Smart degree aims to provide a decentralized solution to manage degree. The main idea is for a school, or any entity managing diplomas, to store diplomas validation proof on a blockchain system. Smart Degree currently uses Ethereum as backing blockchain. Once a degree is committed on the blockchain, anyone is able to verify if a degree has been validated by the entity. For example, an employer can verify qualification of a candidate during a job interview.
Smart Degree repository contains :
- truffle project for ethereum smart contract management
- decentralized web application to interact with the smart contract
- a backend written in Golang to interact with the smart contract
Node JS installed
Download dependencies
npm install
truffle compile
# assuming that a local rpc is running on port 8545
truffle migrate --network development # --reset optional
docker-compose up -d
truffle migrate --network docker --reset
truffle test
npm run dev
Then visit : http://localhost:8080/
The android application call a ethereum smart contract to verify degree's hash see this repository :
Adbelhamid Bakhta
Karim Taam
Ludovic Maréchal
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.