Please give me feedback on this "idea"!
A small tool to monitor the Windows Event Log for malicious events. If an event occurs a short message shows up. If a (hard) configured threshold is reached, the tool shows an apparent error. Showing a message is not the best action but suitable for a use case.
This PoC shows a extrem simple approach to detect PowerShell events in a Windows eventlog. The idea behind is, to feed a av-scanner with this additional input. As example the av-scanner recognize a event an can log the executed PS command. A memdump from the PowerShell process can be also additionally created.
The tool scanns the event log in a 2 sec. loop.
If the suspend mode is checked the tool suspends all PS processes. To release these click "release processes".
The paranoid mode enables a strict detection of all PowerShell interactions. Also the command prompt.
Here you can find the compiled "PoMs.exe" (x64 and x86). After you start the tool, a small tray icon lives in your icon bar. To close or configure the PS-ExecutionMonitor, click right on the icon.
Idea was originated from Nikhil Mittals talk at BlackHat USA 2016 - "AMSI: How Windows 10 Plans to Stop Script-Based Attacks and How Well It Does It". Link:
Beta - it is a PoC and the project is optimized for Visual Studio
.Net 3.5 - Windows 7 x64/x86 or later
Stephan Traub @sbidy
MIT (see