- Compatibility with PhpCodeCoverage 9 and PHPUnit 9.3
- Show snapshot diff on fail #5930 by @fkupper
- Ability to store non-json snapshots #5945 by @fkupperr
- Fixed step decorators in generated configuration file #5936 by @rene-hermenau
- Fixed single line style dataprovider #5944 by @edno
- Compatibility with PHPUnit 9.2
- Fixed docker images
- Fix indentation in generated Actor class, by @cebe
- Added addToAssertionCount method to AssertionCounter trait, #5918 by @Archanium
- Build: Fix bug with void type not being picked up correctly #5880 by @Jamesking56
- Test --report flag (the bugfix in phpunit-wrapper library)
- Build: Use non-deprecated method to get return type hint on PHP 7.1+ #5876
- Build: Ensure that the return keyword is not used when method returns void type #5878 by @Jamesking56
- Fixed --no-redirect option does not exist error #5857 by @liamjtoohey
- Init command: Check the composer option config.vendor_dir when updating composer #5871 by @gabriel-lima96
- Build: Add return type hint to the generated actions above PHP 7.0 #5862 by @pezia
- Prevent merged config array ballooning in memory #5871 by @AndrewFeeney
- Do not truncate arguments for --html options #5870 by @adaniloff
- --no-artifacts flag for run command #5646 by @Mitrichius
- Fix recorder filename with special chars #5846 by @gimler
- Support for PHPUnit 9