false
3900.697ms false
3719.423ms false
3706.336ms false
3751.862ms false
3696.832ms false
3686.875ms false
# The same project with filters in place
Scan Time Change Detected
32.776ms false
33.279ms false
27.922ms false
37.853ms false
23.538ms false
36.464ms false
31.928ms false
32.254ms false
- Clone the repo
- Add php-live-reload to your web root
- Add script "
<script src="/php-live-reload/live-reload.js"></script>
" to your app
In order to store data about changed files the script will write to a log file, by default "live-reload.json". The web server process must have access to write this file. The web server must also have read access to the files in the watch directory in order to detect changes.
By default the script requires write access by the web server process to files within the web root in order to generate its log. Obviously it's not a good idea to have arbitrary folders be writable by the web server process in production.
The log file also contains the full path of each file it has scanned as well as the hash value of the file in JSON format. This file should also not be web-accessible in a production environment.
Given that running live-reload in production is probably not a great idea anyway, special care should be taken when using the script outside its intended use case (in a development environment) for example monitoring an arbitrary directory for changes and communicating that a change has occurred to the client.
The configuration for the script is in php-live-reload/config.php
and consists of the following options:
- Extensions to check for changes
- Data file to store hash data
- Directory to watch for changes
- Files exclude list
- Function to process files exclude list
- Path Exclude list
- Function to process path exclude list
The functions which perform the filtering on the supplied values for files and paths to exclude are configurable as user defined values, allowing for more advanced filtering to be performed.
By default, $excludeFiles takes a list of file paths, relative to the watch directory's root. Each of these files will be excluded from change detection. $excludePaths takes a list of PCRE regular expressions in a format similar to ~^dev/foo/bar.*~
. Each path in the watch folder will be checked for a match prior to scanning, and excluded if the pattern matches the full path of the file.
The default configuration is listed below.
* Extensions to check for changes
* Data file to store hash data
* Directory to watch for changes
* Files exclude list
* Filter function to process files exclude list
* Path Exclude list
* Filter function to process path exclude list
$extensions = [
$dataFile = __DIR__ . '/live-reload.json';
$watchDir = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'];
$excludeFiles = [];
$excludePaths = [];
$excludeFilesFilter = function($f) use($dataFile, $excludeFiles){
$excludeFiles[] = $dataFile;
return (!in_array($f,$excludeFiles));
$excludePathsFilter = function($path) use($excludePaths){
foreach ($excludePaths as $exclude) {
if (preg_match($exclude, $path)) {
return false;
return true;
<script src="/php-live-reload/live-reload.js"></script>
Including the script will make the monitorChanges function available to your application. This function takes three parameters.
- The amount of time between checks (1 second by default)
- The callback to perform when receiving a response
- The AJAX url of the change detection script
On change detection, the action taken is left to the user and is configurable via a callback. The script below will reload the page when a change is detected.
Any errors generated by the script (file permissions errors, etc.) will be returned to this callback.
// Default Values
var delay = 1000;
var callback = function (err, res){
if (res) {
if (res.body.time) {
var delay = res.body.time;
var changed = res.body.changed;
console.log('change detected');
window.setTimeout(function(){window.location.reload();}, delay);
monitorChanges((2 * delay), callback, url);
var url = '/php-live-reload/live-reload.php';
monitorChanges(delay, callback, url);
// Equivalent to Running
Building live-reload.js requires NPM and Browserify.
Install Dependencies:
cd php-live-reload && npm install
The following npm scripts are available from the php-live-reload directory.
Build live-reload.js from source file in live-reload-js/index.js:
npm run build
Serve the parent directory of php-live-reload using PHP's built in web server on port 3000:
npm run serve
Build && serve:
npm start