Note: All 8 questions in this RACE are based on the below contract. This is the same contract you will see for all the 8 questions in this RACE. The question is below the shown contract.
pragma solidity 0.8.19;
import {Pausable} from "";
import {IERC20} from "";
import {SafeERC20} from "";
interface IWETH is IERC20 {
function deposit() external payable;
function withdraw(uint256) external;
contract Vault is Pausable {
using SafeERC20 for IWETH;
address public immutable controller;
IWETH public immutable WETH;
// about 4700 ETH
uint72 public constant TOTAL_CONTRIBUTION_CAP = type(uint72).max;
uint256 public immutable ALLOWANCE_CAP = 40 * uint256(TOTAL_CONTRIBUTION_CAP) / 100;
uint72 public totalContributions;
mapping (address => uint72) individualContributions;
uint256 numContributors;
event ContributorsUpdated(address newContributor, uint256 indexed oldNumContributors, uint256 indexed newNumContributors);
constructor(address _controller, IWETH _weth) {
controller = _controller;
WETH = _weth;
function deposit(uint72 amount) external payable whenNotPaused {
if (msg.value > 0) {
WETH.deposit{value: amount}();
} else {
WETH.transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), amount);
require((totalContributions += amount) <= TOTAL_CONTRIBUTION_CAP, "cap exceeded");
if (individualContributions[msg.sender] == 0) emit ContributorsUpdated(msg.sender, numContributors, numContributors++);
individualContributions[msg.sender] += amount;
function withdraw(uint72 amount) external whenNotPaused {
individualContributions[msg.sender] -= amount;
totalContributions -= amount;
// unwrap and call
(bool success, ) = payable(address(msg.sender)).call{value: amount}("");
require(success, "failed to transfer ETH");
function requestAllowance(uint256 amount) external {
uint256 allowanceCap = ALLOWANCE_CAP;
uint256 allowance = amount > totalContributions ? allowanceCap : amount;
WETH.safeApprove(controller, allowance);
// for unwrapping WETH -> ETH
receive() external payable {
require(msg.sender == address(WETH), "only WETH contract");
[Q1] deposit() can revert:
(A): If insufficient ETH was sent with the call
(B): If the caller has insufficient WETH balance
(C): With the "cap exceeded" error
(D): If called internally
A, B[Q2] What issues pertain to the deposit()
(A): Funds can be drained through re-entrancy
(B): Accounting mismatch if user specifies amount
> msg.value
(C): Accounting mismatch if user specifies amount
< msg.value
(D): totalContributionCap
isn't enforced on an individual level
C[Q3] Which of the following is/are true about withdraw()
(A): Funds can be drained through re-entrancy
(B): Funds can be drained due to improper amount accounting in deposit()
(C): Assuming a sufficiently high gas limit, the function reverts from the recipient (caller) consuming all forwarded gas
(D): May revert with "failed to transfer ETH"
D[Q4] Which of the following parameters are correctly emitted in the ContributorsUpdated()
(A): newContributor
(B): oldNumContributors
(C): newNumContributors
(D): None of the above
A[Q5] The vault deployer can pause the following functions:
(A): deposit()
(B): withdraw()
(C): requestAllowance()
(D): None of the above
D[Q6] What is the largest possible allowance given to the controller?
(A): 40% of totalContributionCap
(B): 60% of totalContributionCap
(C): 100% of totalContributionCap
(D): Unbounded
C[Q7] The requestAllowance()
implementation would have failed after the 1st call for tokens that only allow zero to non-zero allowances. Which of the following mitigations do NOT work?
(A): safeApprove(0)
followed by safeApprove(type(uint256).max)
(B): safeIncreaseAllowance(type(uint256).max)
(C): safeIncreaseAllowance(0)
followed by safeIncreaseAllowance(type(uint256).max)
(D): safeDecreaseAllowance(0)
followed by safeApprove(type(uint256).max)
B, C, D[Q8] Which of the following gas optimizations are relevant in reducing runtime gas costs for the vault contract?
type from immutable to constant, ie. uint256 public constant ALLOWANCE_CAP = 40 * uint256(TOTAL_CONTRIBUTION_CAP) / 100;
(B): Increase number of solc runs (assuming default was 200 runs)
(C): Renaming functions so that the most used functions have smaller method IDs
(D): Use unchecked
math in withdraw()