- Counter Simple Counter
- Simple Todos Todos with LocalStorage persistence
- Simple Routing Use 'switch' control flow for simple routing
- Scoreboard Make use of hooks to do some simple transitions
- Tic Tac Toe Simple Example of the classic game
- Form Validation HTML 5 validators with custom async validation
- CSS Animations Using Solid Transition Group
- Styled Components A simple example of creating Styled Components.
- Styled JSX A simple example of using Styled JSX with Solid.
- Counter Context Implement a global store with Context API
- Async Resource Ajax requests to SWAPI with Promise cancellation
- Async Resource GraphQL Simple resource for handling graphql request.
- Suspense Various Async loading with Solid's Suspend control flow
- Suspense Tabs Deferred loading spinners for smooth UX.
- SuspenseList Orchestrating multiple Suspense Components.
- Redux Undoable Todos Example from Redux site done with Solid.
- Simple Todos Template Literals Simple Todos using Lit DOM Expressions
- Simple Todos HyperScript Simple Todos using Hyper DOM Expressions
- TodoMVC Classic TodoMVC example
- Real World Demo Real World Demo for Solid
- Hacker News Hacker News Clone for Solid
- Storybook Solid with Storybook
- JS Framework Benchmark The one and only
- Sierpinski's Triangle Demo Solid implementation of the React Fiber demo.
- WebComponent Todos Showing off Solid Element
- UIBench Benchmark a benchmark tests a variety of UI scenarios.
- DBMon Benchmark A benchmark testing ability of libraries to render unoptimized data.