ElementSwap is a simple no frills Slide Show class that will swap between any element.
- MooTools Core 1.2.4: Class, Class.Extras, Element, Selectors (and their dependencies)
var myElSwap = new ElementSwap(elements[, options]);
- elements - (mixed) A collection of elements to add. Takes the same arguments as $$
- options - (object, optional) An object with options. See below.
- selectedClass - (string: defaults to 'active') the css class for the slide when it is displayed.
- elementSwapDelay - (integer: defaults to 3) the number of seconds to wait to change to the next slide.
- panelWrap - (string: defaults to 'elementSwapWrap') the id of the slide wrap.
- panelWrapClass - (string: defaults to 'elementSwap') the css class for the slide wrap.
- events - (boolean: defaults to true) whether to setup the slide events. On mouse enter the slide show stops, on mouse leave the slide show starts, on mouse click fires the onClickView event.
- activateOnLoad - (mixed: defaults to 0) which slide to activate on loading the class, can be the id of an element or the index number of the slides array
- autoPlay - (boolean: defaults to false) whether to start looping though the slides on initialization.
- onActive - (function) callback executed when a slide is shown, passed two arguments: the index of the slide (integer), the slide (element)
- onClickView - (function) callback executed when the user clicks on the current slide, passed two arguments: the index of the slide (integer), the slide (element)
- onNext - (function) callback executed when the next method is executed.
- onPrevious - (function) callback executed when the previous method is executed.
- (object) A new ElementSwap instance.
var elSwap = new ElementSwap('.div_swap');
#el1 {background-color:#f00;}
#el2 {background-color:#0f0;}
#el3 {background-color:#00f;}
.div_swap {
.active { display:block; }
.elementSwap {
<div id="el1" class="div_swap"><p>DIV 1</p></div>
<div id="el2" class="div_swap"><p>DIV 2</p></div>
<div id="el3" class="div_swap"><p>DIV 3</p></div>