An enhanced HTTP/RESTful API Client
rail is an io.js/node.js HTTP client supporting https, http and http2.
A set of built-in plugins, currently featuring buffer
, cookies
, json
, redirect
, retry
, timeout
& validate
simplify making requests,
and a powerful event-driven plugin interface aids in the implementation of complex automated RESTful API calls.
The concept of a single request is extended to a possible series of requests further referenced as a call. This allows a seamless integration of redirect and authentication mechanisms that require multiple requests to satisfy the original one.
The API is mostly compatible with https.request()
and allows rail to be used as a drop-in replacement.
A completely transparent plugin integration enables scenarios with automated retries on upload stream errors, while still exhibiting a behavior similar to https.request()
rail works with io.js, node.js 0.10.x & 4.1.
$ npm install rail --save-exact
Directly pass an URL that gets parsed into proto
, host
, port
& path
var RAIL = require('rail');'', function(response) {
// consume response
Again, only pass an URL, but this time as a property to allow passing of plugin options.
var RAIL = require('rail');{
url: '',
buffer: true
}, function(response) {
if (response.buffer) {
The usual way of supplying every parameter separately.
var RAIL = require('rail');{
host: '',
path: '/skenqbx/rail',
buffer: true
}, function(response) {
if (response.buffer) {
A custom client allows to define default options and configure a set of plugins for all calls made with that client.
var RAIL = require('rail');
var client = new RAIL({
// set default request options
request: {
host: '' // set default host
// load & configure the buffer plugin
buffer: {
default: true // buffer all responses by default
// load & configure the json plugin
json: {
auto: true // try to parse all responses with content-type equal to application/json
// load & configure the redirect plugin
redirect: {
limit: 3 // allow a maximum of three redirects for each call
// load custom "my" plugin
client.use('my', MyPlugin/*, pluginOptions */);
Now use the custom client the same way as the globalClient above
var call ={
path: '/skenqbx/rail'
}, function(response) {
// check if we got a json response
if (response.json) {
// alternatively use the raw response body
} else if (response.buffer) {
// ... or if a bailout happened (buffer max size exceeded)
} else if (response.buffer !== null) {
// consume the response
response.on('readable', function() { /* ... */ });
response.on('end', function() { /* ... */ });
call.on('error', function(err) { /* ... */ });
rail does not support the hostname
, auth
, localAddress
& socketPath
options, see for more information.
When not using https, make sure to set the correct default protocol
var RAIL = require('rail');
RAIL.globalClient.proto = 'http';
... and then replace every call to http.request
Alternatively create a custom client with defaults & plugins configured to your needs.
- npm run lint Lint the code using eslint and these rules
- npm test Lint the code, run tests with mocha & collect coverage with istanbul
- detailed coverage report is available at
- detailed coverage report is available at
- npm run update Dependency update tests performed by next-update
- run
to test all relevant io.js/node.js versions, uses nvm
Statements : 98.17% ( 803/818 )
Branches : 91.53% ( 378/413 )
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