This repository accompanies the training session on the Open Geospatial Consortium and PAVICS (Platform for Analytics and Visualization of Climate Science) that was delivered by Ouranos in Montréal, Québec on 19-20 September 2018.
In order to make use of this repository, participants need to be
running a Unix-like command line environment (e.g. Mac OS + Linux:
) and have installed the following:
- Anaconda/Miniconda3
- Ipython
- jupyter notebook
- an IDE (PyCharm or Spyder3)
After that, participants need to clone this repository to their computers by performing the following in a terminal:
$ git clone
$ cd pavics-ogc-training
$ pip install -r development/requirements.txt
Ouranos is a not-for-profit consortium of researchers focused on regional climate change adaption, based in Montreal, Quebec.
CRIM is the not-for -profit Computer Research Insitute of Montreal / Centre de Rechcerche Informatique de Montréal
Birdhouse is the parent Big Data anlaytics project that PAVICS is largely based on and comprises researchers from Ouranos, CRIM, GIZ and DKRZ.
For updates on PAVICS and the Birdhouse project, sign up for the Birdhouse e-newsletter!