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PAYCOMET API REST for customers.

This Python package is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:

  • API version: 2.99.0
  • Package version: 2.99.0
  • Build package: io.swagger.codegen.v3.generators.python.PythonClientCodegen For more information, please visit


Python 2.7 and 3.4+

Installation & Usage

pip install

If the python package is hosted on Github, you can install directly from Github

pip install git+

(you may need to run pip with root permission: sudo pip install git+

Then import the package:

import paycomet_client 


Install via Setuptools.

python install --user

(or sudo python install to install the package for all users)

Then import the package:

import paycomet_client

Getting Started

Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:

from __future__ import print_function
import time
import paycomet_client
from import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

# create an instance of the API class
api_instance = paycomet_client.IVRApi(paycomet_client.ApiClient(configuration))
paycomet_api_token = 'paycomet_api_token_example' # str | PAYCOMET API key (Authorization privilege required)
body = paycomet_client.IvrSessionstateBody() # IvrSessionstateBody |  (optional)

    # Checks an IVR session
    api_response = api_instance.check_session(paycomet_api_token, body=body)
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling IVRApi->check_session: %s\n" % e)

# create an instance of the API class
api_instance = paycomet_client.IVRApi(paycomet_client.ApiClient(configuration))
paycomet_api_token = 'paycomet_api_token_example' # str | PAYCOMET API key (Authorization privilege required)
body = paycomet_client.IvrGetsessionBody() # IvrGetsessionBody |  (optional)

    # Creates an IVR session
    api_response = api_instance.get_session(paycomet_api_token, body=body)
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling IVRApi->get_session: %s\n" % e)

# create an instance of the API class
api_instance = paycomet_client.IVRApi(paycomet_client.ApiClient(configuration))
paycomet_api_token = 'paycomet_api_token_example' # str | PAYCOMET API key (Authorization privilege required)
body = paycomet_client.IvrSessioncancelBody() # IvrSessioncancelBody |  (optional)

    # Cancel an IVR session
    api_response = api_instance.session_cancel(paycomet_api_token, body=body)
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling IVRApi->session_cancel: %s\n" % e)

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to

Class Method HTTP request Description
IVRApi check_session POST /v1/ivr/session-state Checks an IVR session
IVRApi get_session POST /v1/ivr/get-session Creates an IVR session
IVRApi session_cancel POST /v1/ivr/session-cancel Cancel an IVR session
BalanceApi product_balance POST /v1/balance Get balance info
CardsApi add_user POST /v1/cards Tokenizes a card. Either card number and CVC2 or jetToken are required. For you to send directly the card data you should be PCI certified or the accepting the requirement to submit quarterly SAQ-AEP and get ASV scans. For most users is strongly recommended getting the jetToken with JETIFRAME or using GET integration to register the cards instead of REST.
CardsApi edit_user POST /v1/cards/edit Changes the expiry date, cvc2 or both
CardsApi info_user POST /v1/cards/info Get card info
CardsApi physical_add_card POST /v1/cards/physical Tokenize a card by physical encrypted data
CardsApi physical_edit_card POST /v1/cards/physical/edit Edit a card entered by physical encrypted data
CardsApi remove_user POST /v1/cards/delete Removes a card
DccApi dcc_purchase_confirm POST /v1/payments/{order}/dcc/confirm Confirm previous DCC payment
DccApi dcc_purchase_create POST /v1/payments/dcc Create an DCC payment
ErrorApi info_error POST /v1/errors Gets an error description
ExchangeApi exchange POST /v1/exchange Converts a certain amount from a currency to another.
FormApi form POST /v1/form Create form view for user capture
HeartbeatApi heartbeat POST /v1/heartbeat Check the system
IpApi get_countryby_ip POST /v1/ip Retrieves country info by IP
IpApi get_remote_address POST /v1/ip/remote Retrieves request remote address IP
LaunchpadApi launch_authorization POST /v1/launchpad/authorization Creates a payment link and sends it to customer
LaunchpadApi launch_preauthorization POST /v1/launchpad/preauthorization Executes a preauthorization link and sends it to customer
LaunchpadApi launch_subscription POST /v1/launchpad/subscription Creates a subscription link and sends it to customer
MarketplaceApi split_transfer POST /v1/marketplace/split-transfer Make a transfer to other accounts on PAYCOMET
MarketplaceApi split_transfer_reversal POST /v1/marketplace/split-transfer-reversal Run a split transfer reversal based on a previous split transfer
MarketplaceApi transfer POST /v1/marketplace/transfer Run a transfer
MarketplaceApi transfer_reversal POST /v1/marketplace/transfer-reversal Make a transfer reversal based on a previous transfer
MethodsApi get_user_payment_methods POST /v1/methods Retrieves product methods
MiraklApi mirakl_invoices_search POST /v1/invoices Search Mirakl invoices
PaymentsApi execute_purchase POST /v1/payments Executes a payment
PaymentsApi execute_purchase_rtoken POST /v1/payments/rtoken Executes a payment by refence
PaymentsApi operation_info POST /v1/payments/{order}/info Get info of a order
PaymentsApi operation_search POST /v1/payments/search Search orders
PreauthorizationsApi cancel_preauthorization POST /v1/payments/{order}/preauth/cancel Cancel previous preauthorization
PreauthorizationsApi confirm_preauthorization POST /v1/payments/{order}/preauth/confirm Confirm previous preauthorization
PreauthorizationsApi create_preauthorization POST /v1/payments/preauth Create preauthorization
PreauthorizationsApi create_preauthorization_rtoken POST /v1/payments/preauthrtoken Creates a preauthorization by reference
RefundApi execute_refund POST /v1/payments/{order}/refund Perform a refund
SepaApi add_document POST /v1/sepa/add-document Adds a SEPA document
SepaApi cancel POST /v1/sepa/cancel Cancel a SEPA order
SepaApi check_customer POST /v1/sepa/check-customer Check a customers SEPA documentation
SepaApi check_document POST /v1/sepa/check-document Check a SEPA document
SepaApi del_customer_iban POST /v1/sepa/del-customer-iban Delete customer Iban
SepaApi enrole_customer POST /v1/sepa/enrole-customer Generate a link to make a account check to a customer
SepaApi sepa_operations POST /v1/sepa/operations Send SEPA operations
SusbcriptionsApi create_subscription POST /v1/subscription Create susbcription payment
SusbcriptionsApi edit_subscription POST /v1/subscription/{order}/edit Edit susbcription payment.
SusbcriptionsApi info_subscription POST /v1/subscription/{order}/info Gets susbcription info. If the susbscription is not a card subscription only the idUser is need. TokenUser is just for card subscriptions.
SusbcriptionsApi remove_subscription POST /v1/subscription/{order}/remove Remove susbcription payment. If the susbscription is not a card subscription only the idUser is need. TokenUser is just for card subscriptions.
TokenApi add_token POST /v1/token Tokenizes an APM.

Documentation For Models

Documentation For Authorization

All endpoints do not require authorization.


[email protected]


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