cd ~
git clone
cd .dotfilez
git submodule update --init --recursive
- zprezto
- dotbot
- Vundle
- Recursively updates and installs submodules:
- dotbot & dotbot-brew: The framework which runs the whole operation, it's a set of python scripts that interprets this config file into shell instructions. Notably, it is idempotent, meaning subsequent invocations of the install script won't cause any problems.
- zprezto: a quick zsh framework which offers a suite of functions that make command-line life much more pleasurable.
- zsh-prompt-garrett: prompt style for zprezto
- Vundle: A vim plugin plugin, this manages the download and update of vim plugins.
- Links my custom config files for
- zpretzorc
- zprofile
- zshrc
- Tries to set default shell to zsh
- Installs a basic package of: brew, cask, zsh, tmux, macvim, iterm2
- Sets some "sane defaults" in the macos script
- On systems with apt, installs vim, tmux, ctags, and zsh
- Set up SSH
- Install git
- |
mkdir ~/.dotfilez; cd ~/.dotfilez git init git remote add origin [email protected]:schrectacular/.dotfilez.git git pull origin master