This documents all notable changes to rust-kpdb.
- Update xml-rs dependency to 0.8.
- Update secstr dependency to 0.5.1.
- Update rand dependency to 0.8.5.
- Update hex dependency to 0.4.3.
- Update flate2 dependency to 1.0.
- Update base64 dependency to 0.21.2.
- Update to Rust edition 2021.
- Fix deprecation warnings.
- Add Display trait to EntryUUID and GroupUUID
- Add attribute "parent" to Group and Entry
- Make internal XML parser more tolerant.
- Export Times trait.
- Entries are now stored directly inside their group.
- The history of an entry is now stored inside the entry itself.
- Groups are now stored directly inside their parent group.
- The database's root group is now mandatory and will be created when missing.
- The database struct now has methods to find entries and groups.
- The entry struct now has some getters and setters to improve usability.
- The group struct now has methods to add and remove entries.
- The group struct now has methods to add and remove sub groups.
- Stop creating a recycle bin group when creating a new database.
- Update chrono dependency to 0.4.0.
- Replace rustc-serialize dependency with base64 and hex.