Validate a Vimeo URL attribute in Active Record, and retrieve access to the video's data through Vimeo API.
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Add to your Gemfile and run the bundle
command to install it.
gem "has_vimeo_video"
Requires Ruby 1.9.2 or later, and Rails 3.0.0 or later.
Call has_vimeo_video
in an ActiveRecord class and pass the name of the attribute that will contain the URL for the video on Vimeo, e.g.
class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
has_vimeo_video :video_url
This will automatically validate the format of the URL to match Vimeo's, and will add a vimeo
object to your model, which will contain the following methods:
will give you access to a hash with the parsed response from Vimeo API -
will parse the id of the video from the URL (no API requests here) -
will return a URL ready for embedding your video (no API requests as well) -
will return the URL for the large thumbnail from Vimeo API (the same asinfo['thumbnail_large']
)post = Post.create video_url: '' # {"id"=>32733074, "title"=>"Belo Monte, Anúncio de uma Guerra (CATARSE)", "description"=>"Mais do que um filme, queremos que esse documentário seja um ato político da sociedade, uma luta pelo acesso à informação e pelo direito de participar das decisões do país.<br />\n<br />\nEntre em, assista o vídeo e apoie essa causa.", "url"=>"", "upload_date"=>"2011-11-27 06:49:45", "mobile_url"=>"", "thumbnail_small"=>"", "thumbnail_medium"=>"", "thumbnail_large"=>"", "user_name"=>"André Vilela D'Elia", "user_url"=>"", "user_portrait_small"=>"", "user_portrait_medium"=>"", "user_portrait_large"=>"", "user_portrait_huge"=>"", "stats_number_of_likes"=>221, "stats_number_of_plays"=>107330, "stats_number_of_comments"=>49, "duration"=>661, "width"=>640, "height"=>360, "tags"=>"belo, monte, anúncio, cinedelia, gota, guerra, catarse, indigenas, xingu, rio, river, raoni, kayapo, vivo, eletro, norte, felicio, pontes, pare, amazonia", "embed_privacy"=>"anywhere"} # 32733074 post.vimeo.embed_url # post.vimeo.thumbnail #
You can customize the ActiveRecord validation message by passing the message
option to has_vimeo_video
class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
has_vimeo_video :video_url, message: "only Vimeo URLs are allowed"
Questions or problems? Please post them on the issue tracker. You can contribute changes by forking the project and submitting a pull request. You can ensure the tests passing by running bundle
and rake
This gem is created by Engage and is under the MIT License.